1 127. The Case for Cooking and Why Easy Healthy Recipes Are Your Key to Lasting Weight Loss and Long Term Health 26:13
Hey Friend! If you didn't grow up in a home with home cooked meals, of if you're like me, they were technically home cooked but they weren't necessarily of the healthy variety. Or perhaps you feel with all that you've got going on there's just NO WAY you could consistently cook your meals. Or maybe you're just someone who doesn't view cooking as their thing. Well, today my intention is to inspire you to befriend the kitchen and discover the benefit of simple healthy recipes you can make a part of your daily and weekly routine. I hope it does just that! Blessings & Joy, Robin *** When you're ready, here are 4 ways I can support you in your health journey: 1. Grab my free 5 Day Sugar Fast Devotional In this 5 Day Devotional you have the opportunity to drop weight and sugar cravings while gaining a totally new approach to health that is grounded in Jesus. Download it here: https://madewellhealth.com/sugarfast 2. Join my free Facebook group In this group you'll have access to years of resources I've shared along with the new content I put out weekly. Additionally, you'll be in good company with fellow Jesus loving ladies looking to live a sustainable healthy lifestyle. Join us here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RobinRhineMcD/ 3. Take the Healthy Cooking Made Easy Mini Course This short course will show you how to enjoy healthy cooking with confidence by saving time, cooking less, and loving what you make! Sign up here: https://go.madewellhealth.com/cooking 4. Work with Me Directly Whether it's joining my 6 week course, the Healthy Weight Loss Academy or getting 1-1 coaching, I am all about SIMPLIFYING healthy weight loss and providing the tools and resources you need to create healthy habits you'll keep by partnering with God and following my proven Sustainable Health process. For more info and to apply, click here: https://www.visiondrivenhealth.com/get-coaching…