Podcast interviews, soundscapes and soundwalks exploring the River Avon in Bristol, including history, culture, and as many different uses of the river I can find. Photos, films and more on my website.
Standing under the M5 motorway bridge at Lamplighter's Marsh, Bristol, listening to the traffic. 5th August 2018.Door A podcast and art project by Sarah Connolly
One of the ways to explore a place is through its sounds - & in this episode, Dan Pope took me on a soundwalk along the River Avon to find out what we could hear.We talked about what soundwalks are, Dan's work as an acoustic consultant, how soundscapes can be added to places, and what people can use to explore sounds in their area. There are some r…
As you can guess, from the fact I make podcasts, I really love the medium, and one of the ones I enjoy is the Bristol History Podcast. This has been created by Tom Brothwell, and he interviews different historians and authors to cover a wide range of different subjects that he's interested in, and wants to find out more about. We talked about why h…