We bring you 5 stories that will get you up to speed and on with your day. Updates at 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm and 6pm Eastern, every weekday.
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Start your day with Kasie Hunt bringing you the latest headlines and analysis.
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Todas as semanas, debate com Sérgio Sousa Pinto, Ana Sá Lopes e João Marques de Almeida - com moderação de Anselmo Crespo. Na CNN Portugal
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You’ve been overwhelmed with headlines all week – what's worth a closer look? One Thing takes you into the story and helps you make sense of the news everyone's been talking about. Every Wednesday and Sunday, host David Rind interviews one of CNN’s world-class reporters to tell us what they've found – and why it matters. From the team behind CNN 5 Things.
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Te presentamos 5 historias para que estés informado todos los días. Escucha las 5 Cosas de CNN en Español, de lunes a viernes, a las 6 a.m., 12 p.m. y 6 p.m., hora de Miami, y los fines de semana con un resumen noticioso. 5 Cosas, un podcast de CNN en Español.
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Hear about news as it breaks—right in your podcast app. From the team behind CNN 5 Things.
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Join CNN Political Director David Chalian as he guides you through our ever-changing political landscape. Every week, David and a guest take you inside the latest developments with insight and analysis from the key players in politics.
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Each weekday, Dana Bash and a panel of well-sourced reporters bring you the most important political stories of the day. On the weekend, Manu Raju kicks off CNN's Sunday morning political programming with Inside Politics Sunday. Dana and Manu get answers from the people making headlines, explain the political stories that matter, and report on how the news will impact you.
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Ένα podcast αφιερωμένο σε ανθρώπους που ξεχωρίζουν με τη ζωή και το έργο τους. Σε κάθε επεισόδιο, μια μοναδική προσωπικότητα μοιράζεται την εξαιρετική της ιστορία, προσφέροντάς μας μια ματιά στις εμπειρίες και τα μαθήματα που διαμόρφωσαν την πορεία της. Μέσα από τις αφηγήσεις τους, ανακαλύπτουμε τι σημαίνει να ζεις μια «μεγάλη ιστορία» γεμάτη έμπνευση και σοφία.
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From Town Halls to Political Debates, CNN hosts open forums that give our audience the chance to hear directly from the people shaping their world. Politicians and newsmakers alike answer the tough questions from CNN's top anchors and political experts. Subscribe to get the full, unedited audio from these special events.
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Podrobný rozbor aktuálních událostí a témat s významnými postavami veřejného života. Stránka pořadu: https://cnn.iprima.cz/porady/k-veci Navštivte web CNN Prima NEWS na https://cnnprima.cz Sledujte CNN Prima NEWS na sociálních sítích: Facebook: https://facebook.com/cnnprima Instagram: https://instagram.com/cnnprima Twitter: https://twitter.com/cnnprima
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Nejdůležitější události dne analyzované ze všech úhlů pohledu. Pokud o nich mluvíte, my taky. Stránka pořadu 360°: https://cnn.iprima.cz/porady/360deg-0 Navštivte web CNN Prima NEWS na https://cnnprima.cz Sledujte CNN Prima NEWS na sociálních sítích: Facebook: https://facebook.com/cnnprima Instagram: https://instagram.com/cnnprima Twitter: https://twitter.com/cnnprima #CNNPrimaNEWS
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Zajímavé příběhy, zajímaví lidé, otázky na tělo. Epizody. Reportáže. Bonusy. Stránka pořadu: https://www.iprima.cz/porady/interview Sledujte CNN Prima NEWS na sociálních sítích: Facebook: https://facebook.com/cnnprima Instagram: https://instagram.com/cnnprima Twitter: https://twitter.com/cnnprima Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CNNPrimaNEWSCZ #CNNPrimaNEWS
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Wind Farms
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CNN's "Quest Means Business" brings you the business headlines, every weekday, after the closing bell on Wall Street.
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Debating about under water exploration vs outer space exploration Cover art photo provided by Vanessa Ives on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@vanessaives
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This episode has information from CNN 10’s news
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This podcast talks about red pill content politics and current events from a conservative perspective Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/REDPILLMAN II/support
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CNN 10 is a 10-minute digital news show that serves a growing audience interested in compact on-demand news broadcasts ideal for explanation seekers on the go or in the classroom.
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InFocus by CNN Portugal contribui para uma reflexão mais aprofundada de áreas críticas para a economia e o desenvolvimento do país, da Europa e do mundo.
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Marysabel Huston desde la ciudad de Atlanta y Javier Merino desde la Ciudad de México te presentan Zona Pop CNN, un podcast de CNNEspanol.com en el que no solo te enterarás de lo último en los temas relacionados a la cultura pop mundial, sino que también escucharás entrevistas con personalidades destacadas y un resumen de noticias con lo más importante de la semana.
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Join HLN's Michaela Pereira for a limited series as she takes you on a journey back to the era of rollerblades, Blockbuster nights and dial-up internet. Discover what made the 1990s so special and the ways it still leaves its mark on us today.
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Uma perspectiva informativa e abrangente sobre o cenário internacional. Nesta produção da CNN Rádio, o analista sênior da CNN em Londres Américo Martins e a jornalista Camila Olivo apresentam um resumo de tudo que foi notícia pelo mundo ao longo da semana, com análises, entrevistas e relatos dos correspondentes da CNN abordando os principais eventos e temas globais. Novos episódios todas as sextas-feiras.
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تصور ما از یک قهرمان چیه؟ قهرمانها حتما باید لباسهای عجیب و غریب بپوشن و از افراد بیگناه در مقابل دشمنهای پلید دفاع کنن؟ شبکه خبری CNN اینطوری فکر نمی کنه! در این برنامه قهرمانهای CNN که در دنیای واقعی خودمون تغییراتی اساسی در زندگی هزاران یا حتی میلیون ها نفر ایجاد کردن را معرفی می کنیم. قهرمان های برنامه ما برندگان جایزه CNN Hero هستند. روزهای جمعه با ما همراه باشید و با این قهرمانها آشنا شوید.
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Vozes de todos os cantos e de todos os tons, que carregam todo tipo marca, vivência, conquista e conhecimento. A cada episódio, a jornalista Luciana Barreto convida os ouvintes a furarem suas bolhas. Neste espaço, ela escuta histórias e entrevista especialistas para tratar de temas urgentes, mas que muitas vezes acabam negligenciados no debate público. Questões de classe, gênero, raça e tantas outras reunidas na primeira temporada do Entre Vozes, um podcast da CNN Brasil.
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CNN Money é o podcast que ajuda você a tomar as melhores decisões. De segunda a sexta pela manhã, Thais Herédia e Priscila Yazbek apresentam um balanço dos assuntos do noticiário que influenciam os mercados, as finanças e os rumos da sociedade e das dinâmicas de poder no Brasil e no mundo.
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Os principais fatos do dia contados de forma simples e dinâmica. Direto dos estúdios da CNN Rádio, Camila Olivo traz as notícias mais importantes do Brasil e do mundo, com as palavras do time de repórteres, analistas e especialistas da CNN Brasil. De segunda a sexta, no final da tarde.
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The Community Nonprofit Network Podcast - aka The CNN Podcast - is a platform that shines the spotlight on nonprofit organizations, and the good work they do in the community. There are two goals of The CNN Podcast: 1. Create a global network of nonprofit organizations, to share information that will empower each other to do better and go BIGGER! 2. Share low-cost and free resources, understanding that many nonprofit organizations are founded on a shoe-string budget. Hosted by Ericka Scott, ...
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Este canal trata de difundir los audios de las entrevistas en CNN y eventualmente también del programa completo que se transmite en la "primera emisión de Noticias MVS". Este esfuerzo se realiza sin ningún ánimo de lucro, únicamente con la finalidad de difundir la información que genera y recopila esta extraordinaria periodista y su ya leyenda, equipo de trabajo. El programa de CNN se transmite por televisión de paga a las 22hrs y se retransmite al siguiente día en MVS Radio a las 5:30 hrs. ...
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Estas son las cinco cosas que debes saber a las 6 p.m. Sigan conectados e informados a través de cnne.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesDoor CNN en Español
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It’s been a fairly smooth travel day so far, but bad weather is expected to spread throughout the country starting tomorrow. Israel’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories says it facilitated the medical evacuation of 34 patients from Gaza today. We’ll tell you what some of Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign leaders are blami…
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Move Fast and Break Things
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First: With 54 days until inauguration the president elect has already filled out his cabinet. Now he's preparing an agenda to quickly push through a narrowly divided Congress. Plus: The Harris campaign brain trust is defending the decisions they made in the final weeks of the campaign. So why do they think Trump won? And: Elon Musk is worth over $…
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Israel's prime minister celebrates a temporary ceasefire with Hezbollah. The nation's next border czar threatens to jail anyone who tries to block Trump's mass deportations. The leaders of Kamala Harris's failed campaign open up about what they think went wrong. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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Putin nemá důvod jednat, míní Zaorálek. Připomněl plán Kremlu, jak zmrzačit Ukrajinu
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My na Západě hodně uvažujeme za Putina, tedy co by měl či mohl udělat. On toho ale mnoho udělat nemusí, a jednou z těch věcí je sednout k jednacímu stolu. V pořadu 360° na CNN Prima NEWS to řekl bývalý ministr zahraničí Lubomír Zaorálek. Aktuálním cílem Kremlu je podle něj Ukrajinu odříznout od moře a tím ji zmrzačit. See omnystudio.com/listener fo…
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What a Banana Can Tell Us About Trump’s Second Term
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Ahead of president-elect Donald Trump's second term, economists, retailers, and consumers are bracing for change. We examine how Trump’s plans for tariffs and tax cuts could impact your wallet and why some young people are embracing ‘doom spending’ this holiday season. Plus, what you should know about cryptocurrency as Trump embraces it. Guest: Van…
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"Estamos mais perto de uma terceira guerra mundial"
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O debate desta semana com Ana Sá Lopes, Sérgio Sousa Pinto, João Marques de Almeida e a participação especial do major-general e comentador da CNN Portugal Agostinho Costa. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Door CNN Portugal
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How Gen Z Helped Trump Win
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Young voters—especially first-time young voters—helped deliver President-elect Donald Trump his victory this month. The 18-to-29-year-old set tends to vote Democratic, and most of them did. But Trump made significant inroads with young people. This week, John Della Volpe, the director of polling at the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics, …
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President-elect Donald Trump tapped another loyal Trump ally to be his pick for attorney general. Listen for details. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesDoor CNN
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Na zdravotní péči nebudou peníze, varuje Kubek. Znovu by zavedl poplatky u lékaře
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Na zdravotní péči nebudou kvůli úhradové vyhlášce ministerstva zdravotnictví v příštím roce peníze. V pořadu K věci na CNN Prima NEWS to uvedl prezident České lékařské komory Milan Kubek. „Pojišťovny budou platit prostě méně,“ vysvětloval. Zároveň se nechal slyšet, že by opět zavedl poplatky u lékaře. Ty, které ve zdravotnictví jsou, už totiž nemaj…
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Γιώργος Σταθόπουλος: Δεν ζω με αναμνήσεις – Η νοσταλγία σκοτώνει, οι σκέψεις σκοτώνουν
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Ο Γιώργος Σταθόπουλος είναι μία σπουδαία προσωπικότητα, ένα ακόμα greatest story. Πώς ξεκίνησε να ζωγραφίζει; Έχει φίλους εικαστικούς; Ζει με το χθες ή ζει για το αύριο; Ακούστε όλα όσα εξομολογήθηκε για τη ζωή του στη Σοφία Μαυραντζά.Door CNN Greece
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See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Door FTV Prima
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3 PM ET: Ceasefire hopes for Gaza, SCOTUS transgender rights case, more tariff opponents & more
Attention is turning to the ongoing violence in Gaza after a ceasefire took effect between Israel and Hezbollah. A Missouri judge has upheld the state’s ban on gender-affirming care for minors. The Supreme Court will also soon hear arguments in the most important transgender rights case it’s ever tackled. We’ll tell you which company is the latest …
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Displaced civilians are starting to return to their homes in Israel and Lebanon hours into a 60-day ceasefire. Elon Musk has publicized the names of some government employees he wants to cut, which is terrifying some federal workers. The US and China conducted a prisoner swap. A space satellite is searching for methane leaks. Plus, we'll tell you h…
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesDoor CNN en Español
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A ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah is holding steady in Lebanon. President-elect Donald Trump has raced through more administration picks. A man has been arrested for allegedly threatening to kill Trump. A new study has some worrying insights about social media influencers. Plus, we’ll tell you what to expect from retailers this holiday seaso…
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CNN 5 cosas 11/27/24 6am Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesDoor CNN en Español
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6 AM ET: Lebanon ceasefire begins, tourist deaths arrests, US fugitive caught in Britain & more
A ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah has begun in Lebanon, and now the US is looking to Gaza. We’ll tell you why it could be a good day for last-minute Thanksgiving travelers. Americans could feel the strain on their wallets if tariffs lead to trade wars. Several hostel workers have been arrested in Laos after the deaths of 6 tourists. Plus, on…
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesDoor CNN en Español
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6 PM ET: Biden on ceasefire, Trump’s public health leadership picks, airline “junk fees” & more
President Joe Biden made remarks about what’s to come for Israel and Lebanon after a ceasefire agreement. Experts say the challenge for President-elect Donald Trump’s picks for top public health roles will be keeping politics out of science. We’ll tell you how a federal judge ruled on whether a transgender volleyball player can compete in a tournam…
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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered remarks after the country’s security cabinet voted to end fighting with Hezbollah in Lebanon. Mexican President Claudia Scheinbaum had strong words for President-elect Donald Trump in response to his threat of tariffs. We'll tell you why the Russian government ejected a British diplomat. Hear what…
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The Trump Trade War Begins
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First: The president-elect says he'll slap massive tariffs on America's three closest trading partners the first day he's in office. But will he follow through? And if he does will it get in the way of his promise to fight inflation? Plus: We could be on the verge of a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hezbollah. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's…
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesDoor CNN en Español
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Israel’s military says it launched several strikes on Hezbollah targets in southern Beirut ahead of a ceasefire vote today. Donald Trump’s lawyers investigated allegations that one of the president-elect's top aides was asking for money from administration candidates in exchange for influence. Disney agrees to pay $43 million to settle a lawsuit. P…
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Donald Trump rolls out his day-one plan to slap tariffs on two US allies and one longtime adversary. Special counsel Jack Smith is dropping all charges in both federal cases against the president-elect. Will Trump seek retribution? President Biden's final decision in office could be his most difficult: Will he pardon his son before leaving the Whit…
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As a record number of people are set to make journeys for Thanksgiving, a pair of storms could impact travel. There are concerns that plans to introduce tariffs on goods imported from Canada, Mexico and China could impact US supply chains. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in Italy for his last G7 meeting. Authorities in Pakistan have locked dow…
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CNN 5 cosas 11/25/24 6am Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesDoor CNN en Español
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President-elect Donald Trump is promising a 25% tax on imports from Mexico and Canada as soon as he takes office. Lebanese officials say a ceasefire deal between Hezbollah and Israel is expected to be announced today. Two storms could cause problems for Thanksgiving travel. Bird flu virus has been found in a batch of raw milk. Plus, we’ll tell you …
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Several major federal cases against President-elect Donald Trump have been dropped or dismissed. The US attorney overseeing Sean “Diddy” Combs and Eric Adams cases plans to step down. National abortion policy may not be as simple as the incoming Trump administration hopes. We’ll tell you how vaping affects vascular health. Plus, where is America’s …
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesDoor CNN en Español
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3 PM ET: Special counsel drops cases against Trump, Israel will vote on ceasefire, Thanksgiving weather & more
Special counsel Jack Smith has announced he’s ending his prosecution of President-elect Donald Trump over two controversial charges. The Israeli cabinet is set to vote on a 60-day ceasefire deal with Hezbollah tomorrow. The Supreme Court has declined to hear a challenge from major tobacco companies over required graphic health warnings. We’ll tell …
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First: The president-elect has picked a cabinet of loyalists to carry out his MAGA agenda, but now comes the hard part. We have new reporting on how Team Trump is preparing for multiple contentious confirmation battles. Plus: Rejection to affection. After disavowing Project 2025 on the trail, Donald Trump is tapping an architect of the far-right pl…
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President-elect Donald Trump has nearly finished naming his list of Cabinet picks, while some controversial ones prepare for confirmation complications. Women in the US are being diagnosed with lung cancer at higher rates than men. UAE authorities have arrested three people in connection with the death of an Israeli rabbi. One former Macy’s employe…
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Ekonomka Švihlíková: Nadnárodních korporací je u nás strašně moc. Zvykly si dělat, co chtějí
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Na deformovanou strukturu české ekonomiky upozornila v pořadu 360° na CNN Prima NEWS ekonomka Ilona Švihlíková. Podle ní je ovlivněná mzdovým dumpingem a dominancí nadnárodních korporací. Podotkla, že bez strukturálních změn bude Česko stále závislé na cenovém diktátu zahraničních firem. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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9 AM ET: Netanyahu ceasefire hope, federal workers office mandate, Menendez brothers in court & more
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reportedly approved a Lebanon ceasefire deal “in principle.” President-elect Donald Trump is facing a test to get his most controversial cabinet picks approved. Meanwhile, two of his choices are expected to force federal employees to return to the office. The Menendez brothers will appear in court today…
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The Path to Confirmation
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Republicans are bracing for a bumpy road to confirm some of Donald Trump's controversial cabinet picks. Elon Musk gets a new teammate in Congress to help him cut government spending. Plus, we take a look at the very strange tradition to save a few fortunate turkeys from the fate of the Thanksgiving Day feast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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CNN 5 cosas 11/25/24 6am Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesDoor CNN en Español
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President-elect Donald Trump has named all his key cabinet choices, so now they’re preparing for Senate scrutiny. A ceasefire deal between Hezbollah and Israel is reportedly “very close.” We’ll tell you why the deal reached at the UN’s climate summit is raising eyebrows. A DHL cargo plane has crashed in Lithuania. Plus, “Glicked” had a successful w…
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Pivoňka Vaňková: Babiš konečně přišel do práce, umí jen nadávat. Reagoval na Fialu, řekl Pražák
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Když už Andrej Babiš (ANO) přijde do Poslanecké sněmovny, začne nadávat a dehonestovat ostatní, uvedla poslankyně Pavla Pivoňka Vaňková (STAN) v pořadu 360° ve vysílání CNN Prima NEWS. Podle poslance za hnutí ANO Davida Pražáka Babiš svými posledními nevybíravými výroky jen reagoval na premiéra Petra Fialu (ODS). See omnystudio.com/listener for pri…
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Trump Races Through Cabinet Picks Amid Questions About Vetting
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First: Reality check. With a flurry of new picks, Trump's cabinet comes fully into focus. But after one falls through, what's next for Trump's other choices? Plus: One on one. Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown on his loss and what he says needs to change. And: Fowl play. A look back at presidential turkey pardons with Biden set to hold his last. Learn mor…
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesDoor CNN en Español
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One Thing: 72 Hours of Escalation in Ukraine
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The Biden administration is taking new steps to aid Ukraine well before President-elect Donald Trump takes office. But Russia has new weapons of its own. Guest: Nick Paton Walsh, CNN Chief International Security Correspondent Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesDoor CNN
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