Redeemer Downtown began meeting in 2012—but we are part of a network that began in 1989, when the first Redeemer church opened its doors with a vision to love the city and welcome those with questions about faith. This vision continues to drive our future as a community eager to serve our city as recipients of God’s grace.
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This is the ninth sermon in the sermon series "In the City as in Heaven", preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This is the eight sermon in the sermon series "In the City as in Heaven", preached by Rev. Jeff White.Door Rev. Jeff White
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This is the seventh sermon in the sermon series "In the City as in Heaven", preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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Living in Truth and Love
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32:19This is the sixth sermon in the sermon series "In the City as in Heaven", preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.
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Lust and Sexual Integrity
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36:10This is the fifth sermon in the sermon series "In the City as in Heaven", preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This is the fourth sermon in the sermon series "In the City as in Heaven", preached by Rev. Charles Chung.Door Rev. Charles Chung
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This is the third sermon in the sermon series "In the City as in Heaven", preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This is the second sermon in the sermon series "In the City as in Heaven", preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This is the first sermon in the sermon series "In the City as in Heaven", preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This is the fifth sermon in the sermon series, "Light Shining into Darkness", preached by Rev. Charles Chung.Door Rev. Charles Chung
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This is the fourth sermon in the sermon series, "Light Shining into Darkness", preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This is the third sermon in the sermon series, "Light Shining into Darkness", preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This is the second sermon in the sermon series, "Light Shining into Darkness", preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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What Are We Waiting For?
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1:40:46This is the first sermon in the sermon series, "Light Shining into Darkness", preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This is the eleventh sermon in the sermon series, "Comfort of the Gospel", preached by Rev. Jeff White.Door Rev. Jeff White
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This is the tenth sermon in the sermon series, "Comfort of the Gospel", preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This is the ninth sermon in the sermon series, "Comfort of the Gospel", preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. David Lee
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Manhood with Dr. Anthony Bradley
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25:11Today, we’re thrilled to share insights from Dr. Anthony Bradley, a respected public intellectual and cultural critic, that discusses the masculinity crisis in America. This is a special segment from our recent Manhood Seminar, where Dr. Bradley spoke with passion and clarity about the importance of strong, present, and purpose-driven fathers in to…
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"Why Are We So Divided" was the question we looked at during our Guest Sunday on October 20 with Rev. Pete Nicholas featuring an interview with Dr. Anthony Bradley.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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God is Doing A New Thing
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30:10This is the sixth sermon in the sermon series, "Comfort of the Gospel", preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This is the fifth sermon in the sermon series, "Comfort of the Gospel", preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This is the fourth sermon in the sermon series, "Comfort of the Gospel", preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This is the third sermon in the sermon series, "Comfort of the Gospel", preached by Rev. Jeff White.Door Rev. Jeff White
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This is the second sermon in the sermon series, "Comfort of the Gospel", preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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The Comfort of the Gospel
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32:42This is the first sermon in the sermon series, "Comfort of the Gospel", preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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A standalone sermon preached by Rev. Matthew Terrell.Door Rev. Matthew Terrell
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The Renewal of the Spirit
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31:05This is the sixth sermon in the sermon series, "The Beautiful Life", was preached by Rev. Will Anderson.Door Rev. Will Anderson
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The Kindness and Love of God
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29:00This is the fifth sermon in the sermon series, "The Beautiful Life", was preached by Rev. Will Anderson.Door Rev. Will Anderson
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This is the fourth sermon in the sermon series, "The Beautiful Life", was preached by Rev. Jeff White.Door Rev. Jeff White
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This is the second sermon in the sermon series, "The Beautiful Life", was preached by Rev. Charles Chung.Door Rev. Charles Chung
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Truth that Leads to Godliness
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34:13This is the first sermon in the sermon series, "The Beautiful Life", was preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This is the tenth sermon in the sermon series, "Who Will You Worship/", was preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This is the ninth sermon in the sermon series, "Who Will You Worship/", was preached by Rev. Jeff White.Door Rev. Jeff White
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This is the eight sermon in the sermon series, "Who Will You Worship/", was preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This is the seventh sermon in the sermon series, "Who Will You Worship/", was preached by Rev. David Lee.Door Rev. David Lee
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This is the sixth sermon in the sermon series, "Who Will You Worship/", was preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This is the fifth sermon in the sermon series, "Who Will You Worship/", was preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This is the fourth sermon in the sermon series, "Who Will You Worship/", was preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This is the third sermon in the sermon series, "Who Will You Worship/", was preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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The first sermon in the sermon series, "Who Will You Worship?" was preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This is the fourteenth sermon, in the "Formed" series, preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. David Lee
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This is the thirteenth sermon, in the "Formed" series, preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This is the twelfth sermon, in the "Formed" series, preached by Rev. Charles Chung.Door Rev. Charles Chung
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This is the eleventh sermon, in the "Formed" series, preached by Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This is the tenth sermon, in the "Formed" series, preached by Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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This was Palm Sunday sermon preached by Rev. David Lee.Door Rev. David Lee
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If the average American spends a third of their lives working, how much time does the average New Yorker spend working? Many of us in the city give so much of ourselves to our work hoping that it will give us a sense of meaning and fulfillment in life. But we often find that our jobs fall short of giving us what we ultimately desire. What is it tha…
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The sixth sermon in the sermon series, "Formed", was preached by Rev. Pete Nicholas.Door Rev. Pete Nicholas
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How Can We Have A Secure And Liberating Identity?
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26:16We live in an age where our awareness of the self and identity formation is front of mind: Identity politics is huge, slogans like, 'You do you' and, 'Be true to yourself' abound. But are our identity projects helping us to flourish or hindering us? By thinking about the need to have a secure and liberating identity, we'll reflect on our culture's …
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The third sermon in the sermon series, "He Will Be Called", was preached by Rev. Will Anderson.Door Rev. Will Anderson
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