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Coach Charmin D. and Coach Lonette

Welcome to Bitter2Beautiful, we are Coach Charmin and Coach Lonette, your dedicated guides, who empower women to overcome relationship hurt and transition from bitter to beautiful. Join us on this transformative journey! 🦋 Hi, I'm Coach Charmin D. the Founder and Creator of Bitter2Beautiful; I am Coach Lonette, Executive Creative Director of Bitter2Beautiful, a transformational leader and coach aiding individuals on their transformative journey. Subscribe to our Bitter2Beautiful Podcast here ...
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David, Honza, Marek & Tomáš

bitter … podcast, který nevšedně rozebírá technologie, značky, internet a vůbec vše, co nás zajímá a hlavně kam nás diskuse odvede. Jednou, či dvakrát za měsíc trans-atlantická debata, která je hlavně neformální a nehraje si na něco, co není.
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Bitter Brown Femmes

Bitter Brown Femmes

Two Chicanx queer femmes run their mouths on social and political matters impacting marginalized communities today, with an emphasis on: LGBT, Latinx/Chicanx, and women's issues. Living by the motto: "Dismantling Sh!t While Talking Sh!t!" Support Us On: Book Us At: Bitter Brown Femmes is hosted by Cassandra Alicia (anfemwaves) and Rubén Angel (XoxoRubenAngel). Rubén also serves as producer, manager, and webmaster.
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Bittersweet Infamy

Josie Mitchell + Taylor Basso

Storytellers and best friends Josie Mitchell and Taylor Basso share the stories that live on in infamy: the strange and the familiar, the tragic and the comic—the bitter and the sweet. New episodes every other Sunday on the 604 Podcast Network! Support the show:
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The Bittersweet Life

Expat, Repat, Travel, Rome, Seattle, Books, Art, Italy, Wonder

Life doesn't have a script. At least, it doesn't have to. Hosts Katy Sewall and Tiffany Parks explore the challenges and joys of moving abroad and moving home. Whether you’re living overseas, or not — or not yet — join us weekly for unadulterated conversation. Get to know Rome. Laugh at our embarrassments and insights. Most of all, imagine the possibilities for your own life (and meet some famous authors along the way).
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Zart & Bitter: Crime Stories

Stephan Kern & Michael Rieck

Ein Talk über Kriminalfälle. Wir berichten uns abwechselnd über Fälle, die uns bewegt haben. Manchmal verzetteln wir uns, raufen uns die Haare, sind fassungslos oder müssen trotz allem auch mal kurz Lachen. Wir versuchen es mit Empathie und Neugier uns den Fällen zu nähern. Größtensteils deutsche Fälle, öfters aus den 80ern. Kontakt: Instagram: @zartundbittertalk
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Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: ...
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Is your divorce filling you with fear? Fear of the unknown, of financial stability, of loneliness, of how this will impact your children? Divorce can feel overwhelming and isolating, leaving you stuck in resentment. But what if you could take off the fighting gloves and commit to an amicable path forward? Welcome to Better Than Bitter™, the podcast that champions amicable divorce. Hosted by Divorce Success Coach Tania Leichliter—creator of the 5 Step Gameplan Course—this podcast empowers you ...
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Zart & Bitter

Stephan Kern & Michael Rieck

Was bietet Zart & Bitter Podcast Hörerinnen und Hörer? Geschichten von zwei Ü40 Männern, die oft voneinander genervt sind, sich aber trotzdem lieben. Schräge Stories aus der Sauna, Traumstunde, Losergeschichten und Optimismus. Wandern und reden im künstlerisch anspruchsvollen Format "The Walk". Plus: Spotify Playlist: - Shownotes auf - Ein Hörkrimi in Stereo „Bachmann & Beksinski" - Gratis Merchandise vom Aufnäher bis zur ...
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Bitter/Sweet, is a podcast that explores the relationship between food and our deepest memories. In each episode guests share a profound moment in their lives, involving an evocative meal and share why it was so meaningful for them.
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More than a century later, the death of Jane Stanford remains shrouded in mystery. Who would want the founder of Stanford University and one of the richest women in the world dead? And why?
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Bitters, Brews, & Laughs

Collin and Alex

Welcome to the Bitters, Brews, & Laughs podcast! Where we teach you about a new drink each week and then talk about what's on our minds. Support us by picking up some merch or clicking the link below to donate to our booze fund! Merch: Support this podcast:
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The Bitter Southerner Podcast

Georgia Public Broadcasting

The Bitter Southerner Podcast, hosted by Bitter Southerner magazine editor Chuck Reece, explores the culture and history of the American South. It is a co-production of Georgia Public Broadcasting and The Bitter Southerner magazine.
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Bored and Bitter

Jake & Anneliese

Welcome to the Bored & Bitter Podcast! We're two bored bimbos in our mid (to late...) twenties bitching about nothing new. This podcast is for gays, girlies, non-binary people, and ugh... straight men? Listen into hear about our extravagant lives, where we dive into the good, the bad, and the ugly (except not us because we're hot). Subscribe for more sexy and stunning content.
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The Bitter Cows

The Bitter Cows

Two feminist humanoids delving into the real and paranormal worlds of dreams and nightmares, witchcraft and rituals, demons and entities from the realms unknown. Join us to discuss our brain's shenanigans and our struggles with managing struggles with the unexplained, dream psychology, self-help and mental health.
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I want to share my life experiences and how still keep smiling. Everyone has a story, so your never alone. I want to answer any questions and give some advice, if you ask. Support this podcast:
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The Iron Gall examines a number of obstacles creative people encounter in our modern world. In each episode we will talk with one person, and find the key to what allows them to navigate today's literary and art landscape with confidence, humility and self-reliance – often finding some well-deserved success.
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show series
Episode 23: DAY 3: MANIFEST of the 5-Day Challenge: Recalibrating Towards Results & Growth Embracing Abundance and Authenticity Learn More about our Support Group Membership Program CLICK HERE! We offer 1 month Free if you Sign Up for Our Membership Today! Weekly Support Group & Divorce Educational Resources & Self-Help Workshops. SIGN UP NOW AND G…
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Åter från Paris försöker Tysk förstå sig på Bitters senaste undran. Är brädspelande en gråtframbringande sysselsättning? Åsså har det spelatrs spel och siffran är 56. I avsnittet nämns: Agricola Freedom: The Underground Railroad CONIC Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation Australis DroPolter Blood Rage…
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Join Rebecca as she discusses the murder of Marlene Warren who was murdered at her own front door by a Killer Clown. Please support the Bitterness!! thebitterwitness@patreon References Jidoun, G. (2024, May 25). Florida Mom murdered on her own doorstep by jealous clown: “Act of a sociopath.” Oxygen Official Site. Marlene Warren. (2021b, November 24…
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In this episode we talk about recent discourse about fitness in online leftist spaces. We also talk about International Working Women's Day. Support this podcast by becoming a patron on $5+ supporters get video versions of all new episodes. Book us for your school or org event by emailing Fo…
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Send us a text 00:00 - Vance恐怖的慕尼黑演讲 01:56 - 美国真的出卖乌克兰了吗 08:52 - 以自由主义全球化为敌 33:42 - 问答交流部分 新闻板块三级服务: 1 世界苦茶每日新闻: - Newsletter: - X:搜索“世界苦茶” - DISCORD: - 音頻RSS: 2 透明茶室新闻分析: - 直播:X(Twitter)搜索“世界苦茶” - 音频回放RSS: - 視頻回放:Youtu…
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Die unglaubliche Geschichte der "Norfolk Four". Was haben vier Seeleute der US Navy mit dem Mord an Michelle Moore-Bosko zu tun? Wenn es nach Detective Ford geht sehr viel. Es beginnt ein Verhör ohne Gnade. Du möchtest deine Werbung in diesem und vielen anderen Podcasts schalten? Kein Problem! Für deinen Zugang zu zielgerichteter Podcast-Werbung, k…
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Epizoda, kde retro zase nevyšlo 🎙️ O čem jsme se bavili tentokrát? Byli jsme připravení na slibovaný retro díl… a hádejte co? Ano, zase jsme to nestihli! Ale nebojte, o zábavu nouze nebyla. Vrhli jsme se do světa fitness a technologií, kde jsme probrali vše od náramku Whoop, přes Garmin Fenix 8 až po chytré prsteny Oura a Samsung. Rozebrali jsme, c…
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Exactly five years ago this month—March 2020—the world went through something that no one living had experienced in their lifetimes: a global epidemic that affected the entire world, and forced much of the population into their homes for weeks and months at a time, unable to socialize, go to work, and in some cases (like Italy) even take walk aroun…
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Episode 22: DAY 2: ENDURE of the 5-Day Challenge From Surviving To Thriving - Cleaning Out The Clutter to Make Way For Your Guiding Light Learn More about our Support Group Membership Program CLICK HERE! We offer 1 month Free if you Sign Up for Our Membership Today! Weekly Support Group & Divorce Educational Resources & Self-Help Workshops. SIGN UP…
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Our regularly scheduled episode is going to be delayed this week. Katy makes a hard announcement on this much abbreviated episode to explain why The Bittersweet Life is going on a (hopefully very short) hiatus. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Remember, we have a vast archive of episodes that you may never have listened to, so take th…
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Tysk har tagit sig till Paris och samtalar där med Charles-Amir Perret om brädspel på ett synnerligen stökigt café vid Gare du Nord. Spel har spelats och siffran är 55. OBS avsnittet är på engelska. I avsnittet nämns: El Grande Mexica Amun Re Tikal Legends Tikal Virtu Doggerland Colors of Paris World Order Hegemony Bebop Australis Sophie's World Ct…
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Do you remember what life was like during the first days and weeks of lockdown following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, almost exactly 5 years ago? This month, we'll be airing four episodes from our archives, one every Friday, during that momentous, uncertain, and historic time. In this episode, which originally aired on March 16th 2020, It…
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Episode 21: DAY 1: RECONNECT of the 5-Day Challenge: Reflection & Reconnection Redefining Your Authentic Self Learn More about our Support Group Membership Program CLICK HERE! We offer 1 month Free if you Sign Up for Our Membership Today! Weekly Support Group & Divorce Educational Resources & Self-Help Workshops. SIGN UP NOW AND GET A FREE MONTH OF…
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Everybody who visits Rome knows about the Mouth of Truth—and many of them line up for up to an hour (or more!) to stick their hand in its mouth and snap an iconic photo. But what most visitors fail to do is to take the time to visit the incredible church that lies just beyond this monument of dubious importance, Santa Maria in Cosmedin. Today, Tiff…
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We talk Oscars, Ukraine, and Cassandra's new IG blog about anti-capitalist parenting! Support this podcast by becoming a patron on $5+ supporters get video versions of all new episodes. Book us for your school or org event by emailing Follow us on IG: Twitter:…
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Just over 12 years ago, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio was elected Pope Francis in the conclave of 2013. And Tiffany was in St. Peter's Square when it happened. She saw the white smoke pouring out of the Sistine Chapel chimney, she heard those famous words "Habemus Papam!" and she, along with the other thousands of people that had by that time gathered i…
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Dear Bitter2Beautiful Community, Wow! What an incredible journey Season 1 has been! We are beyond excited to announce our final episode of the season – Episode 56: "Season Wrap-Up: Lessons Learned on Bitterness, Boundaries, and Breakthroughs." This season has been filled with deep conversations, healing moments, and powerful transformations. Thank …
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Join Rebecca as she discusses a horrific Canadian mass murder. Please Support the show References Amato, T. (2021, September 15). Conditional release not recommended for B.C. man who killed family of 6: parole officer. The Williams Lake Tribune. Eastham, M., & McLeod, I. (1999). The Seventh Shadow. ‎ Warwick House Publi…
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On this eye-opening interview with special guest Lisa Wilcox, taken from our archives, we explore the science of language learning through linguistics and speech pathology. Sound boring? Turns out, it is actually really funny. And you might just discover a new angle from which to tackle your language-learning goals. ***The Bittersweet Life podcast …
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Happy Inspirational Thursday! It’s time for your weekly dose of Elevate Beauty Audio and Inspirations to lift your spirits and keep you moving forward on your transformative journey. ICYMI: Episode 54 Last Saturday, we dropped "Navigating Different Seasons: When Friendships Grow Apart." If you haven’t listened yet, now’s the perfect time to catch u…
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Episode 20: Children First! Selling The Home or Not? Our guest for this episode: A sought-after mortgage financing expert, Renee consults with consumers and their advisors to help them make the best decision for their financial needs for their particular stage of life. Her mantra: dispel the myths; get the facts. As a Certified Divorce Lending Prof…
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On this bonus episode, available exclusively to our Patreon supporters, random questions like "What is your dumbest scar?" are answered by us with a great amount of laughter. This small excerpt is in our regular feed, but if you want to hear the entire episode, become part of the Bittersweet Life community by supporting us on Patreon! For as little…
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