Life less monotonous, life less monogamous
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Twin Peaks S02E10-E12 – Dispute Between Brothers, Masked Ball, & The Black Widow – Damn Good Podcast
As we move on from the Laura Palmer storyline, much like Garland Briggs, we go into the wilderness. As Hawk tells us this week, every soul must pass through the Black Lodge on their way to the White, and so we at Damn Good Podcast pass into the darkness of season two's horrible flabby middle. We deal with the likes of Little Nicky, Evelyn Marsh, mo…
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Resolution. When Arbitrary Law originally aired, a lot of the audience for Twin Peaks had already abandoned it, perhaps not accepting the resolution that they'd been shown when Leland/BOB killed Maddy. It's a shame they did, because the performance Ray Wise gives here at the end of this episode is a treasure, as he vacillates between BOB pretending…
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We're in a post-Maddy world, now, and the “Who Killed Laura Palmer?” storyline is barrelling toward a conclusion. Ray Wise delivers a terrifying and sublime performance as Leland who may or may not be behind the wheel of his own body. We see him slide between composure, meek Leland, and the anger of BOB. Unfortunately, interspersed with a truly gre…
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Big shit goes down this week in Twin Peaks! We get the answer to the most important question that's been vexing us…just WHO THE HELL IS MR. TOJAMURA?! Well, not really, we also get pretty good idea who actually killed Laura Palmer this week. In addition to that, David Lynch has returned to direct and boy can we tell. The weird is perfect, the visce…
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We return from our extended hiatus to a changed world but choose to stay in the weird 1950s/1990s hybrid that is Twin Peaks. We talk about all the happenings in Peaks land, including The Secret History of Twin Peaks by Mark Frost, and new audiobooks of The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer and “Diane…” The Twin Peaks Tapes of Agent Cooper. For the episo…
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We reach a shaky point in Twin Peaks history, as a number of the cartoonier plot points begin to draw themselves front and center, with Leo potentially returning home, freakishly strong Nadine's high school memory, and of course more with the Hardy Girls Donna and Maddy. A brief bit of light comes when Lara Flynn Boyle absolutely nails a monologue …
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Laura's Diary is revealed, and Leland is held accountable for the murder of Jacques Renault while other shenanigans happen and a very racist character shows up. Cooper is incensed by the lesser elements of this episode, namely Hank and Harold, and discusses the value of clearing out the cast. We talk about why some actors vanish and others are in e…
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We're disappointed to learn that some of Season Two's…lesser storylines start up this week, with far too little time (though exceptional as it is) given to Ray Wise and Leland. The One Armed Man undergoes a transformation, Maddy laments being thought of like Laura, creepy Harold is creepy, and Lara Flynn Boyle gives an excellent performance to a to…
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A trigger warning is apt, that image that scarred some of us for life, of BOB crawling over the furniture, is in this episode of Twin Peaks. We find quite a bit to like in this second Lynch directed episode of the season, and are thankful that its shorter run-time made way for a more concise story with fewer “remember last year” style recaps. Major…
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It is happening again…It is happening again… A Damn Good Podcast About Twin Peaks returns, with hosts Cooper, Miko, and Ophilia discussing the Lynchiest Lynchian season premiere that ever Lynched. In a double-length episode that uses its excess time for recapping season one, we get some moments that're truly wonderful, with the peak, of course, bei…
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For the finale of season one, Twin Peaks borrows a page from Dallas. Mark Frost writes and directs a finale with multiple cliffhangers, uncomfortable moments, great performances from multiple characters, and terrible performances from a few others. This is the last Damn Good Podcast before our hiatus to cover Season 3 of NBC's Hannibal for Eat The …
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A beautifully shot and directed penultimate episode of the season from Caleb Deschanel is hampered by an at times underwhelming script by Harley Peyton that seems to take a surprising number of shortcuts. It's still very solid television, leading up to a “come back next week” style cliffhanger, but it pales in comparison with last week's cracker of…
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We shake things up this episode, getting our least favorite storylines out of the way right off. (Hint, they involve Donna, James, and The Bobber.) This is a superb episode top to bottom though, thanks to director Lesli Linka Glatter and writer Mark Frost. At this late point in the abbreviated first season, it really feels like the storyline is app…
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Writer Robert Engles and director Tim Hunter impress the hell out of us with a dynamic and engaging episode that manages to showcase all the wonderful things about Twin Peaks while sidelining most of the obnoxious elements. That said, this episode does feature the disturbing domino oral fixation and Shelley Johnson trying to sexily rub a gun on her…
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It's Laura Palmer's funeral, and of course Leland has to ruin this too! Not, of course, before Snake and The Bobber throw down against Broody McBroodsalot. We discuss in this episode how there is a lot of crap in Twin Peaks, but what makes the show great is its ability to put truly transcendent material around the crap. Don Davis and Miguel Ferrer …
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Cooper, Miko and Ophilia discuss their disappointment with the recent news that David Lynch will no longer be a part of the upcoming Twin Peaks reboot. They then get into this very exciting episode with some of the most memorable scenes of the series. So much to cover from the uncomfortable silence at the Horne dinner table at the top of the show, …
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The crew tackles the first episode of the series proper, addressing the differences in subtlety when David Lynch is directing vs this episode directed by Dwayne Dunham. They continue to hate on Mike and Bobby, especially now that they know their nicknames: Snake & The Bobber. We catch our first glimpse of BOB and Cooper debunks the mythology surrou…
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Cooper, Miko, and Ophilia scramble to keep up with the veritable smorgasbord of character introductions in the feature length pilot to Twin Peaks. Entitled Northwest Passage, this first episode of Twin Peaks has the unenviable task of introducing the plot, the style, and the town, all at once. We all love on Special Agent Dale Cooper just as much a…
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Welcome to the very first episode of A Damn Good Podcast about Twin Peaks. Cooper, Miko, and Ophilia, hosts of Swingset.FM‘s Hannibal podcast Eat The Rudecast, partnered with Sound On Sight to crawl through the archives and watch Twin Peaks from the very beginning. This first episode introduces the show and the crew, through a discussion of our fir…
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