“Marquette Global” examines the lives of five Marquette University international students from around the globe as they reflect on their experiences of coming to the United States for college. They discuss politics, adapting to a new society and a new culture.
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Episode 5: Susan Whipple
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In the final installment of Marquette Global, Susan Whipple, the assistant director at Marquette University’s Office of International Education. She is in charge of not just advising students, but also tracks trends in global education – how the world economy and population growth are impacted and why OIE needs to know about it. In this comprehensi…
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Imagine coming to the United States, taking four years of classes only to realize that your true calling was in a different field.This was the case with Abdullah Alfazai, a senior at Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI. In this episode, Alfazai discusses how he decided to change his career path from finance to international affairs. His internati…
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Episode 3: Shaimaa Mahmoud
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In the third episode of "Marquette Global," Shaimaa Mahmoud feels that she is stuck in the middle between two powerful cultures. Mahmoud believes that in order for Marquette students to better understand international students, they have to understand the country's culture. She discusses life in the Middle East, dealing with microaggressions, and h…
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In the second episode of "Marquette Global," Witor Wu talks about his time in Milwaukee after spending his life in Indonesia. Wu believes that Marquette University's students need to engage more with their fellow international students.Door Brendan Ploen
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In the first episode of "Marquette Global," Luiz Gabriel Diaz Duarte Machado discusses what his four years at Marquette University have been like after coming to the United States from Brazil.Door Brendan Ploen
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