Bold Steps with Dr. Mark Jobe takes you on the path to freedom and authenticity in Christ. With candid, topical teaching from God’s Word, Dr. Jobe offers simple gospel messages with the power to transform your life.
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Bold Steps Weekend with Dr. Mark Jobe takes you on the path of authenticity in Christ. With candid, topical teaching from God’s Word, Dr. Jobe offers simple gospel message with the power to transform your audience. Drawing on decades as a Chicago-based pastor, and president of Moody Bible Institute brings clear Bible teaching to people from multiple cultures and generations, including Millennial and Gen Z listeners.
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Job Eksperten ( handler om jobsøgning, og hvordan vi bliver bedre til at søge job og finde drømmejobbet. Jeg snakker med eksperter indenfor områder som er relateret til jobsøgning, både direkte, så som hvordan en ansøgning ser ud og mere indirekte omkring personlig udvikling, mm. Jeg glæder mig til at dele min viden med dig. Vh Diana Lund Andersen
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Mark Jobe is the lead pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago, IL ( New Life is a non-denominational Christian church passionate about helping people reconnect with God and changing lives. New Life locations can be found throughout Chicago and beyond, but we function as one church with one pastoral team working together to transform one community at a time.
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Stepping Up to Your Calling-Part 2
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26:00Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’re learning how to use the unique abilities we’ve been given to reach our highest potential. Just as a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, we, too, have the opportunity as children of God to transform into something different. And today on the program, we’ll be looking at how we can step up into ou…
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How Close Are We? - Part 3
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26:00Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Mark Jobe shows you how to stand strong in the face of persecution and adversity. This is part 3 and the conclusion of this message taken from Matthew, chapters 24 and 25. Mark will emphasize how you should be following a different compass and going in the opposite direction of the culture around you. Donate to Moody Ra…
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Stepping Up to Your Calling-Part 1
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26:00Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’re learning how to use our full potential for the Lord. Everyone is uniquely and wonderfully made. And everyone has something to contribute and offer. God has a calling that God gives each one of us. We all have more spiritual resources hiding just below the surface than we realize. We’re going to talk …
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Stepping Up to a Clean Heart -Part 2
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26:00Today on Bold Steps, as we move forward in our study on Living Higher … Pastor Mark Jobe is going to continue the discussion on Stepping Up to a Clean Heart. He’ll show us how we can purify our hearts … and deal with the things that cause us conflict. If we’re not careful, a bitterness can seep into our soul and a hardness and a falling away from G…
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Stepping Up to a Clean Heart -Part 1
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26:00Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe explains why we need to be checking our hearts. Jesus tells us that it’s not what goes into your body that causes problems … but what comes out of your mouth from your heart … that can get us into trouble. It’s a bold statement … and the topic of today’s message. Our series is titled, Step Up! Living Higher. Ma…
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Stepping Up to a Higher Attitude-Part 2
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26:00Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’ll be stepping up to a higher attitude. We’ve all heard the phrase … God is a jealous God … but what does that mean? That’s the topic we’re going to explore today in our message called, Stepping Up to a Higher Attitude. It’s part of our study from the book of James and we’ll be diving into chapter 4. Bo…
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Stepping Up to a Higher Attitude-Part 1
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26:00Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning to step up … into our calling. Mark believes that most of us live well below our calling from God. And that the impact most of us could have on others should be much greater. Scientists tell us that we only use about 20% of our brain capacity … and some a LOT less. And similarly, it’s the s…
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Taking the First Bold Step-Part 2
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26:00Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe encourages us to Take the First Bold Step into our next season. And as we move forward in our What Now? series, we’re going to learn how to Take the First Bold Step into our next season. And we’ll discover that sometimes, the first step towards that call from God is to be called outfrom where we are and where w…
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How Close Are We? - Part 2
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26:00Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, you’ll be learning how to prepare for the End Times. From the book of Matthew, chapters 24 and 25, Mark will be sharing the good news and the bad news. This is a continuation from last week’s message, so if you missed it you can go back and listen to Part 1 of the message first. Donate to Moody Radio: htt…
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Taking the First Bold Step-Part 1
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26:00Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to step out in faith … despite our fears. Many people in the last few years have felt stuck … for a variety of reasons. Mark is going to be talking about how we can stop waiting … even when our fears and doubts tell us otherwise. Fear can be very powerful. Fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fea…
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Inviting Others to the Journey-Part 2
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26:00Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning the spiritual importance of community. Have there been times when you thought you could conquer the world on our own, but then reality set in, and you realized you needed help? We’re going to be learning about the power and process of getting others to walk with us in our journey of faith. …
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Inviting Others to the Journey-Part 1
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26:00The importance of not taking the journey alone … that’s the today’s topic on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. We’re continuing a series called What Now? How to Move into Your Next Season and today, we’re addressing a critical part of that spiritual journey … and that’s fellowship. It sounds simple, but the problem of isolation in our world today i…
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How to Adjust Your Thinking – Part 2
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26:00Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning how to adjust our thinking so that God can move us into our next season. Have you ever been disappointed by the reality of a situation because it didn’t match your expectation of it? I think it’s safe to say that most of us have experienced that a time or two. And that’s why on today’s prog…
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How to Adjust Your Thinking – Part 1
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26:00Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe explains how to shake off old habits and patterns in order to pivot into the next season. We are going to be talking about milestones and getting to the place we need to be. And some of us might be at a crossroad … having reached a point where we realize we have to make a change … but we don’t know how. Mark sa…
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How Close Are We? - Part 1
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26:00Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, Mark will be discussing the end of days and sharing an email from a listener named Estelle. Estelle expresses how Mark’s teachings have given her a great foundation of the Gospel and it will do the same for you. Donate to Moody Radio: See fo…
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Re-Envision Your Life Story – Part 2
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26:00Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe explains how an encounter with God changed Moses' identity … and how it could change yours, too. Before a motion picture movie is made … the creative team sits down to mockup a storyboard of the film. A storyboard is a sequence of drawings that help show the flow of the narrative beforehand. This process allows…
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Re-Envision Your Life Story – Part 1
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26:00Discover how to re-envision your life story … that’s today’s topic on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Some of us have allowed a bad chapter or two to define our life’s story. But, we need to break us out of that mindset! Mark is going to be looking at how God can re-orient our calling … and our purpose in his message called, Re-Envision Your Life…
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Quiet Your Soul to Listen – Part 2
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26:00Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to hear God when He speaks. Some seasons are a little … noisier than others. When we look at the past few years in the rearview mirror, it's easy to see how the turbulent events around the world have caused a lot of noise … coming at us from all sides. But as we’ll see today, there are a number of …
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Quiet Your Soul to Listen – Part 1
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26:00Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we're learning how to quiet our soul and hear the voice of God as we begin a two-week series based on Mark’s book, What Now? How to Move into Your Next Season. With many lives being disrupted by a variety of reasons: economic struggles, political division, isolation, social unrest, racial tension ... peop…
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Praying Heaven Open – Part 2
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26:00Today on BOLD STEPS, Pastor Mark Jobe reveals how Jesus gives us confidence to approach God's throne. Many of us struggle with feeling worthy to approach God in prayer. We look at our lives, our mistakes, our shortcomings ... and wonder how we could ever enter His presence with confidence. But today, Mark continues his powerful message titled Prayi…
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Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe talks about exploring your needs before God. This is part two of last weeks message titled Speaking Up from the series Moved: How to Prepare for the Moment and will be coming from the book of Mark chapter 10. Donate to Moody Radio: See for pr…
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Bold Love in Faith Beyond Yourself
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26:00Today on BOLD STEPS with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’re stepping into the studio for a special program, to discuss the true significance … of love. It’s a popular topic around Valentine’s Day … but the kind of love we want to talk about goes much deeper than any holiday card or romantic feeling. The “Love” we’ll be talking about is the bold love that chan…
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Praying Heaven Open – Part 1
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26:00Are you praying with bold confidence? That’s the topic today on BOLD STEPS with Pastor Mark Jobe. Today we’re beginning a lesson that every single Christian, both young and old, needs to hear … because we’re tackling the subject of prayer. Bold prayer … not just for our circumstances, but for others, for the things that GOD wants us to focus on and…
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You Can’t Do It Alone – Part 3
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26:00Today on BOLD STEPS, Pastor Mark Jobe reveals what happens when persistent faith meets creative problem-solving. We’re continuing our series called All Hands on Deck with a powerful lesson about persistence and creative faith. It's a story about four friends who were so determined to get their paralyzed companion to Jesus, that they wouldn't take n…
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You Can’t Do It Alone – Part 2
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26:00Today on BOLD STEPS, Pastor Mark Jobe reveals how to recognize and respond when God says ... "Now is the time". In Scripture there's this powerful concept called "kairos" … it's a Greek word that describes a specific moment in time when God is doing something unique. It's not just another day on the calendar ... it's a divine appointment. And in to…
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You Can’t Do It Alone – Part 1
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26:00Today on BOLD STEPS, Pastor Mark Jobe has a wakeup call for believers, to be on the lookout for God’s movement. We’re beginning a new short series about a really powerful subject … joining the movement of God. There are special moments in our lives when God makes it clear that it's time to move … time to act. In Scripture there's this powerful conc…
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Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, you will discover the keys to turning from fear and raising your voice in faith. Mark has spoken a lot about this topic in his book Unstuck and he will share stories in this message that will help you come out of your cave and into your call. Donate to Moody Radio:…
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Today on BOLD STEPS, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to navigate the dating scene, God’s way. Dating is a major topic in our world … but funny enough, many Christians today have a hard time connecting the wisdom and guidance of God’s Word to this key area of life. With today being the national “day of love”, now is the perfect time to dive into a les…
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Do you know what healthy Christian dating really looks like? Find out today, on BOLD STEPS with Mark Jobe, as we listen in on a special event given on the campus of Moody Bible Institute for students. The topic … dating from a Christian perspective. If you have a teen or young adult who’s venturing out into the dating scene, encourage them to take …
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As we move forward in our Bold Steps message titled, Working It Out, we’re going to be learning more about how to operate in a counter-cultural way by doing everything without complaining and arguing. We should be living our lives from a perspective of who we are, sons and daughters of God. Bold Step Gift: Building Love In Blended Families Become a…
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Today on Bold Steps, we’re starting a brand-new mini-series from the book of Philippians, chapter 2. Pastor Mark Jobe originally gave this message to the students at Moody Bible Institute during a President’s Chapel. And he's going be talking about ties to the Apostle Paul reminding us to work out our faith with fear and trembling. Bold Step Gift: …
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Today on BOLD STEPS, Pastor Mark Jobe reveals the key to unlocking God's abundant provision in your life.We've been examining what Scripture says about managing our finances God's way in our series called Lose the Weight. And today, we reach the powerful conclusion of our message on Bad Budgeting, where Mark will challenge us with a bold invitation…
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Before Your Moment - Part 2
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26:00Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, you’ll learn how to face your greatest challenges. In order to reach a breakthrough, you need to know where you are going and who you are listening to. This is part two of a message started last weekend called Before Your Moment. Donate to Moody Radio: See omnystud…
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Today on BOLD STEPS, Pastor Mark Jobe reveals how our choices can either open the door to blessing ... or bring consequences that feel like a curse. We're digging into what Mark calls the 10-10-80 Principle that he says can revolutionize your financial and spiritual life. But it's more than just a number ... it's about understanding how God's bless…
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Do you want to approach finances the way God intended? It really is the only way to success … and it’s what we’re discussing today on BOLD STEPS. Today we’re going to be looking at what Pastor Mark Jobe calls the most powerful financial principle that can transform one’s finances. It’s the 10-10-80 Principle. It involves Giving, saving and living..…
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Fear-Based Financing – Part 3
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26:00Today on BOLD STEPS, Pastor Mark Jobe explains why putting God first ... changes everything else. Have you ever felt like God was asking you to give up the very last thing you had? Maybe it was your last bit of energy, your last dollar, or your last ounce of hope. Well, today Mark shares a powerful story about a woman who faced that exact situation…
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Fear-Based Financing – Part 2
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26:00Today on BOLD STEPS, Pastor Mark Jobe reveals what happens when we let fear ... instead of faith ... drive our decisions. Sometimes when we're at our lowest point in life, that's exactly when God asks us to give the most. And while it may seem counter-intuitive, there's something powerful that happens when we choose to be generous, even in times of…
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Fear-Based Financing – Part 1
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26:00Today on BOLD STEPS, Pastor Mark Jobe has a very practical lesson on how we think about money. As we continue our series about finances, Mark is going to help us have a different perspective on our money as we examine a lesson based in 1 Kings 17 about a woman who had little to give and how God was able to multiply it. Many have what is called a sc…
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Before Your Moment - Part 1
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26:00Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, Mark gives you a glimpse into the moments that define and change our destiny. It is the start of a new series that will focus on being prepared for what God has for you. Donate to Moody Radio: See for privacy information.…
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Breaking the Cycle of Deceptive Debt – Part 3
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26:00Today on BOLD STEPS ... Pastor Mark Jobe shares a powerful testimony about giving from poverty ... and discovering true wealth in God as we conclude a transformative message called Breaking the Cycle of Deceptive Debt, where he takes us to a place many might not expect … the intersection of poverty and generosity. Through his own story of pastoring…
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Breaking the Cycle of Deceptive Debt – Part 2
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26:00Today on BOLD STEPS, Pastor Mark Jobe continues a message about the spiritual steps … to financial freedom. Last time Mark began this important sermon series called Lose the Weight … where we’re talking about the breaking the cycle of debt. A lot of people overlook just how intertwined our finances and our spiritual lives, really are... and that’s …
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Breaking the Cycle of Deceptive Debt – Part 1
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26:00Did you know financial freedom is also … a spiritual matter? Find out more, today on BOLD STEPS with Pastor Mark Jobe. At the beginning of the year, we often take time to address the issue of finances. It’s something we ALL need to be reminded of. Mark has titled the message we’ll be hearing over the next few days, Lose the Weight. That’s a goal pl…
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The Father Vacuum – Part 2
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26:00Do you really feel the love of God, your Father? Or is a father’s love just a foreign concept? That’s the topic today on BOLD STEPS with Pastor Mark Jobe. Have you ever wondered why some people find it so hard to trust God as a loving Father? Maybe that’s you … maybe the idea of a father’s love just sounds like make believe. Today's message titled,…
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The Father Vacuum – Part 1
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26:00Today on BOLD STEPS, Pastor Mark Jobe speaks to those who may not understand the love … of the Father. One of the subjects that listeners hear over and over on BOLD STEPS is one of identity. Knowing WHO you are in Christ. Mark is going to expand on that and talk to those who are struggling with knowing the love of the Father. Today's Bold Step Gift…
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Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark shares some stories to help you remember God's faithfulness. Sometimes the most meaningful reminders of God's faithfulness come through simple objects, such as a photograph, a piece of jewelry, or even stones. These physical mementos carry powerful stories of sacrifice, courage, and God's provision in our li…
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Looking Forward by Looking Back
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26:00Quick poll … who here listening today has already slipped up on some New Year’s resolutions? … Anyone? It’s not really a fair question, because no matter how committed you are to positive change … NO ONE is perfect! But that’s exactly why Mark wants to shift your perspective on the whole idea of New Year’s resolutions … because the truth is, it’s n…
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The Unanswered Prayer and the Gift of Weakness – Part 2
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26:00Today on BOLD STEPS... Pastor Mark Jobe helps us understand what Paul's mysterious thorn in the flesh ... reveals about God's purpose in our pain. We're beginning part two of an eye-opening message titled The Unanswered Prayer and the Gift of Weakness, where we’re exploring one of the toughest questions in faith … what to do with unanswered prayers…
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The Unanswered Prayer and the Gift of Weakness – Part 1
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26:00Today on BOLD STEPS, Pastor Mark Jobe begins a new message about the gift … of weakness in a short series called … Stronger. And it’s interesting, the irony of this subject is that really the strength we’re talking about isn’t our own. In fact, weakness is what trains us to walk in spiritual humility. And THAT is ultimately what allows God’s power …
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How to Be Strong When You Feel Weak – Part 2
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26:00Ever feel held back … by your own weakness? Pastor Mark Jobe has a major truth you need to hear, today on BOLD STEPS. We're continuing a powerful message titled How to Be Strong When You Feel Weak, where Mark takes us deep into Jesus’ forty-day fast in the wilderness ... to show us how God often uses our moments of greatest weakness to demonstrate …
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How to Be Strong When You Feel Weak – Part 1
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26:00Today on BOLD STEPS … Pastor Mark Jobe begins a lesson on finding strength, and finding your identity. It’s a theme we visit over and over on this program because it is SO important to know and is a requirement in order to move forward. Being firmly rooted in your identity is key no matter if you are a teen, a parent, a grandparent ... and no matte…
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