We had the opportunity to host and interview Hudsonville Public Schools Board President, Ken Hall, in our classroom! January is Board Member Appreciation Month and we wanted to invite him in to see and experience life in our building! Students welcomed him, asked questions, gave him a tour of the building. On the tour students highlighted special areas, events, and memories that were important to them as they led him around the school visiting several classrooms where learning was taking place. Lastly, a small team of students, Cal, Morgan, & Alison, developed questions and conducted a podcast interview which you are about to hear! They wanted to him to share a little about his role, find out about how reading plays a role in his life, and get advice about how to develop a growth mindset. We want to thank Mr. Hall for taking the time to join and share with us today, as well as his role in helping make Hudsonville Public Schools a great place to learn! Also, many thanks to the other board members who serve alongside Mr. Hall who work as a team to represent the tax payers of Hudsonville and make this an extraordinary community.…