Climatic Italian Saying - Espressioni Italiane Legate al Meteo
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Ciao ragazzi! Bentornati nel mio podcast! In seguito all’episodio della scorsa settimana, dove vi ho insegnato come parlare del meteo, del tempo in italiano; Oggi ho deciso di insegnarvi alcune espressioni e modi di dire in relazione ai fenomeni atmosferici. Tutte le espressioni che vi insegnerò oggi, sono molto utilizzate nelle conversazioni di tutti i giorni! Ve le trascriverò tutte nella descrizione di questo episodio, dateci un’occhiata! Buon ascolto.
Hi guys! Welcome back to my podcast! Following last week’s episode, where I taught you how to talk about weather in Italian, today I decided to teach you some expressions and idioms in relation to atmospheric events. All the expressions and idioms you'll hear during the episode you can find them in the description of this episode. Take a look! Have a good time listening.
Expressions and idioms:
1) PIOVE SEMPRE SUL BAGNATO (When it rains, it pours)
This expression is used to say that good things keep happening to lucky people and bad things keep happening to unlucky people.
So we can use this expression if, for example, a millionaire businessman wins the lottery or if a poor person is fined.
2) VEDERE LE STELLE (See stars)
Obviously we are not talking about the stars you can admire up in the sky… quite the opposite, actually! We use this expression when we experience a severe physical pain!
For example, if you are hanging a picture and you hit your finger with the hammer… Well… you are going to “vedere le stelle!”
3) ESSERE AL SETTIMO CIELO (Over the moon – On cloud nine)
This expression simply means that someone is extremely happy!
There is also another similar expression with the same meaning: “Toccare il cielo con un dito”
4) NON CI PIOVE! (There’s no doubt about it!)
We use this expression when we have no doubts about something, when we know something for sure!
For example, if you listen to my podcast your Italian is going to improve in a very short time! “Su questo non ci piove!”
5) AVERE LA LUNA STORTA (Be in a bad mood)
When we are ill-tempered, when we are nervous and we get easily angry… we have “la luna storta!”
We often say: “Oggi mi sono svegliato/a con la luna storta” (I woke up in a bad mood today!)
6) COME UN FULMINE A CIEL SERENO (Like a bolt from the blue)
If something happens come un fulmine a ciel sereno, it means that it was unexpected and it’s usually something negative!
If a company’s business is going extremely well and then, all of a sudden, sales decline drastically… the managers can say that this happened “come un fulmine a ciel sereno!”
7) AVERE UN COLPO DI FULMINE (Love at first sight!)
Although this expression might seem to refer to something negative, it is used to say that someone fell in love at first sight!
Previous episode on "How to talk about weather in Italian"
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