Episode 40: Fund Seminar Podcast with Klara Sok from Rothschild & Co.
Manage episode 381722903 series 3453852
This week, Fund Seminar Podcast welcomes Klara Sok, PhD., Investment Analyst / Portfolio Manager at Rothschild & Co. Klara speaks with host, Jan Jaap Omvlee to discuss Blockchain technologies. Klara discusses her knowledge of the subject, the future of blockchain, and what it means to be R-co Thematic Blockchain Global Co-Portfolio Manager.
This podcast was recorded in September 2023.
For more from Fund Seminar:
Linked In: Fund Seminar
Website: FundSeminar.nl
Host: Jan Jaap Omvlee
Guest Information:
Klara Sok: LinkedIn
Rothschild & Co: LinkedIn
Rotherchild & Co: Website
The Fund Seminar Podcast is produced by Cognito Amsterdam.
For inquiries, contact our producer Emily Robida: emily.robida@cognitomedia.nl
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