Episode 305: Adrian Bonenberger Tosses a Molotov Cocktail on the Invasion of Ukraine
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Putin just invaded Ukraine. It's confounding, frightening, a dick move and utter bullshit.
The Buzzards want to get to the bottom of this. We need help because the media out there has so many conflicting messages it's difficult to figure out just what in the holy fuck is going on.
When in doubt, we reach out to our most trusted sources. In this case, we have someone that is directly involved with the conflict and has the most precise and stone cold take on it. All of us are on this episode but we let one source lay it all out.
We just listen. And so should you.
Adrian Bonenberger returns for his second appearance on FDB. He is an expert on the dynamics of the armed conflict levied on Ukraine by Vladimir Putin. He is a retired US Army Officer that has served in a variety of capacities and has led soldiers in combat on two deployments.
Additionally, he has served as Field Coordinator for the Ukraine Center for Civilians in Conflict as well as a news editor at The Ukraine Business Journal.
This is the definitive discussion on this subject matter.
He also mentions others we should listen to including Nolan Peterson (@nolanwpeterson), Vladislov Davidson (The Odessa Review), Christopher Miller (@ChristopherJM), Jack Crosby (Rolling Stone), Matt Taibbi (@matttaibbi), Gary Brecher & Mark Ames (War Nerd) and Svetlana Alexievich (@SAlexievich).
So, sit up, drink a cup of joe and pay attention. This is the most important episode we've ever done.
Please remember to hit "like" and "subscribe" on our YouTube Channel, Spotify and iTunes. Tell your friends. If you have any comments, questions, ideas for topics or guests please email us at FIVEDOLLARBUZZ@gmail.com. We'll get back to you soon. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!
#AdrianBonenberger #prodigy #mobbdeep #ThomasFriedman #NewYorkTimes #GeorgeFKennan #GeorgeKennan #VladimirPutin #DonaldTrump #JoeBiden #VolodymyrZelensky #VitaliKlitschko #NolanPeterson #VladislovDavidson #ChristopherMiller #Buzzfeed #JackCrosby #RollingStone #MattTaibbi #GaryBrecher #MarkAmes #WarNerd #SvetlanaAlexievich #LeoTolstoy #FyodorDostoevsky #JoeGanim #BridgeportConnecticutMayor #BridgeportConnecticu
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