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A Profile of Public Enemy #1 (Satan) - Part 4
Manage episode 463421338 series 2785517
Why study Satan? 1) The Bible identifies Satan as public enemy #1, the greatest adversary (Heb., Satan = Adversary) of all sentient beings – including God. To fight him we need to know him[1] (2Co 2:11).[2] The following profile is based on the conclusions that may be drawn about Satan when considering the teachings of Scripture and traditions of the Ancient Near East (ANE).
1. Satan was a high ranking, highly elite throne-guardian angel who looks like a fiery winged serpent or dragon and existed as one of several types of elohim created not only before human beings but the construction of our entire universe.
2. Satan sparked an insurrection not only against God but His high priest Adam, convincing a third of the angel population to follow him in his rebellion.
3. The initial punishments suffered by Satan for his double insurrection were threefold: 1) loss of position [as throne guardian], 2) loss of physical form in this world [as a glorious dragon], 3) imprisoned in Hades [lowest, darkest, most desolate and fiery portion of Sheol]. Satan was reduced to a groveling amputee who now works as the night manager at the hotel Hades. That said, Satan retains command of a large demonic army with access to our world.
4. For almost six thousand years, Satan has been using his access to our world and the power of Sheol to reduce God’s army while increasing his own.[3]
5. Christ’s first return resulted in Satan being unable to use his newly discovered power of pseudo-incarnation or “body-snatching” for the entirety of the Church Age.
5.1. Christ’s first return: The spiritual return of Jesus (Rev 1:7 [e.g., Isa 19:1]) in 70 AD to judge: 1) unfaithful OC Israel thru divorce and the destruction of God’s house (Mat 23:37-24:3 w/15 [the destruction of the temple] w/34; Rev 5:1-5 w/chs 6-11 [11:1-2 w/15]). 2) those involved with the Jews in persecuting Jesus’ new (covenant) people thru the downfall of Satan (“the dragon”), the Roman Caesar Nero, (“the beast”) and the Jewish priesthood (“false prophet”) (Rev 13:1-18).
5.2. (Satan’s) newly discovered power of pseudo-incarnation or “body snatching” (def., the spirit of the host person is replaced by Satan’s spirit – allowing for complete integration with their body, and uninhibited expression of his personality and powers)[4]: As discussed, Satan was forced to shed his skin in this world at the time of his initial “grand insurrection” (insurrection against God and His sacred human authorities). Since then, he has been seeking a way to re-incarnate himself.[5] It isn’t until the time of Christ that we find Scriptural evidence of Satan possessing this ability suggesting he was unable to do so before this time. Hence the reason for referring to it as “newly discovered” (e.g., Rev 13:1-2 “the dragon standing on the seashore” = Satan [Rev 12:9]; “[the] beast coming out of the sea” = Nero Caesar, Roman king living in the first century;[6] “And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority”) = A statement describing what happens when there is the passing of the mantle between outgoing and incoming kings or national leaders (e.g., recent transfer of the president’s power, throne and authority from Joe Biden to Donald Trump). In this case, from Satan to Nero (Rev 13: 4 “his authority”). That being said, there is more going on in these verses than a simple a transfer of power (etc.,). It implies also the replacement of Nero’s spirit with the spirit of Satan; that the true person of Nero, no longer exists (is dead and in the “lake of fire” – Rev 19:20), his body-snatched and identity assumed by an imposter. This then is the real reason the person who appears to be Nero can also be said to possess Satan’s supernatural power (etc.,). The transfer of power included also a transfer of person. Satan had pseudo-incarnated himself in the body of Nero. Proof that Satan pseudo-incarnated himself in the body of Nero – versus simply transferring his power (etc.) or possessing him:
1) (Rev 13:1 “coming up out of [Grk., anabaino] the sea”) = A reference to Nero’s earthly place of origin, Rome[7] before the transfer (v2b) versus Nero’s place of origin after the transfer (Rev 17:8 “come up out of [Grk., anabaino] the abyss”) = The beast/Nero’s place of origin has changed from this world to the underworld. The body of Nero is no longer inhabited by the person from Rome, but the prince of the abyss (Rev 9:11).[8]
2) (Rev 13:4 “they worshipped the dragon”) = A reference to the Jews who were not only in approval but instigating Nero’s blasphemy against Jesus and empire wide persecution of Christians (5-8 “all who dwell in the land [Grk., epi teis geis = Israel] = Satan’s 2nd “grand insurrection”).[9] How then did the Jews worship Satan (“the dragon”)? By their worship of Nero indicating once again, that the switch has taken place. Satan (“the dragon”) is now Nero.
3) (2Th 2:1-9) = Consistent with other biblical prophecy, many of details discussed by Paul in 2Thessalonians 2 will experience dual fulfillment – or are applicable to both Christ’s first return (in 70 AD) – as well as His second or final return (in 2030 AD). This includes the references to pseudo-incarnation or body-snatching by Satan. For example: (3.1.) (v9) “the one [the “man of lawlessness”-v3] whose coming [or return -Grk., parousia] is in accord with the activity of Satan” = Literally, “activity confirming [him] to be Satan.” The word translated “activity” [Grk., energia] not only reinforces this understanding but echoes the gist of John’s words in (Rev 13:2b). Per Strong’s, “this word is used only for superhuman power whether God or the devil.” (3.2.) (v8) = The “lawless one” of 2Thessalonians 2 – who is destroyed by fire from heaven at the Lord’s return is - according (again) to verse 3, a human being (“man of lawlessness”). Yet in its future parallel, Satan is the main antagonist suffering this fiery fate, the same person bound in the abyss for a thousand years (Rev 20:7-9). How do you make sense of that? How can this person be identified as human and yet also as Satan? Like first century Nero, this future man of lawlessness (or antichrist) will only be human in respect to physical form. The spirit of that man will (however) be gone, replaced by the spirit of the devil which means the identity of that person has also changed. It is no longer that man, but Satan who has snatched his body and now wears it as his own.
5.3. What is the relevance or importance of this power (the power of pseudo-incarnation or body-snatching)? As discussed, this ability allows Satan to display (in our world) the full range of his supernatural abilities with in turn also allows him to “deceive the nations” into following him as their god in a global war against God’s people (first attempt: Rev 13:7; second attempt: Rev 20:7).[10] This is why then after his first attempt (in the first century), such power was temporarily placed in shackles.
5.4. unable to use (his…power of pseudo-incarnation or “body snatching”): (Rev 20:1-3) “[with] a great chain…laid hold of the dragon…and bound him…and threw him into the abyss, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not deceive the nations”) = John’s vision of Satan being placed under heavy restraint communicated two things to the first century church: 1) justice would finally being served for Satan’s war crimes against her (Rev 6:9-11), 2) it would be a very long time before Satan could again exercise such power of deceit. His ability to reincarnate himself - and subsequent uniting of the nations that would follow, had been completely neutralized for “one thousand years.”
5.5. Why can we be confident that this is the only power Satan forfeited at this time (70 AD)? IOW: that being bound in the abyss doesn’t refer to a temporary loss of all access and ability (e.g., satanic suggestion and possession, satanic influence or affliction)? Because if that were the case: 1) church discipline, its potential for reform/salvation is greatly inhibited (1Co 5:5 = Satan is the danger creating desperation; Pro 16:4). 2) Peter has lied (2Pe 1:3; the church has no direction w/respect to the excommunicated).
5.6. for the entirety of the Church Age: (Rev 20:2-3 “a thousand years”) = The popular opinion among many scholars is that the phrase “a thousand years” is - like the restraining elements of John’s vision, to be understood symbolically rather than literally. As such what is being communicated is a very long yet undisclosed amount time – or time enough for the fledging NT church and her gospel to reach the world, before that world is once more turned against her (Rev 20:7 = Satan’s third and final “grand insurrection”). This understanding of Rev 20:2-3 is known as the “Church Age view.”
5.7. Why can we be confident that this is what is being communicated by the phrase “a thousand years”? 1) Large numbers related to 10 and 12 used as figures of speech or as a part of Apocalyptic literature tend to always be symbolic (Exo 20:6; Deu 1:11, 7:9; Psa 50:10, 68:17, 84:10; Rev 7:4).[11] 2) the time allotted for Satan’s third and final grand insurrection is incredibly short (Rev 20:3 “for a short time” [Grk., mikros = Very small – e.g., Mar 4:31]). 3) Zombies don’t exist (Rev 20:4-5) = If it were a literal thousand years, then the “rest of the dead” (i.e., those not part of the “first resurrection” or those who died during the Neronic persecution now in heaven reigning with Christ because of his redemptive victory [“those who had been beheaded…who had not worshiped the beast”]) would have started coming out of their graves in 1070 AD.[12]
5.8. Understanding “a thousand years” as the Church Age (versus a literal one thousand years) lends additional support to the phrase “deceive the nations” being a reference to Satan’s pseudo-incarnation since how else in such a short amount of time could he accomplish such a mission (unless once more) he possesses this supernatural ability with which to captivate -and capture, the world)?
5.9. Why should we be confident that we are no longer in the Church Age and Satan has been released? 1) this world has reached its shelf life (we are almost at year 6,000). 2) the church has reached its shelf life (sin has corrupted the majority of so-called Christian churches, leaving the vast majority apostate (2Th 2:3 “the apostasy first”; Mat 24:9-12) = Apostasy of the church is the sign.
[1] “If you know the enemy and you know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself, but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat…The opportunity for defeating the enemy is provided by [knowing] the enemy himself…Force him to reveal himself, so as to find his vulnerable spots.” – Sun Tzu (The Art of War)
[2] “Trying to grasp the darkest of the dark and understand it is a way to ensure we never become it (or its victim)…You don’t want to be fooled; you don’t want to become a victim, so what can you learn to avoid it." – Anne Burgess (criminal forensics nurse, founder of the FBI’s criminal profiling program; agent responsible for the capture of America’s most notorious serial killers).
[3] Satan operates under the delusion that if he can substantially reduce God’s army while also increasing the number of his, he can successfully beat Christ at His return in the 7th millennium (Rev 12:12 “the devil has great wrath…knowing that he has only a short time” = Satan is aware of the designated timeframe of God’s test).
[4] How is this different from demon possession? Though under the control of the demonic entity, the possessed person’s spirit remains intact making integration impossible. General revelation teaches us that only one spirit can be integrated – or physiologically and psychologically connected to a physical body at a time. As such, the demon will always be recognized as a foreign and unwanted entity by the possessed person’s brain and body. Something that needs to be removed (or exorcised). With incarnation, this conflict is resolved. It is however the spirit of the person that is exorcised or removed rather than the demon. Satan (the demon capable of such power) seamlessly and simultaneously replaces their spirit with his allowing for complete integration - or no conflict with the host brain and body.
[5] Seeing that Satan was at one time incarnate, to assume again physical flesh is technically, reincarnation – though not in the traditional sense. Satan is not reborn (the traditional view) but rather stealing the body of someone already in existence. Hence my reason for referring to it as pseudo-incarnation or body snatching.
[6] See The Beast by Kenneth Gentry
[7] “For the populations of the Middle East in the first century, the sea is what lies between them and Rome.” – Pierre Prigent (Commentary on the Apocalypse of St. John)
[8] For those wondering how to reconcile the fact that John speaks of the beast’s origins as the abyss much earlier in the book (11:7), the answer becomes obvious once one considers that chapter 11 represents the end of the first of John’s two concentric circles in the book. From a chronological perspective, this means what is communicated in chapter 11 finds its recapitulated parallel in Revelation’s later chapters (16-19).
[9] See Kenneth L. Gentry Jr., The Divorce Of Israel
[10] “He (Beliar or Satan) will descend from his firmament in the form of a man.” – Matrydom and Ascension of Isaiah
[11] What makes Revelation challenging is determining what should be taken symbolically and what should be taken literally. As a possible help on this issue, Apocalyptic scholar J. Stuart Russel points out that, “When we have high numbers stated…they are usually, if not invariably, to be understood indefinitely.” (The Parousia: A Study of the New Testament Doctrine of Our Lord’s Second Coming).
[12] The same question might be asked in relation to the Church Age view. Why – assuming we are no longer in this period of time (i.e., Satan has been released) do we not see the dead being resurrected? The answer is, “We soon will.” The time span from Satan’s release to his final defeat and Judgment Day – the day of this “general resurrection is (once more) very short” (Rev 20:9-13).
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Manage episode 463421338 series 2785517
Why study Satan? 1) The Bible identifies Satan as public enemy #1, the greatest adversary (Heb., Satan = Adversary) of all sentient beings – including God. To fight him we need to know him[1] (2Co 2:11).[2] The following profile is based on the conclusions that may be drawn about Satan when considering the teachings of Scripture and traditions of the Ancient Near East (ANE).
1. Satan was a high ranking, highly elite throne-guardian angel who looks like a fiery winged serpent or dragon and existed as one of several types of elohim created not only before human beings but the construction of our entire universe.
2. Satan sparked an insurrection not only against God but His high priest Adam, convincing a third of the angel population to follow him in his rebellion.
3. The initial punishments suffered by Satan for his double insurrection were threefold: 1) loss of position [as throne guardian], 2) loss of physical form in this world [as a glorious dragon], 3) imprisoned in Hades [lowest, darkest, most desolate and fiery portion of Sheol]. Satan was reduced to a groveling amputee who now works as the night manager at the hotel Hades. That said, Satan retains command of a large demonic army with access to our world.
4. For almost six thousand years, Satan has been using his access to our world and the power of Sheol to reduce God’s army while increasing his own.[3]
5. Christ’s first return resulted in Satan being unable to use his newly discovered power of pseudo-incarnation or “body-snatching” for the entirety of the Church Age.
5.1. Christ’s first return: The spiritual return of Jesus (Rev 1:7 [e.g., Isa 19:1]) in 70 AD to judge: 1) unfaithful OC Israel thru divorce and the destruction of God’s house (Mat 23:37-24:3 w/15 [the destruction of the temple] w/34; Rev 5:1-5 w/chs 6-11 [11:1-2 w/15]). 2) those involved with the Jews in persecuting Jesus’ new (covenant) people thru the downfall of Satan (“the dragon”), the Roman Caesar Nero, (“the beast”) and the Jewish priesthood (“false prophet”) (Rev 13:1-18).
5.2. (Satan’s) newly discovered power of pseudo-incarnation or “body snatching” (def., the spirit of the host person is replaced by Satan’s spirit – allowing for complete integration with their body, and uninhibited expression of his personality and powers)[4]: As discussed, Satan was forced to shed his skin in this world at the time of his initial “grand insurrection” (insurrection against God and His sacred human authorities). Since then, he has been seeking a way to re-incarnate himself.[5] It isn’t until the time of Christ that we find Scriptural evidence of Satan possessing this ability suggesting he was unable to do so before this time. Hence the reason for referring to it as “newly discovered” (e.g., Rev 13:1-2 “the dragon standing on the seashore” = Satan [Rev 12:9]; “[the] beast coming out of the sea” = Nero Caesar, Roman king living in the first century;[6] “And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority”) = A statement describing what happens when there is the passing of the mantle between outgoing and incoming kings or national leaders (e.g., recent transfer of the president’s power, throne and authority from Joe Biden to Donald Trump). In this case, from Satan to Nero (Rev 13: 4 “his authority”). That being said, there is more going on in these verses than a simple a transfer of power (etc.,). It implies also the replacement of Nero’s spirit with the spirit of Satan; that the true person of Nero, no longer exists (is dead and in the “lake of fire” – Rev 19:20), his body-snatched and identity assumed by an imposter. This then is the real reason the person who appears to be Nero can also be said to possess Satan’s supernatural power (etc.,). The transfer of power included also a transfer of person. Satan had pseudo-incarnated himself in the body of Nero. Proof that Satan pseudo-incarnated himself in the body of Nero – versus simply transferring his power (etc.) or possessing him:
1) (Rev 13:1 “coming up out of [Grk., anabaino] the sea”) = A reference to Nero’s earthly place of origin, Rome[7] before the transfer (v2b) versus Nero’s place of origin after the transfer (Rev 17:8 “come up out of [Grk., anabaino] the abyss”) = The beast/Nero’s place of origin has changed from this world to the underworld. The body of Nero is no longer inhabited by the person from Rome, but the prince of the abyss (Rev 9:11).[8]
2) (Rev 13:4 “they worshipped the dragon”) = A reference to the Jews who were not only in approval but instigating Nero’s blasphemy against Jesus and empire wide persecution of Christians (5-8 “all who dwell in the land [Grk., epi teis geis = Israel] = Satan’s 2nd “grand insurrection”).[9] How then did the Jews worship Satan (“the dragon”)? By their worship of Nero indicating once again, that the switch has taken place. Satan (“the dragon”) is now Nero.
3) (2Th 2:1-9) = Consistent with other biblical prophecy, many of details discussed by Paul in 2Thessalonians 2 will experience dual fulfillment – or are applicable to both Christ’s first return (in 70 AD) – as well as His second or final return (in 2030 AD). This includes the references to pseudo-incarnation or body-snatching by Satan. For example: (3.1.) (v9) “the one [the “man of lawlessness”-v3] whose coming [or return -Grk., parousia] is in accord with the activity of Satan” = Literally, “activity confirming [him] to be Satan.” The word translated “activity” [Grk., energia] not only reinforces this understanding but echoes the gist of John’s words in (Rev 13:2b). Per Strong’s, “this word is used only for superhuman power whether God or the devil.” (3.2.) (v8) = The “lawless one” of 2Thessalonians 2 – who is destroyed by fire from heaven at the Lord’s return is - according (again) to verse 3, a human being (“man of lawlessness”). Yet in its future parallel, Satan is the main antagonist suffering this fiery fate, the same person bound in the abyss for a thousand years (Rev 20:7-9). How do you make sense of that? How can this person be identified as human and yet also as Satan? Like first century Nero, this future man of lawlessness (or antichrist) will only be human in respect to physical form. The spirit of that man will (however) be gone, replaced by the spirit of the devil which means the identity of that person has also changed. It is no longer that man, but Satan who has snatched his body and now wears it as his own.
5.3. What is the relevance or importance of this power (the power of pseudo-incarnation or body-snatching)? As discussed, this ability allows Satan to display (in our world) the full range of his supernatural abilities with in turn also allows him to “deceive the nations” into following him as their god in a global war against God’s people (first attempt: Rev 13:7; second attempt: Rev 20:7).[10] This is why then after his first attempt (in the first century), such power was temporarily placed in shackles.
5.4. unable to use (his…power of pseudo-incarnation or “body snatching”): (Rev 20:1-3) “[with] a great chain…laid hold of the dragon…and bound him…and threw him into the abyss, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not deceive the nations”) = John’s vision of Satan being placed under heavy restraint communicated two things to the first century church: 1) justice would finally being served for Satan’s war crimes against her (Rev 6:9-11), 2) it would be a very long time before Satan could again exercise such power of deceit. His ability to reincarnate himself - and subsequent uniting of the nations that would follow, had been completely neutralized for “one thousand years.”
5.5. Why can we be confident that this is the only power Satan forfeited at this time (70 AD)? IOW: that being bound in the abyss doesn’t refer to a temporary loss of all access and ability (e.g., satanic suggestion and possession, satanic influence or affliction)? Because if that were the case: 1) church discipline, its potential for reform/salvation is greatly inhibited (1Co 5:5 = Satan is the danger creating desperation; Pro 16:4). 2) Peter has lied (2Pe 1:3; the church has no direction w/respect to the excommunicated).
5.6. for the entirety of the Church Age: (Rev 20:2-3 “a thousand years”) = The popular opinion among many scholars is that the phrase “a thousand years” is - like the restraining elements of John’s vision, to be understood symbolically rather than literally. As such what is being communicated is a very long yet undisclosed amount time – or time enough for the fledging NT church and her gospel to reach the world, before that world is once more turned against her (Rev 20:7 = Satan’s third and final “grand insurrection”). This understanding of Rev 20:2-3 is known as the “Church Age view.”
5.7. Why can we be confident that this is what is being communicated by the phrase “a thousand years”? 1) Large numbers related to 10 and 12 used as figures of speech or as a part of Apocalyptic literature tend to always be symbolic (Exo 20:6; Deu 1:11, 7:9; Psa 50:10, 68:17, 84:10; Rev 7:4).[11] 2) the time allotted for Satan’s third and final grand insurrection is incredibly short (Rev 20:3 “for a short time” [Grk., mikros = Very small – e.g., Mar 4:31]). 3) Zombies don’t exist (Rev 20:4-5) = If it were a literal thousand years, then the “rest of the dead” (i.e., those not part of the “first resurrection” or those who died during the Neronic persecution now in heaven reigning with Christ because of his redemptive victory [“those who had been beheaded…who had not worshiped the beast”]) would have started coming out of their graves in 1070 AD.[12]
5.8. Understanding “a thousand years” as the Church Age (versus a literal one thousand years) lends additional support to the phrase “deceive the nations” being a reference to Satan’s pseudo-incarnation since how else in such a short amount of time could he accomplish such a mission (unless once more) he possesses this supernatural ability with which to captivate -and capture, the world)?
5.9. Why should we be confident that we are no longer in the Church Age and Satan has been released? 1) this world has reached its shelf life (we are almost at year 6,000). 2) the church has reached its shelf life (sin has corrupted the majority of so-called Christian churches, leaving the vast majority apostate (2Th 2:3 “the apostasy first”; Mat 24:9-12) = Apostasy of the church is the sign.
[1] “If you know the enemy and you know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself, but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat…The opportunity for defeating the enemy is provided by [knowing] the enemy himself…Force him to reveal himself, so as to find his vulnerable spots.” – Sun Tzu (The Art of War)
[2] “Trying to grasp the darkest of the dark and understand it is a way to ensure we never become it (or its victim)…You don’t want to be fooled; you don’t want to become a victim, so what can you learn to avoid it." – Anne Burgess (criminal forensics nurse, founder of the FBI’s criminal profiling program; agent responsible for the capture of America’s most notorious serial killers).
[3] Satan operates under the delusion that if he can substantially reduce God’s army while also increasing the number of his, he can successfully beat Christ at His return in the 7th millennium (Rev 12:12 “the devil has great wrath…knowing that he has only a short time” = Satan is aware of the designated timeframe of God’s test).
[4] How is this different from demon possession? Though under the control of the demonic entity, the possessed person’s spirit remains intact making integration impossible. General revelation teaches us that only one spirit can be integrated – or physiologically and psychologically connected to a physical body at a time. As such, the demon will always be recognized as a foreign and unwanted entity by the possessed person’s brain and body. Something that needs to be removed (or exorcised). With incarnation, this conflict is resolved. It is however the spirit of the person that is exorcised or removed rather than the demon. Satan (the demon capable of such power) seamlessly and simultaneously replaces their spirit with his allowing for complete integration - or no conflict with the host brain and body.
[5] Seeing that Satan was at one time incarnate, to assume again physical flesh is technically, reincarnation – though not in the traditional sense. Satan is not reborn (the traditional view) but rather stealing the body of someone already in existence. Hence my reason for referring to it as pseudo-incarnation or body snatching.
[6] See The Beast by Kenneth Gentry
[7] “For the populations of the Middle East in the first century, the sea is what lies between them and Rome.” – Pierre Prigent (Commentary on the Apocalypse of St. John)
[8] For those wondering how to reconcile the fact that John speaks of the beast’s origins as the abyss much earlier in the book (11:7), the answer becomes obvious once one considers that chapter 11 represents the end of the first of John’s two concentric circles in the book. From a chronological perspective, this means what is communicated in chapter 11 finds its recapitulated parallel in Revelation’s later chapters (16-19).
[9] See Kenneth L. Gentry Jr., The Divorce Of Israel
[10] “He (Beliar or Satan) will descend from his firmament in the form of a man.” – Matrydom and Ascension of Isaiah
[11] What makes Revelation challenging is determining what should be taken symbolically and what should be taken literally. As a possible help on this issue, Apocalyptic scholar J. Stuart Russel points out that, “When we have high numbers stated…they are usually, if not invariably, to be understood indefinitely.” (The Parousia: A Study of the New Testament Doctrine of Our Lord’s Second Coming).
[12] The same question might be asked in relation to the Church Age view. Why – assuming we are no longer in this period of time (i.e., Satan has been released) do we not see the dead being resurrected? The answer is, “We soon will.” The time span from Satan’s release to his final defeat and Judgment Day – the day of this “general resurrection is (once more) very short” (Rev 20:9-13).
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