**As of April 3, 2018, the full backlog of Shareware will no longer be available on Soundcloud due to financial reasons. They can still be found on our Youtube profile for as long has their hosting remains free. Thanks to everyone who listened and contributed, you're greatly appreciated! The old bio can be found below for posterity. - Josh** Hello everyone, and welcome to Shareware. The one typing up this short and sweet little Bio is BioBrett, the one who does all the other work is Josh, an ...
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Shareware Ep 53 Splinter Cell Blacklist Pt 3
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1:50:54In the ultimate episode of Shareware, Brett, Grey and Josh explore the successes and failures of Morality Systems [1:31], opting for one sizable topic over the standard cluster of individual host topics. After the dust settles, we take off in the Paladin for the finale of our Splinter Cell Blacklist Game Club [48:54], followed by a message from the…
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Shareware Journey To The West Special
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23:33Brett and Josh take a moment to discuss the Steven Chow directed Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons as it pertains to Enslaved and stupid jokes.Door Shareware Podcast
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