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Herkes için tarih konularının anlatıldığı podcast kanalı. Görüş, düşünce, eleştiri ve yorumlarınızı tarihfm@gmail.com a gönderebilirsiniz. Linkler: bio.link/tarihfm Bülten Linki: tarihfm.substack.com/ İlginize çok teşekkür ederim. Görüşmek üzere, hoşça kalın..
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Targeted Talks

Targeted Talks

Targeted Oncology brings you Targeted Talks, a monthly podcast featuring discussions with academic and community oncologists surrounding advancements in cancer research and best practices for patient management.
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Target Priority - Der ziemlich kompetitive 40k Podcast Benjamin und Sebastian sprechen regelmäßig über die kompetitive Seite von Warhammer 40000, dem Tabletop-Spiel von Games Workshop. Als erfahrene Spieler und Turnierorganisatoren geben Sie Einblicke in die Denkweise von Spielern, die am Ende des Tages auf der höchsten Stufe des Treppchens stehen wollen. Oder einfach das beste Ergebins erzielen möchten. Oder Spaß haben wollen. Spaß haben ist etwas gutes...wenn man gewinnt ;)
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Der Podcast von teltarif.de informiert Zuhörer über Netze, Tarife und regulatorische Hintergründe. Wir erklären technisch leicht verständlich und dennoch hintergründig die Zusammenhänge und geben einige Tipps und Tricks. Der Strippenzieher und Tarifdschungel-Podast erscheint in unregelmäßiger Folge mindestens einmal pro Monat.
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Ta'r jeg fejl?


Hvad sker der, når vi giver mikrofonen til én af tidens mest skråsikre debattører? Det tester vi hver torsdag i 'Ta'r jeg fejl?', når forskellige debattører overtager værtsstolen i to timer og lader sig bombardere med argumenter fra uenige lyttere, eksperter, politikere og meningsdannere, der kan ringe ind. (Tager jeg fejl?)
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Tarihin gör dediği

Anadolu Ajansı

AA’nın 'Tarihin Gör Dediği' programı, tarih meraklıları için günümüz dünyası ve olaylarını tarihsel arka planını da bilerek kavramak isteyenler için geliyor. Sunucu Sefa Şengül ve daimi konuk Ahmet Gençtürk, her bölümde başka bir konu ve konukla tarihten gelip günümüzü aydınlatmaya çalışıyor.
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Tarihin Sapması

Pastime Agency

'Tarihin Sapması' sizi geçmişin en şaşırtıcı ve beklenmedik anlarına götüren bir podcast. Avrupa, Birleşik Krallık, Orta Doğu ve Asya'nın birbirine bağlı tarihlerini şekillendiren olağanüstü olayları, anlatılmamış hikayeleri ve dönüm noktası olayları keşfedin. Her bölümde, yapay zeka ürünü iki tutkulu tarihçi, insan uygarlığını tanımlayan karmaşık anlatıları ortaya çıkararak, geçmişimizin gizli hazinelerine derinlemesine dalıyor. İmparatorlukların yükselişinden ve düşüşünden, toplumları dönü ...
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Tarihin Mücevherleri

Pastime Agency

"Tarihin Mücevherleri" Avrupa, Birleşik Krallık, Orta Doğu ve Asya'nın birbirine bağlı tarihlerini şekillendiren en olağanüstü anları, anlatılmamış hikayeleri ve dönüm noktası olayları keşfeden büyüleyici bir podcast'tir. Yapay zeka tarafından oluşturulan iki tutkulu tarihçi tarafından sunulan her bölüm, geçmişimizin gizli hazinelerine derinlemesine dalarak, insan uygarlığını tanımlayan karmaşık anlatıları ortaya çıkarır. İmparatorlukların yükselişinden ve düşüşünden, toplumları dönüştüren i ...
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Tar Heel Voices

The Varsity Podcast Network

Dive deeper into the personalities, teams, and stories that embody the winning tradition of Carolina athletics. Tar Heel Voices is your home for Holding Court with Courtney Banghart, The Scott Forbes Show, Anson Dorrance's "Vision of a Champion," and more Tar Heel content.
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Teh Tarik Podcast

Kawah Buku

This is a series of podcasts brought by Kawah Buku, an independent bookstore based at Bandar Baru Bangi, Malaysia. Borrowing the symbol and meaning represented by teh tarik, we would like to invite the public to listen to our special program of Teh Tarik Podcast which will feature an informal style of discussion, interview and chit-chatting on various topics and current issues as well as selected book reviews with our invited guest.
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Easton Target Archery Podcast

Easton Technical Products

The Easton Target Archery Podcast with George Tekmitchov, international archery technical consultant, Easton product developer, and past USA World team member, and Steve Anderson, World Field Champion, USA World team member, and Hoyt Target Archery Marketing Manager. All things target archery. Questions? Easton Target Facebook.
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Atlas Aultman

SUCCESS from MASCULINITY exposed. Join former military commander, special ops communicator director, and White House military lead turned international bestselling author ATLAS AULTMAN as he collects stories, lessons, and wisdom from Hall of Famers, World Champions, and everyday men turned HEROES. Together we’ll uncover definitions of strength, grit, mindsets, and success stories from personal journeys in leadership through life as men who have weathered the storms of life while finding wins ...
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Hard Target

Benjamin Barrontine

"Hard Target," is your go-to podcast for in-depth conversations with leaders and innovators in the cyber, physical security, and threat intelligence fields. Each episode dives into pressing current events, explores emerging solutions, and offers a unique insight into the minds shaping the future of security. Tune in for expert perspectives, forward-thinking discussions, and a closer look at the dynamic landscape of modern security challenges.
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«TargetHunter Production»

Podcast TargetHunter

TargetHunter Production — команда молодых и креативных видеомейкеров. Создаем видеопроекты под любые задачи вашего бизнеса: от вирусных роликов до короткометражных фильмов. Если вы хотите, чтобы аудитория вас услышала — доверьте создание видеоконтента нам! Мы производим видео «под ключ»: - разработка и написание сценария; - кастинг актеров; - поиск локаций; - видеосъемка; - постпродакшн; Воплощайте самые смелые идеи с TargetHunter Production.
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Target USA Podcast by WTOP

WTOP | Hubbard Radio

Whether its terrorists, anarchists, cyber criminals or nation states, America has a target on its back. WTOP National Security Correspondent J.J. Green investigates the threats facing the U.S., the people behind them, the agencies fighting them and their impact on Americans.
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این برنامه به بررسی سه موضوعِ «زنان»، «آموزش و پرورش» و «صلح» می‌پردازد و ارتباط میان آن‌ها را بررسی می‌کند و تلاش می‌کند تا همراه با ذکر آمارها از منابع بین‌المللی، شرایط موجود را واکاوی کند و راه‌کارهایی برای حل آن‌ها پیشنهاد دهد. در این راه، از آثار بهائی و به‌ویژه آثار حضرت عبدالبهاء -فرزند ارشد و جانشین حضرت بهاالله- سود خواهیم برد.
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TÁR Talk

Omar Moore

For people who can't get enough of the film Tár, directed by Todd Field and starring Cate Blanchett. The first few episodes will be spoiler-free unless otherwise indicated.
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TARIK is an Ethiopian history podcast which strives to educate Ethiopians & non-Ethiopians alike in the rich, diverse, and ancient history of Ethiopia. Referencing historical and academic sources, we intend to present factual discussions about significant events, great figures, culture, linguistics, religions & much more. Our goal is to educate the next generation to take pride in the boundless history that our country has to offer.
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Targeting AI

TechTarget Editorial

Hosts Shaun Sutner, TechTarget News senior news director, and AI news writer Esther Ajao interview AI experts from the tech vendor, analyst and consultant community, academia and the arts as well as AI technology users from enterprises and advocates for data privacy and responsible use of AI. Topics are related to news events in the AI world but the episodes are intended to have a longer, more ”evergreen” run and they are in-depth and somewhat long form, aiming for 45 minutes to an hour in d ...
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Parempi tarina

Jyri Paavilainen

Parempi tarina on keskusteluohjelma ihmisille, jotka haluavat kehittää suomalaista työ- ja liike-elämää. Avainsanoja ovat muutos, murros, uusi työ, johtaminen ja inhimillisyys.
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Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Tarih Topluluğunun gerçekleştirdiği interaktif söyleşileri, podcast formatında sizlere sunmaktayız. Gelecekteki söyleşilerden haberdar olmak, canlı olarak katılmak ve sorularınızı sormak isterseniz ODTÜ Tarih Topluluğunun sosyal medya hesaplarından bizi takip edebilirsiniz.
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From the boys who brought you Saulcast, it's time for Talking Targaryen! Each week we cover House of the Dragon with TWO podcasts! There's the Instant Take which gives our immediate thoughts right after watching the episode Sunday night. Then, later in the week we'll post the Full Take which includes our full recap and analysis.
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Tarihin Afrika

RFI Hausa

Tarihin Afrika ta hanyar zamanin manyan mutanen Nahiyar. Shirin na kunshe da sautin shugabannin Afrika da suka gabata da wadanda suka yi zamani da su. Babu wanda ke iya share tarihin wata al’umma, domin duk al’ummar da ba ta da tarihi kamar duniya ce babu rayuwa. Alain Foka ne ya gabatar da shirin daga RFI sashen Faransanci a Paris wanda aka fassara zuwa Hausa.
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Your Career On Target

InterCoast Colleges

Vocational school is becoming a popular choice among graduates and others looking to pave a new career path, especially with the cost of college climbing. Furthering your education is always a great idea, so if you have your heart set on a particular occupation, check out a trade school first. You may be pleasantly surprised to find you can get your training in the trades or in healthcare faster, for a lot less money and still come out with a job.
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Ahval, podcast dizisinde bu kez tarih alanına da giriyor bundan böyle. Araştırmacı yazar Ayşe Hür, Erdoğan ve Bahçeli'nin 'Kürdistan diye bir bölge yoktur' iddialarını ele alıyor ve Anadolu'nun bin yıllık geçmişinden damıtarak toplanan bilgileri dinleyicilerle paylaşıyor.
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Umpan Tarik


UMPAN TARIK adalah podcast sepakbola Indonesia yang akan membahas semua tentang sepakbola nasional, dari Liga 1, Tim nasional, Pemain Indonesia di luar negeri sampai gosip dan skandal panas di sepakbola Indonesia. UMPAN TARIK memberikan semua yang Anda butuhkan dari sepakbola nasional!
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In an environment where tariffs flip on a dime and the global trade landscape remains a high-stakes guessing game, our webinar series is your secret weapon. Designed for seasoned import professionals who know that agility is the ultimate competitive edge, this program delivers strategic foresight and operational resilience to help you thrive when the unexpected strikes. What You’ll Discover: Our series is organized into 12 comprehensive webinars, grouped into four pivotal themes: • Supply Ch ...
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Tässä podcastissa keskustellaan tiedustelusta, Suojelupoliisin toiminnasta sekä kansallisen turvallisuuden kysymyksistä. Kolmannen kauden uusina juontajina toimivat erikoistutkijat Veli-Pekka Kivimäki ja Hannamiina Tanninen. Jaksot julkaistaan kahden viikon välein. Tervetuloa Supodiin – tarinoita, joita et muualta kuule.
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Monen suomalaisen elämän seisauttaa uutinen, joka muuttaa kaiken, ja jonka jälkeen mikään ei palaa ennalleen. Teemu ”Pastori” Potapoffin juontama Selviytyjät – Tarinoita elämästä -haastattelusarja kertoo vastoinkäymisistä, joita tavalliset suomalaiset ovat kohdanneet. Vastoinkäymisistä, jotka tuntuvat ylitsepääsemättömiltä, ja keinoista, joiden avulla elämää voi jatkaa, vaikka kaikki muuttui pysyvästi. Uusi jakso keskiviikkoisin.
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show series
Part 3 of the TVAD Tuesday Triple Header (it's Tuesday somewhere, shut up)! With The Wheel of Time season 3 dropping in mere days, we're talking about what we're looking forward to most. You're welcome. ✈️ Bring Jenny to WoTCon: https://gofund.me/739b4121 🫁 Black Market Lungs for Rich: https://gofund.me/8cc33948 🐦 Follow: https://twitter.com/tarval…
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Trump er ved at nedbryde den liberale verdensorden, og Danmark bør løsrive sig fra USA. Trumps politik skader verden både på et globalt og menneskeligt plan. Med ambitioner om at stjæle land, underminere minoriteter og bryde alliancer, der har bestået i mere end et halvt århundrede, står Trump som det værste, der kunne ske for den vestlige verden l…
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Join Carolina Women's Basketball Head Coach Courtney Banghart and Radio Play-by-Play Voice Matt Krause for this week's edition of Holding Court with Courtney Banghart, presented by the Tar Heel Team Store! On this week's show, Coach Banghart shares her gratitude for a celebration of her program's seniors over the weekend. She discusses how two shor…
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This week, I talk through the matchups for the second round of my “Most quotable movie lines” tournament, talk the Four Nations Face Off and another sorry attempt for the tush push to be banned. Vote on my polls for the tourney on Twitter/X @AlexKielar
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Our guest for this episode is Joachim Lépine, who joins us to talk about artificial intelligence (AI), and the impact it is already having – and will only continue to have – on the translation profession, and how translators can best navigate this brave new world by emphasising the value that humans bring to the translation process. Guest: Joachim …
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🕰️ Bugün 11 Mart tarihindeki önemli olayları keşfettik: 🌍 Kırım Savaşı'nın tıbbi yeniliklere etkisi, ✊ Gandhi'nin Tuz Yürüyüşü ile şiddetsiz direniş örneği, 🇹🇩 Dalai Lama'nın Tibet'ten kaçışı ve 🌟 Margaret Thatcher'ın İngiltere'nin ilk kadın başbakanı olarak göreve gelişi. Tarihin bağlantılı yapısını görerek dünyamızı şekillendiren anlara tanıklık …
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In the couple of years since the popularization of ChatGPT, generative AI technology has quickly taken hold in the legal profession. It has backfired in some cases, such as when an attorney filed a legal brief written with ChatGPT's help and the AI platform hallucinated some of the cases in the brief. That case and others have led some law firms to…
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🎙️ Bugün "Tarihin Mücevherleri" podcastinde, tarihsel dönüm noktaları ele alındı. 1191'de Akka Savaşı'nın Haçlılar üzerindeki etkisi 🏰, 1783'te Paris Antlaşması ile Amerika'nın bağımsızlığının doğuşu 🇺🇸 ve 1991'de Körfez Savaşı'ndaki koalisyon zaferleri 🌍 incelendi. İnsan hikayeleriyle dokunan bu olayların dünyamız üzerindeki derin izleri keşfedild…
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🎙️ Avrupa’da Verdun Muharebesi’nin dehşeti (1916), 🇬🇧 BBC’nin ilk haber bülteni ile medya devrimi (1933), 🗺️ Altı Gün Savaşı'nın Orta Doğu üzerindeki jeopolitik etkisi (1969). Olayların bağlantıları ve dünya tarihine etkisi. #Tarih 🚀Door Pastime Agency
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Killer plants! A murder mystery! Scheming agronomists! Ellipses…sentence fragments…and exclamation marks! EVERYWHERE! And so much new vocab! Come join Tony Whitt, Alyson Fitch-Safreed, Dalton Hughes, and special guest Matthew Kresal as they discuss Pip and Jane Baker’s TERROR OF THE VERVOIDS!!!We are a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Netw…
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🕰️ İngiliz Siyonizm politikası ve Balfour Deklarasyonu, 📻 BBC'nin yayın hayatına başlaması, 💂 Hitler'in zorunlu askerliği yeniden yürürlüğe koyması ve ✈️ Vietnam Savaşı'nın Laos'taki etkileri. Tarihin bu kritik olayları, dünyamızı yeniden şekillendirdi ve geçmişin bugüne canlı bir şekilde yansımasını sağladı. 🎙️…
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Wir haben uns auf dem MWC in Barcelona zusammengesetzt, um über neue Netze, Endgeräte und Technologien zu sprechen. Handy ohne Apps, Rennwagen & Co.: Highlights vom MWC Samsung Galaxy S25 Edge: Das "dünne" Ding gibts wirklich Nothing Phone (3a) Pro: Starke Mittelklasse mit eSIM offiziell 1&1: Noch im März 1000 aktive Basisstationen im Netz…
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Part 2 of our TVAD Tuesday Triple Header, featuring BRIAN (aka Recappa Sedai) who jumped on to chat with us about the 11 minute Wheel of Time sneak peek and dissect literally everything. You're welcome. ✈️ Bring Jenny to WoTCon: https://gofund.me/739b4121 🫁 Black Market Lungs for Rich: https://gofund.me/8cc33948 🐦 Follow: https://twitter.com/tarval…
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🕰️ 6 Mart'ı derinlemesine inceleyen podcast; Spinoza'nın 🎨 radikal felsefesinden, II. Dünya Savaşı'nın 🌍 stratejik noktalarından biri olan Bulge Muharebesi'ne ve Bangladeş bağımsızlığının 🕊️ kritik tarihine ışık tutuyor. Her olay, tarihin birbiriyle nasıl bağlantılı olduğunu vurguluyor. 🌟Door Pastime Agency
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Trump er ved at nedbryde den liberale verdensorden, og Danmark bør løsrive sig fra USA. Trumps politik skader verden både på et globalt og menneskeligt plan. Med ambitioner om at stjæle land, underminere minoriteter og bryde alliancer, der har bestået i mere end et halvt århundrede, står Trump som det værste, der kunne ske for den vestlige verden l…
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📅 5 Mart'ta, Mevlana'nın sesiyle, Churchill'in Demir Perde konuşması ve Süveyş Kanalı'nın millileştirilmesi gibi önemli olayları keşfediyoruz. 📜💫 Kültürel değişimlerin ve politik dönüşümlerin karmaşık etkileşimleri üzerine derinlemesine bir bakış. 🌍🎨Door Pastime Agency
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🕰️ Tarihin izleriyle dolu bir podcast'e hoş geldiniz! 05 Mart'ta, Londra'daki ilk uluslararası satranç turnuvası ♟️ ve Osmanlı Tanzimat reformlarının etkileri 🏛️ konuşuluyor. Kültürel değişimlerin ve Batı fikirlerinin Orta Doğu'ya yansımasına derinlemesine bir bakış 🌍. Katılım sürüyor, zengin tarihin ipuçları burada! 👑…
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This episode we’re joined by Claire Shih, of UCL’s Centre for Translation Studies, to talk about her work on what’s going on in the translator’s mind as they work, and particularly her recent research into how translators use search engines. Guest: Claire Shih Dr Claire Shih is Associate Professor in Translation and Interpreting Studies at UCL’s Ce…
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Part 1 of the Triple Header TVAD Tuesday because Jess is, you know, Jess. Please to enjoy our dicussion of Star Trek vs Star Wars and some other stuff, k byeeeeeeeeee ✈️ Bring Jenny to WoTCon: https://gofund.me/739b4121 🫁 Black Market Lungs for Rich: https://gofund.me/8cc33948 🐦 Follow: https://twitter.com/tarvalondark 🌈 Queerencia: https://queeren…
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📜 Bölümde, 4 Mart tarihinde gerçekleşen tarihin üç kritik olayı ele alınıyor: Filistin Mandası ile Orta Doğu'daki çatışmaların kökenleri 🌍, Reichstag Yangını'nın Nazi Almanyası'nın yükselişindeki rolü🔥 ve Atlantik Savaşı'nın dönüm noktaları ⚓. Her biri, tarihteki bağlantılar ve etkileriyle dikkat çeken olaylar olarak değerlendiriliyor.…
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🔥 1933 Reichstag yangını, Hitler'in gücünü pekiştirdi. 🌍 Soğuk Savaş, Sovyetlerin atom bombası testiyle hız kazandı. 🛢️ 1951'de İran petrolünü millileştirdi, jeopolitik kriz doğdu. 🇮🇳 İngiltere’nin Hindistan’dan çekilmesiyle bölgesel karmaşa başladı. Tarih zincirleme olayların gücünü gösteriyor.Door Pastime Agency
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در این بخش مختصرا درباره‌ اجتماعات و جوامع و ارتباط آن‌ها با یکدیگر صحبت می‌کنیم؛ این که چگونه یکی بر دیگری موثر است و مهم‌تر این که تصمیمات افراد در هر کدام از این فضاها چه عواقبی دارد؟Door PersianBMS
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📜 Bugün, tarihi dönüm noktalarını keşfederek Fransa'daki Organik Maddeler'in Napolyon'un gücünü pekiştirmesinden, Balfour Deklarasyonu'nun Orta Doğu'daki etkilerine, Hindistan'ın bağımsızlık isyanına kadar üç büyük olayın dünya tarihine etkisini ele aldık. 🌍✨Door Pastime Agency
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The looming 60% tariff doesn’t just raise costs—it disrupts supply chain timelines, creating chaos for importers. With no clear implementation date, planning feels impossible, leaving businesses grappling with delayed shipments, missed commitments, and mounting financial risks. In this episode, we explore practical strategies to navigate uncertaint…
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Market volatility driven by the 60% tariff demands more than reactive measures—it requires agile cash flow systems capable of adapting to rapid shifts in operations and costs. In 2025, outdated forecasting methods won’t suffice. Businesses need dynamic, real-time models that integrate evolving data from every corner of the organization. In this epi…
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Factory dynamics are shifting, and U.S. importers face rising prices and unpredictable delivery schedules. As factories gain the upper hand, it’s clear: waiting isn’t an option. Whether it’s soaring material and labor costs or maxed-out production lines prioritizing others’ orders, importers must act now to stay ahead. In this episode, we explore p…
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Tariff changes do more than raise costs—they reshape customer behavior and disrupt demand patterns, putting revenue stability at risk. From initial order surges to unpredictable drops, balancing inventory and sales strategy has never been more critical. In this episode, we explore how shifting tariffs impact buying behaviors, sales cycles, and seas…
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In 2025, customer loyalty and competitive advantage will be tested like never before, as the 60% tariff reshapes buying behaviors and pressures businesses to adapt. With rising prices, stretched lead times, and service challenges, loyalty isn’t guaranteed; it’s earned. In this episode, we explore how to adapt pricing strategies without eroding trus…
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In times of uncertainty, leadership isn’t about business as usual—it’s about making bold, calculated moves to navigate crises and unite your team. A 60% tariff on Chinese imports in 2025 isn’t just a challenge; it’s an upheaval that tests margins, disrupts operations, and risks fragmenting your organization. In this episode, we discuss how to align…
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Factory price hikes, freight surges, and new duties are squeezing profitability from every angle. The question isn’t whether these challenges will hit your bottom line—it’s how you’ll respond. In this final episode, we focus on targeted, actionable strategies to take back control. Learn how to rein in rising costs, adapt to mounting challenges, and…
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A 60% tariff doesn’t just raise costs—it puts your cash flow under immense pressure. With rising supplier payments, escalating freight charges, and stretched delivery timelines tying up capital, liquidity challenges are becoming a critical threat for importers in 2025. In this episode, we explore practical strategies to stabilize cash flow and navi…
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