show episodes
You are listening to the podcast show, hosted by Sietske de Waard, about female embodied leadership. When you are a woman on a mission, feeling a calling in your heart and soul, and you wish to create from Being, this is for you! We are speaking into so many different subjects around the energetics behind business, tantric and shamanic principles, it will be a joy for the heart of many sensitive women that have a vision for a new earth.
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Mayne-Stage staat voor: - Pak je eigen podium in jouw leven! -Ga er niet naast staan, wees geen toeschouwer of harde werker achter de coulissen, maar sta OP het podium. - Zet jezelf centraal in jouw leven. Jady-Mayne deelt hier met jou haar levenslessen die zij op doet in privé, relaties, familie, gezondheid, zelfontwikkeling en/of werk. Samen met side-kick Rodgairo (Rodez) geeft zij inspirerende tips en laat zij zien hoe ze haar leerreis aanpakt naar levensgeluk. Pak de regie in jouw leven. ...
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Truecolor Talks & Teachings

Claire van den Heuvel

Welkom bij de Truecolor Talks & Teachings Podcast. Een podcast waarin ik, Claire van den Heuvel, probeer om hoop, houvast, heling & helderheid te brengen. Dat doe ik vaak in de vorm van Truecolor TALKS (en das wat anders dan interviews! ;-)) met inspirerende & authentieke gasten of solo door mijn eigen ervaringen, inzichten & TEACHINGS te delen. Ik geloof dat de wereld een mooiere plek wordt wanneer we onze echte kleuren laten zien. Dat vraagt wel moed. Maar juist wanneer we open & kwetsbaar ...
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show series
In this episode of the Sacred Rebel Podcast, host Sietske de Waard together with Heather Rhea Dawn, a Shibari artist and healer, discuss the profound healing and transformative power of Shibari, the Japanese rope art. Heather shares her unique approach, blending her background in healing and tantra to create nurturing and safe experiences for her c…
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This episode is NOT your standard how to use IA to create content. This is a way to EXPAND by rooting deeper into your own LEADERSHIP, your own embodiment, your own power and from THAT place let AI create content for you. I'm blown away that we have found a way to make AI Tantric together haha! Welcome to a deep and mind blowing podcast on AI as a …
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This podcast is all for you when you feel like you don't fit in just one box and you would actually have multiple businesses at the same time! Listen to Eva Reida's story to hear how this came about, creating her second business and having so much more fun now this part of being a multiple business owner is alive. If you want to connect to eva and …
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'It's like you take a daily testosterone hit' When we talk about women coming from their masculine in business, feeling worn out, burnt out and lacking joy and passion in your life as you have not honored your feminine core yet. If you are someone creating 5 fig months but it's not fulfilling.... Check out this episode. If you want to master Femini…
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This is one of the most vulnerable and fragile pieces of podcast content I've published and I'm so honored to share such a deep and beautiful conversation around navigating all of the big events that life can give you.... Not only the good and the 'shiney' but also the most deep and profound losses you ever get to experience.. Cindy Stal gives us a…
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If you are interested in creating business from your creative erotic power... This is a must listen. Especially as Cara Mendez , A Soul Mastery coach and Dragon Priestress, and I into Sacred Wealth, receptivity and opening up through Erotic Alchemy, a way of alchemising your fears by using your eros. If you've ever wondered about Existential Kink, …
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If you want a whole new perspective on patterns and how you can soften into being aware of them ánd energetically shift them immediately.... This conversation is such a juicy one! Gonnie and I dive into the idea of gaining pleasure from unwanted patterns and seeing that will free you. If you love this I will definitely guide you to the existential …
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Tonja is the most incredible channel that I've come across mainly because she lives and breaths her message. If you see her you smile because she gives such a loving and joyful energy. And when we talk about wealth and money , you will get it from that exact perspective. She's even channeling a tailor made message for our episode. If you love to sc…
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How can you slow down when you have so much responsibility on your shoulders? How can you release some of the hard work mentality when your family depends on you. This conversation is especially for the moms that are both entrepreneur and also love to feel good in their bodies and adapt the tantric lifestyle. Check Vivian's work out here: https://w…
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If you are wondering how to create a sustainable money flow in the business, you CAN'T go around nervous system regulation. What is so fascinating to me is that your nervous system regulation and money flow are so connected to each other, especially when you want it to come in easeful. So if this is something you are interested in, as you are creat…
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You are soooooo welcome to join our conversation on a very juicy topic....... That is soooo important as a wealthy creative entrepreneur. Death and Rebirth in the Creative process and how you can move with it instead of forcing your will against it. As Lanie created her company to 7 figures, but not from force or draggin the business along up hill.…
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Deepen your embodiment through allowing your nervous system to guide your feminine energy to allow your creative process being finetuned to your holy fuck yes. Freeze/fawn - holy fck no Flight/ Fight - no regulation - yes Flow (micro/macro) - holy fck yes Curious? Go listen to the podcast! Flow State Bundle…
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This whole podcast will change your life..... The moment you shift the mindset work to a feminine way.... It WILL create a complete shift in actions that are your frequency more and more..... By aligning your Thoughts to your BODY, your energetic frequency... And THAT does create your life in a whole different way... And makes scaling much easier!!…
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Being more concerned with you and how your feminine energy works instead of trying to mold you into the 24/7 productivity will already create such a relief in your body. But then seeing that your feminine Cyclic nature actually holds the natural frequency of a certain structure is magic to see unfold. Start tracking your feminine cyclic nature and …
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If you want to scale through the feminine core it's really convenient to start integrating some forms of structures and goal setting that are really helping you to create an instant shift and growth in your business..... But as you might have noticed..... Rigid goals that have no energy behind them don't work so what will??? Becoming more concerned…
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In this episode we go into the co dependencies that can show up in creating your next level, that block you from creating the new body of your business. The primary focus of your mind is to create safety. If for some reason your new level is associated with unsafety you will find that you can't scale past your income level you have created until no…
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"Your desire for more isn't unethical; it's an expression of your love and vision for the world."If you are creative and sensitive like me you probably come across ethical questions like can i with a clean heart ask this for my offers or desire more and more>?? Is that ethical or not? We go into this topic that is especially good when you want to s…
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If you are wondering why you are not getting the results that you know you can, and if you need to tweak or sit this one out a little bit more, definitely listen to this episode that goes into the feminine and masculine creative power ( so the energetics behind the creative process) so you can see if there is anything you need to tweak to match the…
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The beauty of instant sales is that we go out of the idea that you have to make things work in your business ALLL by yourself.... Into the sense of hey.... wtf I FEEELLLL my people, I feel money in my field, I feel what's already there for me and I sense what life wants to give me. This podcast allows you to see how easy business and sales get to b…
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when you have an outdated business model that doesnt light you up anymore or that is capping your income, it feels like you go into a whole new venture without any experience. Having the feeling that you have to reinvent everything again will stall your progress and will make it way more difficult to find your ground in the new than is necessary. I…
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Het is 2024. Een nieuw jaar. Tenminste volgens een bepaalde afgesproken kalender. Als ik zo naar de natuur kijk dan voelt het zoveel logischer om het nog even heel rustig aan te doen, nog wat rond te scharrelen in mijn pyjama en me op een heel ander tempo voor te gaan bereiden op dat wat ik dit jaar graag zou willen creëren. Ik voel in ieder geval …
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Ook in 2023 organiseerde ik een Holy Night - een nieuwetijdse nachtmis. De derde editie alweer. Dit jaar kwamen we niet fysiek bij elkaar in een Kerk ergens in Nederland maar was het thema: "Home is where the heart is". Ik creëerde een Guidance Gift. Een Holy Tool Ceremony at home box en stuurde er een kleine 450 het land in. In deze box zaten ook …
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"In ieder conflict zit ook het zaadje van potentiële vrede". Op nieuw, of liever gezegd nog steeds, leven we in turbulente tijden. Tijden van grote transformatie. Tijden van - als je het mij vraagt - de uitnodiging & de kans om naar een hoger perspectief te shiften. Het zuigende vacuum van dualiteit, van verdeel & heers, van slachtoffer- & dadersch…
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“Ik maak me grote zorgen over jullie manier van opvoeden. Als je dit zo blijft doen, gaat het gigantisch mis”. Twee jaar was mijn tweeling. Hooguit drie. Ik weet het niet meer precies. Wel weet ik nog waar ik was, wie dit tegen me zei en vooral hoe ik me voelde. Hoe mijn hart zich samentrok en de tranen achter mijn ogen prikten. Niet van verdriet m…
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Het is eind september 2023 wanneer ik deze nieuwe aflevering opneem. De zomer ligt alweer achter ons en nu mijn twee zoons - en daarmee wij als gezin - de transitie gemaakt hebben van basis- naar middelbare school is er eindelijk weer ruimte, energie & focus voor nieuwe voeding & Clairity Creaties! Deze nieuwe aflevering heb ik (ook) opgenomen als …
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Op 07 - 07 organiseerde ik een 7.7.7 Portal Swim. Aan de zee. Waarbij de derde 7 voor het opgetelde 2023 = 7 jaar staat. En de 7 als getal voor de energie van water, van Neptunus (en dus zeemeerminnen), van intuitie en alles wat er vanuit het onbewuste bewust mag worden. In deze podcast vertel ik hoe dat was en welke Truecolor Teachings ik daar aan…
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The way we often use planning, structures and goals in business makes us feminine entrepreneurs cringe.... It sucks the life force out of you so we try doing it al on our flow. In this episode I share how you can AMPLIFY your Creative Flow by building Healthy structures. In this episode: - You start identifying where you experience no flow or less …
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This podcast reveals the dynamic of the feminine Surrender energy in business and the Leading masculine energy in business. If you desire more surrender in your business, more safety and pleasure, you can find your answers in this dynamic. Where can you lead yourself more in life and business? In this podcast we go into 3 ways to fall deeper into s…
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Guess who's back. Back again. Ja ja. Na wederom een klein gat in deze podcast frequentie zijn we weer terug van weggeweest. Na een best pittige transformatie & initiatie periode en vooral veel RUST, heb ik weer heel veel zin én niet onbelangrijk ook de energie om de Truecolor Talks weer leven in te blazen. Na een poll online met de vraag, wat zoude…
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In vervolg op mijn vorige Truecolor Talks - 63 waarin ik vertel over dat wat ik redelijk stellig gedeeld had... zoom ik in deze aflevering even wat verder uit om te kijken naar wat dat dan vervolgens weer allemaal in beweging zet. Aan gevoelens. Aan patronen. Want, delen vanuit kwetsbaarheid - de Mother Mary energie - hebben we inmiddels wel redeli…
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"De afgelopen maanden worstelde ik ENORM me te verhouden tot zo ongeveer alles wat ik om me heen zie gebeuren. Waar ik eerst nog wel een beetje mee kon blijven doen, met name work-wise, lukt het me gewoon simpelweg niet meer. En waar ik eerst dacht, hoopte: yes!! Wat een super mooie & goede ontwikkeling dat zoveel meer mensen in aanraking komen met…
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Surrender deeper requires safety. So to be able to surrender deeper you need to become comfortable with the uncomfortable. We will go into this deeper during the episode. And how the feminine energy ánd the masculine energy play a role in this. Follow Sacred Rebels Academy on instagram:…
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