Join the AgileData Podcast where we discuss how data and analytics teams can apply agile, product and patterns to change the way they work.
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From the creators and host of the award-winning The Agile Brand with Greg Kihlström podcast, comes B2B Agility™, a podcast focused on how B2B marketers and the brands they represent become category leaders and drive optimal results for the business and their customers. The show looks at B2B success in a variety of ways, all with a focus on the intersection of sales, marketing & technology. Guests will represent brands, consultancies, and platforms that enable B2B marketers to do their best work.
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Stay curious. Stay agile. Marketing technology, AI, and CX insights from top brands and martech platforms fill every episode, focusing on what leaders need to know to build customer lifetime value and long-term business value. The Agile Brand with Greg Kihlström® features executives and thought leaders from top brands and platforms discussing the trends driving the industry forward, like first-party data strategies, artificial intelligence, consumer data privacy, omnichannel customer experie ...
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Jak pracować zwinnie i jak robić to porządnie
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O maior podcast sobre agilismo do Brasil! Todas as segundas e quintas, novas conversas sobre tecnologia, cases, comportamento, carreira e mais uma série de temas relativos ao mundo dos negócios. E sempre pelo prisma do agilismo, é claro!
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Unlocking Agile Wisdom: Insights from Decades of Experience. Scott Bain is a 44+ year veteran of systems development.
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Podcast da Comunidade Ágil
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Podcast dedykowany tematyce związanej ze zwinnym podejściem do zarządzania i pracy na codzień. Poruszane tematy dotyczą najpopularniejszych metod pracy w Agile, takich jak Scrum czy Kanban, a także szerokopojętemu zarządzaniu, przywództwu i efektywności. Głosy które usłyszysz to Patrycja i Basia z Agile Hunters.
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The North West's number one Agile podcast
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W "Pogadajmy o Agile" chcemy zadawać pytania na które odpowiedź nie jest prosta ani jednoznaczna, poruszać tematy ważne, drażliwe i zmuszające osoby praktykujące Agile do przemyśleń. Zapraszamy do słuchania. Chcesz się z nami skontaktować? * * Email: [email protected] * LinkedIn: * Facebook:
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Welcome to the AgilEmpath Podcast, where we explore empathetic, agile methodologies to enhance team building in creative ways. With a foundation in mental health counseling, we bring a deep understanding of human behavior to help you lead more effectively. Are you coaching a team and need support in teaching soft skills? We provide tools to manage conflict and stress, boost productivity, and improve engagement—both at work and home—through emotional intelligence.
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En pod om agility. Av Fanny Gott & Amanda Dahlberg
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Convertimos proyectos en resultados concretos. Haz clic en el enlace abajo para más info. 👇 Website:
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In the time it takes to receive a Starbucks coffee, Lancer Kind covers how to use Agile software development techniques to consistently release software with zero defects, and how to guide teams and organizations through changes necessary to do Continuous Delivery. 康美国帮助您将软件开发技能或开发人员的管理技巧提升到新的高度,并提供一些有见地见解的建议。
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Troubleshooting Agile is a problem-solving session for agile teams. Jeffrey Fredrick and Douglas Squirrel look at common problems agile teams face and provide practical, immediately useful advice for getting back on track.
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The Agile Mentors podcast is for agilists of all levels. Whether you’re new to agile and Scrum or have years of experience, listen in to find answers to your questions and new ways to succeed with agile.
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Providing agile insights into human values and behaviors through genuine connections.
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Comme coachs agiles, nous sommes entourés de talents incroyables sur l’agilité et il est grand temps qu’on se dote d’un podcast et partager avec vous cette mine d’or de connaissances. Bonne écoute!
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Dan Vacanti and Prateek Singh drink whisk(e)y and discuss various facets of agile software development. From scotch to bourbon and from metrics to human behaviour, we cover it all.
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Podcast about expanding your Agile journey
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"Treffen sich ein systemischer Organisationsentwickler und ein SCRUM-Master..." Kein Witz, sondern das Konzept dieses Podcasts. Denn Martin und Florian sind überzeugt, dass die Kombination systemischer und agiler Ansätze die Antwort auf viele Herausforderungen unserer (Arbeits-)Welt sein können. Sie sprechen über systemische Organisationsentwicklung, agile Arbeit und Führung, Change Management und viele andere Themen, die damit zusammenhängen. Immer Blick: Die Anwendung in der Praxis. Die Ga ...
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Learn how to get your embedded device to market faster AND with higher quality. Join Luca Ingianni and Jeff Gable as they discuss how agile methodologies apply to embedded systems development, with a particular focus on safety-critical industries such as medical devices.
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Dog agility training tips and discussions. We often interview agility instructors and competitors as well.
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Welcome to the Agile Matrix Podcast! Explore Agile methodologies, frameworks, and strategies driving innovation in today's business landscape. Join discussions, interviews, and insights from seasoned Agile practitioners. From Scrum to Kanban, Lean, and more, optimize team collaboration and project delivery. Subscribe now for Agile excellence!
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Dog agility podcast brought to you by Go-Get-’Em Agility. Topics and discussion about various dog agility topics. #dogagility #agilitypodcast
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We are the Business Agility Podcast Broadcasting from Montreal where we talk all things Agile you won’t hear elsewhere! Join your host, Coach AF last Friday each Month, with or without guests and Dare real agile with Next Level Agility, Above and Beyond. On Air Since 2020. We Dare Because We Care! Agile Lounge® AF J Solutions Inc ©2023
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O primeiro HUB de AGILIDADE aberta no mundo! Agilidade como habilidade pessoal, profissional, empresarial e empreendedora para você resultar melhor e prosperar mais! Seja #ProtagonistaÁgil e tenha o sucesso que merece! Um HUB de conexões poderosas, compartilhamento de conhecimento e negócios! Site YouTube Instagram LinkedIn Twitter https:/ ...
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Agile Ideas. Agility in thought. Agility in action. Where amazing things happen. Helping you think outside the box.
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Du gehörst zu den Menschen, die immer wieder von Agilität lesen, sich darunter aber nicht besonders viel vorstellen können? Du bist neugierig, wie Agilität auch für Non-Techies relevant sein kann? Du möchtest praktische Einblicke erhalten, wie Du Agilität in Deinem Unternehmen oder in Deinem täglichen Leben anwenden kannst? Dann haben wir von QualityMinds genau den richtigen Podcast für Dich! Bei „I Want Change“ tauchen wir in jeder Episode weiter in das Thema Agilität ein und erklären, woru ...
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Agile and Project Management - DrunkenPM Radio
Dave Prior, Agile Trainer, Consultant and Project Manager
A podcast about Agile and Project Management
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Mein Scrum ist kaputt | Agilität, Scrum, Kanban und mehr
Dominik Ehrenberg; Ina Einemann; Sebastian Bauer
Der deutsche Podcast für alle Agil-Interessierten rund um Scrum, Kanban, XP und anderen agilen Methoden
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Advice. Firsthand experiences. Inspiring conversations. Fresh perspectives. You’ll find it all on the SAFe Business Agility podcast—your connection to all things SAFe, and a lot more.
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The Agile Wire with Jeff Bubolz and Chad Beier is focused on long-form conversations about the struggles associated with increasing agility of teams, products, and organizations around the world. As change agents, advisors, coaches, and trainers the hosts are focused on helping listeners get agile and stay agile.
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Le balado pour les agilistes qui souhaitent bonifier leurs pratiques.
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Podcast by AgileNEXT
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Dan Suciu și Bogdan Mureșan, practicanți Agile de mai bine de 15 ani și cu o experiență variată în training, consultanță și coaching Agile, dezbat diverse teme legate de agilitate într-o manieră relaxată și informală. Vor avea alături de ei persoane cu experiență în instruire, consultanță, coaching sau transformări Agile. Dan Suciu este lector la Facultatea de Matematică și Informatică a Universității Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca și partener la Colors in Projects, companie de training și con ...
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The is the Agile Uprising Podcast. Agile Uprising is a purpose-built network that focuses on the advancement of the agile mindset and global professional networking between leading agilists. We will remain agnostic of certifying bodies and focus purely on the advancement of the agile craft. Our network will evolve over time, and at the core our online community will remain free to join - forever. We will leverage both traditional and emerging communication and collaboration channels to explo ...
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Du möchtest agile Transformationen erfolgreich gestalten und nachhaltig im Unternehmen verankern? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! In der Agile Transformation Toolbox gibt Marc Löffler, erfahrener Agile Coach, Keynote-Speaker und Autor, praktische Tipps, um die Herausforderungen agiler Transformationen zu meistern. Der Podcast beleuchtet die wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren: von der richtigen Auftragsklärung über psychologische Sicherheit bis hin zu maßgeschneiderten Ansätzen für Teams und Organi ...
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Podcast by AgileThought Marketing
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We're arguing about agile so that you don't have to! We seek to better prepare you to deal with real-life challenges by presenting both sides of the real arguments you will encounter in your professional career. On this podcast, working professionals explore topics and learnings from their experiences and share the stories of Agilists at all stages of their careers. We seek to do so while maintaining an unbiased position from any financial interest.
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The Women in Agile podcast is a platform to champion new voices in the business world, because we believe everyone is better off when more, diverse ideas are shared.
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Do you need help with your Agile adoption? Or would you like to share what worked or didn’t as you were doing an adoption in your own company? If so, we invite you to participate in the Agile Coaching Network. The ACN is recorded monthly at our live event. If you want to join that event, please visit Help support the show by becoming an ACN member today!
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Welcome to The Agile Localization Podcast by Crowdin, the go-to resource for professionals managing multilingual content in fast-paced tech environments. In each episode, we dive deep into localization strategies, cutting-edge solutions, and real-world case studies. Whether you're a Localization Manager, Product Manager, or simply navigating the complexities of managing ever-evolving digital products, you'll find practical insights and actionable strategies to streamline your workflows and k ...
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El juego del líder, un lugar para hablar de liderazgo, gamificación, agilidad y habilidades blandas
Rodrigo Borgia
Charlas, notas, comentarios, casos, personajes, ideas. Todo acerca del juego que como líderes, tenemos que ganar. Algo de liderazgo, algo de agilidad, algo de habilidades blandas, algo de gamification - al alcance de tu oído! Si gustas compartir en grupo, sumate a o juntémonos un momento a explorar en
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Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast: Agile storytelling from the trenches
Vasco Duarte, Agile Coach, Certified Scrum Master, Certified Product Owner
Every week day, Certified Scrum Master, Agile Coach and Business Consultant Vasco Duarte interviews Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches from all over the world to get you actionable advice, new tips and tricks, improve your craft as a Scrum Master with daily doses of inspiring conversations with Scrum Masters from the all over the world. Stay tuned for BONUS episodes when we interview Agile gurus and other thought leaders in the business space to bring you the Agile Business perspective you need ...
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Software Testing - Qualität, Testautomatisierung & Agilität
Richard Seidl - Experte für Software-Entwicklung und Testautomatisierung
Software-Qualität ist heute wichtiger denn je! - Welche Tests sind sinnvoll und ausreichend? - Wann lohnt sich der Einsatz von Testautomatisierung? - Wie sehen gute Integrationstests aus? - Alles zu testen ist nicht möglich: Wie viel Qualität ist genug? Fragen, die in der Software-Entwicklung relevant sind – Entwicklungsprojekte werden immer komplexer. Vernetzung, künstliche Intelligenz und Machine Learning fordern die klassischen Software-Test-Methoden heraus. Anwender haben zudem immer grö ...
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Episódio #148 - Controle Individual nas Equipes Ajuda ou Atrapalha na Condução de um Processo Ágil com Alex Salino
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23:30Com muita alegria, o nosso Podcast recebe o Alex Salino, CEO da Cadmus Soluções em TI, Liga Ágil e beefor, para falar sobre o quão bem ou mal faz o controle individualizado num time ágil. Vale muito escutar o Alex. Mas e você, o que você acha? Ou como funciona na sua empresa? Conta pra nós! - Linkedin do Alex Salino:…
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Verantwortung und Verantwortlichkeit
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36:19Martin und Florian sprechen in dieser Folge über Verantwortung und Verantwortlichkeit sowie die Probleme der unsauberen Trennung beider Begriffe. Verwendete Literatur: Niklas Luhmann (1964): Funktionen und Folgen formaler Organisation Ferederic Laloux (2015): Reinventing Organizations: Ein Leitfaden zur Gestaltung sinnstiftender Formen der Zusammen…
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#FuturoAgilDoTrabalho E397 O que você faz hoje define seu amanhã
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48:33Conversa com a Marina Viana que é CEO | Executive Director | General Manager | USD 300M+ P&L | Healthcare, Rail, Oil & Gas expertise | Passionate leader 👉 Para mais conteúdos como este me siga no Instagram: @portomario 🆓 Outros vídeos sobre conhecimento do agora e as habilidades do futuro: 🎧 Acesse o podcast aqui: https://spo…
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El error #1 que te impide avanzar en tu negocio. #169
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13:37¿Sientes que trabajas mucho pero no ves resultados en tu negocio? En este episodio, te revelo el error #1 que impide que muchos emprendedores avancen y cómo solucionarlo de inmediato. Descubre cómo priorizar las acciones de mayor impacto, evitar la trampa de la 'falsa productividad' y acelerar el crecimiento de tu negocio con estrategias prácticas.…
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Thomas Perry’s THE LITTLE BOOK OF IMPEDIMENTS: Tom’s bio: Tom on LinkedIn: The post 295 Book Publishing, Art and Business first appeared on Agile Noir.Door Lancer Kind
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BONUS Transforming Conflict into Opportunity, Leadership Lessons for Agile Teams | Eagan Rackley
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41:59Global Agile Summit Preview: Transforming Conflict into Opportunity, Leadership Lessons for Agile Teams with Eagan Rackley In this BONUS Global Agile Summit preview episode, we sit down with Eagan Rackley, the track host for the developer track at the Global Agile Summit. With over 24 years of experience spanning game development, enterprise archit…
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Este conteúdo é um trecho do nosso episódio: “#290 - Quod: O desafio de transformar volume de dados em proteção”. Nele, Danilo Coelho, Diretor Executivo de Produtos e Dados na Quod, revela como a agilidade e uma cultura de segurança são cruciais para se adaptar à rápida evolução das ameaças e proteger seus clientes. Ficou curioso? Então, dê o play!…
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361: Last-Minute AKC NAC Prep
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50:09In this episode (50:08) The AKC National Agility Championship is finally here! Whether you’re a seasoned competitor or attending your first NAC, this episode is packed with last-minute insights to help you stay focused, execute with confidence, and get the most out of your experience. We’ll discuss mindset, strategy for making the Finals or Challen…
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Finding Balance with Mark Metze
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11:01Have you ever felt like you're constantly over-correcting? Maybe one day you're doing too much for your team, becoming the bottleneck rather than the enabler. The next, you swing too far toward directing rather than guiding. I visualize this struggle as an old-fashioned gold scale—add a little too much weight to either side, and the whole thing cra…
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Ganar-ganar vs. Ganar-perder: ¿Cuál es la diferencia?
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¿Sabías que no todas las negociaciones son iguales? Descubrí dos enfoques clave para negociar con éxito.
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#JornadaÁgil EP1493 T&D Ágil: Agilidade no Design da Aprendizagem QUA 12.03.25 07h31
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1:00:03📢✨ Transformação na Aprendizagem: Agilidade no Design de Treinamento e Desenvolvimento! 🚀🎓 🚀 Quarta-feira, 12.03.25, às 07h31 (horário de Brasília), o #RHÁgil traz um episódio especial em parceria com a ABTD (Associação Brasileira de Treinamento e Desenvolvimento) e o Universo Ágil, abordando Agilidade no Design de Aprendizagem! 🎙 Convidados Especi…
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BONUS Escaping the Agile Doom Loop With Pete Oliver-Krueger and "Agile Mike" Dougherty
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32:50Global Agile Summit Preview: How to Escape the Agile Doom Loop with Pete Oliver-Krueger and "Agile Mike" Dougherty In this BONUS Global Agile Summit preview episode, we explore the concept of the "Agile Doom Loop" with Pete Oliver-Krueger and Michael "Agile Mike" Dougherty, co-authors of "Shift: From Product to People." They share insights on recog…
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AA204 - Domain Expertise vs. PM Skills: Product Management Showdown
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44:27Is it better to hire someone with deep domain expertise and teach them product management, or to bring in an experienced PM who can learn the domain? Today, we're debating the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches across critical areas like business impact, product discovery, stakeholder management, and leadership!Listen (or watch) as Product…
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How Agile Coaches Can Prove Their Value: Nicolas Brown
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45:11Welcome to the Everyday Agile Podcast. Nicolas Brown is this week's guest. Nick is an experienced Business Agility Coach working within both public and private sectors as well as internal/client facing engagements. Nick is dedicated to helping teams and individuals adopt Agile ways of working by inviting leadership, teams and individuals to think a…
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#137: Stop Wasting Time with Guests Kate Megaw
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36:08In this episode, Kate Megaw joins Brian Milner to share simple but powerful techniques that can turn those soul-sucking meetings into dynamic, action-driven conversations. If you're ready to make meetings worth attending, this one’s for you! Overview Brian Milner and Kate Megaw uncover the secrets to running highly effective and engaging meetings. …
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Właścicielstwo produktowe – w Biznesie czy w IT?
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42:31Gdzie powinno znajdować się właścicielstwo produktowe w organizacji? W IT? W biznesie? A może to temat, który wymaga zupełnie innego podejścia? Poznaj różne modele umiejscowienia odpowiedzialności za produkt i analizę ich wpływu na współpracę zespołów, podejmowanie decyzji i skuteczność wdrażania strategii. Sprawdź, w którym miejscu na osi znajduje…
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137. Om att stämpla sig själv eller hunden
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52:44Amanda och Fanny samtalar om hur lätt det är att sätta en stämpel på sig själv eller hunden, och välja sanningar som kanske inte är sanna. Är hunden verkligen långsam, omöjlig att belöna med leksak, helt galen, eller dålig på att lyssna? Eller har vi valt en sanning som begränsar vår utveckling?
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#649: How to look at ROAS with Mitsu Kikuchi and Rocco Baldasarre of Shirofune
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20:12We are here at eTail Palm Springs and seeing and hearing the latest and greatest in e-commerce and retail. In digital advertising, are we chasing the wrong metrics? While short-term ROAS might look impressive, are we missing the bigger picture—whether those customers actually return? What happens when we shift our focus to Lifetime ROAS instead? To…
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Guilds and Adverse Possession
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11:50Should you start a Guild?In this episode, Squirrel and Jeffrey discuss examples of adverse possession, including listener Marcel-Jan’s experience of starting a Python guild within his team, and how you can take similar proactive steps to help build a more engaging and dynamic community of practice.Links:Co-conspirators episode: https://soundcloud.c…
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Episode 102 -Planning Without Controlling WIP
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15:57Ever planned a sprint using sub-tasks? Dan and Prateek discuss how this is an anti-pattern that seems to show up often on Scrum teams. The latest episode of Drunk Agile also discusses this problem at Scale.Door Dan Vacanti & Prateek Singh
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“Transformation is not big bang.” In this episode, SPCT Saahil Panikar shares his tips—from both a human- and value-delivery perspective—to achieve a successful Agile transformation. Like what you hear? Connect with Saahil on LinkedIn. Explore SAFe courses here.Door Scaled Agile, inc.
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BONUS Unifying Strategy, Discovery, and Delivery in Product Development | Roman Pichler
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38:05Global Agile Summit Preview: Unifying Strategy, Discovery, and Delivery in Product Development With Roman Pichler In this BONUS Global Agile Summit preview episode, we explore a crucial topic that's shaping how we approach product development—sometimes in ways that serve us well and sometimes in ways that hold us back. There's a growing trend in ou…
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#JornadaÁgil EP1492 Eficiência de Times com I.A. Inteligência Artificial TER 11.03.25 07h31
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1:01:49📢✨ IA e Eficiência: Como a Inteligência Artificial Impulsiona Times Ágeis? 🚀🤖🌍 🚀 Terça-feira, 11.03.25, às 07h31 (horário de Brasília), o #PráticasÁgeis traz um episódio imperdível sobre como a Inteligência Artificial pode aumentar a eficiência das equipes e potencializar resultados em projetos ágeis! 🎙 Convidados Especiais: 🏆 Bruno Troni – Enterpr…
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Este conteúdo é um trecho do nosso episódio: “#290 - Quod: O desafio de transformar volume de dados em proteção”. Nele, Danilo Coelho, Diretor Executivo de Produtos e Dados na Quod, fala do dilema ético dos falsos positivos na prevenção de fraudes com IA e como a regulamentação da inteligência artificial impacta a proteção dos consumidores e o uso …
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Steigerung der Qualität im SAFe-Umfeld - Andreas Neumeister
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23:45Software-Test in großen Organisationen Tipp! Kostenloses Webinar: So gelingt Qualitätsverbesserung von Software wirklich! - 11. März 11 Uhr Infos unter “Wenn ein Epic, ein Feature oder eine Story innerhalb von zehn Minuten nicht so erklärt werden kann, dass man in fünf Minuten alle kritischen Fragen klärt, dann geht das Ganze…
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#39: Payment innovation for SMBs with Brian Goudie, Aurora Payments
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28:20As small and medium-sized businesses navigate economic uncertainty, here’s a question to consider: Are your payment systems an asset that drives growth, or are they just another expense? Today, we’re joined by Brian Goudie, CEO of Aurora Payments. With nearly 30 years in the payments industry, Brian has guided Aurora to serve over 27,000 merchants,…
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Is Your Team Operating At Its' Full Potential? w/ Brett Harned & Greg Storey from Same Team Partners
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54:34In this conversation, Dave Prior, Brett Harned, and Greg Storey discuss the importance of creating a humane workspace through effective communication and collaboration. They share their backgrounds, the founding of Same Team Partners, and the significance of addressing communication issues within teams. The discussion highlights the need for leader…
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En negociación, la paciencia es más que una virtud; es una estrategia. Muchos negociadores pierden grandes oportunidades porque quieren cerrar rápido. Tomate tu tiempo, no tengas miedo de pausar y pensar. A veces, el silencio puede ser tu mejor aliado. Recordá, la paciencia puede revelar las verdaderas intenciones y presiones de la otra parte, dánd…
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BONUS Measure and Visualize Software Improvement for Actionable Results | Mooly Beeri
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43:20Global Agile Summit Preview: How to Measure and Visualize Software Improvement for Actionable Results with Mooly Beeri In this BONUS Global Agile Summit preview episode, we explore how to effectively measure and visualize the continuous improvement journey in technology organizations. Mooly Beeri shares his data-driven approach that helps software …
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This week I will tackle the four point of the Agile Manifesto, with an eye toward my conclusion podcast next week.Door Scott L. Bain
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The Art of Slicing Work, with Anton Skornyakov
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53:57In today’s episode, we enjoyed talking with another cool guest, Anton Skornyakov. Anton is a known consultant in the Agile world and the author of the book “The Art of Slicing Work”. Our conversation was packed with insightful and practical analogies that make complex Agile concepts easy to grasp. We talked about how organizing a dinner for friends…
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#JornadaÁgil EP1491 Transição ou Evolução de Carreira? Desmistifique Recomeços! SEG 10.03.24 07h31
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1:00:18📢✨ Transição e Evolução de Carreira: Como Agilizar Seus Novos Recomeços! 🚀💡🌍 🚀 Segunda-feira, 10.03.25, às 07h31 (horário de Brasília), o #EvoluçãoÁgil traz um episódio essencial sobre mudanças de carreira, desafios da transição e como recomeçar com propósito e agilidade! 🎙 Convidadas Especiais: 🏆 Professora Cris Torres – Líder de Agilidade, Scrum …
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S1 E040: Unleashing the Power of Cross-Functional Teams
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15:44What do you think about today's podcast? In this episode of the Agile Machines podcast, host Temi discusses the significance of cross-functional teams in Scrum and agile methodologies. Temi contrasts cross-functional teams with silo teams, highlighting the inefficiencies of siloed structures and the benefits of collaboration within cross-functional…
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#290 - Quod: O desafio de transformar volume de dados em proteção
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40:27Sua empresa está tratando dados como um ativo estratégico ou apenas acumulando informações sem valor? Neste episódio, recebemos Danilo Coelho, Diretor Executivo de Produtos e Dados na Quod. Ele explica como a centralização e o tratamento adequado dos dados podem transformar grandes volumes em soluções e decisões seguras, além de destacar a importân…
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#648: Breaking down silos between paid and organic search with Matt Shenton, Croud
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22:32We are here at eTail Palm Springs and seeing and hearing the latest and greatest in e-commerce and retail. Retailers are constantly shifting budgets between paid search and SEO—but are they missing opportunities by treating them as separate silos? In 2025, with search evolving faster than ever, the real question isn’t "which channel is better?"—it’…
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Negociar no es solo sobre cerrar un trato, sino sobre construir una relación que dure. Cuando negociás pensando en el largo plazo, no solo buscás el beneficio inmediato, sino que creás una base de confianza y respeto que puede traer muchos más beneficios en el futuro. Mi consejo es simple: tratá cada negociación como el comienzo de una relación a l…
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Odcinek 40: Czy płeć w Agile ma znaczenie?
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35:45Z okazji Dnia Kobiet nie tylko składamy najlepsze życzenia wszystkim Paniom, ale także chcemy włączyć się w dyskusję o równości w świecie Agile i ogólniej IT. Na wstępie odpowiadamy na tytułowe pytanie: Nie, płeć w Agile nie powinna mieć znaczenia. Jednak rzeczywistość pokazuje, że istnieją wyraźne różnice w liczbie osób różnych płci w zespołach or…
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#JornadaÁgil EP1490 Autonomia ou Autossabotagem: Onde Fica a Confiança? DOM 09.03.25 07h31
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1:03:11📢✨ Confiança, Autonomia e o Impacto da Autosabotagem! 🚀💡🌍 🚀 Domingo, 09.03.25, às 07h31 (horário de Brasília), o #EvoluçãoÁgil traz um debate essencial sobre como a confiança e a autonomia impactam a evolução pessoal e profissional e como identificar e superar a autosabotagem! 🎙 Convidados Especiais: 🏆 Andre ÁGIL Sanches 👉 Instagram | LinkedIn 🏆 Le…
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Joshua 1-24 The land promised to the Israelites in the Bible, specifically in the Book of Joshua, roughly corresponds to a region that spans several modern-day countries in the Middle East. In the Book of Joshua, this "Promised Land" includes the area from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea and extends from Lebanon in the north to the Sinai …
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¿Sabías que hacer las preguntas correctas puede cambiar completamente el curso de una negociación?
¿Sabías que hacer las preguntas correctas puede cambiar completamente el curso de una negociación? No te limites a responder; pregunta activamente para descubrir realmente qué es lo que la otra parte valora. Por ejemplo, pregunta '¿Qué es lo más importante para vos en este acuerdo?' Esto te puede abrir puertas a soluciones que beneficien a ambos. R…
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BONUS The Power of Handwritten Letters for Leaders | Amy Daughters
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36:31BONUS: The Power of Handwritten Letters for Leaders With Amy Daughters In this BONUS episode, we explore the transformative power of handwritten letters with author Amy Daughters. In her book, Dear Dana, Amy shares her remarkable journey of reconnecting with hundreds of people through the lost art of letter writing and reveals how leaders can use t…
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#JornadaÁgil EP1489 Fale Menos, Venda Mais - Foco, Relevância, Empatia em Vendas SAB 08.03.25 07h31
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1:00:55📢✨ Comunicação e Empatia em Vendas! 🚀🗣️🤝 🚀 Sábado, 08.03.25, às 07h31 (horário de Brasília), o #VendasÁgeis traz um bate-papo fundamental sobre como a comunicação eficaz e a empatia podem transformar a experiência do cliente e potencializar resultados em vendas! 🎙 Convidados Especiais: 🏆 Pedro Cardoso 👉 Instagram | LinkedIn 🏆 Liana Lopes 👉 Instagra…
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#AgileWomen EP26 Ikigai: Segredo para Carreiras com Propósito SEX 07.03.25 18h01
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59:53📢✨ IKIGAI e Carreira com Propósito! 🚀💡🌍 🚀 Sexta-feira, 07.03.25, às 18h01 (horário de Brasília), o #AgileWomen traz um bate-papo poderoso sobre como encontrar seu propósito e alinhar sua carreira ao IKIGAI! 🎙 Convidadas Especiais: 🏆 Liana Lopes 👉 Instagram | LinkedIn 🏆 Gisele Batista 👉 Instagram | LinkedIn 🔗 Não perca! 🎟 Inscrições, Certificado de …
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¿Querés saber el secreto de los negociadores más efectivos? La preparación. Antes de entrar a cualquier negociación, investigá todo lo que puedas sobre la otra parte. Conocer sus intereses, necesidades y puntos débiles te dará una ventaja significativa. Recordá, en la negociación, la información es poder. ¡Preparate para triunfar! #Negociación #cap…
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Helping PO’s Move Beyond User Story Templates to True Customer Understanding | Anuj Ojha
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19:00Anuj Ojha: Helping PO’s Move Beyond User Story Templates to True Customer Understanding Read the full Show Notes and search through the world's largest audio library on Agile and Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: The Great Product Owner: The Vision Setter Who Empowers Teams In this segment, An…
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#JornadaÁgil EP1488 Engajamento de Stakeholders em Projetos Ágeis SEX 07.03.25 07h31
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59:48📢✨ Engajamento de Stakeholders em Projetos Ágeis 🚀👥 🚀 Sexta-feira, 07.03.25, às 07h31 (horário de Brasília), o #JornalÁgil traz um bate-papo essencial sobre como envolver e alinhar stakeholders em projetos ágeis, garantindo colaboração e sucesso nas entregas! 🎙 Convidados Especiais: 🏆 Liana Lopes 👉 Especialista em Agilidade Organizacional | Instagr…
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Von Cypress zu Playwright - Maciej Wyrodek
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42:25Tool-Auswahl im Hackathon-Style Tipp! Kostenloses Webinar: So gelingt Qualitätsverbesserung von Software wirklich! - 11. März 11 Uhr Infos unter “The transition wasn’t as easy as we thought. Even after all the research, surprises kept coming—like differences in how session management works between Cypress and Playwright.” - M…
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#647: Achieving retail media success with Ben Dutter, Power Digital
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24:40We are here at eTail Palm Springs and seeing and hearing the latest and greatest in e-commerce and retail. Retail media plays a critical role, but are advertisers wasting money without realizing it? Many brands are spending big on retail media ads—but how many of those customers would have bought the product anyway? Today, I’m joined by Ben Dutter,…
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#FuturoAgilDoTrabalho E396 O que esperar da agenda de diversidade e inclusão?
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45:55O que esperar da agenda de diversidade e inclusão?Conversa com a Vetusa Pereira que é Gerente de diversidade, equidade e inclusão na The HEINEKEN Company 👉 Para mais conteúdos como este me siga no Instagram: @portomario 🆓 Outros vídeos sobre conhecimento do agora e as habilidades do futuro: 🎧 Acesse o podcast aqui: https://sp…
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