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V Dobrém tátovi pomáhám všem tátům, kteří chtějí více a lépe pečovat o své děti. Stejně tak pomáhám všem firmám nacházet řešení, jak podporovat rodiče a nepřijít o perspektivní zaměstnance. Poslechněte si, jak přemýšlím o tématech, která sami řešíte. Zjistíte, jaké mám zkušenosti a jak doporučuji řešit různé situace. Je to nejlepší cesta, jak mě můžete blíže poznat.
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CHTNKA | «Читанка»

CHTNKA | «Читанка»

CHTNKA (до квітня 2019-го — NCW) — про головні теми тижня у сфері стартапів, підприємництва та суспільства в Україні та світі Підтримати гривнею: bit.ly/5bksdonate
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Подкаст Александра Валюнина, C.Ht

Подкаст Александра Валюнина, C.Ht

Подкаст о саморазвитии, возможностях сознания и гипнозе. Александр Валюнин – сертифицированный гипнотерапевт международных ассоциаций, автор семинаров и тренингов.
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Sharon Dill has been studying The Law of Attraction and Manifesting for her entire life. Even as a child she was fascinated about how she could ”Make Things Happen”. When she qualified as a professional hypnotist, she manifested her full-time practice, switching from a highly paid corporate job, to being a full-time hypnotist in just a few weeks. In the first month of her new practice, she equaled her corporate salary; within 5 months she tripled her corporate salary!! Since then, she has be ...
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Kelly Lee Bennett works with clients internationally who are ready to Ignite! She knows how to help you Ignite your life, your team, or your entire organization. Kelly is an ICF Master Certified Coach, Executive Coach, Business Coach, Mentor Coach, Equus Coach, Hypnotherapist, NLP, Personal Trainer, Functional Nutritionist, Image Consultant, Speaker, Author, Seminar Leader. Feel the sparks land on you and allow yourself to catch fire as you listen to Kelly and her guests share deep wisdom, i ...
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Here's The Thing...Lauren Cardinale, CMS-CHt, FIBH, CPC

Lauren Cardinale, CMS-CHt, FIBH, CPC

If you are looking to make positive changes in your life, learn to reduce stress, move forward towards success and happiness, or gain a new perspective on life - you don’t want to miss this show. I’m a Board Certified Hypnotherapist and Certified Life Coach, and we’ll be talking about what’s important to you. How do I know- for one hour I’ll be taking calls, providing coaching, answering questions and tackling your problems. This is about YOU. It’s an hour of talk you don’t want to miss.
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show series
Website: https://chthonia.net Patreon: https://patreon.com/c/chthonia Merch: https://chthoniapodcast.creator-spring.com/ School: https://instituteforfemininemyth.org This week's podcast looks at Enodia, a Thessalian goddess who has attributes of Hecate, Persephone, and Artemis, whose name means "of the street" or "in the road". Part of the dodekath…
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Tomáš Šebek o sobě říká, že není dobrý táta. A nejen, že to říká, ale i to o sobě napsal v jeho poslední knize Objektivní nález. I právě proto bylo naše povídání velmi otevřené, upřímné a inspirativní. Mluvili jsme o jeho těžkém dětství, o tom, jak ho formovalo ve výchově dětí, a jak se jeho rodičovství proměnilo – od prvního dítěte před 27 lety až…
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Website: https://chthonia.net Patreon: https://patreon.com/c/chthonia Merch: https://chthoniapodcast.creator-spring.com/ School: https://instituteforfemininemyth.org This week's podcast looks at Nemesis, a daimon goddess said to come from Nyx (Night) alone by Hesiod, and associated with the distribution of fairness as well as envy and revenge. We l…
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Website: https://chthonia.net Patreon: https://patreon.com/chthonia Merch: https://chthoniapodcast.creator-spring.com/ School: https://instituteforfemininemyth.org This week's podcast takes a deep dive into the figure of Lua, sometimes called Lua Mater, other times called Lua Saturni. Victorious Roman soldiers sacrificed the weapons of their conque…
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Jiří Studnička je u dopravních nehod častěji než jiní záchráři. Proč? Protože je kameramanem a dokumentaristou u Hasičského záchranného sboru a natáčí mnoho dopravních nehod. Není to ale jeho záliba. Touto cestou pomáhá nám všem, abychom předcházeli dopravním nehodám. Je spoluautorem pořadů Ty to zvládneš nebo První u nehody. Poslechněte si tento i…
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Website: https://chthonia.net Patreon: https://patreon.com/chthonia Merch: https://chthoniapodcast.creator-spring.com/ School: https://instituteforfemininemyth.org Here is the re-edited Medusa episode; the original episode was very quiet, so hopefully the amplifications do not end up being too loud! This episode looks at the stories of the Gorgon, …
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Website: https://chthonia.net Patreon: https://patreon.com/chthonia Merch: https://chthoniapodcast.creator-spring.com/ School: https://instituteforfemininemyth.org Books: https://chthonia.net/publications This week's episode is on Serapis, a Graeco-Egyptian deity promoted by Ptolemy I Soter (Macedonian general who became ruler of Egypt) around the …
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*Look for current podcast information at https://chthonia.net This is the re-edit of the 2019 podcast episode on the mythological stories of the Hanging Virgins. This centers around the myths of Erigone, Carya, and other girls who die by their own hand in the manner implied by the title, either because their father passes away and no one can arrang…
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Jací jsou dnešní mladí tátové? Tráví svůj čas se svými dětmi? Jakým vzorem jim byli jejich tátové? Jak dokážou skloubit vedení progresivní mladé firmy s otcovstvím? A jak se jejich hodnoty prolínají do firmy? O tom všem a mnohém dalším jsme si povídali ve skvělém podcastu s dvěmi mladými táty z Letohradu - Michalem Uhlířem a Filipem Červinkou z Coa…
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Here is Part 2 of the podcast I did on Hecate in 2019. This episode focused more on Hekate Soteria, the Middle Platonic Hekate that was connected to the Moon and considered an intermediary for souls. It was also this version of Hekate that was "separated" from the Queen of Ghosts and Witches, who was called Physis by the philosophers, and associate…
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Website: https://chthonia.net Podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/chthonia--4909143 Patreon: https://patreon.com/chthonia Merch: https://chthoniapodcast.creator-spring.com/ School: https://instituteforfemininemyth.org This week we look at Pope Joan, who is alleged to have served as the only female Pope either in the 9th century or the 11th ce…
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Website: https://chthonia.net Patreon: https://patreon.com/chthonia Merch: https://chthoniapodcast.creator-spring.com/ School: https://instituteforfemininemyth.org Happy new year! Our first podcast of 2025 looks at Joan of Arc, also known as Jeanne D'Arc, and La Pucelle (the Maid). We discuss Joan's short life, having been burned at the stake at th…
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Jakým je tátou zpěvák Tomáš Maček, alias Thom Artway? Jaký byl jeho vztah s tátou a jaké to je, když táta už odešel. Jaké zpívá písničky dítěti během dne a při uspávání? A jak jej změnily zahraniční pobyty? To vše a mnohem více se dozvíte při poslechu našeho podcastu s Thomem, dvojnásobným držitelem cen Anděl za rok 2016 - objev a zpěvák roku. Přej…
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Website: https://chthonia.net Patreon: https://patreon.com/chthonia Merch: https://chthoniapodcast.creator-spring.com/ School: https://instituteforfemininemyth.org The last podcast of 2024 focuses on the grandmotherly figure of La Befana, a witch who appears on Epiphany Eve to bring gifts (or coal) and to sweep the house. Children may not look at h…
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To, že je Michal expert na Happiness at work asi všichni díky jeho konferenci víte. Ale víte, jak to má doma? Je jeho rodina happy? A co pro to dělá Michal sám? Poslechněte si skvělý podcast plný tipů s Michalem Šrajerem, CEO Happiness at work. Přejeme příjemný poslech! David a Michal
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Website: https://chthonia.net Patreon: https://patreon.com/chthonia Merch: https://chthoniapodcast.creator-spring.com/ School: https://instituteforfemininemyth.org This week we look at the Loireag, a "plaintative" tiny fairy associated with the traditional process of spinning and weaving cloth. The Loireag is considered to be a water spirit in the …
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