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Harri Tiido pakub lühilugude sarjas sissevaadet rahvusvahelisse poliitikasse ning avab maailmas toimuvate sündmuste ja protsesside taustu. "Harri Tiido taustajutud" on eetris teisipäeviti ja neljapäeviti Vikerraadio saates "Uudis+" Septembri lõpus 2020 liitus Vikerraadioga kogenud diplomaat Harri Tiido, kes kaks korda nädalas pakub lühilugude sarjas sissevaadet rahvusvahelisse poliitikasse. Maailma eri nurkades toimuvat võib selgitada lokaalsete juhustega, kuid taustad on enamasti sügavamad ...
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Isku Tiirsada

The Loud Sisters

Two sisters with a variety of interests. We wanted a platform to share the ideas and conversations we have in hopes to start dialogues with other young Somali people. Email: iskutiirsada@gmail.com Twitter: @theloudsisters
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National TIIME Radio

National Time Radio LTD

Welcome to NationalTime Radio, a daily devotional podcast designed to inspire, uplift, and encourage you as you begin each new day. With a heart for sharing the truth of Jesus Christ, our mission is to strengthen believers around the world, empowering them to live fully for God and to serve His kingdom. In each 15-minute episode, we bring you a short but powerful reflection, rooted in Scripture and infused with practical wisdom. Whether you’re listening alone, with your family, or as part of ...
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The Takeaway podcast is a window into the 40 something world of often forbidden conversations that happen within Sisterhood. These conversations are real, fun, conflicting, daring but truthful. The Takeaway is an evocative elixir to freeing oneself from the burden of carrying harsh experiences in life. The acceptance of those experiences exposes a perspicuous soul of beauty. Come join us in listening in how we eschewed falling into a negative plateau in life and emerged into positively lovin ...
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Tiingo Investing : "Create a Better Investment and Retirement Portfolio" is a series dedicated toward teaching basic and advanced topics, like what is a stock, mutual fund, etf, or bond all the way to portfolio construction and hedge fund strategies. It is a lesson plan dedicated toward making professional level tools and concepts accesible to everybody - including the beginning investor and professional trader. If you are just beginning to learn how to invest with a retirement portfolio or ...
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show series
When life feels heavy, don’t give up—press through with praise and worship! In the midst of trials, pain, and uncertainty, your worship becomes a weapon, your praise becomes your breakthrough, and God’s presence shifts the atmosphere. 📖 Habakkuk 3:17-18 (KJV) – “Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labou…
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Vikerraadio saatesarjas "Harri Tiido taustajutud" on seekord vaatluse all arvamuspaber "Uus ohjeldamine. Lääne strateegia teljel Moskva-Peking". Autorid soovitavad sisuliselt võimaldada korruptsioonil ja varastamisel Venemaal laialt levida koos võimalusega raha riigist välja viia, märgib Tiido.Door (Vikerraadio)
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Are you carrying burdens too heavy to bear? Worry, fear, pain, and uncertainty can weigh us down, but Jesus invites us to lay it all at His feet. He never meant for us to carry life’s struggles alone—He is our burden-bearer, our peace, and our refuge. 📖 Matthew 11:28 (KJV) – “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you…
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In a world filled with uncertainty, one truth remains: God is our provider. No matter what you’re facing—financial struggles, physical needs, or emotional burdens—God’s Word assures us that He will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19). 📖 Matthew 6:26 (KJV) – “Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither…
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Vikerraadio saatesarjas "Harri Tiido taustajutud" on seekord vaatluse all vene kirjaniku Viktor Jerofejevi raamat "Suur Gopnik". Vene rahvas ei ole kunagi euroopalikku koolitust läbinud, isegi türklased ja iraanlased on Jerofejevi arvates Euroopale lähedasemad, märgib Tiido.Door (Vikerraadio)
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What happens when Jesus opens your eyes—not just physically, but spiritually? In this powerful episode of National Time Radio, we dive into John 9:1-41, where a man born blind had a life-changing encounter with Jesus. His blindness wasn’t a curse or a punishment—it was an opportunity for God’s glory to be revealed! With just mud and a miracle, Jesu…
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Some situations seem dead and beyond hope, but when Jesus steps in, everything changes! In this powerful episode of National Time Radio, we explore John 11:1-44, where Jesus demonstrates His power over death, despair, and delay by raising Lazarus from the grave. Mary and Martha thought it was too late, but Jesus declared, "I am the resurrection and…
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Vikerraadio saatesarjas "Harri Tiido taustajutud" on seekord Samir Puri abil vaatluse all lääne globaalse rolli muutumine. Puri arvates tuleb läänel tublisti tööd teha, et taastada liidrikohta globaalsetes ettevõtmistes, jagades lava mitte-lääne samameelsete rahvastega, märgib Tiido.Door (Vikerraadio)
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One encounter with Jesus can change everything—just ask the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4:1-30. She came to draw water, burdened by shame, rejection, and brokenness, but she left filled, restored, and transformed by the living water that only Christ can give. Jesus met her right where she was, revealing her past, her pain, and her true wort…
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In this powerful episode of National Time Radio, we explore one of the most remarkable moments in the Gospels—the healing of the paralytic man in Mark 2:1-12. This encounter with Jesus not only changed a man's physical condition but also revealed His authority to forgive sins and restore lives completely! Picture the scene: A crowded house, four de…
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Vikerraadio saatesarjas "Harri Tiido taustajutud" on seekord vaatluse all Müncheni julgeolekukonverentsiks koostatud raport. Donald Trumpi võimule naasmine on USA-s maha matnud külma sõja järgse välispoliitilise konsensuse, et liberaalse internatsionalismi suur strateegia on USA huvidele parim, märgib Tiido.…
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In this life-changing episode, we journey into Luke 19:1-10 to witness the powerful transformation of Zacchaeus, a despised tax collector who became a friend of Jesus. Once an outcast, rejected by society, Zacchaeus had a deep longing for something more—and when Jesus passed through Jericho, he refused to miss the opportunity. Climbing a sycamore t…
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Worship is not just a Sunday morning event—it’s a lifestyle and a calling for every believer. Now more than ever, God is seeking true worshipers who will worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). No matter what season of life you’re in, now is the time to lift your voice, bow your heart, and give God the honor He deserves! In this powerful ep…
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In this powerful and heartfelt episode, we reflect on the goodness of God and the undeniable truth that we never would have made it without Him. Life’s trials, struggles, and challenges often leave us feeling weak, but when we call on His Name, He gives us strength, guidance, and victory. Through scriptures like Psalm 34:17, 2 Corinthians 12:9, and…
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In this powerful episode, we dive deep into the significance of calling on the Name of the Lord. The Bible repeatedly assures us that when we cry out to God, He hears, answers, and delivers us from trouble. Whether in distress, seeking salvation, or worshiping in faith, calling on His Name brings breakthrough and divine intervention. Join us as we …
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Join us in this powerful episode as we explore The Promise of the Holy Spirit—God’s gift to every believer. From the prophetic words of the Old Testament to the fulfillment on the Day of Pentecost, we’ll uncover how the Holy Spirit was promised, why He was sent, and what His presence means for us today. Discover how the Spirit empowers, teaches, an…
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There comes a moment in life when everything shifts—a divine turning point where God’s light pierces the darkness and brings transformation. In this powerful episode of National Time Radio, we explore the life-changing moments when people encountered Jesus and were never the same again. 📖 Isaiah 9:2 (KJV) – “The people that walked in darkness have …
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In this enlightening episode of NTR, we dive into the powerful truth that God’s Word is meant to be lived out, not just read or heard. Discover how applying Scripture to our daily lives transforms our actions, attitudes, and relationships, helping us become more like Christ in every area of our lives. Through biblical examples and practical insight…
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Vikerraadio saatesarjas "Harri Tiido taustajutud" on seekord vaatluse all lähiaastate globaalsed riskid. Asjatundjad arvavad, et süvenevad erimeelsused ja kasvav fragmenteerumine muudavad rahvusvahelisi suhteid ja seavad küsimärgi alla seniste struktuuride võime uute väljakutsetega hakkama saada, märgib Tiido.…
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In this episode of NTR, we dive into the transformative power of God's Word, exploring how Scripture serves as both a guide and a teacher in our daily lives. Through the lens of the Bible, we discover the wisdom, direction, and comfort it provides—helping us navigate life’s challenges, strengthen our faith, and grow closer to God.We’ll discuss how …
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Vikerraadio saatesarjas "Harri Tiido taustajutud" on seekord vaatluse all rikkad, ülirikkad ja ebavõrdsus. Mida korrumpeerunum on ühiskond, seda rohkem on seal suhteliselt ülirikkaid, kui ühiskonna üldist jõukuse taset arvesse võtta, see näib olevat seaduspärasus, märgib Tiido.Door (Vikerraadio)
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Meditating on God's Word is a practice of reflecting on the Bible to deepen one's relationship with God and transform their life. It involves setting aside one's own thoughts and opinions to receive God's Word. How to meditate on God's Word Make it a daily practice: Read and record God's Word regularly Memorize Scripture: Try to memorize a verse or…
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Welcome to The Power of God’s Word, a podcast dedicated to exploring the transformative impact of Scripture in our lives. Each episode delves into the wisdom, guidance, and life-changing truths found in God’s Word, offering practical insights on how we can apply it to our everyday walk of faith. Whether you’re seeking spiritual growth, encouragemen…
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Vikerraadio saatesarjas "Harri Tiido taustajutud" on seekord vaatluse all Mikko Hautala vaated sõjale ja rahule. Hautala hoiatab, et Soome NATO-vastasuse uus päev võib veel koita, näiteks siis, kui president Donald Trump peaks otsustama alliansi usutavust lahjendada, märgib Tiido.Door (Vikerraadio)
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Discover the path to a meaningful and fulfilling life with Living a Life of Purpose. This inspirational podcast explores how to align your passions, values, and faith with your everyday choices. Through engaging discussions, personal testimonies, and practical insights, each episode equips you to embrace God’s plan for your life with clarity and co…
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Vikerraadio saatesarjas "Harri Tiido taustajutud" on seekord vaatluse all kliimasoojenemine ja Golfi hoovus. Kui globaalne temperatuur tõuseks sajandi lõpuks viis kraadi, tõuseks merevee tase põhjapoolkeral, kaasa arvatud Londonis, Kopenhaagenis, Dublinis ja New Yorgis kuni kaks meetrit, märgib Tiido.…
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It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by life’s challenges, but today’s episode reminds us of one powerful truth: It’s just prayer, and Jesus is bigger than this situation. Through heartfelt prayer and unwavering faith, we’ll focus on surrendering our struggles to the One who holds it all together. Whatever you’re facing, remember that Jesus is greater, st…
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In this episode, we explore the powerful biblical command to "give thanks in all circumstances" (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Through the lens of Jesus' life and teachings, we reflect on how gratitude can transform our hearts, even in the midst of trials. We examine how Jesus modeled thanksgiving, whether in moments of celebration, in times of sorrow, or…
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Life can feel like a series of hurdles—whether it’s stress, doubt, emotional struggles, or relational conflicts. But what if overcoming these challenges was possible, not through sheer willpower, but through faith and practical strategies? In this episode, we explore how to face life's toughest moments with strength and resilience. Drawing from bib…
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