A weekly women's Shiur in Likkutei Sichos, delivered by Mrs. Fruma Schapiro
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Wharrysson Lacerda é jornalista, formado pela ECA/USP. Ao longo de mais de vinte anos de atuação profissional, merecem destaque as passagens pelo Globo Ciência, onde atuou como produtor e repórter; pela editora Globo, como um dos criadores da série de fascículos MPB Compositores; pela Fundação Roberto Marinho, como roteirista do Telecurso 2000; pela TV Record, como editor-chefe do Repórter Record; pelo SBT, como editor-chefe do SBT Repórter e pela Band, como diretor do Comando da Madrugada. ...
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The Frum Entrepreneur is a podcast created for you, the Orthodox Jewish Entrepreneur, or Small Business Owner. If you are looking for inspiration, motivation, and ACTIONABLE advice during your daily commute, workout, or "me" time, Nachum Kligman delivers each and every episode. Episodes include interviews with successful Entrepreneurs who share their journey: Their failures, moments of Hashgacha Protis & Siyata Deshimaya, successes, and much more. Episodes will also include startup companies ...
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Chelek 20, Chanukah 2 - Fruma Schapiro
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Shabbos Chanukah, Likkutei Sichos Chelek Chof page 207 Theme: My Light is Enough. When its for the mitzvah, whatever I've got counts! Today's Sicha is sponsored by Henna Shomer: Empowering Frum Women Through Movement Henna's Restore Your Core and Prenatal classes offer a proven approach, grounded in a deep understanding of women’s unique needs, to …
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Door Grupo Bandeirantes
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Door Grupo Bandeirantes
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Door Grupo Bandeirantes
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Chelek 20, Vayeishev 2 - Fruma Schapiro
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Gut Yom Tov! Yud Tes Kislev, Parshas Vayeishev Chelek Chof pg 185 Theme: Loving my brothers through thick and thin This sicha was graciously sponsored by Chanie Diskin in honor of her Yom Holedes.Thank you for enabling us to access the Rebbe's Toira in such an accessible form! May all that are involved in this holy project be gebentched with Hatzlo…
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Chelek 20 Vayishlach 2 - Fruma Schapiro
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Theme: Crushed and confused. The place between one step of growth and another. This week's Sicha is sponsored by Shaina Zirkind in honor of her birthday. "Thank you to Etty for arranging this learning weekly and to Mrs. Schapiro for teaching it!!" This one really hits. That place going from one level to another can be confusing and totally untether…
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Chelek 20, Vayeitzei 2 - Fruma Schapiro
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Hey Kislev, Parshas Vayeitzei This sicha is sponsored by Mushka Heidingsfeld with lots of thanks to Mrs. Schapiro in honor of her Shabbos Kallah and upcoming Chasunah! Mazal Tov! Bshaa Tova Umitzlachas Binyan Adei Ad! Chelek chof page 129 Its Easy for Eretz Yisroel to be ours, access the Yechida Power!…
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Chelek 23, Maasei 2 - Fruma Schapiro
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Yud Daled Tishrei. Erev Sukkos Thank you to this week’s Sicha Sponsors: Simi Mishulovin in honor of Rabbi & Mrs. Schapiro (YES!) & to thank Hashem for our new baby Shimon (MAZAL TOV!) & Rochel Zuckerman in honor of our son Binyamin HaLevi on his birthday! (MAZAL TOV!) Today is also her father’s yahrtzeit, we wish their family all the brachos & long…
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16/10/2024 - Golpistas digitais estão usando inteligência artificial para enganar os usuários
Door Grupo Bandeirantes
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Door Grupo Bandeirantes
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Door Grupo Bandeirantes
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Door Grupo Bandeirantes
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Chelek 24, Yom Kippur - Fruma Schapiro
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Thank you to this week’s Sicha Sponsors! Ruchama Thaler in honor of her mothers yahrtzeit, on zayin tishrei חיה שרה רחל בת ר׳ חיים יוסף שלמה May her neshama have an aliyah! Rochel Zuckerman In honor of her father’s upcoming yartzheit on Yud Daled Tishrei, Shlomo Ben Avraham, may his neshama have an Aliyah! May all of our learning be in their zchus …
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