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Welcome to Positive Impact with Andrew Schultz, where each week we bring you messages or people contributing a positive impact in the community and amplifying the message of inspiration, empowerment, and courage. People from all walks of life doing meaningful work that matters, living into their purpose, and making a difference in the lives of others.
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This is the podcast for people who want to make a difference, but don't know where to start. Each week we explore stories of amazing individuals who have found a way to make a difference, regardless of their skills, interests, and passions. Together, we break down the frameworks, lessons, and perspectives that they've gained so that you too can get started on your journey. Your host is Benjamin Von Wong, an award-winning environmental artist and activist that was once a hard rock mining engi ...
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Positive Impact TV

Julz Vitality

PR Julz features experts and influencers, change-makers and leaders! This podcast is meant for only those who are driven to make a positive impact on the World. Business guests share strategies to grow your business. Apply https://bit.ly/pitvpod1 Website: http://DigitalPR.Works Get a hold of the gift to you https://bit.ly/10podtips It’s a Cheat Sheet with 10 strategies no one mentions when they bring you on as a guest. FB Group http://facebook.com/groups/pitvg Offer: Get booked to speak twic ...
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Positive iMPACT Talks

Positive iMPACT Movement

Open-hearted and honest conversations between Patricia Jean Fleming and jeannette meier Ph.D., in love, uniqueness, and co-creation to inspire your true leadership. We envision a world led by people who are their own leaders, who grow their uniqueness, and who share their wisdom and truth through who they are and what they love to create, changing the world from the inside out and for whom co-creation is the doorway to their highest potential. Join the CiRCLE → http://leadershipcircle.earth ...
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Welcome to ’Creating A Positive Impact’, the podcast that gives a voice to the change-makers, innovators, and trailblazers who are working towards a better world. From big systemic challenges to small everyday actions, we cover it all. Join us as we explore the solutions, the stories, and the inspiration behind those who are making a real difference. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a thinker, or simply someone who wants to learn more about creating a positive impact, this is the podcast for ...
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If you truly want to make an impact in the world, you must first be willing to be the change you want to see. People will follow a vision that they can connect with internally. You must be willing to do the work and share your whole life authentically. It takes empathy, sacrifice and commitment. It requires consistency and compassion. I am sharing on this podcast how to influence others to create change. Let's make an impact together. I hope you enjoy as I share the things that have inspired ...
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Jeunes Pousses, c’est le rendez-vous de l’innovation positive. Un jeudi sur deux, Thibault Caudron vous invite rencontrer les entrepreneurs et entrepreneuses qui ont choisi de construire un monde meilleur. Tech, santé, mobilité, agriculture, environnement, énergie, accessibilité, sport, chaque interview se concentre une problématique qui nous concerne toutes et tous et ouvre le débat avec nos invités sur leur vision de ces grands défis, ainsi que sur les solutions qu’ils ont mises en place p ...
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show series
Whether you are looking for a fun & fabulous Caribbean cruise – an indulgent vacation at a luxurious beachfront all-inclusive resort – or a customized exploration of Europe – Dancing Moon Travel will craft the perfect vacation for your unique requirements1 Let's look at 5 fabulous travel destinations with owner Pat Hand! https://www.dancingmoontrav…
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Comment préserver un savoir-faire artisanal ancestral ? ⌚ XIII, IV, XV ème siècle...L'horlogerie française a acquis une renommée mondiale. Elle fait pleinement partie de l'histoire du pays. Au cours des derniers siècles, ce métier mêlant technique, précision et tradition a connu un développement sans précédent. Véritable art d'exception, ce savoir-…
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Allez-vous céder aux sirènes des jeux et jouets d'occasion ? 🪀🎲 Ils occupent une place dans tous les foyers français, avec 220 millions d'unités vendues chaque année, soit sept par seconde. La France se classe ainsi deuxième sur le marché européen et cinquième à l'échelle mondiale. Et contrairement à ce que l'on pense, 1 jouet sur 10 est destiné à …
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Parlons d'un sujet de moins en moins taboue : les produits érotiques. Si selon certaines estimations, les Français les utilisent de plus en plus - en 2020, 51 % des personnes âgées de 18 à 60 ans affirmaient avoir testé un jouet intime, contre 37 % en 2012 et seulement 9 % en 2007 - parallèlement, leur fabrication évolue, devenant de plus en plus é…
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Partager son vécu avec des personnes qui ont pu traverser les mêmes épreuves ! Cette semaine on parle de santé mentale et surtout d'entraide. Particulièrement mis en lumière depuis la crise du COVID, les problèmes d'ordre mental se sont accentués à tel point que le nouveau Premier ministre, Michel Barnier, a annoncé ériger ce sujet en grande cause …
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Dyslexie, dyscalculie, dysorthographie ou encore dyspraxie. Les « troubles dys », aussi appelés troubles des apprentissages, provoquent des altérations plus ou moins graves des fonctions cognitives du cerveau, qui impactent le langage, la lecture, le calcul, l'écriture ou bien l'attention chez certains enfants. Pour faire face à ce problème à la fo…
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Comment les notes, scores et labels peuvent-ils nous aider à mieux manger ? 🥗 La transparence alimentaire est un sujet qui préoccupe de plus en plus les consommateur·ice·s, en particulier depuis la crise Covid. 80 % des Français·e·s déclarent aujourd'hui rechercher régulièrement des informations sur le lieu d'origine du produit, 81 % sur sa composi…
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Today's conversation started by talking about the way we embrace our mornings and highlighting our uniqueness; breaking 'out of the box' of how we are taught to be while embracing fully being 'us'. We recognise the difference in frequency when being with like minded souls in comparison to those yet to embrace life heart before mind. This leads us i…
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Today i was excited to share with Patricia Jean Fleming that my books are now in pre-sale. In completing this project i close another chapter of my life. Patricia announces her return to Spain while checking in with the life-path travelled. Being in nature is not all about green places but includes the beach and how it feels to walk along the shore…
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Une clim écolo et efficace peut-elle exister ? ❄️ Météo France prévoit que les canicules seront quasi permanentes en été d’ici la fin du siècle, avec des vagues de chaleur qui pourront durer d’un à deux mois en continu. S'il est bien sûr nécessaire d’œuvrer en amont pour éviter le réchauffement, la climatisation va inévitablement devenir un sujet c…
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In this special episode hosted by KL Wells of Voices InCourage, Andrew Schultz recounts his struggle with addiction and the pivotal moments that led him to sobriety. He highlights the importance of community support, the healing power of vulnerability, and the life-changing influence of mentors. Andrew’s candid reflections offer a roadmap for other…
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Our chat starts today talking about computer screens and how, when they were a new thing, we would use them for hours (more than was advised). Now, we find reading from an actual book much more relaxing than digital. Patricia Jean Fleming continues to maneuver the ‘rabbit warren’ of roads both in Edinburgh and at the Western General Hospital while …
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In this episode of Positive Impact, join Andrew Schultz in this empowering episode of Positive Impact as he sits down with Dan Doty, a trailblazer in men’s emotional health and fatherhood. Dan co-founded Everyman, an organization dedicated to men's emotional well-being, and the creator of Fatherhood Unlocked, a platform supporting fathers in leadin…
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Peut-on combiner l'empreinte écologique des transports en commun avec la flexibilité des transports individuels ? 🚉 Le sujet de la mobilité dans les grandes villes devient un sujet de plus en plus pressant. Transports en commun, transports individuels : une option pourrait peut-être se situer à l'interface des deux, avec ce que l'on appelle le tran…
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In this episode, Andrew talks with Jonathan Ingram, founder of Fathergrief, about his journey through the heartbreak of losing his son, Oscar. Jonathan shares how immersing himself in nature and connecting with other grieving fathers brought him healing and purpose. They delve into the role of plant medicine and the power of facing grief directly. …
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Today’s talk with Patricia Jean Fleming and me finds us checking in with each other, as we were unable to diary our chat last week. It is always good to talk; we learn through communication. Someone once said, ‘sharing is caring’. Others would say that we give away our power in sharing, but what kind of ‘power’ is that over another person? Only a h…
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L️es techniques de reconstruction mammaire peuvent-elles encore être allégées et perfectionnées ? 👩‍⚕️ Le cancer du sein touche 1 femme sur 8 dans le monde. Dans le cadre du traitement, voire de la prévention, il s'avère parfois nécessaire de réaliser une ablation de tout ou une partie du sein. Pour celles qui le souhaitent, il existe plusieurs sol…
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In this episode of Positive Impact, Andrew Schultz welcomes Allison Beninato, a pioneering force in healthcare, to the podcast. Allison's remarkable career spans over 30 years, during which she has seamlessly integrated traditional medicine with holistic practices. Hear how her personal health battles pushed her towards alternative solutions, event…
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In Episode 170, we are thrilled to host Ocean Eagle, a visionary behind activation breathwork and a profound spiritual guide. Ocean's journey from a traumatic childhood and a successful real estate career to a life of spiritual awakening and healing is nothing short of extraordinary. Learn how mastering breathwork can help you let go of anxiety, di…
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Today Patricia Jean Fleming and i start with a general catch up of how we are and what we have been doing. We discuss the need to slow down and the realisation of how ill health in the family unit can zap your energy and how mental health can affect you physically. We move on to the difference between collaboration and co-creation. While in collabo…
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Join us in Episode 169 of Positive Impact as we explore the journey of Bill Esch, the Kettlebell Warrior. Bill, a Master of Sport International Class, delves into the challenges and rewards of embracing change and resilience in fitness. From his early days as a collegiate athlete to becoming a kettlebell champion, Bill discusses how evolving workou…
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Today's Podcast finds Patricia Jean Fleming and i discussing personal health and connection to Sun flares. We flow into a reprise of Patricia’s weekend in Ireland and how uplifting nature can be, the joy of spending time with friends old and new, their compassion and care, plus their love of music. We jump to my weekend study of bitcoin/blockchain …
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Les débats autour de la viande végétale ont pris de l’ampleur ces derniers temps. Au-delà de la polémique, avant tout motivée par des enjeux idéologiques et commerciaux, qu’en est-il réellement des apports de la viande d’origine végétale tant du point de vue environnemental que médical ? Est-elle vraiment aussi vertueuse qu’elle le prétend ? Pour l…
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What does it take to win on and off the basketball court at a high level? In this episode of Positive Impact, host Andrew Schultz sits down with Kurt Joseph, the Director of Men’s Basketball Strength and Conditioning at the University of Nebraska. Kurt, a former player turned strength coach with experience in top NBA teams, shares his journey and t…
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Our podcast finds Patricia Jean Fleming and i relaxed, having both had a good weekend and having enjoyed both the sun and the rain. Today, we discuss the good and bad aspects of the Internet and our awareness of it. This leads us to how we use our amazing intuitive sense of being aware of it and increase our ‘knowing’ via our magnetic field, our au…
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Happy to have you join Patricia and i as we co-create today’s podcast. No agendas, no pre-arrangements, just flowing from heart to heart. The more we become aware of who we are and how we are in this world, the stronger we can deal with difficult or negative situations. When we drop into the heart, we understand difficulties as learning opportuniti…
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Everything is creation; creation through being. This week, as in all our podcasts, Patricia and I flow from the heart before engaging the mind without egoistic sabotage, allowing the energy to move us along our journey of co-creation. Constant change is a given. It is one of nature's most natural processes. We are part of our earth's wonderful natu…
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Many have suffered trauma - large and small which has impacted men in many ways. Life coach and consultant Conrad Lipic of Mind Aligned discusses different types of trauma and how therapy can help men overcome the effects of trauma in our daily lives. https://www.mindaligned.com/Door Positive Impact Radio
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Patricia here today welcoming you to our podcast waxing lyrical about our smörgåsbord of conversation during our weekly open-hearted, flowing co-creation. jeannette and I promote a revolution of love, embracing awareness and being non-judgemental while adopting the power of positivity. Are we ready to work on ourselves? It begins here, now, today, …
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Comment encourager plus de monde à passer au marché de l'occasion ? L'industrie de la seconde main est en pleine croissance. Néanmoins, il semblerait que les consommateurs ne soient pas vraiment au rendez-vous pour acheter de l'électroménager ou de l'ameublement d'occasion. Selon une étude publiée par youzd, l'un des leaders du secteur, chaque anné…
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L'industrie aérienne parviendra-t-elle à atteindre l'objectif zéro émission d'ici 2050 ? ✈️️ Le secteur de l'aviation engendre aujourd'hui 2,6 % des émissions de CO2 dans le monde, et son évolution pointe vers une augmentation du trafic aérien. Pour assurer sa pérennité, il devra effectuer un virage considérable en proposant de nouveaux modes de pr…
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Mold and mildew are all around us. It is usually caused by excess moisture and poor ventilation or moisture. If left untreated, the bacteria can potentially pose various health hazards. Travis Frasier, owner of Elite Restoration, discusses the dangers of mold with Emily Sacrcone who had a serious mold situation that comprised her family's health. h…
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Many men are struggling with intimacy issues often see as sex addiction. These disorders can cause a loss of relationships, self-esteem, and confidence. Life coach and consultant Conrad Lipic of Mind Aligned discusses those issues and provides insight to help men make positive changes. https://www.mindaligned.com/…
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Today, i want to celebrate my co-creation partner, Patricia Jean Fleming, with you. With her, i learned and un-learned to be in my heart, to stay present and in relationship with who i am and with whom i am.Together, we have learned to step out of the mind and into the heart, to dare to be who we are at any time and anywhere. It has taken lots of e…
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Join us on [Your Podcast Name] as we dive into the world of tempeh and its pivotal role in the plant-based diet movement. In this episode, we speak with Chris Kong, co-founder of Better Nature Tempeh, about his personal and entrepreneurial journey to revolutionise our eating habits through tempeh. Discover the origins of this sustainable food, its …
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Quelle place pour le sportswear éthique et écolo en France ? 🏃‍♀️ L’industrie du textile essaie de renaître en France, mais avant de remplacer sa concurrence, elle a encore un bon bout de chemin à faire. Pour aider une industrie plus juste, plus propre et plus posée – en opposition à la fast fashion – à s’installer, les gouvernements mais aussi les…
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Today we dive into a compelling conversation with Susan Allen Augustin, co-founder of Here We Flo, a trailblazing company at the intersection of period care, contraception, and bladder care with a plant-based twist. Starting from a pivotal university bathroom chat, Here We Flo stands today as a formidable force in the personal care market, pushing …
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Laser skin resurfacing is one of the most effective solutions available for treating fine lines, acne scars, and other skin imperfections. Dr. Hilton Adler of Suffolk Plastic Surgeons, PC details how these treatments work using the latest technology such as Tetra Co2! https://suffolkplasticsurgeons.com/…
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It's possible to look younger using nonsurgical facial Rejuvenation. Dr. Hilton Adler of Suffolk Plastic Surgeons, PC tells how he can restore volume, reduce under-eye wrinkles and correct forehead wrinkles and sagging brows using many different types of injectables and fillers. https://suffolkplasticsurgeons.com/…
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We're joined by Vikram Krishna, founder of Sacred Groves, who shares his transformative journey from banking to pioneering a platform dedicated to forest conservation. Discover the critical role of content creation in highlighting deforestation issues, Sacred Groves' unique approach to protecting forest land, and how individuals and companies can c…
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Featuring Lior Steinberg, co-founder of Humankind, an innovative urban design firm from Rotterdam. Join us as Lior shares transformative insights into reimagining city spaces for a healthier, more connected urban life. Discover the critical impact of urban design on our daily experiences, the pressing issues with car-centric cities, and the vision …
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Title: "Redefining Sobriety: The Pink 7 Official Revolution" Summary: In the heart of the sober movement, Pink 7 Official emerges as a trailblazing lifestyle brand, championing a culture where sobriety isn't just accepted—it's celebrated. Founders Madison and Brandon take us behind the scenes of their personal journey and the genesis of Pink 7 Offi…
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We're honoured to host Claire Goodwin-Fee, the founder of Frontline 19. Claire initiated this remarkable organisation at the onset of the UK's COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020, aiming to provide crucial mental health support to frontline workers, particularly those within the NHS. She shares the heartfelt story behind Frontline 19, its rapid growth …
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In this episode, we're joined by Raffi Schieir, founder of Prevented Ocean Plastics. Together, we explore the critical issue of plastic pollution, debunk common misconceptions about recycled ocean plastic, and highlight the significant role consumers play in fostering sustainable business practices. Key Takeaways: The Power of Consumer Influence: D…
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In this first episode, Patricia Jean and Jeannette share about co-creation, allowing yourself to flow with your heart. Both experience co-creation through these conversations. The experience of co-creation goes beyond collaboration. Here we explain to you why: 1.) Co-creation is born through the Being, while collaboration starts from the Doing; 2.)…
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Are you one of the millions of people who struggle with the "winter blues?" Do you want to better understand the physiological symptoms of SAD? Most importantly, do you want to learn tools, practices, and habits to empower you to take responsibility for your health, wellness, and happiness during these winter months? Then buckle up and listen in my…
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