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The Tucker Carlson Show

Tucker Carlson Network

The Tucker Carlson Show is your beacon of free speech and honest reporting in a media landscape dominated by misinformation. The only solution to ending the propaganda spiral is by telling the truth. That's our job. Every day. No matter what.
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Malaysian Cantonese 马来西亚广东话

马来西亚广东话 Malaysian cantonese - celebrating the beauty of all things cantonese and reminiscence of the good ‘ol days by 阿德 (me), hence 德-Talk... :)
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Mission Church Tucson

Mission Church Tucson

Mission Church is a small and relationally minded Christian community in the center of Tucson Arizona. Each teaching is based out of a Scripture passage and most are from within a study of an entire biblical book. We hope this podcast helps our folks stay connected, and encourages anyone just listening in toward trusting Jesus.
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"Schnipsel" nannte Kurt Tucholsky (1890-1935) seine späten Aphorismen. Sein journalistisches, feuilletonistisches und lyrisches Gesamtwerk ist aber weit mehr als das: Ein hochintelligent-pointierter Kosmos seiner Zeit. Der Sprach- und Sprechkünstler Frank Dittmer trägt in diesem Podcast seit 2019 wöchentlich einen neuen Text von Tucholsky vor: über Politik und Liebe, Kunst und Literatur, die Tragik und die Komik des Lebens. Alle haben eine Gemeinsamkeit: Sie sind vor hundert Jahren veröffent ...
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The Joy Tuck Club


A podcast that celebrates the diversity and beauty of transgender identities and expressions. How well do you truly understand the vibrant spectrum of transgender identities? Get ready to challenge and expand your perspectives as we share personal stories, debunk myths, share news, and provide helpful insights, advice on transitioning, and tips on being a better ally.
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Léo Tucker Lawyers

Léo Gabriel Tucker

Hi, I'm Léo Tucker and this is Léo Tucker Lawyers. In every episode, I handpick a case from my nonprofit immigration law firm, and I tell you about it. I also answer listener questions, and I will always end with good news from a recent case. The only thing these cases have in common is that I learned something from them, and I hope you do, too.
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Dr. Catlin Tucker is a bestselling author, international trainer, and keynote speaker. She was named Teacher of the Year in 2010 in Sonoma County, where she taught for 16 years. Catlin earned her doctorate in learning technologies from Pepperdine University. Currently, Catlin is working as a blended learning coach, education consultant, and professor in a Masters of Arts in Teaching program. Catlin has published several books on blended learning, including The Shift to Student-led, The Compl ...
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The Next Page Podcast with Jessica Tucker is an investigation that meets life with curiosity, not condemnation. It’s the story that we live in a way that reflects gratitude for the grace that was bestowed upon us at the Cross. Here, we will learn about the overall navigation of life’s topics: relationships, work, family, business, purpose and calling, spirituality, and physical mental and emotional health. Since God cares about everything that concerns us, no topic is off limits. Let’s talk ...
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Michaela Svarova

Slovenský podcast Tucet by Miša Švarová, o živote, šťastí a o všetkom, čo ma stretáva na ceste takej obyčajnej ženy a blogerky. blog: modnytucet.sk
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programa de capacitación de la Municipalidad de Guatemala, donde los jóvenes aprender sobre el fascinante mundo de la radiodifusión nacional. facebook.com/tucitysemueve twitter.com/tucitysemueve< instagram.com/tucitysemueve youtube.com/tucitysemueve
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Tuc Talks

Tuc Talks

Host Tucci aka Groovru talks to himself + guests from across fields about drums, music, society, culture, science, and whatever else the conversation leads to.
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Are you searching for ways to improve your life, marriage, or business? Is your Faith struggling, your Family life not where you want it to be, or your health and Fitness in decline? Or maybe, Financially, you're not doing as well as you’d like, and you’re ready to take things to the next level? If you are looking for inspiration to dig deeper, you’ve come to the right place. The Champion Life with Curt Tucker is a show that explores developing a Champion mindset that will help you create a ...
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Tucson Heat

Elephant Scout

Elephant Scout presents Tucson Heat starring Betsy Bruce as Detective Harriet Shepard and Chezale Rodriguez as Detective Jasmine Alicia. This eight part scripted series follows these two detectives as they race to stop a spree of bank robberies and track down a notorious serial killer... before he strikes again. You can also learn more at elephantscout.com/podcast or by following @elephantscout
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Tuck Talks

Tucker Wilson

Tuck Talks is about discussing topics everyone can relate to. Using real experiences, I try to provide something everyone can take away when it comes to things you'll come up against in life
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Tuck N Run

Tucker Punch Productions

The world's first, and only, football inspired gameshow podcast! Two contestants compete head to head to determine who knows the most about football.
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Mensagens pregadas na Igreja Presbiteriana Independente de Tucuruvi. Culto aos domingos, 19h. Rua Canhemborá, 457, Tucuruvi, São Paulo, SP. Venha nos fazer uma visita, aos domingos, 19h. Temos estacionamento próprio e estamos a 800m da Estação Tucuruvi, linha 1 azul, do Metrô. Para ouvir, acesse aqui: Castbox: https://castbox.fm/channel/Igreja-Presbiteriana-Independente-de-Tucuruvi-id1468872?country=br Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Q4kjwNZmnHzs8HFfA1YFf RSS: http://rss.castbox.fm/e ...
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show series
Send us a text Buckle up for this one. Jake Baum sits down with the Small Talk hosts for an interesting discussion. Jake Baum is a 21 year-old aspiring sportscaster from Los Angeles and currently a junior at the University of Miami. In addition to broadcasting, he sings with Biscaydence, the university's premier competition acapella group, and he e…
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Guests – Michael Mccune, Betsy Smith, Yvete Serino, Bob Dohse Arizona resident Michael McEwen gained unexpected national attention when President Trump retweeted his Facebook post analyzing the confrontation between President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky in the Oval Office. The National Police Association spokesperson Betsy Brantner Smith…
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South Africa is what happens when you take DEI seriously, which is why the western media pretend it’s not happening. Ernst Roets on what’s going on there right now. (00:00) South Africa Is Falling Apart (04:03) The True Story of Nelson Mandela (08:50) Perfect Example of the Failures of Communism (12:34) The Killing of Whites in South Africa (25:01)…
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✅从新手到成为Leader的过程是一个不断积累经验和学习的过程。📚在这个过程中,房产销售的技巧如精准的广告投资、建立客户关系、以及如何管理时间和优先级,都是关键。📈 —————————————————— 房产事业招聘 | 寻找人才 💪🏻 📲 有兴趣者请点击联系方式 : https://www.chewtuckwai.com/careers/ 👇🏻 whatapps https://bit.ly/IQIEliteLEAD_Career #IQI #JuwaiIQI #EliteGroup #EliteLEAD #property #realestate #recruitment #career #房地产 #创业 #销售 #房产培训 #赚钱…
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做销售 寻找高质量 Lead,广告投放是最基本的投资。学会打对方向的广告,才能精准锁定目标客户。 💡 选对你想要的方向,精准营销,让每一分钱都花在对的客户身上,实现高效转化! ⏩ Full Podcast : https://youtu.be/JCesuKd_Qos?si=eYbMwuBAe3axK1RX —————————————————— 房产事业招聘 | 寻找人才 💪🏻 📲 有兴趣者请点击联系方式 : https://www.chewtuckwai.com/careers/ 👇🏻 whatapps https://bit.ly/IQIEliteLEAD_Career #IQI #JuwaiIQI #EliteGroup #EliteLEAD #property #realestate …
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【房产新手如何成长&突破】🔥 ✅刚踏入房地产行业的新手常常会感到迷茫,不知从何开始。🤷但此时,坚持、自律与积极心态便是每位成功者必备的关键品质。唯有勇敢踏出舒适圈,才能迎接成长与突破。👏🏻 —————————————————— 房产事业招聘 | 寻找人才 💪🏻 📲 有兴趣者请点击联系方式 : https://www.chewtuckwai.com/careers/ 👇🏻 whatapps https://bit.ly/IQIEliteLEAD_Career #IQI #JuwaiIQI #EliteGroup #EliteLEAD #property #realestate #recruitment #career #房地产 #创业 #销售 #房产培训 #赚钱…
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✅在投资房地产之前,了解相关的各类信息至关重要,因为多种因素都会影响房价走势。 ❗记住HOPSCA :👇🏻 (Hospital,Office,Parks,Connectivity,Apartment) 选择正确的投资物业,才能实现盈利。💰 —————————————————— 房产事业招聘 | 寻找人才 💪🏻 📲 有兴趣者请点击联系方式 : https://www.chewtuckwai.com/careers/ 👇🏻 whatapps https://bit.ly/IQIEliteLEAD_Career #IQI #JuwaiIQI #EliteGroup #EliteLEAD #property #realestate #recruitment #career #房地产 #创业 #销售 …
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✅在投资房地产之前,了解相关的各类信息至关重要,因为多种因素都会影响房价走势。选择正确的投资物业,才能实现盈利。💰 —————————————————— 房产事业招聘 | 寻找人才 💪🏻 📲 有兴趣者请点击联系方式 : https://www.chewtuckwai.com/careers/ 👇🏻 whatapps https://bit.ly/IQIEliteLEAD_Career #IQI #JuwaiIQI #EliteGroup #EliteLEAD #property #realestate #recruitment #career #房地产 #创业 #销售 #房产培训 #赚钱
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当你成为开始执行 Recruitment 扩充团队,并不只是自己赚钱,而是带领一群志同道合的人一起成长,一起突破,一起赚更多💰 ✅ 放大个人影响力 —— 从单打独斗变成带团队,让你的经验和资源发挥更大价值! ✅ 创造更高收益 —— 团队强大了,业绩自然翻倍,带来的不仅是收入,还有成就感! ✅ 培养人才,打造你的王牌团队 —— 和志同道合的人并肩作战,成长的路上不再孤单! 带团队,不是多做事,而是让事情做得更高效、更有价值!如果你也想挑战更高的舞台,现在就从 Recruitment 开始 🚀 —————————————————— 房产事业招聘 | 寻找人才 💪🏻 📲 有兴趣者请点击联系方式 : https://www.chewtuckwai.com/careers/ 👇🏻 whatapps h…
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Gabriel在短短一年内,个人销售业绩突破20million!他与我们分享了房地产销售的成功秘诀: ✅第一,关注顾客表情变化,捕捉他们真正的需求。在与顾客沟通时,Gabriel强调了观察顾客面部表情和肢体语言的重要性。通过这些细微的变化,他能够迅速判断顾客的兴趣点或疑虑所在,从而调整自己的推介内容。💪 ✅第二,注重形象管理,确保顾客获得良好的体验。Gabriel认为,作为房地产销售人员,个人形象的管理至关重要。一个专业、得体的形象不仅能增加顾客的好感,还能提升顾客对你的信任。💖 —————————————————— 房产事业招聘 | 寻找人才 💪🏻 📲 有兴趣者请点击联系方式 : https://www.chewtuckwai.com/careers/ 👇🏻 whatapps https:…
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This is the prologue—a story about a notebook, perfectionism, the attempted trap of condemnation, and the grace that made all things new. Just in case no one has given you permission yet, here it is: you don’t have to be perfect. A Perfect Sacrifice was made on your behalf. Here’s to healing the parts of us that feel the need to always be performin…
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✅Ray作为领导,他很看重团队的成长与成就。对他来说,最大的动力来自于看到团队成员实现他们的目标,并因此获得成功。每当团队成员达成自己的目标,Ray都会感到无比的成就感,因为他希望自己能带领团队一起前行,达成更大的成就。🫂 他相信,个人的成功虽然重要,但帮助他人成功、看到团队共同成长与进步,才是更有意义的事业。 —————————————————— 房产事业招聘 | 寻找人才 💪🏻 📲 有兴趣者请点击联系方式 : https://www.chewtuckwai.com/careers/ 👇🏻 whatapps https://bit.ly/IQIEliteLEAD_Career #IQI #JuwaiIQI #EliteGroup #EliteLEAD #property #realesta…
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✅ 随着LRT的到来,交通便捷,优质房产带来无限发展潜力,生活与投资双赢。 —————————————————— 房产事业招聘 | 寻找人才 💪🏻 📲 有兴趣者请点击联系方式 : https://www.chewtuckwai.com/careers/ 👇🏻 whatapps https://bit.ly/IQIEliteLEAD_Career #IQI #JuwaiIQI #EliteGroup #EliteLEAD #property #realestate #recruitment #career #房地产 #创业 #销售 #房产培训 #赚钱
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在当今房地产市场,投资型房产的选择往往令许多投资者陷入两难。我们常常听到一个问题:Price per sqft 高的房产是否值得投资?📊 答案是肯定的。尽管高价每平方英尺的房产往往需要更高的初期投资,但它也有着强大的升值潜力和长期收益。💸 ✅尽管初期投入较高,但它所带来的升值潜力、租金回报和风险分散优势,能够为投资者带来可观的长期收益。房产的核心价值不仅仅在于其表面价格,更在于其潜在的市场表现和升值空间。🏡 —————————————————— 房产事业招聘 | 寻找人才 💪🏻 📲 有兴趣者请点击联系方式 : https://www.chewtuckwai.com/careers/ 👇🏻 whatapps https://bit.ly/IQIEliteLEAD_Career #IQI #Ju…
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✅想进入房地产行业?成功的秘诀在于勇敢踏出第一步,允许自己去尝试和面对挑战。☝🏻清晰了解你的目标,决定是追求数量还是质量。在这条路上,坚持不懈、一步步前行,最终你会看到属于自己的成绩。📊 —————————————————— 房产事业招聘 | 寻找人才 💪🏻 📲 有兴趣者请点击联系方式 : https://www.chewtuckwai.com/careers/ 👇🏻 whatapps https://bit.ly/IQIEliteLEAD_Career #IQI #JuwaiIQI #EliteGroup #EliteLEAD #property #realestate #recruitment #career #房地产 #创业 #销售 #房产培训 #赚钱…
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Transfiguration Sunday, March 2, 2025 Our Epiphany Series: Epiphany is the season we celebrate when Jesus revealed his reason for coming. Today’s focus: Glory is Hidden in order to be Revealed. First Reading: Exodus 34: 29-35. Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 3:7-18. Gospel and Sermon Text: Luke 9:28-36. A Day of Great Change Pastor Ron Koehler…
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💯感谢我们团队的领导之一 ChiaYee,在 Kickstart Event 上为伙伴们深入分享【MM2H 第二家园计划】的专业知识,以及如何高效对接外国客户的方法,让大家在销售之路上拓宽视野,提升能力与更多层次的知识💡 —————————————————— 房产事业招聘 | 寻找人才 💪🏻 📲 有兴趣者请点击联系方式 : https://www.chewtuckwai.com/careers/ 👇🏻 whatapps https://bit.ly/IQIEliteLEAD_Career #IQI #JuwaiIQI #EliteGroup #EliteLEAD #property #realestate #recruitment #career #房地产 #创业 #销售 #房产培训 #赚钱…
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Guests – Thomas Horne, Charles Heller, Dr. Mateja De Leonni Arizona's education system is grappling with a troubling trend: chronic student absenteeism has more than tripled since COVID. In a significant legal decision, Pima County's ordinance requiring gun owners to report lost or stolen firearms within 48 hours or face a $1,000 fine per gun has b…
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Dr. Richard Bosshardt has been a board certified surgeon for nearly 40 years. He’s watched the DEI race crazies lower the standards to such a frightening degree that he no longer trusts doctors. (00:00) Bosshardt’s War on DEI Within the Medical Industry (04:47) The Left’s Mission to Segregate Surgeons (11:03) Why They Banned Bosshardt From the Amer…
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* It ain't Mardi Gras without plenty of good food* Everything to know about the parades this weekend* Would Louisiana be hurt by potential Medicaid cuts?* Managing Your Money with Mark Rosa: How home prices are looking* LSU baseball passed one test, but they're in for more this weekend* Billy Nungesser on Mardi Gras, tourism, and taking care of the…
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The Trump administration wants to drill, baby, drill, and promote US oil and gas...but how could tariffs impact the industry? We talk with Eric Smith, a professor at Tulane’s Energy Institute. * We break down LSU baseball’s match-ups in the Frisco Baseball Classic this weekend with WWL.com columnist Jeff Palermo.…
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Learn the secrets to eliminating or, at least, mitigating the risks when investing in real estate in Tucson. This class is Module 24 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: How to think about risks in terms of severity and likelihood and which are the most devastating? For each risk: what is it…
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Guests – Betsy Smith, Rob LaMaster, Seth Keshel significant law enforcement operations are taking place in Arizona that aren't getting enough attention. A recent raid in Maricopa County is tackling money laundering and criminal financial transfers. Rob LaMaster, Regional Director for Southern Arizona Make-A-Wish Foundation, shared insights about th…
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Dave Cohen in for Tommy again.* Muses may be the headline, but there are lots of awesome parades tonight* Examining the Saints new coaching staff* Here's how you can help rescue a Mardi Gras horse* Should the White House be picking which journalists get to cover Trump?* Mike Strain on how the government is trying to address the cost of eggs…
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