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Pierre Bellemare comme vous ne l’avez jamais entendu ! C’est la promesse de ce nouveau podcast imaginé à partir des archives exceptionnelles du Service Patrimoine Sonore d’Europe 1. Affaires criminelles, true crime, crimes, enquêtes : Pierre Bellemare est le pionnier des grands conteurs de récits radiophoniques. Dans les années 70, cette voix culte d’Europe 1 a tenu en haleine les auditeurs avec ses histoires extraordinaires. Des histoires vraies de crimes en tout genre, crapuleux, familiaux ...
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The Recipe with Kenji and Deb

Deb Perelman & J. Kenji López-Alt

Hi, we’re Deb Perelman (Smitten Kitchen) and J. Kenji López-Alt (Serious Eats, The Food Lab, The Wok). We’re professional home cooks, which means we can - and will - make the same meal 57 times in a row on the quest for the perfect recipe. Is it crazy? For us, no, because we do this for a living. But for you? Yes, probably. Which is why you should listen to The Recipe with Kenji and Deb. You'll hear us talk about what goes into writing our recipes — the techniques we test, the ingredients we ...
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Podcast Zdravé reči je zameraný na rôzne zaujímavé a rôznorodé témy v oblasti zdravia. V každej epizóde sú prítomní rôzni odborníci, ktorí sa snažia zrozumiteľným spôsobom priblížiť poslucháčom témy týkajúce sa zdravia v rôznych oblastiach. Podcast Zdravé reči je k dispozícii bezplatne, vo vašej obľúbenej podcastovej aplikácii alebo na internetovej stránke Podcast plný zdravých rečí s rôznymi odborníkmi aj najširšiu ponuku výhod vám prináša Union zdravotná poisťovňa. Me ...
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Řečí peněz

Český rozhlas

Přední čeští ekonomové glosují aktuální nejen ekonomické události, které hýbou naší i světovou společností. Všechny díly podcastu Řečí peněz můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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This podcast will offer general information regarding symptoms and behaviors that I currently treat and have dealt with in the past. It's to help people understand and have a better grasp on diagnosis like: depression, anxiety and ADHD, along with various other conditions. More about me:
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L'envers du récit

LA CROIX - Bayard

Dans ce podcast, un journaliste de La Croix raconte les coulisses d'un reportage, d'une enquête ; ce qui s'est passé avant qu'il ne l'écrive, comment il l'a vécu et comment l'histoire se poursuit. Au gré de rencontres et de moments souvent inattendus, vous allez découvrir l'histoire d'un article ou d'une photographie. "L'envers du récit" est à écouter sur toutes les plateformes de podcasts : Vous avez une question ou une remarque ? Écrivez-nous à ...
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Recipe Club

The Ringer

Each week, chef David Chang and host Chris Ying gather the members of Recipe Club to debate the best way to make the food you want to eat. Together, they hack and slash their way through the millions of recipes out there, so you don’t have to. In this latest season, the gang is tackling specific occasions—date nights, potlucks, late-night snacks, the first time you cook for the in-laws—and “politely” discussing whose advice you should take. Every episode of this chart-topping podcast is a hi ...
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The Strange Recital

Tom Newton and Brent Robison

The Strange Recital is an audio forum for short fiction. We delight in perceptions of reality that twist and fold in unexpected ways. Each podcast episode runs about 30 minutes and includes a story reading (the Recital), a musical interlude, and an author interview (the Post-Recital)... with a twist. Subscribe to get a new episode once a month.
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The Splendid Table has always connected people through the common language of food and eating. Now with award-winning food journalist Francis Lam at the helm, we’re bringing forward even more fresh voices and surprising conversations at the intersection of food, people and culture – covering everything from the global appeal of sesame to the impact of Instagram on everyday eating. It’s a food show where everyone is welcome. Produced by American Public Media. Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network
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Territorios del Pasado es un espacio de divulgación y debate sobre algunos problemas centrales de la Historia reciente argentina y del Cono Sur. Este podcast fue creado por el Nucleo de Historia Reciente del Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Argentina) que, desde 2012, reúne a distintos especialistas e investigadores/as preocupados por comprender el pasado reciente de nuestra región.
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You know that annoying question you keep asking yourself? “What should I make for dinner tonight?" Stop asking it and listen to the Recipe of the Day podcast instead. Recipe of the Day will cure your dinner indecision so you can become the cook everyone loves! In each daily episode, recipe creator and cookbook author Christine Pittman, tells you about a recipe that's perfectly chosen for that day. Easy dinners for Mondays, the perfect dip for Game Days - you'll get the best recipes quickly, ...
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Welcome to Behind the Recipe, a podcast where we celebrate all things food! Whether you’re a seasoned cook or a kitchen newbie, join me each week for fun and insightful conversations. I’ll share cooking tips, tricks, and delicious recipes to inspire you. Sometimes it’ll be just me, and other times, I’ll bring in expert guests to dive deeper into food topics. Think of it as a cozy chat—relaxed, friendly, and full of ideas to make your time in the kitchen more enjoyable. It’s like comfort food ...
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Sebastian Michael, author of The Sonneteer and several other plays and books, looks at each of William Shakespeare's 154 Sonnets in the originally published sequence, giving detailed explanations and looking out for what the words themselves tell us about the great poet and playwright, about the Fair Youth and the Dark Lady, and about their complex and fascinating relationships. Podcast transcripts, the sonnets, contact details and full info at
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The One Recipe

American Public Media

From the team that brought you The Splendid Table at APM Studios, The One Recipe is a pod devoted to that one recipe you keep in your back pocket. The one you send to friends, make for your mom, the one you entirely depend on because you know it’s going to work. We’re here to help you build up an arsenal of fast, simple and crowd-pleasing recipes, one episode at a time. Whether you’re cooking in a tiny kitchen and eating for one, or cooking breakfast, lunch, dinner and brunch during a weeklo ...
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Recipe for Crazy

Alanna Noel

Alanna Noel — writer, producer, and content creator best known for narrating her mental breakdowns over her meals — brings you a podcast unlike any other. (Actually… it’s probably like the rest of them… but with more garlic and less dignity.) Recipe for Crazy boldly reclaims the word “crazy” as a term of endearment, power, and, occasionally, self-diagnosis. No thought is too wild, no ex is too innocent, and no recipe is too questionable. Step inside Alanna’s world of unfiltered thoughts, hom ...
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Reciprocity with AG

Andrew Gadomski

The podcast is an exploration in sharing. It dives into how people across various occupations provide guidance and help to those around them. It also enables storytelling on how these guests have received them same. What are their motivations? What are their stories? What have they learned and taught from and to others? 10 questions to each guest. All the same. 10 responses from each guest. All different. Listen to how people give and receive.
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Recipe for Sleep


Recipe for Sleep – A Sleepcast is a cozy place to put your thoughts when it’s time for your mind to rest. We’ve got a library full of very old cookbooks, 1850-1925, at our fingertips and we’re going to read each one to you, sweetly and slowly, one recipe at a time. Recipes are simultaneously full of beautiful imagery, (particularly for those of us who thrill in delicious food,) and soothingly dull. Host Erin Brindley’s gentle narration and the nostalgic allure of Victorian simplicity create ...
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The Recipe For SEO Success Show

Kate Toon SEO Educator

The Recipe for SEO Success podcast helps you expand your understanding of all things Search Engine Optimisation and learn from experts you can trust. Listen to award winning SEO copywriting and Consultant Kate Toon chat with her expert guests about all things Google including: -Optimisation tips and techniques -The latest SEO news and updates -Real life SEO case studies and critiques -Focus on different aspects of SEO from link building and local to ecommerce and engagement.
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Hand Me Down Recipes, hosted by Kathie Lapcevic, is dedicated to the timeless art of passing down family recipes. Each episode is a journey into kitchens of the past and present, where we share cherished dishes, the stories behind them, and the traditions they preserve. From secret sauces to grandma’s iconic desserts, we’re celebrating the love, heritage, and deliciousness that connect us across generations. Whether you're a seasoned cook or a curious foodie, join us to savor the flavors of ...
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Radio Recital

Radio Recital

Radio Recital, donde vive la buena música. Acá lo acompañamos siempre con buena música las 24 horas y los 365 días de la semana. Acá podrás encontrar todos los audios de Radio Recital, los podcast de nuestros programas, especiales musicales e informativos, y mucho más.
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LALCA : Récits de vi(ll)es

Radio Anthropocène

LALCA est un laboratoire de recherche et un lieu de créations artistiques sur la ville et l'habiter. Retrouvez ici ses podcasts, Récits de vi(ll)es, Polyphonies citadines et autres expérimentations sonores... Le projet Hospitalité(s) pose la question de l'habiter à l'heure de la métropolisation. Qu'en est-il de se laver, manger, dormir... Aux bains-douches, LALCA s'associe au laboratoire EVS Laure de l'ENSAL. Vous pouvez suivre le projet sur
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Parents talk with our resident couples therapist for parents about their real parenting struggles. They are sharing navigating parenting challenges, the parent support and resources they found along the way, and any parenting tips they have discovered through their journey. While they chat parenting insights and stories, they are recipe sharing balancing parenting and family meals. Make sure to subscribe, like, and follow for more recipes and parenting tips.
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show series
Jarní prázdniny jsou v plném proudu a české hory nabízí slušné lyžařské podmínky. Hoteliéři a provozovatelé si tak na nezájem stěžovat nemohou. Zákazníky ale nemile překvapují ceny, které zase o kousek poskočily výše. „V průměru od roku 2019 šly ceny nahoru zhruba o 75 procent, což je poměrně ostrý nárůst,“ upozorňuje v pořadu Řečí peněz hlavní eko…
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Števo Martinovič otvorene prehovoril o všetkých diétach, ktoré vyskúšal - od tých najdivokejších až po tie, ktoré skutočne fungovali. Bez okolkov priznal svoje prehrešky voči zdraviu a s Docentom rozoberá najnovšie fitness trendy. Čo z toho je len marketing a čo naozaj funguje?"Tento podcast je určený výhradne pre vašu zábavu a poučenie, nie na dia…
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Vydajte sa s nami na cestu objavovania panvového dna a jeho vplyvu na život a zdravie žien. Pozvanie na rozhovor prijala PhDr. Magdaléna Csolti, urogynekologička a fyzioterapeutka z kliniky AuraMedica. S moderátorkou Dianou Hágerovou diskutujú o starostlivosti o panvové dno v rôznych životných etapách žien - od dospievania, cez tehotenstvo a pôrod,…
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It's Toon Tip time, and your trusty host, me, is here today to tackle that ever elusive question swirling in the minds of digital marketing managers everywhere. How long does it really take for SEO to work? Is it a sprint? A marathon, or maybe a bit of both? Today we're going to be diving into timelines, managing expectations, and maybe even giving…
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New York Times bestselling author Carolina Gelen is in the house this week to talk about her obsession with the American chip aisle, her commitment to developing approachable recipes that can turn any cook at any skill level into a kitchen conqueror, and her One: Think Cabbage Roll in a Casserole. Carolina is the author of Pass The Plate: 100 Delic…
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Today's recipe is Greek Chicken Marinade. Here are the links to some of the items I talked about in this episode: #ad Measuring Spoons Liquid Measuring Cup Cutting Board Chef's Knife How to Brine Chicken Breasts Instant Read Thermometer Probe Thermometer All New Chicken Cookbook This episode was also published in April, 2023. Here's the Recipe Of T…
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Hand Me Down Recipes, hosted by Kathie Lapcevic, is dedicated to the timeless art of passing down family recipes. Each episode is a journey into kitchens of the past and present, where we share cherished dishes, the stories behind them, and the traditions they preserve. From secret sauces to grandma’s iconic desserts, we’re celebrating the love, he…
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Today's recipe is Taco Bowls. Here are the links to some of the items I talked about in this episode: #ad Instant Pot Rice How To Cook Ground Turkey Taco Seasoning Large Skillet Measuring Spoons Tongs Pie Plates All New Chicken Cookbook Here's the Recipe Of The Day page with all of our recipe links. If you want to make sure that you always find out…
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Crispy chicken cutlets are endlessly adaptable to taste, so it’s no wonder they are a universal crowd pleaser. From Austrian schnitzel to Japanese katsu to Deb’s mother-in-law’s recipe that leaves out a classic ingredient, there are endless permutations of chicken, flour, egg, breadcrumbs + ??? to satisfy the pickiest eater (and most discerning hom…
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Nous sommes en 1956 dans la province Suisse près de Zurich. Joseph Stocker est un prédicateur né. Avec l'aide de sa compagne Marie-Madeleine et de la sœur Stella, il fonde une secte religieuse prédisant la fin du monde en 1957. Ils ont réussi à convaincre de nombreux fidèles de leur donner de l'argent pour construire une "arche de Noé" censée les s…
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durée : 00:29:21 - Une histoire particulière - par : Pierre Chassagnieux - En 2023, Valécien Bonnot-Gallucci est doctorant à l’université Panthéon-Sorbonne où il étudie le rapport entre cinéma et littérature dans les années 1920. - réalisation : Yvon CroizierDoor Emmanuel Laurentin, Pierre Chassagnieux
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Today's recipe is Chimichurri Skirt Steak. Here are the links to some of the items I talked about in this episode: #ad Chimichurri Sauce Dry Brining Steak How to Cook Skirt Steak Perfectly - with video on how to cut Large Cast Iron Skillet Sheet Pan with Rack Cutting Board Chef's Knife Blender Food Processor IG: @COOKtheSTORY TT: @COOKtheSTORY All …
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With his curiously themed Sonnet 122, William Shakespeare tells his younger lover that although he has parted with a notebook he had received as a gift from him, its contents are in fact kept entirely in his memory, where they will remain safely stored and complete until the day he dies. This, he assures him, is a better way of holding on to them t…
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durée : 00:29:16 - Une histoire particulière - par : Pierre Chassagnieux - Le tournage de "La Prière aux étoiles" débute en pleine seconde guerre mondiale, au cours de l’été 1941 sur la plage de Cassis, une cité balnéaire qui accueille de nombreux vacanciers. - réalisation : Yvon CroizierDoor Emmanuel Laurentin, Pierre Chassagnieux
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Today I'm talking to a return guest, cookbook author, recipe developer, and blogger Jessica Formicola of Savory Experiments. She tells us about her intriguing new cookbook coming out in the fall and she tells about her Five S philosophy that elevates family meals to restaurant quality. The recipe she tells us about is fancy-sounding, but is a simpl…
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1 naissance en structure et 1 ANA La recherche d'une sage femme pour se faire accompagner à domicile est difficile pendant ses deux grossesses. Alors que la situation la pousse à choisir l'hôpital dans le premier cas, le second invite Marion à se positionner sur une naissance libre. Vous avez entendu le récit de Thierry dans l'épisode #10, voici la…
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It's a star-studded event with Cazzie David, Tatiana from Brighton Beach, the potential new pope Francisco, and an interview with Brady Corbet. Plus, Nosferatu calls in. We recommend watching this one on YouTube: Become a member on Patreon or right here on YouTube for a bonus episode every week…
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Today's recipe is Homemade Tartar Sauce. Here are the links to some of the items I talked about in this episode: #ad Small Bowl Measuring Spoons IG: @COOKtheSTORY TT: @COOKtheSTORY FB: @COOKtheSTORY Pintrest: @COOKtheSTORY All New Chicken Cookbook This episode was also published in February, 2023. Here's the Recipe Of The Day page with all of our r…
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This week, we're all about the world of restaurants and flavor. First, we talked with Andrew Friedman about his career, writing about American food culture, chefs, and the restaurant scene. He talks to us about his latest project, spending time behind the swinging doors of a restaurant and how all the kitchen roles—from the butcher to the delivery …
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Today's recipe is Air Fryer Lamb Chops. Here are the links to some of the items I talked about in this episode: #ad Pan Seared Lamb Chops Lamb Loin Chops Pan Seared Air Fryer Chef's Knife Cutting Board Measuring Spoons Instant Read Thermometer All New Chicken Cookbook Here's the Recipe Of The Day page with all of our recipe links. If you want to ma…
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In this episode, we're talking genius ways to transform a humble rotisserie chicken. There are so many ways to maximize this supermarket time saver! ******************************** DISCLAIMER: This audio and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of our recommended products, we may receive a small commission …
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Jean-Jacques Liabeuf vient de Saint-Etienne et a suivi une formation de cordonnier. À l’âge de 21 ans, Liabeuf enchaîne les courtes peines de prison pour vols divers et variés. Il part ensuite faire son service militaire en Afrique et s’installe à Paris à son retour. S’ensuit alors une succession d’évènements d’infortune pour le jeune cordonnier : …
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Hola y bienvenido. En este episodio, revisaremos las intervenciones y estrategias más útiles que han ayudado a los clientes y a las familias a utilizar para mejorar los síntomas y comportamientos del ADHD. Más sobre mí: Otras formas de escuchar: Spotify: Radio iHeart: https://www.iheart.…
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أهلاً ومرحبًا بكم. في هذه الحلقة، سنستعرض التدخلات والاستراتيجيات الأكثر إفادة التي ساعدت العملاء والأسر على استخدامها للمساعدة في تحسين أعراض وسلوكيات اضطراب فرط الحركة ونقص الانتباه. المزيد عني: طرق أخرى للاستماع: Spotify: iHeart Radio: Apple Itun…
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The gang’s all here! It’s a Recipe Club Potluck and we’ve invited some friends. Our friend Mandy Roberts brought buffalo dip sliders, Justin Pichetrungsi of Anajak Thai brought buldak fried chicken, and Zach Brooks of Smorgasburg LA brought jambalaya. A delicious time with friends sounds right up our alley here at Recipe Club. But even in friendly …
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Today's recipe is Fresh Chili Garlic Sauce. Here are the links to some of the items I talked about in this episode: #ad Food Processor High Power Blender Fine Mesh Sieve Mixing Bowls Sauce Pan All New Chicken Cookbook This episode was also published in April, 2023. Here's the Recipe Of The Day page with all of our recipe links. If you want to make …
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مرحبا بكم في هذه الحلقة سوف نناقش معلومات أساسية حول اضطراب نقص الانتباه وفرط النشاط (ADHD). سنقوم بمراجعة ما هو عليه، وتحليل الإحصائيات، واستكشاف التدخلات. المزيد عني: طرق أخرى للاستماع: Spotify: iHeart Radio: Apple iTunes:…
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Hola, en este episodio analizaremos información esencial sobre el trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (ADHD). Repasaremos qué es, analizaremos estadísticas y exploraremos intervenciones. Más sobre mí: Otras formas de escuchar: Spotify: iHeart Radio:…
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Lunchtime content creator Sulhee Jessica Woo joins us this week to talk about the boundless creativity in her favorite kind of meal, a Bento Box, making videos with her daughters’ cameos, their love of spicy food, and her One: Hearty Homestyle Chili. Jessica, a.k.a. The Bento Box Queen, is the author of the new cookbook Let’s Make Some Lunch. You c…
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When I started out, I was one of the few women in the SEO trenches. I remember joining an SEO Group on Google and realising I was literally the only female in there. I’m beyond chuffed to see that that’s no longer the case. At a recent SEO event in Newcastle over half of the audience were women. It’s great to see the SEO world and events trying to …
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Today's recipe is Blackened Chicken. Here are the links to some of the items I talked about in this episode: #ad Meat Mallet Measuring Spoons Oven Safe Skillet Instant Read Thermometer Measuring Cup All New Chicken Cookbook Email List: Here's the Recipe Of The Day page with all of our recipe links. If you want to make su…
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Send us a text with your feedback here! Are we doomed to repeat the relationship patterns we grew up with? Julie Cobos Hernández, mom of three and nurse, opens up about her journey of breaking free from chaotic relationship cycles and learning to build healthier, more fulfilling connections. In this raw and eye-opening conversation with Reesa Moral…
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Today's recipe is Espagnole Sauce. Here are the links to some of the items I talked about in this episode: #ad Velouté Sauce 3-qt. Sauce Pan Chef's Knife Cutting Board Dry Measuring Cups Liquid Measuring Cup Flat Whisk Measuring Spoons Fine Mesh Sieve All New Chicken Cookbook This episode was also published in March, 2023. Here's the Recipe Of The …
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L'enlèvement du petit Éric Peugeot, âgé de 6 ans, n’a rien d’exceptionnel et son dénouement est “heureux” puisqu’à contrario des grandes affaires d’enlèvement à l’américaine où la victime meurt, le petit garçon est ici ramené à ses parents. En revanche, l'enquête pour retrouver les ravisseurs s'avère difficile. Malgré les efforts déployés, les aute…
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With Sonnet 121, William Shakespeare claims his right to be who he is and negates the authority of others to pass judgement on him and his actions, specifically those who themselves are not morally or ethically superior to him but who would appear to project their own corrupted values and jaded view of the human being onto those around them. In doi…
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Datil Bloody Mary Mix and Jeff’s Best Mix Giveaway with Chili Bush Beef Stix INTRO: Welcome to the award winning, Nationally syndicated My Big Fat Bloody Mary podcast where you will never drink alone. Special hello to our new listeners! Several hundred newbies in the US and 9 in Canada. …Door Big fat Bloody
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durée : 00:28:49 - Une histoire particulière - par : Pauline Maucort - Depuis l’affaire Jean Gabin au début des années 1960, les syndicats agricoles ont développé diverses stratégies médiatiques : de l’action directe spectaculaire à la séduction des consommateurs, passage en revue des mobilisations agricoles. - réalisation : Cécile Laffon…
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Today's recipe is Carne Asada. Here are the links to some of the items I talked about in this episode: #ad Carne Asada Tacos Large Ziplock Bag Blender Chipotle Peppers Citrus Juicer Measuring Spoons Cast Iron Skillet Instant Read Thermometer Video: How to Cook Skirt Steak Cutting Board Chef's Knife Mini Cooking Courses All New Chicken Cookbook This…
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durée : 00:28:58 - Une histoire particulière - par : Pauline Maucort - Dans la nuit du 27 au 28 juillet 1962, 700 agriculteurs encerclent le domaine de Jean Gabin lui reprochant d’accaparer les terres. Le lendemain, l’affaire fera la "Une" des journaux. - réalisation : Cécile LaffonDoor Emmanuel Laurentin, Pauline Maucort
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