Featured True Stories Episodes on Player FM
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Esta noche hablamos con Tom C. Avendaño, redactor de El País Semanal. El periodista nos cuenta cómo fue ser parte del equipo fundador de la revista ICON, referente en la prensa masculina y de cultura; su etapa en Brasil; entrevistas a personajes emblemáticos como Marisa Paredes y nos adelanta el tema que publicará este fin de semana.…
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Loneliness is a universal experience, for each of us at some point in our lives. Journalist Ros Thomas travelled the world to investigate, and find the antidote. Journalist Ros Thomas spent a year travelling around the world to research something all of us have experienced — loneliness. She met an old man who had learned to thrive through crushing …
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Será que viver na Dinamarca é sinónimo de felicidade? Respondem à pergunta a Francisca Braga, a Marta Dias e a Patrícia Correia. Vamos até 3 cidades dinamarquesas medir os níveis de felicidade de quem vive por lá.
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Mitte der 60er-Jahre setzt sich der damals 18-jährige Ernest Pointner aus dem oberbayerischen Petting allein ein Flugzeug und verfolgt seinen Traum vom Auswandern. Kanada ist 34 Jahre lang seine Heimat. Wie er dort vom Metzger zum erfolgreichen Friseur mit eigenem Salon in Vancouver wurde, das erzählt Ernest Pointner bei Dominique Knoll.…
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How Ayub Khan took control of Pakistan and the 1965 War - Pakistan's Drift into Extremism #TPE - The Pakistan Experience
Today on TPE book Club we look at Hassan Abbas's book, "Pakistan's drift into extremism:Allah, the Army, and America 's War on Terror" to discuss how Ayub Khan took control of Pakistan and the 1965 war.The Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stories about Pakistan through conversations. Please consider supportin…
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Alessandro Capasso zeigt den Münchnern ihre Macken - und zwar auf TikTok und Instagram. Als "der Münchner" arbeitet er in lustigen Videos Klischees auf, immer mit einem Augenzwinkern. Mittlerweile kann er davon sogar leben.
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To show what folks are missing out on if they’re not Patreon members, we’re featuring stories by Emmy Turner, Walter Zimmerman and Manolo Matos, that were previously part of our library of Bonus Content at Patreon.com/risk • Pitch us your story! risk-show.com/submissions • Support RISK! through Patreon at patreon.com/risk or make a one-time donatio…
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"Biofleisch? Die haben uns alle ausgelacht“ | Hans-Georg Greger, Bioladen-Betreiber seit 1989 - hr2 Doppelkopf
Als Bio-Lebensmittel noch eine Nische waren, da hat Hans Georg Greger in Kassel 1989 seinen Bio-Laden aufgemacht. Es sollte schon damals ein Laden für alle sein, nicht nur für eingefleischte Ökos. Weg vom Getreidemühlen-Image und angeschrumpelten Äpfeln.
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Die Blümchen und Sträucher zeigen gerade ihre ausdrucksvollsten Farben. Die gibt es in sprichwörtlichen Redensarten genauso, wie unser Experte Rolf-Bernhard Essig im Ratsch mit Andreas Estner beweisen kann. Freuen Sie sich einer leuchtenden Palette von ihnen.
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Дмитрий Владимиров - доцент Воронежского государственного университета, член Русского географического общества, и с 2014 года 9 раз принимал участие в экспедициях на Тибетское нагорье, где изучали региональные эффекты глобального изменения климата. А еще Дмитрий тот самый слушатель Лаовайкаста, который 14 лет ждал обещанного ответа на вопрос про та…
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282. Dlaczego Donald Trump wszedł do teatru? Kulisy przejęcia Kennedy Center. - Ameryka i ja - Lidia Krawczuk w RMF Classic
W odcinku zaskakujące wydarzenia związane z przejęciem przez prezydenta Donalda Trumpa kontroli nad John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts w Waszyngtonie. Instytucja kultury, symbolizująca amerykańską sztukę i rozrywkę, stała się areną politycznych przetasowań, które wywołały poruszenie w środowisku artystycznym.W odcinku: Jak doszło do teg…
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Award-winning actor and old friend Rico drops by for a hysterical, if not irreverent, hang with Mike and Chuck, friends he’s had for 40+ years. There is laughter; there are tears, and there is laughter that turns into tears. Warning: Don’t listen while drinking coffee in front of a computer. Tip o’ the hat to our excellent sponsors ZipRecruiter.com…
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Manson prosecutor, Stephen Kay, recounts the strange story of Ronald Hughes, one of the Manson girls’ defense lawyers who disappeared in the middle of the trial. New episodes every Tuesday. To read more about these cases, visit Crimes of the Times at latimes.com Video episodes will be available on Spotify and Youtube.…
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A brand new sommelier (that’s a wine expert for the less fancy) needs some help figuring out what her next move should be. She and Gethard get real nerdy about ancient wine-making techniques, and then, as is often the case, the conversation takes a more serious turn when our caller opens up about a tough situation with a family member. Sign up for …
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The morning of March 8, Mahmoud Khalil was detained at his apartment in New York City. Khalil is a 30-year-old Algerian citizen. He was born in Syria and is of Palestinian descent. He came to this country on a student visa in 2022, married an American citizen in 2023, became a green card holder in 2024, and finished his graduate studies at Columbia…
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State or Sardars? Who is to blame for Balochistan? - Sardar Akhtar Mengal - Former CM - #TPE 430 - The Pakistan Experience
Sardar Akhtar Mengal comes on for an explosive episode of The Pakistan Experience breaking down the problems of Balochistan.On this podcast, we discuss the security problem, the Sardari nizaam, Nawab Akbar Bugti, NAP, History of the Mengal Family, Why Balochistan governments have failed to deliver, the 18th Amendment, Jaffar Express, BLA, Mahrang B…
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The Misadventures of Martha Dodd, Part 2: The Left Behind | KGB - True Spies: Espionage | Investigation | Crime | Murder | Detective | Politics
Content Warning: This episode contains adult themes throughout. When defense journalist Brendan McNally stumbled across a long-forgotten name in 1990s Prague, he had no idea of the remarkable story he would uncover. It belongs to Martha Dodd: ambassador's daughter, mistress to Nazi officials, and Stalinist spy. In the second episode of this two-par…
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What does it mean to live alongside people you don’t agree with? And love them anyway? Pádraig Ó Tuama is a poet, theologian, and conflict mediator from Ireland, where belonging has always been complicated and peace is fragile at best. In this conversation, Kate and Pádraig explore what it takes to live together in the midst of disagreement—the bea…
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When the Americans finally act out and decide to fight for their lives, they’re left alone in an inhospitable mountain rage full of rebel militants and a trigger happy army. Far more than just a rescue mission, the climbers have to cross miles of treacherous terrain in the black of night with hopes that they won’t be mistaken for an insurgent milit…
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A Middle-Aged Couple Made Porn to Spice Things Up. Then One of Them Got Fired. - Death, Sex & Money
When Joe Gow was fired from his position as chancellor and professor at the University of Wisconsin at La Crosse, his superiors said it was due to “abhorrent” behavior. Joe had made porn videos with his wife Carmen and uploaded them onto the internet under the name “Sexy Happy Couple.” This week, Joe and Carmen tell their side of the story and expl…
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Two friends went on a ski trip that went incredibly, horribly wrong. Almost a decade later, they came to StoryCorps to finally talk about it. Leave us a voicemail at 702-706-TALK, or email us at podcast@storycorps.org. Learn more about sponsor message choices: podcastchoices.com/adchoices NPR Privacy Policy…
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In this episode, we get an update from widower David Cherson. This is the first part of a two-part series called Life of a Lonely Widower. For Life of a Lonely Widower (Part 2) and other full episodes, the full back catalog and a listener community, you can join us here. Want to be on the show? Call or text 612.568.4441 or book a call here. Learn m…
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Cuando Michelle abrió una taquería en Londres, no imaginó que una palabra la pondría en el centro de una batalla legal y cultural. ¿Quién tiene derecho a usar "taquería"? En nuestro sitio web puedes encontrar una transcripción del episodio. Or you can also check this English translation. ♥ Aquí estamos y no nos vamos. Hoy, más que nunca, confirmamo…
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This week's stories call on us to humble ourselves before nature…and consider whether maybe …there are some things that animals know that we don’t. The Great Dingo Debate by Andrea Dixon In our first story, Andrea shares her love for Taz, a rescued dingo living on her family’s property in Hawkesbury, Darug country. As tensions rise between farmers,…
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Tim 'S Jongers | Brokkelt de rechtsstaat af? Het ligt eraan wie je het vraagt: de comfortabele middenklasse of een alleenstaande ouder in de schuldsanering. Want in het beste geval is de rechtsstaat ontoegankelijk, in het ergste geval je vijand. En wie maakt daar dankbaar gebruik van? De populist. Opname: Julius van IJperen Montage & mixage: Tom Ru…
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A special Moth Radio Hour with stories originating from our annual "Love Hurts" StorySLAM. Love lost, love found, unwanted spotlights and the family we choose. This episode is hosted by Moth Senior Director Jenifer Hixson. The Moth Radio Hour is produced by The Moth and Jay Allison of Atlantic Public Media. Storytellers: Andrew Brown comes face to …
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Dans cette nouvelle saison de "A la folie, pas du tout", découvrez l'envers du décor de l'idylle Beyoncé et Jay-Z, deux stars qui ont gravi les sommets ensemble. Mais que cache cette histoire d’amour devenue iconique ? Etait-ce pour faire le buzz ? Ou bien l’amour est-il vrai ? Plongez dans les plus beaux moments du célèbre couple de stars… comme d…
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Cette semaine dans Les Fabuleux Destins...Découvrez le destin de plusieurs femmes disparues de l'histoire - Les Fabuleux Destins
Ce mois-ci, dans Les Fabuleux Destins, nous mettons en lumière des femmes oubliées de l’histoire. Et à l’occasion du Podcasthon, nous souhaitions vous parler de l’association Rêv’Elles. Depuis 2013, Rêv’Elles inspire, accompagne et encourage les jeunes femmes des quartiers populaires à s’épanouir, tant sur le plan personnel que professionnel. À tra…
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El protagonista del 'Farolillo por un día' de hoy es el Seísmos, un oyente que cambió la ruta del bakalao por la ruta de las actividades extraescolares de sus hijas.
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The chief investigative reporter on her work exposing criminals and corruption, including former politician, Eddie Obeid and financial fraudster, Melissa Caddick. Kate McClymont is chief investigative reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald. She grew up on a farm in NSW, and during university, funded her start in Sydney by setting up a busking booth…
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Elise Goujon : Expatriée, rapatriée ... mon retour en France, un nouveau départ pour la famille - French Expat
🇫🇷✈️ Quitter les États-Unis après 10 ans : le retour en France d’Élise 🌍 Après plus d’une décennie entre New York et Los Angeles, où elle a bâti une entreprise de visites touristiques florissante, Élise Goujon et sa famille ont pris un grand tournant : rentrer en France. Direction Marseille ! Mais revenir au pays après tant d’années à l’étranger, c…
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Subscribe to https://ground.news/andrew to access diverse perspectives & get 40% off unlimited access this month. The shocking truth behind Prince Andrew's fears in "Why Prince Andrew is PETRIFIED of the Epstein List." In this interview, leading historian Alexander Larman reveals explosive details about Prince Andrew's controversial connections to …
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Sebastian Klein, Unternehme und Ex-Millionär, "Mir war wichtig: Du nutzt jetzt dieses Geld, um damit Probleme zu lösen" - Blaue Couch
Mit dem Verkauf seiner Bücher-App "Blinkist" wurde Sebastian Klein zum Multi-Millionär. Doch dann gab er fast sein gesamtes privates Vermögen ab und steckte es in Projekte für die Allgemeinheit und für den Erhalt der Demokratie. Warum reich sein toxisch sein kann, bespricht er mit Dominique Knoll. Sebastian Klein ist Psychologe, Autor und Unternehm…
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Franziska Wanninger, Kabarettistin: "Wenn du wen brauchst, ruf mich nicht an" - Eins zu Eins. Der Talk
Geboren im Sternbild "ein Wunschkind warst du nicht" mitAszendent "Rampensau" geht Franziska Wanninger ihren Weg auf die Bühne. Und ist heute nicht mehr aus der bayerischen Kabarettistinnen-Szene wegzudenken.
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Leyla war es schon immer sehr wichtig, sich gesund zu ernähren. Heute sagt sie, dass sie aber zeitweise zu streng mit sich war. Eine Psychologin erklärt, woran Betroffene merken, dass gesunde Ernährung ungesund wird und ihnen nicht mehr gut tut. ********** Ihr hört: Gesprächspartnerin: Leyla, achtete sehr auf gesunde Ernährung, eine Zeit lang sogar…
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Katja Lange-Müller ist 1951 in Ost-Berlin als Tochter einer hohen SED-Funktionärin geboren. Sie reiste 1984 offiziell aus der DDR aus und ging nach West-Berlin. Ihr Leben ist vom Bruch mit ihrer Mutter, Inge Lange, gekennzeichnet. Inge Lange war Kandidatin des Politbüros der SED.
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Meindl gehört zu den ältesten Familienunternehmen in Deutschland. Seit 2000 sind die Abteilungen Schuhe und Bekleidung eigenständige Firmen. In "Habe die Ehre!" ist Markus Meindl bei Hermine Kaiser zu Gast.
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故事FM ❜ 第 838 期 你有没有过离家出走的经历? 我从小就是老实听话的孩子,从来就没有干过这么胆大包天的事儿。但对于外面世界的向往,在我内心其实一直都很强烈,只是从来没有一个理由。 偶尔听说谁家的孩子离家出走了,那时候更多的是羡慕,觉得这个同学真勇敢,做了我不敢做的事儿,ta 应该有不少奇遇吧。 现在看来,孩子的确就是孩子,想法还是太幼稚。 离家出走的人,从来不是因为外部世界的诱惑太大,而是因为内部世界的心酸和苦楚。迈出家门,往往是迫不得已。 这周,我们会给大家播出几个关于离家出走的故事。你在听了讲述者的故事后,如果也想起自己的一段经历,欢迎到故事FM 的微信公众号给我们投稿。 /staff/ 讲述者 | 小白 主播 | @寇爱哲 制作人 | 陆丹 文案整理 | 陆丹 声音设计 | …
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#185 Scott "Kidd" Poteet - SpaceX Polaris Dawn Astronaut on Spacewalk, Moon Landing and Mars - Shawn Ryan Show
Scott “Kidd” Poteet is a retired U.S. Air Force lieutenant colonel and highly experienced pilot who served more than two decades in the military. Over the course of his Air Force career, he flew F-16s in multiple combat deployments and held roles in leadership and training, earning a reputation for his strong work ethic and focus on mission excelle…
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This episode of Distractible pleads the fifth. Any further information will require the presence of a lawyer. Or just get Bob or Wade, that should be good enough. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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