Immerse yourself into the journey of mindful meditation with Krystal.
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Mindful Meditation is about being aware of who you are, Physically, Emotionally, & Spiritually in the present moment having no judgements while being curious. There are many Benefits to Mindfulness! Come learn how Mindful Meditations can make a difference in your Life! There are many various themes to Mindful Meditations! Come let's learn together! Come learn how you can become a Mindful Guest on this Podcast! Support this podcast: ...
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Meditation Minutes - A three-week introduction to mindful meditation through guided meditations.
Hemant Bhanoo
Hemant Bhanoo is an engineer (Google, Amazon), entrepreneur, and investor. He's been meditating since he was a little kid, and has taught 'Search Inside Yourself' - a mindfulness class developed at google - to hundreds of people around the world. See for more info. This podcast is a three week gentle introduction to mindful meditation. Starting with basic attention training in week one, more attention training in week two, and moving onto awareness and equani ...
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Short, weekly guided meditations to help you stress less and live more. Each week join Kelly Smith, founder of Yoga For You, for simple and grounded guided meditations that are 20 minutes or less and cover an array of topics that will help you with real life struggles like anxiety, insomnia, self-esteem and creating a morning ritual.
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Deine Reise zu mehr Ruhe und Gelassenheit beginnt hier bei Koala Mind! Ich bin Petra und ich freue mich sehr, dass du meinen Podcast gefunden hast. Mit meinen Meditationen möchte ich dir helfen, mehr Leichtigkeit und Freude in deinen Alltag zu bringen. Ob zur Entspannung, Selbstfürsorge oder den Umgang mit Ängsten und Sorgen: Ich freue mich, dich in deinem Alltag zu unterstützen! Du wünschst dir noch mehr Gelassenheit durch eine tägliche Meditationsroutine? Bestell dir jetzt mein Meditation ...
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在倫敦政經學院進修mindfulness正念療法,透過正念療法等理論來闡述佛經….. 琉璃無垢、心無雜念、想要有顆琉璃心就要先找到真正的自己。 祈願你我此生得菩提,心似瑠璃;大徹大悟,明心見性,清淨無染。 Hopefully we could gain the bodhi and a glass-like heart. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Quiet your thoughts, take a deep breath, and experience pure mindfulness & relaxation with A Zen Mind Guided Meditations & Visualizations 🤍 Journey within to connect with your highest potential 💫 Let go of the thoughts or emotions that no longer serve you, and welcome healing, inner peace, wisdom, and harmony within🕊️ ✨ New meditations uploaded every Wednesday 💗 With Love & Light, xo Jo More from A Zen Mind🌼Follow me on Instagram✨ 🕉️ Get More Meditations Each Month
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peaceful meditations
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Welcome to Ease Your Mind with Coach Kitty, a transformational meditation and self-growth podcast designed to help you release negativity, cultivate confidence, and step into your true power. As an Rapid Transformational Therapist, business & life coach, I guide you through powerful meditations, breathwork, and affirmations to rewire your subconscious and embrace your fullest potential. Join me as we explore topics like self-worth, emotional healing, confidence-building, and deep relaxation— ...
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Through creating and sharing quality and impactful meditations for all who travel, Mindful Travel Meditations aspires to infuse love, light and inner peace into the daily lives of all who listen. Founded and produced by best friends--meditation guide, Jenna DiMaggio, and musician and songwriter, Kate Hatcher--MTM creates, produces and shares meditations to be used during any mode of travel. Designed to save time and create peace for busy, ordinary people, MTM will guide you on your commute t ...
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Guided meditations and breathing techniques to help you stay grounded, mindful and present ♥️
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Mindful Meditations is brought to you by Naomi of Mindful Movement. Mindful Meditations is a place to pause, center, and ground yourself in the moment, be here now. Revisit our podcast anytime you need to reduce stress and anxiety. We are here to help.
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Guidede mindfulde meditationer på Dansk Cover art photo provided by Joel Filipe on Unsplash:
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Explosion Mind Meditation bietet dir einen Einstieg in die Meditation und richtet sich an Anfänger und fortgeschrittene Meditierende. Meditation ist hier keine Entspannungsübung, sondern die Befreiung deines Geistes aus alten Mustern. Schritt für Schritt wirst du in die Welt der Meditation geführt. Du wirst verstehen was du tust und du wirst die Weiterentwicklung deines Bewusstsein intensiv spüren. Auf diesem Weg gibt dir der Podcast sowohl einen Einblick in die Ideen der unterschiedlichen R ...
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Licensed therapist and yoga instructor Katie Heeran guides you through meditations designed to relax, comfort and support.
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Our Mindful Nature: Meditations Inspired by Nature to Soothe the Overwhelmed Mind and Ease Anxiety
Meryl Arnett
Feeling overwhelmed despite your best self-care practices? You’re not alone. Anxiety, stress, and mental health struggles are at an all-time high — even for those of us in healing professions. After teaching and practicing meditation for 15+ years, host Meryl Arnett shares the secret to deep, restorative and helpful meditation practices - nature-inspired meditation. Meryl’s soothing guidance and high-quality nature soundscapes will help you to: - Cultivate a meditation practice that relieves ...
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The Ordinary Mind Meditation Podcast is all about Buddhist Meditation, combining teachings on Buddhist philosophy and psychology with guided meditations which allow you to learn how to embody these lessons in everyday life.
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Meditations to accompany the Mindful Reset Mindfulness Course
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Mindful Globe project is on a mission to spread the awareness of the benefits of Mindfulness meditation. This podcast offers practices, talks, and tools to leave a healthier and happier life. Stay tuned. Explore us on Instagram @mindfulglobe Facebook @themindfulglobe Web-site Feedback and collaborations
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Welcome to the Meditation Mind podcast, hosted by Christiaan Neeteson (founder of We'll take you on a journey across the globe and talk with various meditation & mindfulness practitioners. We talk about their experience, the lessons they have learned and what they want the world to know. From Eastern to Western Philosophy, Artists, Doctors, Physicians, Psychologists and alternative medicine, all fields have valuable insights and approaches to mindfulness. In this podcast, we ...
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Mindful Kids, Omi and Friendz® meditation for kids.
Mindful Kids, Meditations with Omi the Elephant
Mindful Kids is the official podcast of Omi and Friendz: dedicated to providing kids and families a place to come and reset. Our short meditations are hosted by Omi the Elephant®, who shares how to take a moment to STOP, BREATHE and RESET. Learn to set intentions and begin to feel happier, calm, and refocused. Perfect for kids to listen to on their way to school, before bed, or anytime they need just a moment to connect with themselves. Understanding how to pause will help children regulate ...
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Mindful Pause - Guided Meditation for Busy People with Jeena Cho. Guided mindfulness meditations to help you cultivate a meditation practice to bring calm and clarity into your life. Jeena Cho is a lawyer, writer, author, and meditation teacher. I teach mindfulness meditation to professionals. I'm currently working on my second book, The Anxious Lawyer (ABA). I offer one-on-one coaching to reduce stress/anxiety, support through career and life transitions, cultivating joy and happiness. My w ...
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Join Lori Westbury as she shares her bedtime stories, meditations and mindful poems Lori Westbury is an international Meditation & Mindfulness Instructor, Seminar Leader, and Workshop Facilitator. Certified from the Mclean Meditation Institute in Sedona Arizona offering contemporary meditation classes. Lori resides on Cape Breton Island Nova Scotia
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Welcome to Spirit Over Mind, your newest voyage into meditation and spirituality. I decided to create this podcast in light of a pretty challenging and heavy period of my life and what I discovered truly saved me was focusing inward and growing with my mental and spiritual health. This podcast will reflect many of the things I learned. Follow along as I release weekly meditations that will help you connect your mind, body, and spirit.
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Guided Mindfulness Meditation Narration by: Lindsey Monroe
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In The Unhurried Mom, Kayla invites you to slow down, breathe, and embrace the beauty of everyday motherhood. This podcast is a thoughtful space for moms who want to live more fully in the present moment—without the constant pull of perfection, hustle, or overwhelm. Through reflections on mindfulness, gentle routines, and loving kindness, Kayla explores how to meet the challenges of motherhood with intention, care, and compassion. Whether you’re navigating noisy mornings, feeling overstimula ...
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Have you experienced the positive effects of meditation and mindfulness? I created these sessions for every level & every mind. I'm Jessica Crow, author of The Power of Guided Meditation and head of CNTRD Meditation Teacher Trainings. My mission is to share the benefits of meditation and increase mental wellness throughout the world. I hope you'll listen to my meditations and interviews with mindfulness experts, and send any questions and requests my way. Visit to conta ...
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Calm Mind Mindfulness Meditations with Tracey Delfs
Tracey Delfs: Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, Coach & Retreat Leader
Guided mindfulness meditations of various lengths with Tracey Delfs to calm your mind, de-stress and bring yourself back to the present moment. Visit for more information on Tracey's live virtual mindful meditation classes through The Mindful Living Academy and mindfulness meditation retreats.
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A guided meditation podcast to reconnect with the Natural world and calm your inner creatures. Season One - Songbirds: A Voice Within. Ten minute meditations arriving each Sunday on the wings of a songbird to calm your mind and reconnect with the Earth as your week begins. --- NOTE: Please do not listen to this meditation podcast or any other guided meditations while doing something that requires your complete attention… like driving your car!
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Welcome to Mindful Mini, the ultimate destination for kids' guided meditations that spark imagination, boost self-esteem, and encourage calmness and relaxation. Each episode takes children on a magical journey filled with fun mindfulness adventures, bedtime relaxation stories, and breathing exercises designed to help them wind down, feel confident, and develop a positive mindset. From floating on fluffy clouds to exploring enchanted forests, Mindful Mini offers kid-friendly meditations that ...
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Welcome! Most people struggle with stress and feel overwhelmed when they can't keep up with life's demands. If you are battling stress over competing demands from work, home or both and would love to find relief from the onslaught of daily strains and pressures, this show can help. Jude Johnson is a certified brainspotting therapist who teaches Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) which has been shown to help with stress, pain, and illness. This show provides effective tips for stress r ...
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The Unexpected Link Between PTSD Treatment & Meditation for Emotional Exhaustion
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15:19Feeling emotionally drained and completely exhausted? Ever wondered if there's a way to restore your energy and reset your nervous system through meditation? Compassion fatigue and emotional burnout are all too common, especially when juggling the demands of caregiving, work, and personal life. This episode explores how meditation can not only help…
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It's been 90 days of new habits for Kelly as she shares a personal episode on the big changes she has made in her life like deleting social media apps, learning a new language, and finally deciding to release limiting beliefs and become the woman she has always dreamt of being. In this episode she shares what exactly led to these changes, and what …
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《琉璃心》第108集 見性之道:從《楞嚴經》到如意寶珠的正念修行 在這一集的《琉璃心》裡,我們將走進佛法中極為深奧也極為親切的一句話「我見在何處?」 《楞嚴經》中,釋迦牟尼佛問弟子阿難:「你所見的,究竟是眼睛?是空間?還是光明?」這不只是一場關於「眼」與「見」的對話,更是一次直指「見性」的正念觀修。 透過這一集,我們將學習如何不被明暗牽引、不被眼根執著,而是輕輕地回到那個不動的「覺」,從「見」開始修行,從當下每一次觀看中回到清明的本心。 正如《一切如來心祕密全身舍利寶篋印陀羅尼經》所說: 「善哉善哉!釋迦世尊出濁惡世,為利無依無怙眾生演說深法。如是法要神力無窮利益無邊,譬如幢上如意寶珠,常雨珍寶,滿一切願。」 這部法,不僅是智慧的雨露,更是我們日常修行中,默默落在心田的珍寶。 本集內涵: 1…
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Door Kayla Calabro
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Join Omi the Elephant in this supportive episode as he helps you manage your fears through a simple meditation. He reassures you that it's okay to feel scared sometimes, but teaches you how to regain control. By visualizing your fear as a small, manageable object, Omi guides you through breathing exercises that help you blow your fears away. This m…
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Send us a text Balancing Action & Rest ⚖️ Join Coach Kitty in this meditation to reconnect with the natural balance between effort and relaxation. Through visualization and affirmations, you will cultivate harmony between movement and stillness. 🌿✨ 🎧 Take a deep breath, find your rhythm, and embrace balance. Visit for more.…
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Grounding Meditation for Flight Anxiety: Travel With Ease
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13:56✈️ Flying can bring up a lot of anxiety and stress, no matter how many times you’ve done it. The uncertainty, the movement, the feeling of being out of control—it’s all completely natural. This meditation is here to help take your mind off the worries, and return to a feeling of peace and centeredness, you can move through your journey with greater…
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Send us a text Mastering Self-Discipline 🧘 Join Coach Kitty in this meditation to strengthen focus and commitment. Through visualization and affirmations, you will align with your goals and cultivate self-discipline. 🌿✨ 🎧 Take a deep breath, center yourself, and embrace your inner focus. Visit for more.…
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Spring Equinox Meditation {Live Retreat Recording}
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12:20Just The Meditation: Spring Equinox ✨ A Journey of Renewal & Healing Awaits - As light and dark come into perfect harmony, the spring equinox offers a powerful moment to pause, reflect, and realign with your true essence. Honored across cultures as a time of renewal and rebirth, this sacred season invites you to shed the old and embrace new possibi…
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Send us a text Building Inner Resilience 🏋️ Join Coach Kitty in this meditation to cultivate inner strength and resilience. Through visualization and affirmations, you will reinforce your ability to rise above challenges and stand strong in your power. 🌿✨ 🎧 Take a deep breath, embrace your strength, and move forward with resilience. Visit coachkitt…
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10-Minute Weekly Gratitude: A Meditation for a Beautiful Week Ahead
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11:41🙏 This meditation is a weekly reset, a space to release the past week and welcome the new one with gratitude. This practice invites you to shift your focus, embracing the week ahead with an open and grateful heart - becoming truly magnetic to all that is heading your way. Through gentle guidance, you’ll reflect on what you’re thankful for, let go o…
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Einschlafmeditation: Body Scan mit Naturgeräuschen
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24:44Dieser Body Scan entspannt dich und deinen Körper mit sanften Naturgeräuschen. Wir fühlen von Kopf bis Fuß in verschiedene Bereiche deines Körpers und lösen durch das "Hineinspüren" die Anspannung in den Muskeln. Vorbeiziehende Gedanken kannst du wahrnehmen und sie dann bewusst weiterziehen lassen. Ich wünsche dir ganz viel Freude bei dieser Medita…
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Throat Chakra (Self-Expression) Meditation
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12:37Activate your throat chakra and allow yourself to express your truth freely through this guided meditation. In this practice you visualize your throat chakra opening, clearing and activating while also building a bridge between your throat and your soul to allow for clear expression of your truest self. Thank you to our sponsor Ashwamag-Use discoun…
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Send us a text Celebrating Your Progress 🎉 Join Coach Kitty in this meditation to honor your journey and celebrate your progress. Through breathwork, visualization, and affirmations, you will cultivate self-appreciation and gratitude for how far you’ve come. 🌿✨ 🎧 Take a deep breath, reflect, and celebrate yourself. Visit for more.…
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Send us a text Embodying Your Growth 🌱 Join Coach Kitty in this meditation to honor your progress and fully embody your transformation. Through breathwork, visualization, and self-validation, you will ground yourself in your personal growth and step forward with clarity. 🌿✨ 🎧 Take a deep breath, trust your journey, and embody your evolution. Listen…
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Send us a text Living with Confidence & Purpose 🦋 Join Coach Kitty in this meditation to embody confidence and live in alignment with your true purpose. Through breathwork, visualization, and affirmations, you will step into self-trust and inner clarity. 🌿✨ 🎧 Take a deep breath, trust yourself, and embody your purpose. Listen now at…
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Harness The Hidden Power of the Spring Equinox with a Meditation for Renewal and Growth {live retreat recording}
A Special Spring Equinox Meditation Retreat ✨ Are you overlooking the power of the equinox in your meditation practice? As day and night find perfect balance, this season invites us to reflect, reset, and realign with our truest selves. Ancient traditions recognized this time as one of possibility, creativity, and rebirth. In this meditation, we ex…
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Send us a text Taking Bold Steps Toward Your Goals Join Coach Kitty in this empowering meditation focused on overcoming hesitation and activating your courage. Experience transformative techniques through breathwork, visualization, and affirmations. 🚶✨ 🎧 Take a deep breath, embrace your courage, and step boldly into your future. Listen now at coach…
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Join Jenna and Kate in this soothing sleep meditation, the first track in a three-part sleep series, Traveling to a Peaceful Sleep. Designed especially for travelers after a busy day or those adjusting to a new environment that makes falling asleep challenging, this guided meditation will help relax your mind, body, and nervous system as you unwind…
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Send us a text Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs Join Coach Kitty in this transformative meditation focused on subconscious rewiring and releasing limiting beliefs. Experience empowering techniques through breathwork, visualization, and affirmations. 🔓✨ 🎧 Take a deep breath, break free from limitations, and embrace your true potential. Listen now…
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Healing Your Inner Child: A Meditation for Deep Healing, Self Love, & Reconnection
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18:00🦋 This meditation is a journey back to your inner child—the part of you that longed to be seen, loved, and understood. Here, you will gently meet that younger version of yourself, offering them the comfort, validation, and warmth they always deserved. Through this gentle visualization, you’ll begin to recognize the stories that shaped you, not to h…
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Send us a text Strengthening Your Self-Worth Join Coach Kitty in this empowering meditation focused on self-worth and self-acceptance. Through breathwork, visualization, and affirmations, you will cultivate self-love and appreciation. 🌟✨ 🎧 Take a deep breath, celebrate your worth, and embrace who you are. Listen now at…
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✨Just the Meditation Grief, sadness, and heartache can feel all-consuming, making it difficult to stay present. Today's meditation practice is an invitation to hold these emotions with care—not to fix or erase them, but to nurture connection to ourselves, others, and the natural world. ☑️ Experience a guided meditation practice infused with poetry,…
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Send us a text Letting Go of Fear-Based Decisions Join Coach Kitty in this empowering meditation focused on overcoming doubt and releasing fear. Experience transformational techniques through breathwork, visualization, and affirmations. ⛅✨ 🎧 Take a deep breath, let go of fears, and embrace empowered choices. Listen now at…
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12 Minute Full Body Scan for Relaxation and Release: Guided Meditation
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13:46🛶 This meditation is a simple yet powerful full-body scan designed to bring deep relaxation to both the mind and body. With gentle guidance, you’ll move through each part of your body, releasing tension and inviting a sense of ease. As you bring awareness to different areas, you’ll soften, unwind, and allow yourself to fully let go. This practice i…
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Spring Equinox Breath Meditation
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13:22This Spring Equinox meditation is the time to honor the balance of light and dark, and focus on the harmony between the sun and moon energies within us. In this guided meditation Kelly leads you through a breathwork practice that activates both your sun and moon energy and ends with focusing on the balance and midline between the two to honor the S…
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Send us a text Standing in Your Power Join Coach Kitty in this meditation to activate self-belief, confidence, and inner strength. Through breathwork, visualization, and affirmations, you will cultivate your personal power. 🏛️✨ 🎧 Take a deep breath, stand in your power, and embrace your confidence. Listen now at…
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Send us a text Embracing Your Purpose Join Coach Kitty in this meditation to step into your true calling with clarity and confidence. Through breathwork, visualization, and affirmations, you will align with your purpose and trust your path. 🌿✨ 🎧 Take a deep breath, embrace your purpose, and walk forward with certainty. Listen now at…
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Send us a text Following Your Heart’s Path Join Coach Kitty in this meditation to tune into your heart’s wisdom and follow your truth with confidence. Through breathwork, visualization, and affirmations, you will align with your heart’s guidance and embrace your path. 🌿✨ 🎧 Take a deep breath, trust your heart, and step forward with clarity. Listen …
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Door Kayla Calabro
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Send us a text Stepping Into New Opportunities Join Coach Kitty in this meditation to embrace new possibilities with confidence and trust. Through breathwork, visualization, and affirmations, you will welcome change and open yourself to opportunities ahead. 🌿✨ 🎧 Take a deep breath, step forward, and embrace new opportunities. Listen now at coachkit…
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Have you ever felt so overwhelmed by grief that it seemed to erase every other emotion? In those moments, meditation might feel impossible—but what if it could become a space for tenderness rather than escape? Grief, sadness, and heartache can feel all-consuming, making it difficult to stay present. This episode explores how meditation can help us …
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Spring Equinox Rituals + Energy Balance
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53:49Spring Equinox rituals and the delicate balance of the sun and moon energies within us is the topic of this week's freeform episode. In this episode Kelly talks about the spiritual themes of spring and how important it is to find balance between the sun and moon energies within and ends with ideas of how you can celebrate the Spring Equinox this ye…
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The Diamond Sutra and mindfulness stress reduction -flower meditation
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29:31Observing Life with Clarity, Blooming with Wisdom In the midst of our busy lives, have we ever paused to reflect on what true happiness and fulfillment really mean? The Mindful Heart Podcast explores mindfulness, Buddhist wisdom, and everyday reflections to guide you back to the present moment-helping you find inner peace and clarity. This Episode:…
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Send us a text Embracing the Unknown Join Coach Kitty in this meditation to release fear and trust life’s unfolding journey. Through breathwork, visualization, and affirmations, you will step into trust and surrender to the flow of life. 🌿✨ 🎧 Take a deep breath, embrace the unknown, and trust your path. Listen now at…
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Ignite Your Creative Energy: A Guided Meditation for Inspired Flow
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14:36🎨 This meditation is all about embodying creativity—welcoming inspiration to flow freely in whatever you do. Creativity isn’t just about making something; it’s a state of being, a way of seeing the world with fresh eyes and an open heart. This practice offers space to tap into that energy, allowing ideas, perspectives, and possibilities to flow wit…
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Send us a text 💖 Trusting Your Intuition 💖 Your intuition is always there, guiding you. Today, take a deep breath and trust your inner wisdom. 🌿✨ 💬 “I trust my intuition. My inner wisdom guides me.” Let go of doubt, listen within, and trust yourself fully. You already have the answers. 💫 🎧 Listen to the guided meditation now! 🔗 Link in bio #TrustYo…
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Nurtured by Nature: Meditation for Anxiety
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10:25Just The Meditation ✨ Do you ever feel like you're being tossed about by life's constant changes, unable to find solid ground in the midst of chaos? In our fast-paced world filled with uncertainty, finding stability can seem impossible. But what if you could stand strong like a mountain through life's storms? In this meditation, you'll experience a…
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Send us a text Owning Your Voice Join Coach Kitty in this meditation to clear self-doubt and speak your truth with confidence. Through breathwork, visualization, and affirmations, you will step into self-expression and embrace your unique voice. 🌿✨ 🎧 Take a deep breath, trust your voice, and own your truth. Listen now at…
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Balance and Restore: Quick 10 Minute Alternate Nostril Breathwork Meditation
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10:08🌬️ This meditation is a simple yet powerful 10-minute breathwork reset, using Nadi Shodhana, or alternate nostril breathing. This breathwork technique is designed to bring balance, clear the mind, and harmonize your inner energy. You'll be guided through the practice, with space to experience both guided and unguided breathing. Whether you’re start…
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Meditation: Sanfte Selbstwahrnehmung
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10:45Diese Meditation ist eine sanfte Einladung, dich mit dir und deinem Inneren zu verbinden. Wir nehmen uns Zeit, zur Ruhe zu kommen und die Aufmerksamkeit nach innen zu lenken. Hier kommst du achtsam mit deinen Gedanken, Gefühlen und Empfindungen in Kontakt. Diese Form der Selbstwahrnehmung ohne Erwartung kann ein tiefes Gefühl der Verbundenheit ausl…
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Boost morning energy with this quick 7 minute guided meditation. This practice is designed to get your breath moving with "bellows breath" and then you visualize energy pouring into your body as you release all fatigue with your breath out. More Mindful in Minutes Join the free 5-day Nervous system reset to overcome overwhelm Books Order Meditation…
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Send us a text Embracing Your Authentic Self Join Coach Kitty in this meditation to release self-doubt and embrace your true, authentic self. Through breathwork, visualization, and affirmations, you will reconnect with your unique essence and step into self-acceptance. 🌿✨ 🎧 Take a deep breath, embrace your authenticity, and step into confidence. Li…
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Send us a text Stepping Into Your Power Join Coach Kitty in this meditation to reclaim your personal power and confidence. Through breathwork, visualization, and affirmations, you will step into self-trust and embrace your inner strength. 🌿✨ 🎧 Take a deep breath, own your power, and step into confidence. Listen now at…
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