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Thriving in Tandem: The podcast for married entrepreneurs

Robert and Kay Lee Fukui: Business and Marriage Coaches

Helping married entrepreneurs reach their business goals while living a better-balanced life with their spouse and family The biggest challenge for married entrepreneurs isn’t simply succeeding in business, it’s succeeding in all areas of life. This show will take you behind closed doors to share with you the real stories, conversations, and hard moments that happen in every married couple’s life, especially when it’s amplified by the stress of building a business. Join your hosts Robert and ...
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show series
Work-life balance is something many of us desire but often struggle to achieve. Over time, many have resigned themselves to the busyness of life, accepting it as the norm. However, the truth is, while work-life balance is simple to define, it can be mentally and emotionally challenging to implement. In this episode, we explore two key factors for a…
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In this episode, Robert and Kay Lee Fukui discuss five common business mistakes that hinder growth and profitability while affecting work-life balance. They emphasize the importance of focusing on profit margins rather than just sales volume, the pitfalls of discounting, the necessity of tracking financial metrics, the value of hiring help, and the…
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In this episode, we discuss how entrepreneurs can often become so focused on their business that they miss the warning signs that both their marriage and business may be at risk. It's crucial to address small issues in your relationship early on before they grow into larger problems that are harder to fix. Tune in to learn about the key red flags y…
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Life can be a roller coaster ride with many highs and lows. Both Darryll and Brittany Stinson share their stories of successes and challenges growing up, marrying each other, building an amazing business, and raising four kids. Darryll was a Division 1 football and basketball player and voted Top 100 college athlete in 2008. When things went south …
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Procrastination can have benefits in business if reframed and used strategically. It is often driven by fear of failure or the desire for perfection. However, when we finally take action, we often realize that the process wasn't as bad as we imagined. Procrastination can also provide a learning period and allow for improvements to be made before la…
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Today, we will dive into the keys to becoming a high-performance leader at home and in your business. It’s all about taking control of your health that will make you perform better, think better, sell better, and lead better. Who doesn’t want that? But don’t worry, we’re not going to try and persuade to take on the newest diet and exercise fad that…
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When it comes to the inability to create work-life balance for many married business owners, there are issues common to most. The good news is that there are common solutions as well. These solutions don’t come from us solely but from other married entrepreneurs who’ve been able to sustain better balance in their lives. This is the two-year anniver…
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Imagine returning home after a hectic day at work, eagerly anticipating the warm embrace of your little girl, only to find her turning towards your spouse instead – a moment Tamra Andress vividly describes as her 'Tombstone moment.' It's a heart-wrenching realization that strikes at the core of one's identity. You may have pondered the question: Wh…
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In this episode, we’re cutting through the noise and getting real. No matter how successful your business becomes, it won't guarantee happiness. It won’t make your spouse love you more, improve your kids' behavior, or earn you genuine admiration. We've seen too many marriages falter under the misconception that achievements lead to happiness. The t…
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Whether you work with your spouse, are considering working with your spouse, or are saying to yourself “never” this episode is for you. Knowing how to recognize and utilize your spouse's gifts, talents, and abilities will help your business and enrich your marriage. In this episode, we interview Troy and Shantel Brooks, successful business owners a…
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Is it just me, or is building a business easier than growing your marriage? Let’s put it this way: Are you more inclined to attend a business seminar or a marriage workshop? Would you rather see a marriage counselor or hire a business consultant? For some reason, many of us prefer to work on our business rather than our marriage, so it’s no wonder …
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What if you achieved your dream of becoming something like a fighter pilot? What boy doesn’t? Then you achieve your BHAG of being accepted into Top Gun school. But in an instant the dream turned reality comes crashing down. Not only are you not able to enter Top Gun school training but ultimately, the Navy kicks you out because of your handicap. Wh…
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One of the most popular keys to a successful marriage is “compromise.” In our experience that is one of the most destructive methods in a marriage. The word compromise means “accepting a standard lower than is desirable.” Is that what you want for your marriage? I would think not but that is how many deal with disagreements. When we compromise in a…
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Who doesn’t want to close more sales deals? Without sales, you have no business yet some business owners really struggle with this part. If you only have a small staff most likely you, the business owner, are the chief salesperson. Like many owners, you don’t want to come across as salesy so you actually become less effective at it. The question is…
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When growing a business, we can get caught up focusing on the marketing and building systems as the keys to success. But at the end of the day it’s people that make it work. So knowing how to communicate and positioning your team in the proper roles can make the difference between average performance and a great one. This episode piggy backs on epi…
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Going from owning multiple successful businesses, fancy cars, and homes to living in a van and couch surfing. How would your marriage survive this? Hopefully, you’ll never have to find out but you can listen to this week’s guests, Tim and Glori Winders, to find out how they did it. The 2008 recession destroyed their real estate business and by 2013…
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They say communication is the foundation of a great marriage. But most people think talking is communicating. It is part of communication but it doesn’t necessarily mean you understand each other. Good communication means both parties understand each other and can resolve disagreements without blowing up into major conflict. This is where so many m…
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Can a prenuptial agreement strengthen your marriage and prevent a divorce? That’s not typically what we think about when we hear prenup. We’re just usually thinking of protecting our assets when we do get divorced. But this week’s guest, Aaron Thomas, is going to shed some light on the way he helps couples create prenuptial agreements. His process …
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Marketing success can be elusive for many small business owners. Most rely on word of mouth (which is the best form of marketing) because they haven’t had much success doing anything else. Even if your business is doing well from word of mouth, there are some steps you can do to improve that. There is also so much noise out there about what form of…
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“Doing the right thing is inconvenient.” That was a powerful quote from this week’s guest Bob Beaudine. Prioritizing your family over your career or business is one of the hardest things to do for high achievers. It is possible to do it successfully but it doesn’t come easy. You have to make hard choices that are not convenient. Bob had one of the …
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Fewer than 5 percent of businesses earn over $1 million in revenue and only 11% have 20 employees or more. For many entrepreneurs, those are magic numbers to reach so they can experience greater freedom from the business. Reaching those revenue and staff milestones means they have the resources and team to handle business while they go off on a gre…
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Entrepreneurs have an independent streak for sure. I have it, you have it, we all have it. It’s why we can’t see ourselves in a 9 to 5 job. It’s why we’re so successful in what we do. We take the bull by the horn and make it happen. But independence can have an ugly side to it. It can cause us to become a little arrogant, isolated, and hurt our mos…
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Taking a vacation is a good thing. So why is it so hard for the typical entrepreneur to tear themselves away from the day to day grind of building a business to take a break with their family? We’ve heard and used these excuses. “I’m too busy to get away.” “It’s too stressful to take time off. There will be so much work waiting for me when I get ba…
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Imagine the doctor telling you that your spouse has 40 minutes to live. What do you do? How do you feel? How do you cope? Tune in to this week’s episode as entrepreneurs Gary and Keely Van Vlack share their story of how close Keely came to dying and how Gary coped. After Keely miraculously got over the hump and her health started to improve, the re…
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If you’re like many business owners, it’s been hard to find good employees. It seems like the younger generation doesn’t want to work and are lazy. Or at least that’s what they say. But think about this, the baby boomers were also considered lazy when they were in their twenties and thirties. They were the hippies. Love not war. In other words, the…
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What would it be like to go from working 95 hours/week to 0 in an instant? This week’s guest Paul Hastings is here to tell us about it. The sudden change wasn’t by choice. A tragic health issue forced him to stop cold turkey. In the months of recovery he was able to reconnect with his wife, be present for his young kids, and re-evaluate what was im…
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According to the 2022 U.S. Census Bureau, a little more than 10% of businesses are run by husband and wife teams. And that number is continuing to grow as more and more couples are realizing they can make more money working together than in separate jobs or businesses. However, working with your spouse is not as romantic as some may think it is. Ne…
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When you start with nothing to starting, building, and selling off multiple businesses to Fortune 500 companies, you’ve got it made, right? That’s not what this week’s guest, Aaron Walker experienced. Before he reached the age of 30 he had already sold his first company to a Fortune 500 competitor. Even though he had no intention of selling, they m…
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The reasons why couples fight over money is due to the different attitudes and habits that were formed growing up. Whatever was modeled to us growing up is what we adopt as an adult. As you’re aware, those differences are what causes the conflict. Savers vs. spenders, investors for going into debt, delayed gratification vs immediate pleasure. How d…
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As you go through the daily grind of building your business, does it sometime feel like Groundhog Day? Same thing over and over. If you stop and think, do you feel like you and your spouse are growing together or feeling more like roommates? Meet this week’s guest, Jerry Dugan. One day as he was building his career, his wife and kids gave him a sho…
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For some groups of married entrepreneurs, working with your spouse is the greatest thing since sliced bread. For others, it’s a disaster. The third group is getting by and the last group doesn’t even want to go there. Regardless of which camp you sit in, this episode is dedicated to you. The married entrepreneur who works with your spouse or is won…
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One of the reasons for the lack of work-life balance is working a lot of hours and taking on too many responsibilities. Whether it’s business or personal related, we tend to say yes to more things than we realize which steals time away from your spouse and kids. So how do we keep from taking on too much so we can maintain a healthy relationship wit…
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Whenever we face challenges like recessions, COVID-19, business competition, or market crashes, fear tends to rear its ugly head. How we deal with fear determines how well we get through those challenging times. Kay Lee and I recently went on a ski vacation and I noticed a lot of skiing metaphors that applied to how we deal with life and business c…
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The term family legacy gets thrown around a lot. We want it but do we really know what it means, how to build it, and know when you have it? In this episode, we’ll share what we’ve learned, how we’ve built it, and share some stories of others who’ve done it. NOTE: It doesn’t matter how much or little your assets are worth. Nor does age have anythin…
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Improving the businesses bottom line is always a nice thing to do. Usually, the strategy to do so is increase sales. But when you’re already working hard and long hours, more sales means more work. More work means more hours and less time at home with your spouse and family. How much more can you handle? What if we can show you how to find more mon…
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Becoming financially wealthy is a desire many have but most don’t achieve. Is it really that difficult? Actually not as difficult as many think. The difference between the people that achieve financial wealth vs those that simply talk about is based on their mindset on money and the habits they form around it. In this episode, we will talk about ho…
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Time seems to be that asset that entrepreneurs don’t have a lot of. If you’re feeling like you’re so busy you don’t have enough time to get everything done than this episode is for you. While no one can gain more time in the day, you can gain more margin. That takes doing less busy work and concentrate on more productive work. This can be hard as t…
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What drives you? What’s important to you? If relationships wasn’t an answer to at least one of those questions, you definitely need to listen to this episode. We live in a success driven world. Which wouldn’t be a problem if success was defined in a holistic way. But for most entrepreneurs, we often forget to mention our relationships. Even if we s…
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I know you want to prioritize your marriage over the business but there is a tension that pulls you to prioritize the business first. After all, it’s the main source of income for you and your family. If the business struggles you will financially as well. But what if I told you that they key to business success is to prioritize your marriage? Ther…
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It typically takes a significant (near) life tragedy to change someone’s perspective. Many of us entrepreneurs are wired to achieve while neglecting our most important relationships. Imagine being in a commercial jet that is about to go crashing into the Hudson River. What would be going through your mind and how would your perspective on life chan…
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When successful entrepreneurs start reaching their golden years, they often talk about some of their regrets in life. It’s not usually about missed business opportunities or investments, it’s about relationships. The most common regrets among the successful are around not taking care of themself and their close relationships like spouse and kids. W…
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Welcome to Thriving in Tandem. It’s a podcast for you the married entrepreneur that wants to win in business and marriage at the same time. The biggest challenge for the married entrepreneur isn’t just succeeding in business, it’s succeeding in all areas of your life including your marriage. What if we could take you behind closed doors to share wi…
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No matter what business owner we speak to anywhere in the country, the top concern is finding good employees. The same thing seems to be happening all over the U.S.A., no one wants to work. And the ones that do want to be paid a lot of money and with a lot of perks. Sound familiar? Well, Dr Joey Faucette is going to help us develop a plan to attrac…
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Are you a man? Are you a husband? Are you a father? Are you a business owner? Than this show is for you! Or any wife that wants to hear what guys talk about. Ha ha! But this isn’t going to be a mancave show. It’s going to be three guys sharing what it takes to be a superstar husband, dad, and entrepreneur. As you know, trying to do it all can be di…
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How would you and your spouse deal with losing, not one but, two businesses? Losing one business is bad enough. The stress that your relationship goes through can send many straight to divorce court. Fortunately, that did not happen to this week’s guest Bobby and Michelle Schaffer. They only got stronger together. Almost immediatly after being oust…
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Work 4 days a week? What entrepreneur doesn’t want that? Ok, so maybe I can adjust my schedule to do this but wouldn’t my business suffer? These are great questions that this week’s guest Joe Sanok is going to answer. As a counselor and therapist, he effectively grew and sold his practice incorporating the 4 day work week principle. Now he helps ot…
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You hear us and others warning that if you prioritize succeeding in business over the relationship, it CAN harm your marriage. This week’s guest, Krystal Parker, shows it WILL destroy your marriage. She found out the hard way how focusing so hard on achieving professional success can lead to two divorces. You’d think she would learn the first time,…
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We’re all about helping the married entrepreneur create greater work-life balance. A lot of our discussion is around setting boundaries and being more efficient with our time. This week, we want to talk about an often overlooked aspect of the business that largely determines how hard the business has to work to make a profit. PRICE. Price setting i…
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As a business owner, you need to be more lazy. No, it’s not that we don’t believe in hard work. But too many entrepreneurs are working so hard that they are slave to the business and it stunts the growth of the business. If you find a way to do less of the work by delegating more of it to employees that are better at certain tasks then you, then yo…
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Entrepreneurs are great visionaries, starters, doers, but often lack patience. In one sense that is a strength because many people just think about doing stuff but the entrepreneur makes it happen. There is a downside though. Impatience can cause the entrepreneur to pivot too quickly or get caught up in the shiny object. This can cause the business…
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