The FAT is back and taking RUINATION to a new level.
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Föräldrarådgivning när det fungerar som sämst med dem du älskar mest. En podd som hjälper dig att hantera föräldraskapets allra svåraste utmaningar. Har du problem med relationer, barn eller uppfostran? Skicka in dina frågor till våra experter på
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Blanco and Jonesy have a cocktail and discuss the stories of the day. The NFL, College Football, and all things Kansas City are common topics. Belly up to the bar and have a drink with us.
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Fattapodden är podden där vi snackar samtycke och samtyckeskultur. Hur får vi barn att respektera sina och andra kroppar, bidrar porr till sexuellt våld, och hur skapas en god samtyckeskultur inom organisationen? Det här och mycket mer pratar vi om i Fattapodden. För samtycke grundar sig i samhällets strukturer och föreställningar, och hur vi förvaltar de här föreställningarna. I grund och botten handlar det om hur vi ser på varandra som medmänniskor. Det hade nämligen aldrig behövts en samt ...
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Eventi e persone di attualità.
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3 Fattori è un Podcast nato dalla rubrica di Mariangela Pira, giornalista di Sky Tg24, su Linkedin. Il proposito è quello di raccontare a chiunque, anche al lattaio dell'Ohio, ciò che accade in finanza, economia e in geopolitica economica. In ogni puntata, con un linguaggio chiaro e semplice, vengono snocciolate le tematiche di attualità: dall'energia all'inflazione, dalle banche centrali ai programmi economici del governo, dal commercio globale a ciò che banalmente accade alle nostre impres ...
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Whoopi Goldberg
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Join Vinny Welsby (they/them), TEDx speaker, best-selling author, and certified Fierce Fatty as they teach you how to love your fat body without going on yet another ever again. 95-99% of diets fail, it’s not your fault you’ve never succeeded at losing weight! Wear the damn bikini, rock that crop top, and embrace that curvy body. Break down limiting negative self-beliefs and root out the reasons why you think your plus-size body is not ok. Episodes topics include - fatphobia, diet culture, i ...
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Welcome to Fatty Chats. Me and my friends talk about various things and topics.
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You Bet Your Brass Bells We'll Talk About it
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Each episode we discuss current MMA/UFC news, and current topics around the world.
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Randomness x Ratchetness + Intellect (Music) = My podcast fam 🤷🏾♂️😂
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La settimana in breve, a portata di cuffie.
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Welcome to the FGF podcast! Join us as we talk about all things fitness and personal progress, whether that's with your health, fitness and weight, or spiritual and emotional growth. We're happy to talk about it all with people that are serious about making positive changes in our lives, accepting that setbacks happen and you can start again, and admitting when you need help.
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Alli and Jer’s snack adventures! Reviews of an assortment of snack pairings for all snack lovers. Disclaimer: The opinions in this podcast are those of the hosts and do not belong to the product, an organization, or employer.
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FattyCakes Podcast is dedicated to helping women and men grow and explore the deepest parts of themselves that have been put away. It’s a free-spirited podcast that will deliver the raw, the uncut....the TRUTH! FattyCakes does not hold back, so be prepared to have your edges snatched, jaws dropped, your spirit touched and your soul filled at the same damn time. Support this podcast:
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Funny and interesting take on major sports leagues and news surrounding those. Cover art photo provided by MontyLov on Unsplash: Support this podcast:
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Fellas getting together to discuss health, fiances, relationships, personal issues and much more
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Comedians Evelyn Mok and Sofie Hagen talk for longer than they should. They are - Fatties Without Daddies.
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A podcast where the same story might be told twice but everything will be different... Come join JJ, Pat, and Skitch on 2 Fattys 1 PegLeg podcast as they try to keep the laughs coming while not getting sued.
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Fatt no det - en podcast for dæ som har et ledig kvarter eller to. Eller tre. Eller en litje time. Av og med Øystein Renø Svendsen og Martin Skaug. Brukte å bli spilt inn på Audiator Studio på Stakkevollan. Brukte å bli produsert av Morten Forsland. Det va en gang lydteknikk av Tor Aleksander Olsen og Kasper Høgås Johansen. Musikken e fortsatt av Red Headed Sluts, også kjent som The Modern Times, bare før dem ble The Modern Times.
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A weekly comedic podcast, join St. Paul author David Oppegaard and Minneapolis librarian Noah Warren as they dissect romantic comedies!
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Historia du borde fått lära dig är en podcast av och med historie-entusiasten Fredrik Timell. Han tar med oss till händelser i historien han anser inte fått tillräckligt med uppmärksamhet. Vissa berättelser är dråpligare än andra.Hör alla avsnitt av Historia du borde fått lära dig hos PodMe!
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Join fat activists Marquisele Mercedes (she/her), Da’Shaun Harrison (they/them), Caleb Luna (they/them), Bryan Guffey (they/them), and Jordan Underwood (they/he) as they break down how and why anti-fatness shows up in our lives and relationships. Listen as they get endlessly sidetracked while re-answering old advice columns about weight, fitness, and more from fat liberationist perspectives. Released almost every other Sunday.
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"Fatta Foto" en fotopodd med skånebrudarna Maja Lindberg och Elin Grafström där det snackas om allt mellan himmel och jord kring foto. #fattafoto
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Dalla necessità di modelli di riferimento e fonti di ispirazione nasce "Gli Ebrei che hanno fatto la Storia" un podcast by HaTikwa, il giornale dei Giovani Ebrei d'Italia. L'obiettivo è quello di dare alla nuova generazione ebraica italiana dei modelli positivi a cui ispirarsi. Eroi semplici, privi di poteri sovrumani, ma dotati di un'umanità straordinaria.
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Fatti macabri raccontati da Horror Arte & Cultura
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Esperto di sviluppo commerciale aiuto le PMI italiane che vogliono crescere e svilupparsi in modo sostenibile, attraverso strategie pratiche e efficienti. In questo canale trovi i miei podcast e le mie guide.
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Un podcast dedicato al viaggio lento, a piedi e in bicicletta: esperienze straordinarie a portata di persone normali. Musiche di Richard Aardenburg e Mattia Del Conte
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Un microfono, quattro voci, tantissimi argomenti: musica/cinema/serie tv/sport/libri, con puntate di viaggi vocali in cui affrontarli senza filtri. Scusateci, LO ABBIAMO FATTO A PODCAST! Giulia Bona Alessandro Favale Giulio Oldrati Matteo Sbodio
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Hi everyone! fatty's here! Welcome to your one-stop hub to get your fix of The Fatty & Mustard Show. You can find us talking about the latest happenings within the community, North Watchers, sharing ridiculous stories and a few of our favorite segments (BumbleD Asks... Two Truths, One Lie... 10 Qs...and many more!) New episodes drop every other week - just in time for your morning commute!
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A podcast to discuss all things relevant to fat, plus size and badass people in Africa and the diaspora. Hosted by @wittnsass with features from noteworthy guests, the podcast will tackle all the things our fat hearts desire! Make sure to follow us on all our platforms to get the latest and send us your questions to and we'll answer them on the show!
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A holistic health podcast with a ketogenic foundation. Yogi Parker - a former trucker - who lost over 300lbs using a ketogenic diet explores different paths to continue improving his own and the health of his listeners.
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Welcome to the FGF Podcast, home to our discussions on all things health - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual - it's all about well-being. We have a number of contributors to the podcast and will cover a variety of topics based on the interest of the hosts as well as those of our listeners. If there's a topic you'd like us to explore - or you would like to guest host - let us know! For more information, join our Fatty Gets Fit Facebook group (a closed group, but send us a request and we' ...
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Listen in as Lindsay Johnson aka @fantasticalfatty interviews fat content creators, performers, artists, entrepreneurs, authors, athletes, health & fitness professionals and more as they share their tips to help YOU fall in love with your fat body, feel confident taking up space and living your best fat baddie life!
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SisalTipster presenta Vamos! Esultanze che hanno fatto la storia del calcio
SisalTipster presenta Vamos! Esultanze che hanno fatto la storia del calcio. L’esultanza è la punta di un iceberg. Può essere studiata o istintiva, scatenata e rabbiosa, contenuta o scenografica. È un istante sospeso, appena dopo il gesto tecnico e appena prima del boato. In un gesto corale o di un singolo, le esultanze ritraggono alcuni dei momenti più significativi nella storia del Calcio, dalla Serie A fino al Mondiale, dalle coppe ai campionati. Si vive per esultare. Si esulta per sentir ...
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Dette er en podcast for deg som lurer på hvordan vi kan løse de store samfunnsutfordringene vi står ovenfor. Hvor skal vi i det hele tatt starte, og hva er de viktigste stegene vi bør ta? Du skal få høre om personer som utfordrer vedtatte sannheter og stivnede systemer. Det får de til ved å bygge et lag av gode hjelpere, - for utfordringene de tar på seg hadde de ikke klart å løse alene. “Dette hadde jeg ikke fått til alene” er en podcast fra SoCentral. For oss er det grunnleggende at den so ...
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Tracollo delle obbligazioni britanniche, la conferenza di Meloni, le politiche di Trump - Ep. 272
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Parto con un approfondimento su quanto sta accadendo in Gran Bretagna, le preoccupazioni sul debito e quello che potrebbe succedere ora. Vado poi su alcune indicazioni che penso, economiche, relative alla conferenza del presidente del consiglio. Finisco con alcune valutazioni di inizio anno a partire da Trump. Vi aspetto.…
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BFO4419 – A Medical Update
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The Fat One closes out the first FULL week of 2025 with an update on Garry with 2 Rs, gentlemen callers, Ubering Vader to the aeropuerto (which we all know is Mexican for, Aeropuerto), a trip to the Sam’s Club and the Wednesday coupon. Happy National Bittersweet Chocolate Day.Door Big Fatty
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The Fat One is back with a recap of his day which included something in the Villa mailbox, a visit to Shady Pines, a gentleman caller and an update on the Ham Map. Happy National Apricot Day.Door Big Fatty
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BFO4417 – A Bejesus Deficiency
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After the first “Good Morning” greetings of the new year, the Fat One speaks about Garry with two Rs who was involved in a serious vehicular accident and offers good thought to him and DJ Ron on the recovery. Afterwards, he chats about his day in Fat Acres which included a Coal Miner visit, the return of Seniorcize and details about Leather Weather…
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BFO4416 – Get Out Your Mark in Calendar
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The Fat One is back with a recap of his day in Fat Acres and introduces us to the book, and others in the series, that he’s reading plus there’s big news about important dates this month and next. Happy National Tempura Day.Door Big Fatty
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BFO4415 – Chrima Be Gone!
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The Fat One kicks off the first full week of 2025 with a medical update, a recap of the weekend in Fat Acres, an update on the Ham Map and the final Chrima card for 2024. Happy National Shortbread Day.Door Big Fatty
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El Salvador: riprenderà le attività minerarie avvelenando il Paese? Intervista di Mara Generali
Il parlamento di El Salvador ha approvato una legge che consente di riprendere le attività minerarie all’interno del paese, la popolazione e i gruppi ambientalisti locali ritengono che la legge rappresenti una minaccia per l’ambiente e la salute dei salvadoregni. Mara ne ha intervistato uno, FelipeDoor Radio Budrio
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The Fat One closes out the first (partial) week of 2025 with a recap of his day in Fat Acres with a final (hopefully) update on Olive’s estate, the start of taking down the Chrima and New Year’s decorations and the VERY DIFFICULT cancellation process of the Earl Gray satellite radio. Happy National Chocolate Covered Cherries Day.…
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BFO4413 – Hot Ears and Gasoline
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The Fat one is back with a trip downMemory Lane to commemorate the Orange Hat’s 94th birthday and an observation as to how fast time flies before recapping New Year’s Eve at the Villa and a Nip story. Happy National Cream Puff Day.Door Big Fatty
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BFO4412 – Year of the Phlegm
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Rabbit, Rabbit! The Fat one kicks off 2025 with a recap of his last days of 2024 which included a gentleman caller a final coupon, continued confusion as to what day it is and a special purchase. Happy National Bloody Mary Day.Door Big Fatty
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BFO4411 – Ball Drop 2024
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After the final rendition of the Vulgarian National Anthem for 2024, the Fat One natters before closing out the LITTLE show with the annual recreation of New Year’s Eve with Guy Lombardo and Ben Grauer in Time’s Square. Happy National Champagne Day.Door Big Fatty
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Bologna, Santa Maria della Vita tra passato e presente Intervista a Marilena Caciorgna Storica dell'arte
Un nuovo percorso espositivo rende ancora più ricco un luogo di arte e spiritualità davvero straordinari: Santa Maria della Vita. Bologna, Via Clavature, 10 Mara Generali intervista Marilena Caciorgna Storica dell'arteDoor Radio Budrio
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BFO4410 – Tickle Your Tongue
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The Fat One returns with a look back at his final weekend of 2024 which included some sundowning, an update on the Ham Map, a gentleman caller and the final Chrima cards (probably).Door Big Fatty
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BFO4409 – Tastes Like Sprinkles
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The Fat One closes out the week with some reflections on 2024 before recapping his Chrima Day and LOTS of nattering. Happy National Fruit Cake Day.Door Big Fatty
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BFO4408 – Light a Candle (Not Fart Related)
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The Fat One is back with a recap of his Chrima Eve and Chrima morning in Fat Acres which includes a final count of decorations, some tea talk, nattering about Chrima traditions, a visit to the fire pit and lots of nattering about the new Ham Map. Happy National Candy Cane Day.Door Big Fatty
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After some “Good Morning Big Fatty” greetings, the Fat One (not the one dressed all in fur from his head to his foot) recaps his day in Fat Acres which includes some Chrima memories, several voiceletters and the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! Happy National Tamales Day.Door Big Fatty
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BFO4406 – Fat Man Coming!
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The Fat One recounts his day in Fat Acres which included a trip to the Von’s East and the Lowell’s some words of encouragement, Chrima Cards and ”A Visit From St. Nicholas” reading. Happy National Egg Nog Day.Door Big Fatty
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BFO4405 – A Cheesecake and a Bidet
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The Fat One kicks off Chrima Week with a recap of his weekend which included a message from Patty Bacon, an update on his Chrima teas, Friday at Fatty’s and a couple of new items at the Villa. Happy National Pfeffernuesse Day.Door Big Fatty
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Drink of the day: Christmas rum punch 2 oz spiced rum, .5 oz lemon juice, 2 oz cranberry juice, top with ginger beer. Blanco and Jonesy are at the bar for their holiday special. We give Screwball egg nog a try. We make a case for restaurants to stop leaving the tails on shrimp in pasta dishes. Jonesy has a beef with Taco Bell. We talk about the mos…
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The Fat One is back with a full report on his day in Fat Acres that included a visit to the vampire, a Survivor recap (no spoilers), a gas report, the Seniorcize luncheon and several Chrima cards. Happy last day of Fall (Spring in the Southern Hemisphere.Door Big Fatty
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BFO4403 – Enormous Coupon
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The Fat One has had a very busy day which included sausage balls, Survivor, Earl Gray retrieval, a gentleman caller, a huge coupon and lots of cards and giftettes. Happy National Hard Candy Day.Door Big Fatty
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BFO4402 – Catching Up (without Mike and Joe)
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After some “Good Morning” greetings, the Fat One recaps the past few days since his return from Hatlanta, has a couple of tea reviews and actually opens a couple of Chrima giftettes. Happy National Roast Suckling Pig Day.Door Big Fatty
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# 76 Fanny Widman: Näringslivet har ett jättestort ansvar
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Dagens gäst är ingen mindre än Fanny Widman, föreläsare, författare och grundare av podden Fannys Förebilder. Vi pratar om hur det är att själv vara en förebild, hur man vet att man sitter på makt och vad är skitsammafilosofin? Producent: Isabella Alveborg Gäst: Fanny Widman Klippning: Isabella Alveborg Kontakt: Studio: Aller M…
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194: How to Protect Yourself From Anti-Fat Bias This Holiday Season
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It’s NOT the most wonderful time of the year for a lot of fat folks because many will be spending time with anti-fat family and then once you survive that it’s into the “New Year New You” diet culture dog shit. Ugh. Want some tactics to overcome this stressful time? Tune into this episode for the salve to all this nonsense. Don’t forget: you’re wor…
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BFO4401 – Carol and Dick
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The Fat One wraps up his weekend in Hatlanta which included some favorite Chrima classics on the tv machine, a gentleman caller and the Fatty family Chrima hootenanny. Happy National Maple Syrup Day.Door Big Fatty
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BFO4400 – Hatlanta Chrima Recap #1
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The Fat One is back in the Villa and begins to recap his weekend in Hatlanta by recounting the Podcasters of America Supper at the Colonade (see the picture at Noon today) and a shopping trip to the Sam’s Club and the Costco. Happy Chocolate Covered Anything Day.Door Big Fatty
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Drink of the day: Jameson Ginger and lime premade cocktail. Jonesy and Blanco are rambling at the bar again. We found a chef in Guatemala that cooks pizza using a volcano. That leads to talk about a mega volcano wiping out humanity. We give out take on the drone presence over NJ. Are the aliens coming from the ocean, maybe? We talk about the transf…
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BFO4399 – Wash Your Sister Sauce
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The Fat One pre-recorded today’s LITTLE show and shares some Chrima memories and a sentimental moment before taking some voiceletters (some which sound VULGAH). Happy National Cocoa Day.Door Big Fatty
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Barnpsykolog Malin Bergström pratar om barn som är rädda för att vara ifrån från sina föräldrar och om föräldrar som tycker det är jobbigt att vara ifrån sina barn.Door UR – Utbildningsradion
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