A Montessori podcast for parents and teachers about raising children and educating students while bettering ourselves alongside them
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Welcome to the All Things Montessori Podcast, a podcast devoted to discussing everything Montessori. From classroom management to self-care, Montessori at home to staying inspired in this work; we cover it all. Hosted by AMI Trainer and Consultant, Jamie Rue and Montessori Teacher and Administrator, Rachel Merle-Smith. Email us at: [email protected] Follow us at: @allthingsmontessori
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We Empower Children To Soar To New Heights! At StoryHeights Montessori, children enjoy a first-class educational program and loving care in an exceptional environment that fosters a genuine lifelong love of learning!
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Current research shows that the first couple years of life lay a developmental foundation for a lifetime! My name is Bianca from babytourguide.com and I help parents, educators, and caregivers optimize Baby and Toddler Development through a Montessori lens. Let's journey through the world of Montessori Babies!
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Wisdom and understanding of Montessori education for parents and teachers.
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Neo Global presents the Modern Montessori Podcast, a monthly show for parents and educators. Each episode we discuss a new topic that is impactful in the educational environment and also at home.
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Vous voulez mettre en pratique la pédagogie Montessori, que ce soit à la maison, en structure, en cabinet ou à l'école ? Bienvenue ! Je suis Anne-Laure Schneider, formatrice Montessori et maman de 5 enfants instruits en famille. Ici, nous parlons de pédagogie Montessori, mais aussi de discipline positive, d'instruction en famille (école à la maison), de coschooling et de bien d'autres choses encore...
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Welcome to Multilingual Montessori, a podcast where we discuss multilingualism, multiculturalism, and raising children from a Montessori perspective. Hosted by AMI Montessori guide and TESOL instructor Gabrielle Kotkov. Follow instagram.com/multilingual.montessori and visit multilingualmontessori.org for more!
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Un #podcast presentado por @cripatia dedicado a la Educación #Montessori. Escúchanos en Ivoox, Apple Podcasts, Spotify o en tu podcatcher favorito.
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Educating the Human Potential: The American Montessori Society Podcast
American Montessori Society (AMS)
Journey into the future of learning with two pioneering educators as they unlock the secrets of human potential through captivating conversations on education's biggest challenges. Step into "Educating the Human Potential," where Educational Psychologist Nicole Coman and renowned Montessori Educator William "Biff" Maier guide you through transformative discussions that are reshaping how we think about education. This podcast from the American Montessori Society sparks insightful conversation ...
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Podcast by White Paper Press
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This is the Montessori Matters podcast, keeping you in-the-know about The Montessori School in Chattanooga, TN.
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Listen in to learn about Montessori education and discover how you can apply Montessori principles at home. Designed for parents but available to all we cover topics from choosing a school to supporting children develop healthy relationships with their peers and siblings.
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Education that Nurtures the Human Potential
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Welcome to Trillium Montessori Talks, the podcast where we dig into the theory and application of Montessori methodology in the classroom and beyond. Join host Letty Rising for candid conversations about the challenges us Montessori teachers face and how we can enhance the classroom experience for our students and ourselves. Ready to optimize your Montessori practice? Head to https://www.trilliummontessori.org/podcast to learn more.
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Welcome to Peaceful Montessori Homeschooling. My wife Adriana and I started this channel to provide a resource for homeschooling in the Montessori method and under the peaceful parenting model. These two philosophies are not only complementary, but they enhance the effectiveness of each. These conversations are unscripted and spontaneous husband and wife chats.
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Little Champs Montessori Childcare and Dayhome in Calgary AB provides quality childcare dayhome in a positive and safe environment where children can grow and learn from experienced daycare staff. A family home has been beautifully converted as a Premium Montessori dayhome which retains the warm homely feeling with great learning environment for your child. At Little Champs Montessori, the parents gain access to educational resources they would need when planning an early childhood program f ...
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Podcasts from Baan Dek Montessori, in Sioux Falls, SD. An incredible Montessori foundation for children and an inspirational resource for teachers and parents.
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There is a fine line between life's ebbs and flows and chaos. If you're feeling overwhelmed with your little kiddo, then this podcast is for you. We'll dive into some deep stuff to reprogram the way you're experiencing emotions so that you can guide your child towards emotional intelligence. And we'll also dive into day to day practical tools that will change your life. Hint: Montessori is involved! Let's turn the cloudy chaos into a sunny flow.
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Contribuir para a sua formação como pessoa, que lida com criança e trazer possibilidades para ajudar à infância com reflexões baseadas na educadora Maria Montessori, do mundialmente conhecido: método Montessori e das minhas práticas como mãe e professora e constante aprendiz. Nos ajude a construir o Poscast!, dê sua opinião sobre o que você gostaria de ver aqui no nosso canal. Para isso, pode usar o link a seguir com um formulário simples: https://forms.gle/ejrB3kwtzcQstDD59 Já te agradeço p ...
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Hi! I'm Sue, a Montessori-certified mother of 3. For the past several years, I've been writing about Montessori parenting and Montessori lessons on my blog. I am bringing everything on my blog (and more!) to life on this podcast. So, grab a cup of tea and relax while you learn all about how to bring Montessori into your home or traditional learning classroom. If you are interested in checking out the blog before diving into the podcast, here's the link: https://reachformontessori.com/ If you ...
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Nasz podcast opowie Wam o czym jest pedagogika Montessori, jakie są jej podstawowe założenia i jak wygląda edukacja w zgodzie z tym podejściem. Przy kawie i w dobrym towarzystwie, rozmawiamy o wychowaniu, nauce, emocjach i tym wszystkim, co wiąże się z podążaniem za dzieckiem. Zapraszamy na www.kukumag.com. Paulina Zawadzka i Katarzyna Frenczak-Sito
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Ce balado traite de la pédagogie Montessori, des personnes qui la font vivre au quotidien et de ceux qui la font grandir. Il est produit et réalisé par Allan Nguyen pour www.montessori.quebec
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The Montessori Notebook podcast :: a Montessori parenting podcast with Simone Davies
Simone Davies, Montessori teacher and parent
The Montessori Notebook podcast is the place for all your Montessori inspiration. Simone Davies, author of The Montessori Toddler, reveals all her insights from years of being a Montessori teacher and parent. Through conversations, answering listener’s questions, and sharing what she’s been learning lately, you’ll be inspired to take those ideas that resonate for you and put them straight into practice to be a more calm, supportive parent or teacher. Simone is down to earth, warm, and makes ...
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The Montessori Assistant with Kate & Terry Millie
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44:01-What is a Montessori assistant -- what is his/her role? -What happens when an assistant disagrees with a head teacher or guide -- and what happens when real conflict arises between them? -Should assistants speak with parents, or is that solely the job of the head Montessori teacher or administrators? These and other big questions about assistants …
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Teaching Equity to Young Children with Special Guest Jaya Mallik
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39:07Meet Jaya Mallik, an experienced DEIB practitioner and educator, Jaya Mallik centers her practice on community engagement, data-informed insights, and empowering others to lead and innovate. She is especially passionate about ensuring equal access and opportunities for women of color and other underrepresented identities. This week Jaya sits down w…
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Navigating the Bridge Between Home and School with Caroline Moulsdale
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26:57Rachel sits down with ABC Crate CEO and Founder, Caroline Moulsdale for this week's episode. Caroline started ABC Crate to help families bridge the gap between home and school by providing Montessori educational kits to build a supportive home environment. Interested in ABC Crate? Use CODE: Montessori for 20% off any of ABC Crate's services or educ…
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268. Fête d'anniversaire d'enfant : stop à la surenchère !
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30:39Depuis des années maintenant, les anniversaires d’enfant sont hors de contrôle… Tout doit être parfait, façon Pinterest, les invités doivent repartir avec leur propre petit sac-cadeau 🎁… Et si on en discutait tranquillement aujourd’hui, simplement pour réfléchir à ce qui compte vraiment ❤️, pas pour les réseaux sociaux, mais pour nous, en tant que …
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Why Rules Fail: The Montessori Approach to Raising Disciplined Children
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38:49Send us a text Are traditional discipline methods setting children up for failure? In this episode, hosts Nicole Coleman and Biff Maier challenge the outdated, top-down approach to rules and discipline, revealing how Montessori principles cultivate true self-regulation, accountability, and independence—without authoritarian control. They explore: W…
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267. Susciter l'émulation chez un enfant unique
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24:35Il y a quelque temps, j'avais posté un sondage pour savoir quels sujets vous auriez aimé que j'aborde dans le podcast. Et aujourd'hui, je vais répondre à la question d'Anne que vous trouverez ci-dessous : "Bonjour Anne-Laure, je serais intéressée par les adaptations inéluctables de la pédagogie Montessori en IEF. Nous commençons l'aventure cette an…
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Raising Kids in a Hypersexualized Digital World with Dr. Sharon Maxwell & Chelsea Maxwell
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48:11Send us a text How can parents and educators help kids develop healthy relationships, navigate social media, and build self-control in a world designed to capture their attention? In this episode, Dr. Sharon Maxwell, clinical psychologist and author of The Talk, joins her daughter Chelsea Maxwell, an educator and learning designer, to discuss the c…
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Lisa Ling on Journalism, Curiosity, and the Power of Storytelling
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33:01Send us a text Award-winning journalist Lisa Ling has spent her career uncovering untold stories and bringing hidden perspectives to light. From reporting in war zones at 21 to hosting This Is Life on CNN and joining CBS News, Ling has dedicated herself to educating and informing the public. In this episode, she shares: How her early experiences wi…
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266. Peut-on travailler et faire l'IEF ?
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30:56Est-il possible de faire l’école à la maison tout en travaillant ? Ou bien faut-il vivre sur un seul salaire ? La question est délicate, mais après 11 années d’instruction en famille tout en travaillant, j’ai une certaine expérience à partager sur la question… --- Catalogue des formations des Montessouricettes Le site des Montessouricettes Lien pou…
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265. Lois sur l'IEF : des mensonges, des menaces et de l'espoir
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56:05📢 Pour les familles qui souhaitent instruire leurs enfants en famille en 2025-2026, la saison des dossiers de demande d’autorisation approche. 📄✍️ Avant de se lancer dans toutes ces paperasses 📝, et que vous ayez envie ou non de faire l’école à la maison 🏡, il est intéressant de faire le point sur l’actualité de l’instruction en famille. Depuis la …
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Introducing Educating The Human Potential
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14:13Send us a text Is education preparing children for the world they’ll inherit—or the world of the past? In this premiere episode, hosts Biff Maier and Nicole Coleman launch Educating the Human Potential by challenging conventional wisdom about how children learn and thrive. They explore: What’s broken in education and how Montessori principles offer…
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Emotional Intelligence and the Montessori Method
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33:20Over the course of the last half year, we have been highlighting values within children in the Montessori system. This exciting episode brings all those episodes together and how they relate to emotional intelligence. Elina has identified five tools that she has developed for use within the and shares them with you! Curious about a topic? Reach out…
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264. L'aspect scientifique du matériel Montessori
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35:04On parle souvent du “matériel scientifique Montessori”, même lorsqu’il s’agit d’un matériel de français ou d’histoire. En effet, il ne s’agit pas spécifiquement d’un matériel pour l’apprentissage des sciences, mais plutôt d’un matériel qui a été conçu scientifiquement. La tour rose, les blocs de cylindres, le choix des couleurs, rien n’est laissé a…
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All Things Parenting, Episode 5: Finding Power in Your Cycle with Lauren Barton
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39:27Today, I sit down with the incredible Lauren Barton to talk all about womanhood, motherhood, and our cycles. We touch on how to talk about periods with children, how we experience them ourselves, and how we can find power in knowing our own cycle. Interested in working with Lauren? Check out her website.…
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How To Organize Your Baby's Montessori Experience
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24:54In Season 2 Episode 36 of our Montessori Babies Podcast, I speak all about how to plan out and organize your baby's Montessori educational foundation in a way that works for you and your unique baby. I offer tons of seasoned Montessori pro-tips that are sure to make Montessori with your little one easier! 👉FREE Montessori At Home Guide: Birth - 2 Y…
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It's not about the chicken fingers
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19:00Sometimes what we think is the problem is not really the problem. Digging deeper into the things that might stress us out, that might bring on strong emotions. "The real preparation for education is a study of one's self." Maria Montessori "When you see good, collect yourself and absorb what you've witnessed. When you see what is ungood, allow your…
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What can you expect when you come for a first visit to our Montessori school? Yes! Children are welcome on the tour. There are three visits. We want to make sure that your family is the right match. Our admissions process is thoughtfully designed, comprising three visits to ensure a harmonious match between your family and our distinguished learnin…
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Choosing the right Montessori center for your child is crucial to shaping their early learning experience. Official Website: https://www.storyheightsmontessori.com/ Address: 23 Union Street Norfolk, Massachusetts 02056 United States Tel: +1 (508) 346-3427 Find Us On Google Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/DknUi8eF5pTneWYM9 Our Profile: https://storyhei…
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At StoryHeights Montessori, we believe in providing a nurturing and stimulating environment. Official Website: https://www.storyheightsmontessori.com/ Address: 23 Union Street Norfolk, Massachusetts 02056 United States Tel: +1 (508) 346-3427 Find Us On Google Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/DknUi8eF5pTneWYM9 Our Profile: https://storyheightsmontessori…
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263. Peut-on démarrer la Vie pratique Montessori avant 3 ans ?
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21:17C’est une question que l’on me pose très, très souvent, en particulier au moment de la réouverture de mes formations Vie pratique et Vie sensorielle : “Est-ce que mon enfant de 18 mois / de 2 ans / de 2 ans et demi, peut démarrer la Vie pratique Montessori ?” La réponse n’est pas aussi simple qu’un oui ou un non. Et si des dizaines de personnes me …
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262. Le besoin de manipuler pour apprendre
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33:12« Tu me dis, j'oublie. Tu m'enseignes, je me souviens. Tu m'impliques, j'apprends. » On entend souvent ce proverbe, mais a-t-il de vrais fondements scientifiques ? Tout le monde répète comme un perroquet qu’il est bon de faire manipuler les élèves ou les enfants pour qu’ils apprennent mieux, tout le monde parle “d’études scientifiques” sans jamais …
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261. Instruction en famille : quel cours par correspondance au collège ?
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1:00:18Comme vous le savez sûrement si vous me lisez, avant le collège, je suis une farouche partisane de la pédagogie Montessori que je préfère aux cours par correspondance, en particulier pour l’instruction en famille. Mais l’arrivée au collège vient tout compliquer… Beaucoup de mes stagiaires se posent la même question : quel choix faire pour le collèg…
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The True Gift of Giving in the New Year
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14:45As we are swept away into the New Year and reflect on all that 2024 and the holidays meant to us, we wanted to take a moment to not only thank you, the listeners, for a fabulous first year, but also to speak about some of the ways we can demonstrate what giving truly is to our children and students.Door Neo Global Education
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260. Quelles bonnes résolutions Montessori allez-vous prendre pour vos enfants ?
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14:00Nous allons bientôt entamer une nouvelle année, et qui dit nouvelle année dit bonnes résolutions... Il y a quelque temps, j'ai lu un article où une maman raconte comment elle a dévié de ce qui était le plus important pour elle, simplement pour ressembler au modèle de maman Montessori que lui présentaient les réseaux sociaux. Pour éviter de tomber d…
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259. Où, pourquoi et comment donner ses jouets ?
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20:21🎄Selon vos traditions, les cadeaux arriveront ce soir ou demain, et les nouveaux jouets vont trouver place sur les étagères ou dans les bacs déjà surchargés de vos enfants. Il y avait bien cette opération de collecte de jouets dans votre ville avant Noël, mais vous n’avez pas eu le temps, et puis votre enfant aime bien tous ses jouets 🎁, il est dur…
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5 Things To Do Infancy to Support Toddlerhood
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26:43In Season 2 Episode 35 of our Montessori Babies Podcast, I dove into 5 main points to focus on with your baby to make everyone's transition into toddlerhood all the easier! 👉FREE Montessori At Home Guide: Birth - 2 Years! 👉 [FREE MONTESSORI WORKSHOP] How to Fostering Independence from Infancy to Toddlerhood - Join here FOR FREE! Shop for your Monte…
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60. Co-Teaching in Oaxaca, Mexico
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59:05In this episode, I interview a former teaching team about their time working in a bilingual Montessori classroom together in Oaxaca, Mexico! Charlotte Peck is a 3-6 Montessori educator and certified Positive Discipline Parent & Early Childhood Educator. Charlotte has over 13 years of experience working in non-profit youth organizations, public and …
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258. Gérer les réflexions des autres sur l'IEF
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35:46Si vous instruisez vos enfants en famille, la période des fêtes est parfois un peu délicate… Entre Tonton Fabrice qui veut tester si votre petit dernier sait bien lire, Mamie qui s’inquiète pour la socialisation de ses petits-enfants, et l’ami de la famille qui enchaîne les remarques : “De toute façon, ça devrait être interdit, l’école de la Républ…
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Laid-back, Family-centered Montessori | with Bridget Dangel
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39:50As a teacher or an administrator it’s wonderful to hear a mom or dad say, “I want to go back to school here.” Today’s guest Bridget Dangel — longtime Montessori educator, school owner, and mom — shares her experience running a chill, home-like Montessori school that no doubt often brought on this kind of parent feedback.…
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257. Des idées de "jouets" Montessori pour enfants
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51:36Si vous manquez d’idées pour Noël ou pour un cadeau d’anniversaire, mais que vous aimeriez offrir un cadeau en lien avec vos valeurs comme un jouet Montessori pour un enfant de votre entourage, cette liste est pour vous ! Idem si vous cherchez des idées à suggérer à votre famille pour vos propres enfants… Vous retrouverez l'ensemble des liens dans …
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256. Comment faire sentir à un enfant qu'on l'aime
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25:12Nous les aimons, nos enfants, bien sûr, mais en sont-ils pleinement conscients ? Beaucoup de personnes âgées, sur le point de mourir, regrettent de ne pas avoir davantage montré à leurs proches combien ils les aimaient. Et nous savons combien le sentiment d’être aimé est important pour la construction d’un enfant et de son estime de soi. Alors, trè…
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Creating a Work / Life Balance the Montessori Way
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34:26One of the greatest challenges parents face is maintaining a work/life balance. How do you navigate the emotional, physical, and educational needs of children while still managing an increasingly busy work schedule? This week we sit down and discuss some of the difficulties and also share some useful tools on how to navigate these difficult waters.…
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255. Rendre les maths concrètes dans la vie quotidienne
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43:48Dans la pédagogie Montessori, et comme je vous en parle assez souvent, nous essayons de faire en sorte que l'ensemble des apprentissages soit réalisé de manière concrète. 🙂 Par conséquent, nous utilisons de nombreux matériels spécifiques, mais vous pouvez aussi profiter de nombreux moments de la vie quotidienne pour aller encore plus loin. 🌟 Aujour…
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254. Montessori et la méthode de Singapour
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50:09Parmi les grandes méthodes d’enseignement des maths, vous avez forcément déjà entendu parler de la méthode de Singapour, qui fait la une des journaux depuis plusieurs dizaines d’années. En effet, la cité-état de Singapour obtient depuis 1995 des résultats exceptionnels en mathématiques dans toutes les enquêtes internationales. D’où vient cette fame…
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253. Comment faire aimer les maths ?
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36:18🧮 Les maths ? "Ah oui, moi aussi j'ai toujours détesté ça, en plus ça ne sert à rien, les cosinus, les fonctions, tout ça…” Ça me rend toujours triste d'entendre ça, d'autant plus que j'étais plutôt l'exception pendant mon enfance… Oui, moi, j’adorais les maths, et je voulais même en faire mon métier ! ❤️🔢 Alors, je me suis replongée dans mes souve…
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Reforming the Reformers (The Lego Box)
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15:32We’re so focused on political life but what about our own personal lives? As Maria Montessori said, “We all need to be changed.” #children #parents #teachers #knowthyselfDoor Jesse McCarthy
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252. Pourquoi développer une culture familiale ?
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23:17Une culture familiale ? Mais de quoi s’agit-il ? En quoi est-ce différent de la culture de notre pays, de notre région, de notre milieu social ? Et en quoi le développement d’une culture familiale peut-il nous aider à mieux élever et éduquer nos enfants ? --- Catalogue des formations des Montessouricettes Le site des Montessouricettes Lien pour me …
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5 ways towards more harmony with Montessori
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22:34Send me a message! Here are 5 ways to build harmonious relationships with your children, the Montessori way! These 5 points are crucial in having a home where everyone can thrive: Know the sensitive periods Adapt the environment at home Include your kids in your life Use natural consequences Talk to your kids like human beings Listen to dive deeper…
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251. Évaluation par compétences ou notes sur 20 ?
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36:09📚 Avec les vacances, peut-être avez-vous commencé à recevoir des bulletins ou des évaluations à signer. Et peut-être avez-vous remarqué sur ces évaluations des petites cases avec des phrases comme : - Réaliser une collection dont le cardinal est donné (PS) ; - Connaître et utiliser la technique opératoire de l’addition ; - Comprendre que c’est le d…
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250. Le coschooling au collège
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54:31Comment faire du coschooling au collège ou au lycée avec un cours par correspondance ? Je vous ai déjà parlé il y a quelque temps du coschooling. Je vous encourage bien sûr à lire l’article ou à écouter le podcast que j’avais préparés sur le sujet, mais en quelques mots, le principe du coschooling consiste, ou bien à aider son enfant de façon créat…
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Why I took a break: the good and the bad
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37:29Send me a message! [Trigger Warning] This episode is a vulnerable share. If you have lived through abuse, please don’t listen or listen with caution and stop if you have to. We hit 500 downloads, yaye! Thank you for being part of the community and let’s celebrate together with a totally different episode where I really share some vulnerable stuff… …
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59. Bilingualism at 18 months: Everyone is "Nonni"
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44:03Today’s conversation is the third in a series of check-ins with my good friend and new bilingual mom, Samantha. We previously checked in when Samantha’s daughter was 12 months and 15 months. If you missed our first two conversations, you can go back and hear them (they are episode 50 and episode 56). We recorded this update back in the spring, when…
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Building Self-Confidence by Developing Competency
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30:58This week we discuss practical methods of developing self-confidence in a child by demonstrating and teaching competency through repetition and patience. Elina Chen provides several real world examples of how we can be there to support children at home and in education so that they can eventually develop self-confidence through mastery.…
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249. Faut-il faire faire des lignes d'écriture ?
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31:41Nous avons tous, à un moment ou à un autre, eu des lignes à recopier. Que ce soit des lignes de lettres pour apprendre à écrire, des punitions ou des textes à copier, c’est un exercice récurrent à l’école. Mais quel est l’intérêt de faire des lignes d’écriture ? Y a-t-il même un intérêt à en faire ? C’est ce dont je voudrais discuter avec vous aujo…
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The Montessori Planes of Development
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17:45This week, we are going back to basics and breaking down the first and second plane of development. The first plane of development centers on 0-6 years of age. This child loves order, movement, and soaks everything up around her. The second plane of development is all about the 6-12 years old child. This child loves adventure, being social, and has…
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Reframing Terrible Twos with Blanca (Whole Child Home)
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48:10In Season 2 Episode 34 of our Montessori Babies Podcast, I had the pleasure of chatting with Blanca from @wholechildhome all about reframing toddlerhood to make both your experience and your toddler's experience easier and more peaceful! She is a psychotherapist and internationally certified positive discipline educator who specializes in supportin…
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248. Les dictées muettes Montessori
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34:31Dans cet épisode, découvrez comment utiliser les dictées muettes Montessori pour aider vos enfants ou élèves à développer leurs compétences en écriture et en lecture de manière ludique et autonome. 🌟 Les dictées muettes sont un outil pédagogique clé dans la méthode Montessori. Elles permettent aux enfants d'apprendre à écrire et à lire en associant…
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All Things Parenting, Episode 4: Age Gaps Between Kids, Building Traditions, and Getting Outside with Leah O'Connell
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33:25On this fourth episode of All Things Parenting, my dear friend Leah returns to the podcast to talk about parenting. She has three beautiful children spanning the ages of 9, 4 and 16 months. We talk about the challenges and benefits of age gaps, finding the beauty in the simple things, and committing to building traditions with your family. Leah is …
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247.Comment (re)donner le goût de la lecture
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1:15:25Est-il encore besoin de rappeler tous les bienfaits de la lecture ? On sait que c’est bon pour le corps, pour le cerveau, pour les relations sociales… Le problème est plutôt lorsque les enfants n’aiment pas, ou n’aiment plus lire. Comment leur donner ou leur redonner le goût de la lecture ? Comme souvent, plus on essaiera de les forcer, moins ils y…
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Montessori Elementary School - Is It Any Good?
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55:13So many parents choose Montessori school for their children’s preschool and kindergarten years, but what about Montessori for elementary and beyond?Door Jesse McCarthy
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