In our podcast we share our adventure with succulents that all began when I first planted my succulent in my appartment. After several years I have learened so many important things when it comes to these plants and want to share it with you all.
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Learn how to keep your succulents alive and healthy! You'll learn the essentials for succulent care plus answers to commonly asked questions about succulents. We'll cover everything from buying, planting, soil, watering, design and more!
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10 Tips For Growing Succulents Outdoor
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10:32In this episode we talk about the ten tips needed to grow succulents outdoor. These tips are more aimed at beginner gardeners than advance growers so keep that in mind. For more in-depth help for growing succulents or cacti visit us on where you can find all the latest tips & tricks that will help you with your plant g…
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10 Most Popular String Succulents
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10:56In this episode we talk about the 10 Most Popular String Succulents. I will take you on a journey that will help you visualize how each of these plants look like. Be sure to subscribe to our channel and visit our website
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Understanding the best way to grow and care for your Sedum can help your plants live longer. So in this episode we talk about all the things you need to know. From watering, soil, fertilizer and general techniques that can make your life easier. Be sure to subscribe to our channel. website. Youtube:…
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How To Handle Pests In Your Succulents
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14:30Tired of buying beautiful succulents only to have them infested or even kild by common pests, well then this is the episode for you. In this Episode we talk about ways to deal with the most common pest problem so that you can keep loving your succulent without any issues. Related articles: How to Get Rid of Mealybugs on Succulents Common Pests on S…
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In this episode we talk about the health benefits Of Having Succulents In Your Home. As we guide you through the process of why you should get some succulents of your own we have found a way to make it easier for you. Source of our information for this episode can be found in the links below: NASA reachers Do Plants Speed Up Recovery In Hospitals? …
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When caring for the Kalanchoe Sexangularis or 'Six Angled Kalanchoe' you can expect it to be easy if you follow our guided steps.
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How To Care For Haworthia
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12:45When caring for the Haworthia most people make the same mistakes again and again. In this episode we will take you through the steps needed to keep your plant alive. Everything from Watering, fertilization, repoting and if the plant is toxic to animals or not.If you would like to learn more about the Haworthia be sure to check out our links below.L…
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In this episode we talk about How to grow Colorful Succulents. If you are like me and most succulent lovers out there you might have bought a succulent only to notice that it gets paler and paler each day you own it. You don't understand why and get frustrated because like most of us you wanted a beautiful succulent in your window or arrangement bu…
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In this episode we are going to be talking about how to grow succulents from cuttings! Below you will find helpful tips and tricks that might save you a lot of time. If you would like to learn "How To Propagate Succulents From Leaves And Cuttings" you can have a look at our in-depth article here. Learn "How to Get Rid of Mealybugs on Succulents" Pl…
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In this podcast we take you through the steps of propagating with leaves. It might sound like a difficult task but as you will soon discover it is quite easy. If you enjoy the podcast be sure to have a look at our website where you can find all the growing information needed.
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There's nothing better than when your succulents propagate on their own. But when is the best time to repot succulent pups? Find out in this week's episode.Door Cassidy Tuttle
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Have you ever noticed your succulent dropping leaves or the stem turning black? In this episode, you'll learn what to do if your succulent has a black stem, and the steps you can take to save it.Door Cassidy Tuttle
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When you're propagating succulent leaves watering is a bit different than watering a full plant. In this episode you'll learn the proper way to water succulent leaves and how to tell if they're getting too much or too little water.Door Cassidy Tuttle
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Find out when to transplant your succulents from indoors to outdoors in this week's episode!Door Cassidy Tuttle
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With so many varieties of succulents, it can be difficult to tell if the way your plant is growing is normal for its species or not. Find out if it's typical for succulents to split at the stem in this week's episode.Door Cassidy Tuttle
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No matter how hard you try to protect your succulents, sometimes the weather doesn't cooperate and they still get frost damage. Click here to find out how to help your succulents that have been exposed to the cold.Door Cassidy Tuttle
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Knowing when your succulent soil is completely dry doesn't have to be complicated! In this episode I teach you a few of my favorite tips to know when it's time to water again!Door Cassidy Tuttle
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While most succulents can be planted together without any problems, some will do better together than others. Find out how to choose succulents to combine for your next arrangement in this episode!Door Cassidy Tuttle
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Beheading succulents is really exciting! But, your first time can be a bit scary or daunting. In this episode I'm sharing what to expect once you chop the head off of your succulent.Door Cassidy Tuttle
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A top dressing is a decorative rock placed on the top of the soil in an arrangement. Sometimes, retailers will glue the rocks in place to make them easier and cleaner to transport. Find out what you should do about this in today's episode!Door Cassidy Tuttle
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If you live in a climate with 4 seasons, especially one with harsh winters, there are some succulents that will grow outdoors year round for you! Find out more about cold hardy succulents in this episode.Door Cassidy Tuttle
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Water Therapy for Succulents and Planting Succulents in Pumice
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11:56Today I'm talking about a somewhat controversial topic in the world of succulents: Water Therapy. This technique is something that is helpful to know about, but has fairly limited applications. Find out what it is and when to use it!Door Cassidy Tuttle
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Succulents can be grown in just about any climate, but you do need to make some adjustments. Find out how to grow succulents in hot and dry climates!Door Cassidy Tuttle
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Succulents can be planted close together or spread out a little. Find out the pros and cons to each planting method.Door Cassidy Tuttle
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How to Water Succulent Plants
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10:58Watering Succulents: Wondering how often you should be watering your succulents? Find out all the ins and outs of how to water succulents with the tips in this episode. You’ll be surprised at how much water these drought tolerant plants need!Door Cassidy Tuttle
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Wondering how to save a dying succulent? Or are you worried that your succulent may be dying due to over- or under-watering? Find out how to tell for sure in this episode!Door Cassidy Tuttle
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If succulents don't get enough sunlight they begin to grow tall and stretch out. Find out how to prevent stretching and how to "fix" succulents that are already stretched out.Door Cassidy Tuttle
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Mealybugs are one of the most common pests that infect succulents. Learn a simple way to get rid of them that is safe for the succulents!Door Cassidy Tuttle
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Learn how to propagate succulents (grow more) from the ones you already own with this easy to follow tutorial on propagating succulents from leaves!Door Cassidy Tuttle
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Choosing Pottery to Help Your Succulent Grow the Best It Can
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10:04The right succulent pots will make all the difference in growing healthy succulents! In this episode you’ll learn about the materials to choose, what size of pot your succulent needs and more! Learn how to choose a succulent friendly planter.Door Cassidy Tuttle
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Before you plant your succulents in a new pot, make sure you know these best practices for planting succulents. These tips will help you avoid common mistakes and ensure your succulent grows happy and healthy in it's new home.Door Cassidy Tuttle
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Why Succulent Soil is So Important and Can Determine How Long Your Succulents Stay Alive
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13:41Using incorrect soil for succulents is a quick way to kill them. Having well draining soil is crucial to prevent rot and ensure your succulents grow healthy. Find out what what makes a good succulent soil and where to find soil that will work for you!Door Cassidy Tuttle
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Knowing what types of succulents you own can help you better care for them because not all types of succulents need the exact same care. Use the methods I show you in this episode to determine what succulents you own.Door Cassidy Tuttle
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Succulents can grow anywhere in the world as long as you know what type of care they need. The right type of succulent, soil, water and pottery are a few crucial elements. This episode gives you basic care tips to keep your succulents alive anywhere!Door Cassidy Tuttle
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Get your succulent questions answered! Discover how Cassidy came to grow succulents (and create this podcast) plus, understand the basic format of this podcast. Submit your own question to be answered in the podcast at All the links and resources mentioned in this episode can be found at…
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