Um podcast semanal sobre nostalgia e videogames que marcaram as nossas infâncias dos anos 80 e 90.
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A história do videogame contada desde o seu princípio. Sem deixar nenhum pixel para trás.
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Videogamecast - Dein Podcast über Videospielreihen
Gordon & Tobi - Die Game Profis & Retro Games Liebhaber
Jeden zweiten Sonntag heißt es bei euch im Ohr: Hallo & herzlich willkommen beim Videogamecast mit Tobi & Gordon! Hast du dich nicht auch schon einmal gefragt wie viele Spiele eigentlich zu Spider-Man oder Command & Conquer existieren? Auf welchen Plattformen man sie spielen kann oder wie man die ganz alten Titel wieder zum laufen bekommt? Wenn ja, dann bist du bei uns genau richtig! Wir bieten dir in unserem Podcast über Videospielreihen genau das - Unsere Einschätzung als gelernte Spieleen ...
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The quality videogame discussion podcast
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In my very 1st podcast I talk about the first DBZ episode I saw & why I fell in love with the series. I also talk about my favorite videogame of all-time and what I'm currently playing.
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Storie di Videogame ora è anche un LIBRO! Acquista qui il primo volume: ************* Gli episodi di oggi sono sponsorizzati da NORD VPN, vai qui per ottenere uno sconto speciale: ************* In viaggio con Andrea Porta alla scoperta delle storie dello sviluppo dei più grandi videogiochi di sempre, dei dietro le quinte che li hanno portati a incredibili successi, o, alle volte, a inaspettati declini. Se desiderate supportarmi: ...
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The New VideoGamer Podcast is here with a new team and an old vibe. Experience the best arguments, the greatest disagreements and the wonder of video games right here. For more original gaming content, visit
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A man talks to women about videogames old and new. A place to hear voices that you won't find anywhere else.
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Gaming Podcast
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Welcome to Videogamepodcast, where amazing things happen.
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Join us for some unplugged videogames! A podcast where we play TTRPG systems we believe are underserved in actual play content. We play campaigns as well as one shot adventures in a range of systems and settings in an effort to broaden our gaming horizons and maybe yours too. Starting in 2007 with Call of Cthulhu 6th edition, we've been playing TTRPGs and board games together for almost 20 years.
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Sono ovunque, anche dove non te lo aspetti. E non sono l’ultima moda passeggera, come in molti credono, ma sono destinati a ridisegnare le nostre vite, ben oltre il tempo libero. Parliamo dei videogiochi che, evasi dalle console, dai pc di qualche nerd e dalle sale arcade anni ‘80, sono diventati un fenomeno inarrestabile, che ha cambiato, oltre all’intrattenimento, la didattica, la comunicazione, lo sport, l’economia fino a conquistare il mondo intero. “Videogame - Molto di più in gioco” è ...
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Welcome to a weekly videogaming podcast where Brad Gallaway (editor of and host) discuss what he's been playing recently, including anything that's new, old, or in between.
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Welcome to the VideoGameFailspodcast, where amazing things happen.
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Movie adaptations of videogames have a fairly infamous reputation for being...well, let's be honest, terrible. But surely an entire genre can't be written off? Of the hundreds made so far, there must be a few good ones, right? Join hosts Jamie and Rory as they suffer through the seemingly endless sea of bad videogame movies in search of the few diamonds in the rough. There will be laughs, tears (mostly from Jamie) and nerdy details nobody could possibly care about! Let us suffer through thes ...
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Acteur Maarten Heijmans en muzikant Keez Groenteman delen een grote liefde: videogames. In deze wekelijkse show duiden ze het laatste nieuws, behandelen ze vragen van luisteraars en bespreken ze vanuit hun unieke perspectief alles dat het grootste medium van deze tijd te bieden heeft. Muziek, mix en montage: Keez Groenteman Artwork: Hannah Gilhooley @studio_hooley Socials: De show = @devideogameshow op Instagram Tiktok: @maartenkeezvideogameshow Keez = @keezgroenteman op Instagram, Bluesky, ...
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A Weekly Podcast of All VideoGame News! E-mail us a clip to be heard on the podcast! or e-mail questions, topics, or sugestions! (
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A podcast by Anna Stabler about cleaning, systems and art.❤️
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Welcome to Videogameland, the happiest (gaming) place on Earth. Your hosts, Lambo and Joe, wish you a pleasant visit. From FPS to RPG, across Anor Londo through to Zora’s Domain, every episode is different and full of surprises. So join us as we fast travel to the bonfire, where we’ll tell stories of our favourite games and genres, dream up new ones, discuss hot topics and ask life’s important questions like: Who gave birth to Bowser’s children? What does the liquid in an Estus Flask taste l ...
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Podcast of the website Videogame realtalk. It's what we do.
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Todas as semanas eles estão de volta, falando sobre o que andaram jogando, e comentando tudo o que foi notícia, ou mesmo boatos do mundo dos videogames nos últimos dias. Tudo isso sempre com muita alegria e descontração, porque videogame aqui é levado a sério.
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Welcome to the Outdoor Retro VideoGame Podcast podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Chloe and Rose are two girls who love videogames but hate that nobody has made any good ones yet. Each week they work together to make new videogames based on listener suggestions that are basically better than all other videogames in every way. Patreon:
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Podcast by New York Videogame Critics Circle
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Il Format Videogame Pills - Guida Ragionata alla Comprensione dei Videogiochi si propone di raccontare i Videogames a coloro i quali non li conoscono se non superficialmente e a chiunque voglia approfondire la propria esperienza videoludica. Podcast nato dalla collaborazione tra ( e Radio M**Bun ( ------------------------------------------------- Testi e Voce di Damiano D'Agostino e Stefano Beltramo per Produzione Pierpaolo Bonante per Radio M**Bun (www.pierp ...
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Frappes & Videogames is basically a show where our host talks about his favorite videogames or his all time worst videogames. He details what he loved about them, what he absolutely hated about them, videogames he would love to see a sequel on and etc... Sometimes he has guests on to argue ideas and review games with! The frappe part is due to the fact that he is usually hyped up on a frappe before recording or while recording😂. Tune In! (Or feel free to have us in the background as white no ...
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Every episode Ace and Hiyuga will dig into a videogame, be it a latest release, a classic from the past or a niche indie title! Every other Tuesday at 11 am!
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At Cast and Burn Gaming, you'll find great RPG Videogame reviews, news, and interesting topic-of-the-day episodes covering JRPGs and Western RPG's! Cover art photo provided by Daniel Olah on Unsplash:
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Listen to 3 thirty-something year old guys talk about video games, family, and life in general.
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Keep Calm and Read On presents the Books and Videogames Podcast. Danielle plays various videogames and talks about books. Simple concept. This podcast features the audio from these episodes. Watch here play videogames on Youtube via this link,, or visit her at
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Rob Gisbey, Tom Kewell, Ant Pring, & PJ Belcher discuss all the latest news in gaming...
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We Will see in this episode a dsicution about the videogames in the student life .
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Matt Barton's retrogaming retrospectives.
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Podcast by GovernorWatts
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Horton Brothers Grimm - A Videogame Podcast
Horton Brothers Grimm. Discussing Video Games from the Past, Present & Future!
Podcast by Horton Brothers Grimm. Discussing Video Games from the Past, Present & Future!
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Welcome to One Shot: the video game podcast! We do everything from tier lists, game reviews, and tips on how to become a better gamer. Your host Bryce Naylor will share his opinion on the vast world of video games and hopefully you learn a thing or two. Don’t be afraid to comment on Twitter and give recommendations or start a debate. Welcome and enjoy the stay! :) Support this podcast:
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Direttamente dalle pagine di "Inutile", Continue? vuole essere un percorso non lineare che vi porterà dagli anni '80 a oggi, passando per i videogiochi che hanno in qualche modo segnato la mia vita. Ogni puntata affronta un tema specifico, dal viaggio alla paura, passando per la musica e le scelte che una persona deve fare. L'importante è non finire i gettoni. Dietro ai microfoni: Claudio Serena.
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Impossible Mission is a simple podcast in which two Rob's talk about the wide world of video games. That chat could be relevant, it could be something we just find interesting, it could also be something in between. Some chats we've had in the past include Death Stranding & Walking Simulators, Extreme Sports Games, lots about Yakuza, Atelier and Dead Space, and so much more. The floor is ours, join the conversation. We are called Impossible Mission because it's impossible to talk about video ...
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We love videogames….and comics…..and movies…..and…..well I guess we just love fiction and we have a lot to say about it. Everything means something. Our passion for these mediums leads us to pull about the intricacies of their stories, and mechanics. We provide analysis, editorials and reviews of our favorite works of pop culture. Okay…. Good. Now that we got all that pretentious, grown-up, business fluff out of the way, a lot of the modern art we love is weird, strange and well, dumb. The i ...
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Retro: Resident Evil: Apocalypse
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2:05:26The sequel to Paul W.S. Anderson's 2002 Resident Evil movie is based loosely on the 3rd videogame in the franchise and sees Alice (Milla Jovovich) team up with Jill Valentine (Sienna Guillory) to try and save a young girl from the clutches of the Umbrella Corporation as Raccoon City falls to the zombie outbreak. Things are further complicated howev…
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Se un tempo il gaming era considerato un passatempo per bambini in età scolare, oggi è qualcosa che trascende ogni fascia demografica. Come siamo arrivati qui? Questo episodio racconta la pubblicità dei videogiochi, in modo da capire come si è evoluto il loro pubblico, e non solo. E poi, diciamolo, le pubblicità dei videogiochi hanno avuto momenti …
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S2A49 - Intiem en intens [Met oa Monster Hunter Wilds, Avowed, Assassin’s Creed en Game jargon]
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1:23:20Terwijl Keez Avowed steeds hoger zijn ‘beste games aller tijden’ lijstje zag beklimmen zat kwam Maarten wederom van een kouwe kermis thuis als het om Assassin’s Creed gaat: de serie blijft hem haten, of is het andersom? Gelukkig bood de character creator van Monster Hunter Wilds een flinke dosis ontspanning. Verder introduceren wij een nieuwe rubri…
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S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chornobyl – Cane and Rinse No.656
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1:59:57“Hi. Why are you here?”Our Tony's nomination for the 14th year of podcasts is 2007's first-person survival horror, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chornobyl. Leon, Jon and James join him in immersing themselves in this notoriously demanding and spiky - if ultimately rewarding - FPS. We also hear tales from The Zone via our trusty community contributors.h…
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Random Gameplay Pimpin (Ep. 398)
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36:16My Anime Watchlist March Game Releases Marvel Comic Overload My Top 10 Marvel CharactersDoor StudioMaguyver
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La storia di The Elder Scrolls Pt. 2 - Destinazione Skyrim
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36:18Storie di Videogame ora è anche un LIBRO! Acquista qui il primo volume: ************* Questo episodio è sponsorizzato da NORD VPN, vai qui per ottenere uno sconto speciale: ************* Con una Bethesda molto più strutturata e un successo come quello di Morrowind alle spalle, il passo verso que…
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Década de 80: Famicom/NES
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1:26:53A Nintendo apostou alto no mercado de games e buscou a liderança, mas não regional: mundial! Aqui eu discuto como o Famicom foi projetado, desenvolvido e lançado no Japão até as mudanças radicais para entrar no mercado americano e revolucionar um setor saturado e de pouco apreço. Por fim, dou aquela pincelada no nosso mercado nacional, afinal, a ge…
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So Videogames Episode 431
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50:37In this episode, Brad talks about slightly reworking the show before covering:Monster Hunter WildsCentumSorry We're Closed...And more!Door Brad Gallaway and Carlos Rodela
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Currently Playing - 08 - Vampire Survivors with Dr. Glen Hood
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52:57This month on Currently Playing, Daniel chats with an old friend named Glen who happens to be a well respected evolutionary biologist but also is a lifelong fan of videogames. Glen has been obsessively playing Vampire Survivors lately and though he really loves the game, he also wishes it didn't keep crashing on his phone. Later in the show, Daniel…
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S1 E2: The Kings Quest [Fallout RPG]
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1:18:38We get our quest form The King himself! We continue our Fallout RPG campaign by gathering supplies and grave robbing. Cast: Overseer (Jacob) Randy the Mr Handy (Jon) Barry "Old Man" (Jason) Jack Bauer (Chris) Produced by Ty Engle at Engle Studio Creators & Guests Ty Engle - Producer Jason Draper - Host Jacob Coff…
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99Vidas 660 - Voltando para Época das Locadoras de Videogames
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1:56:05Jurandir Filho, Felipe Mesquita, Edu Aurrai, João Pimenta, Evandro de Freitas e Bruno Carvalho batem um papo sobre as populares locadoras de videogames. Nos anos 80, 90 e início dos anos 2000, as locadoras foram verdadeiros templos para os gamers brasileiros. Em uma época em que comprar um console ou um jogo novo era um luxo para poucos, esses esta…
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S08E06 Star Trek Teil 3
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1:48:27Angriff der Low-Poly-Klingonen und die Rache des Phaser-Revolvers! – Star Trek Special Teil 3 Willkommen zurück zum Videogamecast, liebe Sternenflotten-Fans und Pixel-Piloten! Diesmal beamen wir uns direkt in die unendlichen Weiten des Star Trek Gaming-Universums. Macht euch bereit für Phaser auf Maximum, explodierende Bird-of-Preys und die Suche n…
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Based on the hit indie game, Netflix produced 3 seasons of "The Cuphead Show." Embracing a classical animation style that reminds one of the old Disney and Warner Bros. cartoons and now Jamie and Rory are going to sit down and talk about them! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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TTWAV Ep 107 - Connecting with Humans in an World Overrun by AI
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1:25:24This month on Talking to Women about Videogames, Tanya is gone and has been replaced by a man! Jonathan pontificates on the nature of what it means to be human and how people can connect in a world overrun by AI, and then he gets into the weeds on that topic with an extremely long segment with guest Aysha Farah, games writer and narrative designer …
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S1 E1: The Kings Table [Fallout RPG]
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1:02:16*Update* - We're renaming this episode 1 since it has the first part of the adventure. We call it episode 0 in the podcast but we'll get it right eventually. Sorry for the confusion. Our first episode! We introduce the podcast, ourselves, and our characters in episode 0 of season 1. We're playing Modiphius' Fallout Role Playing Game. Come join us f…
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Viviamo nell’era della disponibilità totale delle forme di intrattenimento. Possiamo accedere al 90% della produzione musicale mondiale in un istante, per ascoltarla in streaming, senza nemmeno scaricarla. Abbiamo a portata di click cataloghi sconfinati di film e serie TV e grazie alle magie dell’ecommerce possiamo comprare qualsiasi prodotto ci sa…
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S2A48 - Liefde en Plezier
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1:12:52Strak en ready beginnen we aan de show. Keez speelde een liefdesbrief aan racegames van weleer en Maarten schreef een liefdesbrief aan een GTA-verwant van vervlogen tijden. We duiken in het nieuws en nemen de zorgwekkende staat van de gamesindustrie in 2025 onder de loep. Waarom valt de ene na de andere studio om? Is er nog hoop, of is het gouden t…
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Tunic – Cane and Rinse No.655
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1:58:31“Dear Player. You've come a long way, haven't you?”Lead developer Andrew Shouldice stuffed every single corner of Tunic's world with secrets and mysteries, and created a wonderfully faithful, detailed and devious retro-style game manual to help and/or baffle players. Tom, Brian and Chris delve deep into this intriguing adventure, assessing its cont…
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99Vidas 659 - Na TV: Humor na TV! Antigamente que era Bom?
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1:56:17Jurandir Filho, Felipe Mesquita, Evandro de Freitas e Bruno Carvalho batem um papo sobre os maiores programas e comediantes da TV brasileira. A televisão sempre foi um celeiro de grandes humoristas que marcaram gerações com suas piadas, bordões inesquecíveis e personagens icônicos. Desde os primórdios da TV até os dias atuais, o humor tem sido um d…
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Retro: Pokemon: The First Movie
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1:21:41The boys turn back the clock to review the first Pokemon Movie. This film was a hype machine back in the day, with Avengers Endgame levels of excitement in the run up to its release. Introducing fans to Pokemon #151 Mew and pitting him against the ominous Mewtwo, the movie promised to be a bout that would rock fans of the popular anime. Did the fil…
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So Videogames Episode 430
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1:44:59Episode 430 is a special one! We have not one, but *two* special guests! Up first, Andy Robertson joins the show to discuss his Ludocene kickstarter - there's still time to chip in! (By the way, we had some minor audio issues during the interview, apologies for the blips!)Then, after the closing music Brad's son Whitty jumps in to give his thoughts…
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Talking to My Boy About Videogames - 07 - Pokemon Presents Plus Ryan's Review Round-up!
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33:03In the wake of the recent Pokemon Presents video, Jonathan and Ryan run through most of the highlights of the video including the new game Pokemon Legends Z-A, the new cards, and Pokemon Champions for Switch and Phones. Later, Ryan gives his reviews of several games such as Kero Blaster, Box Boy & Box Girl, Terminator 2D, and Poppy's Playtime. Ther…
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I temi scottanti della nostra società si riflettono, oltre che sulle nostre vite, anche sulle nostre opere, e questo fa sì che anche il mondo dei pixel possa diventare teatro di scontri ideologici, in ogni direzione. Questo episodio di Videogame si concentra non tanto su l'intrinseca natura politica dei videogiochi, ma sui videogame che mettono la …
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S2A47 - Beeld op Wit [met oa Maartens bezoek aan Bar Laat, Steam Next Fest Demo’s en Lorelei and the Laser Eyes]
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57:54Fris geschoren nemen we aan de podcast tafel plaats. Dat is een heel ander soort tafel dan die van talkshow Bar Laat waar Maarten recentelijk te gast was. We analyseren de manier waarop onze geliefde kunstvorm wordt weggezet. Niet cool yo! Gelukkig hebben we het vooral over de mooie dingen: een zwikkie demos van indie games, Maarten's steamdeck, Lo…
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Segare Ijiri – Cane and Rinse No.654
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1:52:49“It's big.”Presented explicitly as the world's first "stupid game" or "baka game", Segare Ijiri is a pretty well known cultural touchstone in Japan, but virtually unknown outside of it, even among fans of Japanese gaming obscura. Michiel, Brian, Leah and Sean attempt to cross language and cultural barriers to delve into this strange piece of softwa…
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S08E05 Star Trek Teil 2
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1:57:35Kohlenstoffdioxid, Lila Teppich und die einzig wahre Meinung zu uralten Spielen! Na, ihr Weltraum-Nerds und Hobby-Klingonen! Diesmal beamen wir uns mit Warp-Geschwindigkeit in die pixelige Vergangenheit – genauer gesagt, in die Ära der "Star Trek"-Videospiele. Bereitet euch auf eine intergalaktische Reise vor, denn Jascha, seines Zeichens selbstern…
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The Podcast Episode 51
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1:27:10The Podcast Episode 51 by Brad Gallaway and Carlos RodelaDoor Brad Gallaway and Carlos Rodela
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The Podcast Episode 50
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1:38:30The Podcast Episode 50 by Brad Gallaway and Carlos RodelaDoor Brad Gallaway and Carlos Rodela
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The boys kick off the final season of VGMP by reviewing 2021's Mortal Kombat reboot! This time the film centres on an original character who is brought into the world of Mortal Kombat where he is met by characters from the games including Raiden, Kano and Sonia Blade. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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99Vidas 658 - Qual a melhor... franquia de Playstation?
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2:10:49Jurandir Filho, Felipe Mesquita, Evandro de Freitas e Bruno Carvalho batem um papo sobre as melhores franquias de PlayStation. Desde sua estreia em 1994, os consoles da Sony tem sido plataformas que moldaram a indústria dos videogames com algumas das maiores e melhores franquias da história. A Sony e seus estúdios parceiros entregaram experiências …
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In questo podcast ci siamo focalizzati sui grandi fenomeni, legati alle più famose software house e alla distribuzione internazionale. Come la musica e le altre arti, però, il videogioco non ha solo un coté commerciale, mainstream, ma anche un frizzante underground, fatto di progetti audaci, sperimentali, politici; a volte semplicemente folli. Solo…
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S2A46 - Heel Avontuurlijk [met oa Avowed, Eternal Strands, Citizen Sleeper 2 en Death Stranding]
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1:25:43Ondanks een onfortuinlijke val van een nieuwe E-Bike zitten we gewoon tezamen aan tafel om in de games te duiken. Keez speelde meer van Eternal Strands en Avowed en vond daar rust en afleiding van de wereldse beslommeringen. In Citizen Sleeper 2 is die rust ver te zoeken. Maarten vond vooral de confrontatie met zijn eigen leeftijd in het Tikibad ma…
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Currently Playing - 07 - Battle Royale Buffet (Apex Legends, et al) with Alex Apollo
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58:12We get a comprehensive crash course on the genre of battle royale games on this month's Currently Playing, covering PUBG, Fortnite, COD: Warzone, and more before learning that Alex's favorite of the bunch is Apex Legends for its interesting settings and memorable characters. Alex enjoys playing these games for their community aspects and he shares …
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Paperboy – Cane and Rinse No.653
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1:59:44“Now you have a friend in the paper business.”A vintage game about an anachronistic job delivering a dying medium. Atari's arcade hit Paperboy is 40! Leon, Brian, Chris Worthington, Dan and community contributors grip tasselled BMX handlebars and brave the gamut of suburban challenges faced daily by our intrepid news disseminator. As is the custom …
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Retro: Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
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1:16:27The first major motion picture outing of the Final Fantasy franchise is one of the most infamous flops in history, effectively killing Square and forcing them to merge to survive. With its sci-fi setting and alien ghosts, the film doesn't feel too much like the games on which it is based. Despite that, how does the film stand up? Hosted on Acast. S…
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So Videogames Episode 429
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1:31:24In this episode, former co-host Carlos Rodela returns to check in and chat games with Brad! The pair of 'em cover: Infinity NikkiTiny Terry’s Turbo TripDreamcoreUrban Myth Dissolution Center Eternal StrandsRogue WatersAvowed...And more!Door Brad Gallaway and Carlos Rodela
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New VideoGamer Podcast #10 - Cracking Atomfall w/ Ben Fisher
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1:03:20VideoGamer sits down with Ben Fisher, the lead of Rebellion's upcoming British survival RPG Atomfall. Set in an alternate 1960s, this first-person narrative adventure is a brand new experiment for the British game developer, and one that is host Lewis White's most anticipated game on the year.Door
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Retro: Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright
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1:39:25Infamous Japanese director Takashi Miike takes a crack at adapting the popular Capcom franchise "Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright" to the big screen. Blending live action filmmaking with the bombastic characters usually found in Japanese anime, the result is certainly interesting to say the least. But does it make for a good movie? Listen to find out! …
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99Vidas 657 - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, o metroidvania definitivo!
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2:07:18Jurandir Filho, Felipe Mesquita, João Pimenta, Evandro de Freitas e Bruno Carvalhobatemum papo sobre "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night", um divisor de águas na franquia Castlevania e nos jogos de ação e exploração em geral. Desenvolvido pela Konami, o jogo se afastou do estilo linear de seus antecessores e introduziu um vasto mapa interconectado,…
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Yeah! - 08 - Vitamin Connection - DJ Dog-Bone With Special Guest James Montagna Of WayForward
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36:59Yeah! - 08 - Vitamin Connection - DJ Dog-Bone with Special Guest James Montagna of WayForward.mp3On this extra special video version of the Yeah! Podcast, Jonathan and a DJ Dog-Bone impersonator welcome game director James Montagna of WayForward to talk about his game Vitamin Connection. From their previous chat 12 years ago, Jonathan and James cha…
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S2A45 - Een belangrijk moment [met oa Avowed, Assassin's Creed en Playstation State of Play] mi
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1:21:22In harmonie en met goede zin stappen we de studio in. Keez dompelde zich onder in game-du-jour Avowed en werd blij van wat hij zag terwijl Maarten zich verloor in een Assassin’s Creed van weleer. We nemen verder Sony’s State of Play door, en vragen ons af: hoe Playstation was deze presentatie nou eigenlijk? Verder in de brievenbus veel vragen over …
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L’evoluzione del videogioco viene spesso paragonata a quella del cinema e non a caso. C’è però da dire che il videogioco è stato protagonista di una speedrun, una corsa alimentata dal boom tecnologico della fine del Ventesimo secolo, crescendo con una velocità tanto “smodata” da cogliere di sorpresa persino gli addetti ai lavori. Sul fronte musical…
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