I believe this Profile is duplicated. If you click on the other show "The Betty Allen Podcast" you will be able to listen to the actual episodes. Apologies for the inconvenience
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Preview - The Betty Allen Podcast topics
Later Afspelen
Later Afspelen
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14:43Hi! Thank you for listening to this preview where I will talk about the intention of my podcast and the topics that I want to talk about. I hope to see you on the 1st of December 2020 for the official date for the first episode to be launched. If you would like to see some of the videos, please subscribe to my channel on YouTube as "The Betty Allen…
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Preliminar - Intencion del podcast y temas
Later Afspelen
Later Afspelen
Vind ik leuk
13:04Hola! Gracias por escuchar este podcast. Antes de comenzar con el primer episodio, quiero compartir contigo la finalidad que tengo con este podcast y el blog. Te voy a platicar sobre los temas.El lanzamiento del primer episodio quiero que salga el 1o de diciembre y todos los martes a partir de esta fecha.Un abrazo grande!Por favor subscribete a mi …
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