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LDS & Loving Life

Jordana Thiessen

Being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints doesn't automatically make navigating life easy. We still encounter hardship, confusion, doubt, fear and everything else under the sun. Being LDS doesn't prevent you from experiencing pain as the result of the actions of others. But it provides all that we NEED to go through life with peace and assurance. Confidence and enthusiasm.As a certified life coach, I have a host of amazing tools that can help you unlock your faith and ...
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I help exmo Christian women Build Self-worth through Biblical Truths. Are you ready to go on a Jesus Journey? You’re invited! I know what it is like to have so many questions about the Christian faith. If you are like me, you may have some religious baggage that left you questioning your self-worth in a big way. You’re asking... How do I raise my kids with faith when I’m still trying to figure it out? Where can I find a community I can trust? Why does every church feel like culture shock? Wi ...
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Who hasn't made a to do list before? It is almost the way that we as a society, have given ourselves to measure our success within a day. What if we turn that upside down? Make a HAVE DONE list. Put everything on it! All of the little things. You will be amazed at just how much you do! Ready for some coaching? Go to Questions…
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What does it mean to get more out of your day? More tasks? Getting everything done? Maybe. But I love to look at getting more out of your day as being getting more spirit, inspiration, divine guidance and the like, as the best kind of "more." This episode I will share with you some REALLY simple things you can do to make your day to day task list m…
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Three Conversations. You may already be having some or all of these conversations. All three are important in having a life full of more self love and confidence: 1. The conversation with yourself in your head- what you are consistently telling yourself. 2. Your conversation with God- have a conversation with Him, to find out how He feels about you…
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Learning how to trust God- really believe what He has promised- can be a challenge. But it can often be easier to trust God than to trust ourselves. Greater trust in God is possible and greater trust in yourself is a natural result of increasing your trust in God. This episode gives some simple tips to help you grow in trust for God, AND in yoursel…
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What do you know about boundaries? Have you found that you are living personal boundaries at the cost of gospel living? Or perhaps, that you have been trying to live the gospel at the expense of having and maintaining boundaries? I am in the thick of learning and understanding more about how to live the gospel and boundaries. This episode shares a …
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In today's episode, learn more about how you can use smaller goals, and change them more often, in order to achieve your ultimate goal. This will also bring a change of expectation for yourself and what your journey will look like. Reach out to me and book your "Try it Out" coaching session at or send me an email at youarelim…
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If you are anything like me, when you set a goal, you want to be at your goal now! I have learned and am continuing to learn, that there are so many benefits to taking "the slow road" when it comes to achieving goals. The slow road allows you to be at peace with where you are now, to believe in your ability to achieve your goal, to be filled with c…
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What is the relationship between self confidence, belief and reality? I think they are intrinsically related. The more self confidence you have, the more ability you have to believe something- even when you have no proof, or experience to know your belief is true. But that belief is a vital part of creating your reality. Just as Jesus Christ, durin…
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Challenges are an integral part of our life on earth. Just as athletes purposely put themselves in challenging physical situations, in order to build muscle, endure or to quicken reflexes, the challenges inherent with mortality can help us grow physically, spiritually, emotionally and intellectually. The goal is not to live a life challenge-free. H…
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I'm giving away an incredible gift, to celebrate the podcast's one year anniversary! I'm inviting all of my listeners to send me an email, to be entered into a draw to win a 3 session coaching package! If you are feeling ready to take control of your life, or to start using the gospel in a healthy, happy way, I would love to help you! As a certifie…
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Courage is often viewed and thought about something that is highly visible- an active doing of something. But it takes at least as much, but probably even more courage to be coached- whether you are doing some self coaching, or working with a life coach, it takes courage. Learn why it takes courage, and remember- if you aren't afraid, you don't nee…
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"We believe" is a statement that we all know and often say. As a church, we have many beliefs that we try to live by each day. However, sometimes we struggle to personalize those beliefs- to really believe them to be true for us, in our struggles. This is the difference between knowing something in your mind, and knowing something in your heart. Ou…
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Why do we struggle to make a change that we know will be for our good? Even when you feel confirmation from the spirit that it is something good and important? Why do we struggle to even make time for the one being in all of creation who has our best interests at heart, and loves us perfectly and wants to give us all good things? Why is it so hard …
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Money. This can be a tough subject for some of us! I used to have a lot of struggles around money, and what I thought about monye. To sum it up, deep down, I used to hold onto a belief that "Money is a necessary evil." You may think that is funny, or absurd, or ridiculous. I won't argue with you on that. But we all have beliefs that don't seem to m…
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You have a brain that is designed to keep you alive. And it does a great job of it! Your brain is so good at looking for life threatening dangers, that it has the ability to change every thing that goes wrong, into a catastrophic event! From forgetting to make a phone call, to spending too much money, to the way your child behaves, your brain can f…
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Our prophet recently gave us some marvellous words of wisdom in General Conference: Think Celestial! Sometimes that may be really easy, and other times, it may seem nearly impossible. How can you know when you are thinking Celestially? How can you choose to think Celestial, even when things are really hard? Thinking Celestial does not mean telling …
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As humans, we easily fall into the trap off "all or nothing" thinking- believing that if something can't be done in a specific, "right" way, that it is not worth doing. This shows up in how we follow through with goals- such as having the goal to study your scriptures for a full hour each day, but in practice, if you don't have an hour that you can…
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Teenagers. That group of people that are older than children, but not quite adults. And they are wonderful people! Ben Pugh joins me today, and he is an expert at coaching teens and their parents. He shares tips and tricks to increase your connection to your teens. Not only that, he brings some amazing insights into your mistakes, your teen's mista…
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Happy New Year! It is the traditional time for making resolutions and working towards goals. But so often, they end up being forgotten, or dropped along the way. Why? Because we often choose to wish for our goals, instead of having faith that we can achieve them. If you are struggling to know if that wish you have had floating around in your head i…
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One of the greatest blessings that comes with being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is the knowledge that revelation still continues! God speaks to a prophet. It is just as unique and amazing as the doctrine that each person can receiver personal revelation. In this episode, I dive into why we are sometimes hesitant to …
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Merry Christmas! Or has it been? We love to feel the Christmas Spirit, but sometimes, it seems elusive. In this episode, I share with you three blocks that you may be using, that actually stop you from feeling the Christmas spirit! But don't worry, I also share with you the three keys to get past those blocks, and to invite the Christmas Spirit int…
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***If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal ideation, please get the appropriate mental health help- many places have mental health hotlines. Find a therapist, or go to a hospital if needed. You are worth it!**** This episode, though not explicit, does talk about teen suicidal ideation and depression. My guest, Lindsay Law, is a mom who'…
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We all experience times where we feel like we are stuck. Nothing is going right for us, no one is doing the things we want them to do. And we really believe that there is no way out for us. That we have no power, because of the situations and people around us. But that is not true. My guest today is Elisa Fucci, and she shares with us her personal …
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Raise your hand if you've ever had a bad day! Are you having a bad day right now? Oh good- then you will love this episode. I made it just for you. I also made it for me. I have bad days too. Bad days suck. They sap all the strength out of you. All your joy and zest. But want to know what makes a bad day even worse? Beating yourself up for having a…
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We have all experienced resentment in a relationship. If you are anything like me, you may try to repress it and ignore it. But it is there. Becky Smith shares how powerful and helpful it is to recognize when you are feeling resentment, and gives so much hope and help to know how you can let go of that resentment and feel love instead. Learn to val…
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Do you know what your inherent strengths are? You've probably done a personality test a time or two. But did you know that there is a way to discover exactly what motivates you? Mariah Wickham is my guest today, and she is introducing us to the Enneagram personality typing- not only can you discover what your natural strengths are, but you can deve…
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Let's be honest- not every marriage lives up to the ideal that we wish it would. Every marriage will have its challenges. Chris Rich shares with us some lessons learned from her marriage, when challenges came that she did not expect. Mixed-faith marriages can still be loving, thriving, healthy marriages! Chris shares valuable insight into how to re…
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Ready to finally know how to navigate what you actually believe? Christian Life Mentorship for Ex-Mormon Women at Finding Faith Above When people are starting to question faith in any capacity, but more so with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I never suggest just looking into the church. Tryin…
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Have you ever thought about why it is important to foster love for yourself? It is part of the second great commandment, after all. In today's podcast, we get to learn from the amazing Zil Eiler, as she shares with us a bit about her journey in developing self love, and seeing the incredible power that it brings! You are a child of God, and have th…
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Ready to finally know how to navigate what you actually believe? Christian Life Mentorship for Ex-Mormon Women at Finding Faith Above Has prayer become a ritual? Is it something we do and say the things we need to say and go through the motions? But let me ask- are you talking to God? Really talking to Him? To…
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Ready to finally know how to navigate what you actually believe? Christian Life Mentorship for Ex-Mormon Women at Finding Faith Above How many of you are currently in a storm? How many of you feel like you are in a thing or are dealing with some life stuff right now? How about anxiety or something similar? How…
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You've heard of life coaching, but why would you want to work with a life coach? There are endless benefits, but in today's episode, I'll share with you seven reasons that I think you want to work with a life coach. Benefits range from increased awareness of your thoughts, and how those thoughts create your current life, to increasing your ability …
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On Canadian Thanksgiving, my family and I went on a canoe trip- it was SO fun, beautiful, and...... a little bit terrifying! But in the midst of the challenges, I found peace. I received inspiration. My family was unified. We had a profoundly spiritual experience. And we were given exactly what we were needed. The winds of our lives may seem like t…
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Last week, we talked about the four types of Exmo-Christian journeys. None are easy. None leave us without scars. One of these journeys is probably right where you are, and today we're talking about the 4th journey. Ready to finally know how to navigate what you actually believe? Christian Life Mentorship for Ex-Mormon Women at Finding Faith Above …
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Was your journey out of the Mormon church like everyone else's? Have you felt alone or like your faith differs from all other Exmo's? Today, I break down what I have seen are the four types of transition journies out of the church, and what I would recommend for you to help you find and build your faith. I want to hear from you! Come join us in the…
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You love and value your membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You have been so blessed by it and you desire all of those same blessings and experiences for those you love. But sometimes, family and friends choose to step away from activity or membership in the church. That can cause you a lot of sadness, confusion, grief an…
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You want to know God, who He is, and what He wants you to be. We are inundated from the world with all these ideas of The Universe, spirituality, and energy, and we think we KNOW God from the way we feel. But what if there is a way to actually know the true nature of God, to know about Him, and Know Him? What if we can actually learn who He is and …
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In today's episode, Bonnie Wiscombe is my guest and she shares wonderful insights and ideas on how our idea of humility is often skewed. Are you really being humble, or are you putting yourself down? Self criticism is not humility. Learn how to make love for God, yourself and others your focus, and then enjoy the fruits of humility. To learn more a…
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We are starting a new series- a new series on how God is NOT like us. Ways in which He is divine, His nature, His wrath, and His love. How does our character reflect His? And do our limitations glorify His greatness and limitless power. Today we are talking about the steadfast love of God. We are loosely basing this off of Jen Wilkin's book, None L…
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Today, dear friend, if you are in the LDS church and questioning things, I invite you to listen, take it in, and then maybe go create a list of your own. So she made a list, and I just love this- Things I believe Things I want to be true Things I am questioning Things I would miss Things I am unsure about We are talking to Jenni today. She was rais…
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How do you connect with God? Create a loving relationship with Him? You already know that prayer is important, but what can you do if you feel like your prayers aren't making it past the ceiling? Kristen Rutter shares insights and tips to increase your connection to divinity with your whole soul- including the power of prayer and meditation. If you…
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Join Us in the Community for the Bible Study Get your book for the study, Seamless The enemy is all around us, and the world is fighting to take us down at every step. How do we be discerning about what is true, acceptable and perfect to God? To our faith? For our life and our salvation? Today we are talking through 5 ways we can discern the truth …
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Overwhelm. We've all felt it and know how debilitating it can be. How can you spend less time feeling overwhelmed? What can you do when you are overwhelmed? Denita Bremer shares her expert experience with overwhelm and shares how overwhelm is not only a feeling, but a state of being. She has incredible insight and adive for how to live a life outsi…
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Join Us in the Community for the Bible Study Get your book for the study, Seamless You were asked to go to a Bible study. Heck, you are not even sure what happens at these things, but something inside you said go. You are nervous, worried, and unsure of what to expect. Today, we will talk about 5 Things to Know Before You Go to a Bible study so you…
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Leave me a Message!!Join Us in the Community for the Bible Study Get your book for the study, Seamless How do we know if it’s God talking? Do we need a mindset shift in trusting Him? Have we actually surrendered? How Often do we question our situation? Are we trusting God in all we do, even when it is hard? Ready to finally know how to navigate wha…
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Agency- our ability to make choices. Sometimes we choose to give up that gift- to believe the lie that we have no choice. That there is nothing we can do. In short, we unwittingly choose to be a victim. Choosing to stay in the victim mode long-term is never going to be helpful. You will not grow, change, or become who you want, or have the potentia…
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Join Us in the Community for the Bible Study Get your book for the study, Seamless Pride- Possibly and quite literally the root of all evil. People say money, they say power, they say greed or lust, but when you really peal back the layers and look at what brings us down, every day- is pride. In the last episode, we talked about the 5 steps to find…
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Odds are good that you have been taught, or at least have learned, that if you talk about the things you are good at, that is pride. But what if recognizing and talking about your strengths is NOT prideful? Pride is enmity between yourself and another. You can have skills, strengths, gifts and talk about them AND love others! For real! After you li…
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Join Us in the Community for the Bible Study Get your book for the study, Seamless You want faith. Truly, you do. You want to know Him, and you want to know what you believe. You want to feel confident in your beliefs. And if you were like me, you wanted that peace that you see in people who really do have faith. But you have no idea how to get it.…
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