Connection Pointe Christian Church sermons
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Where do you turn when life feels overwhelming and discouraging? Pastor Ron kicks off our new series, Encouragers, by revealing how God is our ultimate source of strength and encouragement. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT…
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In your moment of surrender, how do you find the courage to step out? Pastor John finishes our series Breakthrough, where we explore how surrendering in obedience leads to deeper trust in God’s provision. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help!…
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Can I really trust God with my life, and can I trust him with my finances? Join us as we welcome back Bob Merritt to continue our series Breakthrough, where we explore the what it really means to put Christ Above All. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! https://www.connectio…
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What does it mean to truly put Christ above all? In this powerful message, we explore how our hearts reveal our trust, whether it's in God or our own resources. Looking at the story of King David, we uncover the importance of sacrificial love, a faith that costs us something, and how placing God first unlocks Breakthrough in our lives. NEXT STEPS H…
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It’s time to redefine greed. In part three of our Breakthrough series, we challenge the way we think about wealth, sacrifice, and eternal investment. What if the real problem isn’t that we’re too greedy, but that we’re not greedy enough—for God’s Kingdom? Discover how making bold, faith-filled choices can shape your legacy and bring lasting reward.…
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What can you do when you choose God and then things fall apart? Pastor John continues our series Breakthrough, where we explore how to trust God in the midst of life's struggles and discover His power to carry us through. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! https://www.conne…
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How can you position yourself to experience a real breakthrough from God? Pastor John kicks off our new series, Breakthrough, where we’ll discover how faith, obedience, and God’s power align to bring real transformation. Let’s step forward in faith together and experience the lasting change that only God can bring! NEXT STEPS Have you made a decisi…
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Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the ugliness and brokenness of the world we live in? Pastor Ron explains how Jesus shields us from the power of sin and darkness, offering refuge in times of trouble. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help!…
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In a world filled with fleeting relationships and shallow connections, Jesus offers us the true friendship we desperately need. Jesus calls us not only His friends but demonstrates what that friendship looks like—one marked by grace, forgiveness, and a willingness to walk beside us in our highs and lows. In this message, Pastor Ron explores how we …
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What can you do when it seems like God isn't paying attention? Pastor John continues our series All About Jesus, taking a deep dive into how the life of Jesus leads us in the right direction. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABO…
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Jesus fully embraced the human experience—he worked, felt, and struggled like us—but he also showed us the perfect way to live. Come and be inspired to follow in his footsteps, as we join Pastor Ron for week two of the message series All About Jesus. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We wa…
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When life's troubles come your way, how does the power of Jesus change everything? Pastor Ron shares how seeing Jesus as the ultimate power source provides you with peace, comfort, and purpose. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! A…
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As we enter a new year, Jesus calls us to align our hearts with His purposes. This message invites us to renew our trust, refocus our priorities, and step into 2025 with hope and purpose. Join us as we prepare for what God has in store. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ht…
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Merry Christmas! Gather together for a heartwarming service filled with joy, anticipation, and the true gift of Christmas. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTION POINTE At Connection Pointe, our mission is to connect …
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How do you find hope within circumstances that never seem to change? Pastor John encourages us to invite God into our waiting and to bring purpose to our pain. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTION POINTE At Connecti…
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When life's challenges seem never-ending and you're wondering how to keep moving forward, what can you do? Pastor John examines the challenges that Mary and Joseph faced leading up to the birth of Jesus. Learn how God can use your pain and discomfort to ultimately lead you to purpose and joy. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and …
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Are you struggling with being thankful when your life feels overwhelming, broken or hopeless? Guest Speaker Shawn McBride encourages us in examining how a grateful heart draws you closer to Jesus and can change your outlook for the better. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help!…
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How can you see the world with mercy and compassion as Jesus does? Pastor Ron reminds us to look at others with tenderness in our ongoing series, Leave the 99. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTION POINTE At Connecti…
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If you've wandered from God, failed or been crushed by life, what is God's heart toward you today? Pastor John brings an inspiring teaching word to the second week of our new series, Leave the 99. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help!…
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How can you find tremendous joy in this life? Pastor Ron shares biblical encouragement in how we can consistently share in the joy of Jesus. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTION POINTE At Connection Pointe, our miss…
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In a world of shifting promises and uncertain outcomes, there is one unchanging hope—Jesus. Pastor John speaks about how, even in the midst of political and social divides, we can find our anchor in Him. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help!…
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Many of us spend a significant portion of our lives at work. So when it starts to wear us down, how can we catch our breath? Pastor Ron closes out our series breathe. with a practical message about how God brings rest to the soul of a weary worker. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want…
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Do you long for a rest that doesn't seem to exist? Pastor Ron untangles the lies we tell ourselves about getting a healthy rest and how we can find contentment where we need it most. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNEC…
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Are you feeling overwhelmed by the endless demands of daily life? In a world that glorifies busyness, we often forget the importance of rest. Explore how to find true rest by learning to "exhale" and let go of what holds us back. Come and find the freedom to breathe deeply and live fully in Him. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus a…
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Are you exhausted and overwhelmed? Do you feel out of balance? Pastor Ron brings a refreshing word to your soul as we begin our new series, breathe. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTION POINTE At Connection Pointe, …
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What can you do about the gradual loss of safety, prosperity, and freedom in the American way of life? Pastor John leads us through the biblical wisdom we need to be resilient in our lives and the lives of the next generation. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! https://www.…
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How do we help raise the next generation of Jesus followers? Special Guest Bob Merritt uses biblical knowledge to speak inspiration into your life as we continue our series, To Change The World. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! …
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What do you do when a villain disrupts your world and destroys your dreams? NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTION POINTE At Connection Pointe, our mission is to connect people to Jesus and each other. Whether you've …
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What can you do when you're struggling and God seems absent? NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTION POINTE At Connection Pointe, our mission is to connect people to Jesus and each other. Whether you've been around chu…
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How can we be consistently growing closer to God as we walk with Him? Pastor Ron closes out our Made for Great series by teaching the miraculous nature of the gift that is prayer. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTIO…
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How do you handle it when you try so hard to do everything right, and then everything goes wrong? Pastor John teaches the greatness that God desires for you no matter your circumstances. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CO…
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Finding greatness is never a lone endeavor. Pastor Ron invites us in to experience the greatness God weaved into your very nature before you were even created as we continue our series, Made for Great. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help!…
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Where is it in your life that you just can't see a way forward? Pastor John leads us toward a biblical path of wisdom and impossibility as we continue our new series, Made for Great. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNEC…
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How can you experience the highest greatness for which you were created? Join us now as Pastor John introduces our new series, Made for Great, by revealing how to trust God's plan in the midst of adversity. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help!…
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Are you fully surrendered to God? Special Guest Brent Hatchett delivers a powerful message by showing you the biblical way to become who God wants you to be. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTION POINTE At Connection…
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How do we balance grace and truth in our relationships with those possessing different beliefs? Pastor Ron continues our Burning Questions series with an essential teaching on intentional relationships with our peers and loved ones. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! https:…
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What do we do with the pain and suffering in our lives? Is God at fault for it all? Worldview Director Dr. Zach Breitenbach guides us through the biblical explanation of why suffering exists as part of our new series, Burning Questions. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ht…
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Most of what we know about God is revealed through Scripture. So how can we believe it to be true? NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTION POINTE At Connection Pointe, our mission is to connect people to Jesus and each…
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What effect do my words have on the people around me? Former Connection Pointe Lead Pastor Steve Reeves shares practical biblical wisdom to improve your daily life. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTION POINTE At Con…
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What can you do when a relationship is strained or falling apart? Pastor John speaks truth into the power of healthy relationships as our series "Colossians Examined" continues. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTION …
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Do you find yourself honoring others? Pastor Ron sheds light on what it looks like to live an honoring lifestyle that glorifies Christ. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTION POINTE At Connection Pointe, our mission i…
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How can you truly know if you've been saved? Is Jesus really enough? NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTION POINTE At Connection Pointe, our mission is to connect people to Jesus and each other. Whether you've been ar…
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Have you ever wanted more? Whether it's more money, more time, more friendships, more forgiveness, or more joy, we've all felt lacking in certain areas of life. Teaching Pastor Ron Merrell kicks off our new series Colossians Examined with a message of renewal and hope for a soul that longs for more. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jes…
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How do you define success? Worldview Director Trey Shigley offers biblical wisdom in listening for God's voice in your life. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTION POINTE At Connection Pointe, our mission is to connec…
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How can you ensure that you are satisfied, fulfilled, and prepared for the milestones that will matter most in your life? NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTION POINTE At Connection Pointe, our mission is to connect p…
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What can you do now to ensure you don't have regrets at the end of your time on earth? NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTION POINTE At Connection Pointe, our mission is to connect people to Jesus and each other. Whet…
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Beyond avoiding pain and seeking proper pleasure, how can you increase your level of fulfillment and satisfaction? NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTION POINTE At Connection Pointe, our mission is to connect people t…
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Do you feel like nothing ever goes your way? Are you down on your luck? NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTION POINTE At Connection Pointe, our mission is to connect people to Jesus and each other. Whether you've been…
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If God delights to see us delighted, what can we do to begin experiencing this? NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTION POINTE At Connection Pointe, our mission is to connect people to Jesus and each other. Whether you…
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What do you do when it feels like the problems of the world seem insurmountable? NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus and now wondering what your next step is? We want to help! ABOUT CONNECTION POINTE At Connection Pointe, our mission is to connect people to Jesus and each other. Whether yo…
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