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Paul Ugobor

"Who am I?" is a lifelong pursuit that keeps you focused and pursuing the unending quest of knowledge to help you release the inherent potential and capabilities in you.
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Wisdom is critical to our lives. Without wisdom, we would fall into all sorts of avoidable issues in life. Wisdom will make you unhappy sometimes, that when your friends come to you asking you to go with them to a place, you are not just happy with yourself, and you turn it down, that is wisdom at work to save you from untold pains that you will ev…
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Greed is defined as a selfish and excessive desire for more of something than is needed. Envy, lust and lack of contentment are the things that fuels our compulsive desires. Greed will lead us to lie, compromise to get something that we want immediately. What we do not seem to understand is that greed, makes us to consume and waste what others coul…
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Majority of us, if not all of us, have greed or hidden greed resident within us. Greed is a desire to have more than the value we have created. Greed is a desire to have more than what others have. Greed is insatiable, and most often than not, the cause of greed, is man or woman's ingratitude for what they have. Until we are contented with what we …
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Marriage is for the matured. It is not a female or a girl that should go into marriage, but a woman, just as it is not a boy or male that should be involved in a marriage, but a man. Women in abusive relationships notice the behaviour of the man during dating, and all she says to herself, is that "I will be able to change him in due course", or the…
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Abusive relationships did not start in one day. In today's episode, we spoke of why a man will engage in such abusive relationships. First, we must understand, that it is only a man that God gave the mandate to be married and not boys. Relationships with our spouse involves responsibilities, and until we are ready or our shoulders is strong enough …
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Majority of abusive relationships did not begin long after the relationships started or after the marriage had gone far, the abuse started right from the beginning, but those in such abusive relationships, decides to turn a blind eye to such abuses, believing that a change will come, and they will be regarded as heroes or heroines for not throwing …
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Spousal relationship starts first from the point of companionship arising from the desire for both of them to eliminate loneliness in their lives. Once this need is fulfilled, other needs comes up, and most times, one of the partners in the relationship has not grown to the point of the growth of the other partner, and that can become an area of co…
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Relationship with our spouses or girl/boyfriends are very important to us having the peace of mind to fulfill our destiny. We cannot give out what we do not have. Until we are able to maintain the connection that God established for us, it will be near impossible for us to have bliss in our relationships with our spouses or girl/boyfriends. Maintai…
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Relationship is key to us, and we must maintain a good relationship with ourselves, and with our God. We cannot become what we were made to be on our own, we need the input of others who we have bonded with and forged a good relationship with. Never undermine relationships, especially relationship with the Father. iyobosaugobor@g…
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Burdens will give us sleepless nights. Burdens are a result of the problems that we are unable to resolve. If we are unable to handle the burdens, it then progress to complaints. At the point of complaints, we do not have solutions anymore. It is only when we are at the point of burdens that we can still cast it upon Jesus to resolve for us. We wil…
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Due process is vital to the successful completion of anything we undertake to do in our lives. When we short-circuit anything in life, it will eventually come back to hunt and hurt us and we will be paying interest on the time we borrowed to short circuit the activity and come out with quick result. Wealth quickly gained is quickly wasted, easy com…
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We have a responsibility to ourselves to ensure that we choose the leaders that we follow. In our personal drive and endeavour, we need to critically assess and choose the leader(s) that we think would help us to reach our goals or achieve our purpose in life. We should never be emotional about it, we own it to ourselves to follow the right leader …
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Assuming or presuming on people can be very dangerous. It makes us conclude on a wrong premise, and that can become very devastating. It is more dangerous to assume or presume on God. One thing that always causes my body to shiver is when someone is doing what is sinful, and still they get results with what was committed to their hands. They will h…
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We are not capable of handling burdens that come our way, most of the time the way we feel like handling it is to stay away from people and just be by ourselves. That in a way is not helping situations, but making us go deeper in thoughts of why things are only happening to us, getting angry at God for not being there for us, feeling sorry and worr…
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You always have a choice in any action that you take in life. To say, I have no choice will be lying to oneself. Its like the woman that asked Jesus a question that He should come and heal her daughter who was sick, and Jesus did not answer her, but on a deeper understanding, I got to understand that the fact that Jesus did not speak or answer, was…
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We live, progress or retrogress by the company or association that we keep. It is near impossible to say, we will live by ourselves and not keep any friendships or associations. We will definitely keep friends, have associations that we belong to, but we must be careful the associations or friends that we keep, because our destiny can be made or ma…
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Speaking is beneficial to us and to the hearers of what we are saying if only what we are saying impact, changes the situations or causes the person to make adjustments to their lives that is beneficial to them. Any word that we speak that does not uplift others does not come from the source of hope. We have a responsibility to be slow to speak, bu…
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There is something within us that desires to celebrate, and there is nothing wrong for us to celebrate. As a matter of fact, what actually propels us to do greater things is when we are able to satisfy the need of celebrations in our lives. What we must do is never to celebrate and settle. We must tell ourselves that there's more for us to achieve …
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Our destiny is unique to us. We must understand that the path we will walk in this life must be done by us alone. We would require the input of others, but no other person can walk this path with us. We must then choose friends carefully who will or should help us to navigate this path of destiny. We must also understand that no matter the advise f…
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We should always take a step back before passing judgment on anyone who we feel have fallen short of what is expected of them. Things happen. We do not have control over a lot of things in life, and the fact that we are not in the situation that our friends, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers or neighbours are in, should not make us conclude and j…
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Everything on the face of this earth, has a purpose. When purpose is not known, then frustration and abuse becomes inevitable. The purpose of anything is documented in the manual that comes with the item we purchased. A lot of times, we do not read or go through the manual, but we just try to guess how to use it. We should always read the manual. T…
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You are not a mistake of creation, you did not come to this world because you do not have all it takes to succeed and succeed well. You are unique in your own rights. You just need to look inwards and pull out the talent(s) that is on the inside of you and deploy it to use. Don't bury your talent(s), and never believe a lie that you don't have a ta…
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Repentance is a call for us to let go of the things and people that drag us back or behind, and focus and pursue those things that was originally set for us to lift us up, so that we can be at the top of anything that we undertake to do. Repentance is a turning away from limitations to moving toward abundance and all- sufficiency. Repentance requir…
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Bitterness and offenses, I have come to realize, that it is what prevent us to move to our next level, or even make it to heaven. When God said, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, I know understand, that until I am ready to let go of somebody who offended or hurt me, then I too will not be forgiven. It may be ver…
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We all have a responsibility to make the Nation and the World the best place to live. The nation is the makeup of the family, and the family is the makeup of the individuals. Until we go back and sort out the issue with the family, and ultimately, the individual, the Nation and the world's problem will not be solved. Every one of us must take the r…
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Comparison, most of the time, cause us to leave our path or focus, and begins to pursue the goals of another, because we want to be like them. For me, comparison is sin, because comparison only brings out not the best in us, but a covetous desires, that even goes to the point of hating the other who is doing well, because we feel, we are not the on…
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We are a spirit-being that has a mind and live in a body. We can only operate to our full potential by connecting to our spirit-man. Our mind must be trained to received the right information from the Spirit, and in that way, we will never be led astray. Our spirit-man is far older than our mind, because our spirit is connected to the Holy Spirit. …
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A leader is a visionary person, a coach, who inspires people to discover their potential and release same for their benefits and for the benefit of the world. They will not compete with those within their spheres of influence, their success lies in raising people up to fulfill their dreams and make impact. Let the leader in you rise up. www.paulugo…
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We need to train ourselves to be sensitive in all we do. Being sensitive in how we say things to others, sensitive to our environments, sensitive to our friends, spouse, and others. But above all, we need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. One revelation from the Holy Spirit can sort out a major life issue for us, but when we are not sensitive to …
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Temptation is not a sin until we have acted upon it. Temptation is the weapon of Satan to overcome us in the area of our weaknesses, while Testing is what the Almighty God uses to lift us higher to newer levels. The ministry of Satan is to kill, steal or destroy, so he has no desire whatsoever to lift us up, but to destroy. If in any way, Satan giv…
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We should never believe in a lie, that we can achieve anything great or substantial in life by doing it alone, and not collaborating with others. Simply put, independence is not what God truly wants for us, but for us to move to the highest level of interdependence. This is where we help each other to fulfill our God-given mandate in life, without …
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Focus is one of the disciplines that we must learn and inculcate into our lives. Of recent, studies show that the focus span amongst our millennials is very little. Great things cannot happen in our lives without focus. We must separate majors from minors, our goal is to focus on the major and not allow the minor things to take over our focus. We s…
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Integrity is core to our living, and it is what separate us from the midst of the people. One that has integrity will choose to suffer than take advantage of the illegal opportunity that was opened to them. We must understand that integrity pays. Integrity will make us not to compromise on anything, because we know we would be remembered after we a…
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There is no one on the face of this earth that has no unique gift that can be developed to change lives, and provide for them. It is our responsibility to discover this gift and never compare ourselves to others, as if we have nothing to offer. Dare to discover and never give up in the pursuit of your God-given destiny. You are not a failure, you m…
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We were not created to be hustlers, but to follow the path that was created for us, and be blessed in it. We should not be people that makes decision based on our external outlook, but from our internal configuration. Also, giving is the surest way to succeed in life.
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It is very obvious that when we set out to be liberal, helping others, we are invariably setting ourselves and generations yet unborn for major miracles that will accrue to us and to them. Be generous, because when we give, our gift does not leave our life, it goes to create a future for us.…
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We owe it to ourselves to make the right and best decisions on issues that pertain to our lives. We cannot blame it on anybody as responsible for our shortcomings. Therefore we need to invest in ourselves more in order to be able to think through issues of life.
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It is clear that the only way to excel in all that we do is to be spiritual, but also to apply the knowledge and understanding that we receive to natural things. There is no such thing as "I am waiting on the Lord", the Lord is actually waiting for you to move. Do something while waiting.…
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We sometimes over burden ourselves by trying to maintain a high level of certain things while neglecting others. No matter how spiritual we may be, we still need to embrace planning, initiative, and be relational. But above all, we need the constant relationship with the Holy Spirit to help us always. www.paulugobor@com…
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