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Global Leadership Christian Center

Global Leadership Christian Center

Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for Global Leadership Christian Center in Decatur GA, Where our mission is going deeper in God's word. Our desire is that this podcast will encourage you in your relationship with God. Visit us at
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The Beautiful Book Series by Dr. Paul Choo challenges us to re-think our assumptions about The Bible. This series aims to turn the discipline of reading the Bible into a delight. We need God's word to be transformed not just be informed. We need to read the Bible because it's the most important thing we can ever do.
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Matthew 9: 35-38Main Passage: Deuteronomy 5: 1-22WHAT DOES GOD REQUIRE OF YOU AND ME?KEEP HIS COVENANT: John 14:15; Ephesians 2:8 and1 Peter 2:9-10PRAYER: Matthew 5:22 ; James 4:1-3; James 16:24-26LOVE: Matthew 22:37 (Luke 10:27); 1 Corinthians 13:1-2; ; 2 Corinthians 5:14-15Conclusion:(Deuteronomy 30:19–20)“I have set before you life and death, th…
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Main Text Revelation 14:14-20 Introduction I. Wheat Harvest (Rev. 14:14-16) Additional Verses: Acts 1:9-11 Daniel 7:13-14 John 5:27-30 Matt. 3:12 John 12:49-50 Mark 13:32 2Peter 3:8-10 II. Grape Harvest (Rev. 14:17-20) Additional Verses: Mt. 13:36-43 Joel 3:13 Isaiah 63:3 Lev. 17:11 Matthew 26:39 Is. 53:5 Conclusion Titus 2:11-14…
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Title: SeasonsThere are natural seasons and spiritual ones that have been ordained by God. We might be able to avoid the natural ones but no one can hide from the spiritual seasons. Opening: Ecc 3:1-2, Gen 8:22Main passage: Exod 23:10-12, 14-171. Planting Exod 23:10, Matt 13:3-92. Harvesting Exod 23:10, 14-17, Hosea 6:11 Shavuot: 1st harvest. May 1…
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God is not done with us1 King 19:1-9I- It’s only a time-out V3-5a- 1 Kings 19: 3-5a- Matthieu 11:28II- It’s only a knock v 5b & 7 .- 1Kings 19:5 & 7- Daniel 10:9-11 - Acts 12:7 III- It’s only a makeover V8-9- 1 Kings19: 8-9 - Daniel 1:13-15 Gospel Light Community Church
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Title: SwordHow is the Bible meant to be used?Statista Survey 1. 11% of US adults read the Bible everyday2. 26% read once a week or more3. 29% never read it2 Tim 4:32 Tim 3:16-17Main passages: We will be pivoting between Heb 4:12-13 & Jam 1:21-251. DividesHeb 4:12a, Jam 1:212. DiscernsHeb 4:12b, Jam 1:223. DisclosesHeb 4:13, Jam 1:23-25…
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You’ve Already Won the Race, Just Finish It!Main Text: Philippians 3:1-21Read Key Verse: v. 14 “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Attitude: Persevere until the end no matter what obstacles come in our way. I. Perfect Relationship (Phil. 3:3; Col. 2:9-12; John 1:12) II. Perfect Progr…
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What success is and how it’s measured by God is often very different from how we measure it. Paul points out how important Humility is in this process and how we can obtain it.Main passage: Phil 2:1-111. Check your motivesPhil 2:3a, Prov 16:22. Consider others firstPhil 2:3b-4, Rom 15:13. Christ-mindednessPhil 2:5-8, 1 Cor 2:16…
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Title: AdvanceAs Christians our Attitude is so important but it can be easily effected by things we go through. This month we will be taking a walk through the book of Philippians and learning powerful lessons from Paul about “Attitude”.Main Passage: Philippians 1:12-261. The Gospel turns “setbacks into comebacks”.Phil 1:12-18, Rom 1:16, Psa 34:52.…
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Subject: Grace or Truth, which side are you on?Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.Colossians 4:6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer eve…
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Title: Doubtin’ Thomas *insert quote below Christian author Philip Yancey stated “doubt is something almost every person experiences at some point, yet something that the church does not always handle well. I am an advocate of doubt, because that’s why I became a Christian in the first place.”Main passage: John 20:24-29Here are 4 lessons we can lea…
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Title: On the SpotScopophobia: the fear of being stared at or being the center of attention.It can be a “tough talk” when we get put on the spot regarding a sensitive issue or controversial subject. The happened to Jesus on different occasions but he had a way of handling these situations that we can learn from.Main passage: John 8:1-111. Slow to e…
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Title: It’s Getting LateWe will be diving into tough conversations Jesus had and what we can learn in order to be better communicators of the Gospel.Main Passage: John 3:1-21Today we will take a look at 5 communication tips during a late night tough talk between Jesus and Nicodemus.1. Availability v1-22. Approachability v1-23. Alternate between nat…
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Title: Can’t Please Everyone1 Cor 1:181 Peter 2:7-8It can seem like so many things now a days can cause offense. The Gospel itself is offensive but we don’t have to go out of our way as christians to be.Main Passage: 1 Cor 10:31-33, 1 Cor 11:1God is glorified when:1. We are looking for ways to love and not offend1 Cor 10:31, 1 Cor 9:19-222. Our rig…
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Main Text: Luke 17:3-4 (ESV)I. Offenses Happen (Lk. 17:1; Rom. 3:23)II. Don’t Hide the Offense (Lk. 17:3; Hebrews 12:15; 2Sam. 12:13)III. Repentance Leads to Forgiveness (Lk. 17:3; Mark 11:25; Luke 23:34; 1Cor. 13:4-5)IV. God Fulfills His Will Through Forgiveness (Lk. 17:4; Isaiah 43:25; Matt. 5:44)Door Gospel Light Community Church
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Title: You’re not the boss of me! There is something inside us that doesn’t like being told what to do and wants to rebel against authority. How does this effect our level of teachability? Quiz (scale of 1-5) 1. When someone tells me I did something wrong, I feel the need to defend myself relentlessly. 2. I’ve had a problem with substance abuse 3. …
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Lessons Learned as a Father Introduction: Proverbs 1:5 1. Learn from Your Mistakes (Prov. 26:11-12; 1 Cor. 10:11-12; 2Peter 2:20-22) 2. It's OK to ask for Help (Psalms 121:1-2; Gal. 6:2; 2 Chronicles 10:6-11) 3. Be Open to Learn New Ideas (Proverbs 1:5; Prov. 9:9; Luke 2:52) Conclusion: (I would like this poem shared on the screen) Strength of …
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Title: Pride The biggest roadblock to “Becoming Teachable” is Pride. We will look at 7 signs of Pride found in Proverbs. Opening: James 4:6 1. Hates correction: Prov 12:1 2. Ignores instruction: Prov 13:18 3. Claims to be wise: Prov 26:12 4. Pats their own back: Prov 27:2 5. Won’t admit when wrong : Prov 28:13 6. Stubborness: Prov 29:1 7. Blind to …
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#AFL: A Live Conversation with Paul Choo 📮24 Nov 2020 @ 7:30pm - 9:00pm Philippines | Singapore via Facebook Live 📮Hosted by: Pastor Nazario Sinon - GLCC Singapore Pastor Leo Decinal - Goducate Laguna Thank you for joining us. And see you 8th Dec 2020! Be encouraged. Be enlightened. Be equipped.
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🚩10 November @ 7:30pm-9:00pm Philippines | Singapore via Facebook Live. 🚩Key Highlights: *Crisis Leadership vs. Church Administration *Are you LEADING or MISSING? 🚩Hosted by: Pastor Nazario Sinon - GLCC Singapore & Pastor Leo Decinal - Goducate Laguna.
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🚩The Vital 7C’S for Effective Pastoral Leadership in #COVID: A Live Stream Conversation with Paul Choo. 🚩Hosted by: Pastor Nazario Sinon - GLCC Singapore Pastor Leo Decinal - Goducate Laguna . 🚩10 November @ 7:30pm-9:00pm Philippines | Singapore via Facebook Live. 🚩Key Highlights: *Crisis Leadership vs. Church Administration *Are you LEADING or MIS…
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We now come to chapter 22, the last of the Book with the purpose of motivating men to make the right choice. Especially to whom John wrote who were debating. Fearful. Do I bow to say Caesar is God & forget about God? Or would you prefer eternity? Make something else your god? Or make God your God? Make sure you don’t miss it. Prepare for it! Unless…
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Chapter 21 describes the New Heaven & the New Earth. This is a very little description of this perfect eternal place that we all yearn for. It’s just the end of a love Story, “And they live happily ever after.” Period. It’s placed in our hearts. You & I already have this idea of heaven, but has been damaged by the great thinking that it would be sp…
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In Rev. 21 & 22, the New Heaven & the New Earth is described. There's a yearning in every human heart for what we have lost, The Garden of Eden. Instinctively, men go everywhere looking for paradise. Making the tourist industry, a multi-billion-dollar industry. Satan destroyed the Garden of Eden, God will make one much more beautiful, The New Earth…
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The White Throne Judgment is mentioned in Rev 20, there are no other references in any part of the Bible. The judgment of everyone who died without Knowing & trusting Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. To those who denied God's existence, the One who made & loves them. He asked them to believe in Him for thousands of years but insistently deni…
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Adam was given the role to tend the Garden of Eden but made wrong choices. Jesus, the second Adam, the Son of God, the Perfect Man, the Righteous Ruler will reign in the millennial kingdom... someone we never ever had, perfect righteous ruler. No selfishness. No War. The curse is removed. No sickness. Life will be much longer. What's the point here…
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We continue with the millennial kingdom, Christians have different views, it can be very divisive. May this encourage you to be humble, there are many things in the Bible we can agree to disagree with. Contend for the faith graciously & with humility. What are the 3 views on the Millennial Kingdom? If you read the whole Bible, you'll realize this r…
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Chapter 20 speaks of the millennial kingdom, this has caused more controversy in the church than any other topics. Though it's the last 3 chapters of the Bible, it's most critical to know what's the whole ending about. John sees an angel coming with the key to the bottomless pit & a massive chain. The Angel binds Satan & thrown to the bottomless pi…
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In chapter 19, we see the 1st Hallelujah for the Great Babylon has fallen. The average man’s life is: Birth is painful. Life is hard. Death is certain. The present system since Adam’s fall. Another Hallelujah is noted for the marriage supper of the Lamb. When we trusted Christ, our sins became His at the cross & when we received Him we receive His …
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In chapter 15, John saw a sea of glass with fire. Fire speaks of judgment. He saw those who resisted worshiping the beast sang the song of liberation. And saw 7 angels in heaven, each was given a bowl by one of the 4 living creatures & smoke filled the place. Smoke speaks of God’s glory. In chapter 16, a voice was heard telling the 7 angels to pour…
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In chapter 12, John sees a pregnant woman clothed with the sun, the moon underneath her feet, with a crown of 12 stars. Something to do with God’s people. The red great dragon appears with 7 heads 7 horns 7 crowns identifies as Satan. There's war in heaven. The devil wants to persecute God’s people greatly & must be prepared. Ultimately, Victory is…
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We see here the supernatural torments that our brain cannot conceptualize. How do you think a Holy God looks to all that? He says, ENOUGH! But thank God, He’ll replace it with something better. In chapter 9, The 5th trumpet is blown, the 1st woe is released on earth. John sees a star being given, a key to the bottomless pit. The 6th trumpet is blow…
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Revelation Chapter 6 shows the beginning of the massive end of the world destruction caused by the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse. There's a war that we haven't seen before, many would die. We can see God allows martyrdom. It’s not that God can’t control it. God is giving Christians the opportunity to be martyrs, to die for our faith for sharing the …
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In chapters 4 & 5, we see one of the clearest descriptions by John of the almighty throne of God in Heaven. Brilliance and majesty. We are introduced to symbols, flames of fire representing the Holy Spirit, elders & living creatures. John describes Christ appearing. He saw in the right hand of the One sitting on the Throne, a scroll sealed with 7 s…
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“I am the Alpha and the Omega.” (1:8) Jesus is the beginning & the end. This letter opened with encouragement. When John, the Beloved saw the vision, he saw Jesus in His glory, he falls at His feet. This is to help persecuted Christian realize that this is not the Jesus in the manger anymore. The Jesus on the cross is over. The carpenter’s son is o…
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Revelation means apocalypse in Greek. The Book of Revelation ties up everything the Old Testament says about the end of the World & unveils what the eternal world would look like. This book is considered a mystery. For many Christians, it's the most difficult to read or even fear reading it through. This is a circuit letter sent to the 7 churches h…
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Jude wrote this letter much later after Christ’s resurrection. Intended to Jewish believers, 2nd generation Christians, the wonderful faith & amazing salvation they have in Christ. But Jude felt & sensed a crisis in churches, to “contend for the faith”. This Book is about behavior. Today, we judge people by their creed. But look at their behavior &…
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2nd & 3rd John were written to particular individuals regarding their behavior in dealing with churches & the travelling teachers, for many deceivers have gone out. Christians were travelling around the Roman empire. John wrote this 60 yrs after the resurrection of Christ, as an elder in truth & love, a perfect balance like the love & mercy of God.…
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First John is more of a fatherly sermon like a warning written by Apostle John to his people. He was in Ephesus when he wrote this & supervising churches facing crisis. A group denied that Jesus came as a 100% human which is influenced by Greek-beliefs (a great separation between God & man; spiritual & secular). They thought if Jesus claims to be G…
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Peter wrote the second letter 3 yrs. later encountering the danger of false teachers. The word knowledge in the Bible is “experiential knowledge” not just head knowledge. Many people know things, but Never Experience it. Reminds us that we are born again, the Holy Spirit is in you. To live a Christ-like life we also need to work on virtue, knowledg…
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Peter wrote this epistle near the end of his life before he was martyred in Rome. Written for a group of churches in Northwest Turkey. The church was growing at an amazing rate but alarming for the Roman authorities. Regarded as a competition, as the church grew bigger, the greater the persecution. This competition was about "WHO is KING?" Caesar o…
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One of the easiest epistles to understand because it's not doctrinal. But probably the hardest epistle to accept as it's a practical book, difficult to do. We are far more inclined in the comfort of a classroom as students/spectators rather than to be laborers. This practical aspect is the 24/7 part of our lives. James or Jacob, is the half-brother…
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We continue in Hebrews about the perfect saviour above all angels, all heroes of faith, priests, & promises we get. Remember, there's some one far far more superior better than anything - the New Covenant in Jesus Christ. He writes His law in our hearts, we have been blessed with a total heart transplant. We are New Creatures because of Jesus Chris…
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