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η Dariushka μιλάει σε ένα μικρόφωνο για ό,τι θέμα floats her boat, μερικές φορές μόνη της και μερικές φορές με παρέα, έχοντας πάντα στο μυαλό της ότι το καλύτερο χρώμα σε ολάκερο το σύμπαν είναι το Τσιχλοφουσκί. 🌷
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Ήρθε ο καιρός για μη βουδιστικό στρώμα, και ο καιρός για κάλυψη μαύρων κύκλων με κονσίλερ. Επίσης οι χάρτες, σαν κόνσεπτ, είναι πολύ ενδιαφέροντες. Ποιος να το φανταζόταν; TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: https://bit.ly/six-season-1 GREEK RESOURCES: • grammar: https://www.patreon.com/sixthou…
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Καλησπέρα σας, έχετε ακούσει για την Κυρία και Σωτήρα μας, Μαρίνα Σάττι; Προσευχόμαστε στο όνομά της κάθε Σάββατο απόγευμα στον Ιερό Ναό της Παναγίας της Γιουροβιζιονούσας, και η λειτουργία είναι ανοιχτή σε όλους τους πιστούς. Σε άλλα νέα, κάνω ανακοινώσεις για το μέλλον του six thousand islands. Όπως είπε ο Ράνταλ Σαύρας στον Μάικ Βαζόφσκι: ''τ'ακ…
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Μιλάω για τρίχες, και μιλάω για μαλλιά. Αναλόγως πώς το βλέπεις, αυτά είναι δύο διαφορετικά πράγματα. Σε άλλα νέα, ακόμα περιμένω το βραβείο της καλύτερης γκαρνταρόμπας στον πλανήτη. Ειδικά τώρα που απεβίωσε η Iris Apfel, (R.I.P) είμαι αυτόματα η heir apparent αυτού του τίτλου. Νάμαστε. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands…
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Είμαι ανεξάρτητη και δυνατή μα θέλω κάποιος άλλος να μου φτιάχνει τα τσάγια του συναχιού. Μόνο η σοκολάτα και τα stationery βοηθάνε, τελικά. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: https://bit.ly/six-season-1 GREEK RESOURCES: • grammar: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands/shop • courses: htt…
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Καμία αίσθηση του μέτρου σε έναν απο τους πιο γεμάτους μήνες όλης της ενήλικες ζωής μου. Τι εννοείς ότι δε μπορώ να κάνω ΤΑ ΠΑΝΤΑ όταν η μέρα μου είναι ήδη ασφυκτικά γεμάτη; Η λέξη 'προτεραιότητα' δεν υπάρχει στο λεξικό μου, και για να είμαι ειλικρινής, έτσι που τη βλέπω δε μου φαίνεται ιδιαίτερα συμπαθητική. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon…
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Νέες φιλίες γεννιούνται και παλιές φιλίες πεθαίνουν καθώς βλέπω Poor Things και Devil Wears Prada. Επίσης η διαχείριση της αρθρίτιδά μου μού επιτρέπει να τρώω πρωινό, δεν το πιστεύω και έχω συγκλονιστεί από τη χαρά μου. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: https://bit.ly/six-season-1 GREEK RESOU…
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Νέα χρονιά, ίδια εγώ, αλλά τώρα με ψυχολόγο και γιόγκα. Θυσιάζω την εσωστρέφειά μου για να κάνω νέες φιλίες και για εκατομμυριοστή φορά αλλάζω το φορμάτ του six thousand islands, γιατί αν κάτι είναι σταθερό σε εμένα, είναι ότι θα αλλάζω τα πράγματα συνέχεια. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: …
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Μελλοντικά κανονίσματα φίλων και μελλοντικά πλάνα για τη διακόσμηση σπιτιού προσπαθώντας να αποφύγω το παράδοξο της επιλογής. Και φυσικά, πώς μπορεί κάποιος να πηγαίνει για τρέξιμο αν δεν είναι η επιτομή του στυλ; TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: https://bit.ly/six-season-1 GREEK RESOURCES: …
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Στα γενέθλια το στομάχι γίνεται botomless pit, το τυροκομείο της γειτονιάς περιμένει τα λεφτά μου και η ντουλάπα μου ζητάει ένα μονοχρωματικό φρεσκάρισμα. Αυτά και άλλα πολλά σε άλλη μία συγκλονιστική εβδομάδα της ζωής μου. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: https://bit.ly/six-season-1 GREEK R…
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Το συγκλονιστικό στη ζωή μου είναι ότι είτε δε συμβαίνει απολύτως τίποτα, είτε συμβαίνουν όλα μαζί ταυτόχρονα. Και τα συναισθήματα ακολουθούν. Brb πάω να διαλογιστώ. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: https://bit.ly/six-season-1 GREEK RESOURCES: • grammar: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandis…
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Εδιμβουργάρα, σ'αγαπώ. Επιτέλους, είμαι σπίτι. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: https://bit.ly/six-season-1 GREEK RESOURCES: • grammar: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands/shop • courses: https://ko-fi.com/thecouchseminars • lessons: http://tinyurl.com/six-trial COME SAY HI: • instagr…
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Ποτέ δε θα σταματήσει να είναι υπερκούλ και υπερτέλειο το γεγεονός ότι Ο ΦΟΙΒΟΣ ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΙΔΗΣ ήρθε στο podcast μου. Δεν έχω λόγια, είμαι αιώνια ευγνώμων. • κείμενο και mp3 διαθέσιμα για όλους εδώ: https://tinyurl.com/katsarides TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: https://bit.ly/six-season-1 GREE…
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επιτέλους το όνειρό μου να νιώσω σαν τον Ezio Auditore έγινε πραγματικότητα. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: https://bit.ly/six-season-1 GREEK RESOURCES: • grammar: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands/shop • courses: https://ko-fi.com/thecouchseminars • lessons: http://tinyurl.com/si…
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μιλάω για φλέβες και νοσοκομεία και αίματα και βελόνες σε αυτό το επεισόδιο. κατα τα άλλα 10/10 η πιο σουρεάλ εμπειρία μου σε νοσοκομείο έβερ. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: https://bit.ly/six-season-1 GREEK RESOURCES: • grammar: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands/shop • courses: h…
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One of the greatest gifts my work has given me is the fortune of meeting Jan. He is one of the warmest, most wonderful and most inspiring people I've ever met. He's contributed to sixthousandislands in countless ways, he's a dear friend and I just consider myself lucky to know him, and I hope you've enjoyed his first guest appearance on the podcast…
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I was, I am and I always will be too cool for school. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: https://bit.ly/six-season-1 GREEK RESOURCES: • grammar: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands/shop • courses: https://ko-fi.com/thecouchseminars • lessons: http://tinyurl.com/six-trial COME SAY HI: • …
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Crete is renting a flat in the Tectonic neighbourhood. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: https://bit.ly/six-season-1 GREEK RESOURCES: • grammar: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands/shop • courses: https://ko-fi.com/thecouchseminars • lessons: http://tinyurl.com/six-trial COME SAY HI: •…
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Gal pal Γιούλη wants a pet chicken but a very special breed of chicken, she also answered my questions about veganism and got surprised to hear that I hug trees like the true hippie that I am deep down. Please enjoy the first interview episode of the second season. :D • Γιούλη's Υoutube Channel: https://bit.ly/Linguatree TRANSCRIPT: • here: https:/…
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My heart's been shattered in a million pieces lately due to what's been happening in Ukraine (I am half Ukrainian for those of you who don't know) and I felt myself consumed by despair and deep sadness. And in the past few days I decided to do just little things to make myself feel better. I hope these help you too. 🌻 TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://ww…
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Season finale with a bang! 💥 The wonderful Marilena and Dimitris from Easy Greek have joined me to talk about baby naming, Iceland, Marbles, city life and a minimalist journey that isn't going so well. I had the loveliest time recording this episode (so many giggles!) and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon…
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'Imzadi' means 'my beloved' in Betazed, a language in Star Trek. In this week's episode, my own imzadi, my chosen family for 21 years, my best friend Χαρίδημος has joined me on the podcast. We chatted about architecture, well being, videogames, the sick names we call each other. I LOVE HIM I HOPE YOU ENJOY! ~ Βούδες Ελπίδες Podcast: https://bit.ly/…
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The hills are alive with the sound of MOOsic. 🐄🐄🐄 TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: https://bit.ly/six-season-1 GREEK RESOURCES: • grammar: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands/shop • courses: https://ko-fi.com/thecouchseminars • lessons: http://tinyurl.com/six-trial COME SAY HI: • inst…
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One year older, one year more fabulous. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: https://bit.ly/six-season-1 GREEK RESOURCES: • grammar: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands/shop • courses: https://ko-fi.com/thecouchseminars • lessons: http://tinyurl.com/six-trial COME SAY HI: • instagram: htt…
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The wonderful and legendary mr. Luca Lampariello honored me with his presence on the podcast, and the conversation was just *belissima*. Luca and I talked about the people behind the languages - who we are, what we do, what we like beyond our work as language teachers and language enthusiasts. Grab some popcorn because this episode is a longboi. TR…
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... and every communication is a request for love. I heard these words from a wise man and it took me a few years to fully understand what he meant. Now I do, and I want to share his wisdom with you. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: https://bit.ly/six-season-1 GREEK RESOURCES: • grammar: htt…
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Ah, the joys of the self-employed Brain. Always on standby for the next best idea, the next exciting project, the next creative endeavour. But sometimes it's okay to remind the Brain the joys of just being. On my holidays in Crete this year, the Brain protested, but the Brain succumbed and Mind gained Peace. :D TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patre…
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I'd sell my soul to the devil to have access to homemade Cretan ντολμαδάκια every day of my life. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: https://bit.ly/six-season-1 GREEK RESOURCES: • grammar: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands/shop • courses: https://ko-fi.com/thecouchseminars • lessons: …
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I spent years and years thinking of what's the 'perfect' place to live until I decided that there is no such place and I could either accept the place I currently am at, or try and change some things if I can. The grass is greener where you water it, namastay healthy and happy. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free p…
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P.S: I didn't like Le Petit Prince, either :P Greek versions of the books mentioned: ~ Σιντάρτα ~ Sapiens ~ Τα Μυστικά Του Ύπνου ~ Ο Κόμης του Μόντε Κρίστο ~ Ο Μεγάλος Γκάτσμπυ TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: https://bit.ly/six-season-1 GREEK RESOURCES: • grammar: https://www.patreon.com/si…
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weeeeeeeeeee hello and welcome to a shiny brand new new episode! Putting yourself in a good mental state in order to make learning a pleasant experience is *a hill I will die on* both because I will continue advocating it but also because I am the worst at following my own advice. I literally stressed myself out of learning German, and I heckin lov…
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One day I was looking at the wold map and my eyes fell on this weird place: Ulaanbaatar. ...Ula-what? So then I looked it up on wikipedia and started reading about this wonderful place called Mongolia, about which I had heard so little throughout my life but now I was discovering that it's fascinating and beautiful and the language sounds like noth…
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This is my most favourite story of all time: Kugelmugel, and how it came to be. Edwin Lipburger was a hero and and icon, and I hope you enjoy listening and learning all about it. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: https://bit.ly/six-season-1 GREEK RESOURCES: • grammar: https://www.patreon.com/…
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It's the season finale, and what better way to end it than having a *guest*! The wonderful Giouli from Linguatree and I chatted about life in Britain and the differences we noticed between our hometowns, Patra and Heraklion, and the cities we currently live, London and Glasgow. We might be greeks, but let's just say, Britain has stolen our hearts. …
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Uranus pushed his kids back into Gaia's womb, Cronus swallowed his children and Zeus swallowed his wife whilst she was pregnant with Athena. Hesiod was basically the George R Martin of his time and he wrote stories full of intrigue and imagination. In this slow greek episode: prophecies, revenge, and why you shouldn't eat your kids or your wives fo…
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The absolute drink of all drinks, the King, the Slumber Chaser, the Dark Elixir, the one and only: Coffee. In this slow greek episode you hear of how my love story with coffee has unfolded throughout the years. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: https://bit.ly/six-season-1 GREEK RESOURCES: • g…
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Not much can be said about the absolute revelation that have been Yearly Themes. It's all arbitrary and self-improvement goals can be set anytime, anyway, but if I'm going to do it, I might as well do it effectively. This slow greek episode is all about how I make Themes *work* for me. Happy 2021, y'all! ~ Cortex Podcast Yearly Themes episode: http…
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''The Chronicles of Narnia: The Russian, the Wrath and the Monk'' coming to a theater near you. Current Me does not support or endorse such behaviours and is nowadays a law-abiding citizen. But this is a slow greek podcast about a time when I wasn't. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: https://…
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What do you want to be when you grow up? Well, based on my dream careers, I wanted to be every obscure career under the sun. Study the Yeti? Be the Queen of Fashion? Be a Nobel laureate? A model? Yes. Yes to everything, I'll take one of each, please. This slow greek episode is a tale of careers that never came to be. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www…
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Public speaking is one of the most fun things I can possibly imagine. It's such a great challenge, and there are so many things you can learn, from body language to vocal variety, to eye contact with your audience as well as the structure of your speech. In this slow greek episode I tell you the story of how I got into it. Aaaaahh, the more I learn…
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If you've ever been in a place that simply feels like home, you'll understand my feelings about the majestic city of Vienna. She was love at first sight, she will the the face I can't forget, she's perfect and I love her and every time I visit the city again, I fall in love again. Please enjoy this slow greek podcast where I rave about Vienna for f…
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Despite being greek, I don't know many greek myths beyond the very famous ones. Today, after searching far and wide for myths full of heart and meaning, I present to you the (super famous) story of Arachne, and the (not quite famous) story of Cyparissus. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts: http…
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I don't have enough words to describe how much I adore sushi. It's perfect, it's amazing, it's the gift that keeps on giving. A balanced symphony of aromas, textures and tastes that takes you to unexpected journeys as you enjoy this East Asian delicacy, bestowed generously to us by our unknown ancestors a long long time ago. Dip your imagination in…
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It is true that, when a concrete city connoisseur like me finds themselves surrounded by more than 4 trees and 5 shrubs at a time, the disturbance in the atmosphere, the misalignment of energy, and the unbalance of chakras is abundant and clear. But one must do the right thing and exit the warm and fuzzy land of Comfort Zone in order to sprout and …
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Scotland must have a heck of a lot of positive things for me to leave the Mediterranean paradise that is my greek island, Crete. In this slow greek episode, I tell you all the reasons why I am happy to tolerate the lack of sunshine and cuisine. (spoiler: it's because Scotland is a gem like no other and I love it with all my heart) TRANSCRIPT: • her…
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Many people workout because they want to feel healthy, I workout because I want to be able to eat as much vegan chocolate as my heart pleases. But hey, what's important is that we do exercise and our bodies (and our future selves!) thank us for that. 60 year old Daria better be super grateful for all the kilometers I've been running in the cold Sco…
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Some of us were born with the Gordon Ramsay / Anthony Bourdain gene, and we're quite happy cooking rice every day. But in this majestic slow greek episode I recount the tale of how I managed to make a semi-complex greek dish, aaaaall byyyyy myyyyyyseeeeeeeelf. TRANSCRIPT: • here: https://www.patreon.com/sixthousandislands • free podcast transcripts…
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Floats Your Boat PodcastEpisode 2: Talking Vidya Gamez with a Friend!In this episode we talk about video games! We talk about VR, the new Xbox, and how we started playing games and why we love gaming!Thank you for checking out our podcast and we hope you stick around till next week for the next episode!Follow us on Twitter @FYBPodcastJohn’s Social …
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Floats Your Boat PodcastEpisode 1: Inside the Mind of a Pregnant Lady and Her HusbandIt’s our first podcast! Wahoo!In this episode we talk about who we are, what we do, our anxieties about parenthood, our childhoods, life, and other stuff!Thank you for checking out our podcast and we hope you stick around till next week for the next episode!Follow …
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