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Texts: Philippians 1:3-11, 27-30; Romans 15:1-7; Romans 12:3-8 We Serve in a Gospel-centered Partnership (Philippians 1:3-11, 27-30) We are saved into a partnership with one another through the Gospel. This partnership manifests itself in a life worthy of the Gospel that strives side by side together. We Serve in a Gospel-centered Culture (Romans 1…
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Texts: Colossians 2:6-10; Ephesians 4:11-16 We are Rooted in Christ Together for Gospel Growth (Col. 2:6-10) We are established in Christ. We are steadfast in Christ. We are fulfilled in Christ We are Equipped in Christ Together for Gospel Ministry (Eph. 4:11-16) We are equipped by the Word through gifted shepherds. We are matured by the Word throu…
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Texts: Psalm 95:1-7a; 2 Corinthians 3:18-4:7 Worship: The Attitude of the Heart (Psalm 95:1-7a) Worshipping God is about an internal attitude before it is an external activity. Worshipping God reframes our reality around God’s Word. Worship: The Transformation of the Life (2 Corinthians 3:18) Worshipping God leads to a life that beholds the glory o…
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Text: Ecclesiastes 12:9-14 Consider the Weighty Words of Wisdom (12:9-12) God’s wisdom is like a goad that spurs us onward. God’s wisdom is like well-driven nails that fix our hearts to truth. God’s wisdom comes to us from the Shepherd of our souls. Consider the Whole Duty of Man (12:13-14) We are called to walk in the fear of God. We are called to…
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Text: Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:8 Live Every Day With Faith in God’s Plan (11:1-6) We must live surrendered lives before the face of God, trusting in God’s sovereign plan. The future may seem uncertain to us, but we can trust in the certainty of God’s faithfulness. Live Every Day With Gratitude for God’s Gifts (11:7-10) We must celebrate our days before…
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Text: Ecclesiastes 10 Foolishness Will Lead You Astray (10:1-4) A little bit of foolishness goes a long way to lead your heart astray from God’s wisdom. A little bit of foolishness leads to a life that lacks any sense. Foolishness Will Lead You to Ruin (10:5-14) Foolishness will inevitably cause your downfall into destruction. Foolishness will inev…
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Text: Ecclesiastes 9 The Unfailing Hand of God’s Providence (9:1) As we consider our lives, the future often seems uncertain and unpredictable. Therefore, we must rest our lives in God’s sovereignty and trust in His promises. The Inescapable Reality of Our Death (9:2-6) Death is the great leveler and the inevitable event for all mankind. Therefore,…
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Text: Ecclesiastes 8 Be Submissive to Earthly Authorities (8:1-9) We must wisely align ourselves under earthly authorities because they are set up by God. Our submission and obedience ultimately rests in God. Fear God as the Ultimate Authority (8:10-13) We must walk in the fear of the Lord despite the evil we experience around us. We know that God …
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Text: Ecclesiastes 7 Consider God’s Lessons on Death (7:1-6) God presents death to us as a teacher who instructs us on what is most important in life. Consider God’s Wisdom on Life (7:7-12) God calls us to be self-controlled, eternity-focused, and to prize wisdom over wealth. Consider God’s Work of Providence (7:13-18) We must trust in the sovereig…
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Text: Ecclesiastes 6 The Pointless Pursuit of All Earthly Things (6:1-6) Satisfaction cannot be found in wealth, possessions, and honor. Satisfaction cannot be achieved in a full bank account, a thriving family, and a long life. Satisfaction can only be found in an eternal God who put eternity in our hearts. The Limitless Longing in All People (6:7…
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Text: Ecclesiastes 5 The Posture of Intentional Worship (5:1-7) As we worship God, we are called to guard our steps carefully, take our vows seriously, and approach God humbly in awe. The Poverty of Loving Money (5:8-17) We must recognize the fleeting and unsatisfying nature of pursuing wealth. The Pleasure of God-Centered Contentment (5:18-20) We …
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Text: Ecclesiastes 4 Oppression Without Comfort (4:1-3) Oppression without comfort leads to misery and despair. Envy With Anxiety (4:4-6) Envy with anxiety leads to a dissatisfied restlessness. Wealth Without Contentment and Community (4:7-8) Wealth without contentment and community leads to loneliness and emptiness. Life With Companionship (4:9-12…
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Text: Ecclesiastes 3 God’s Rule Over Time is Eternally Comprehensive (3:1-8) The statements in these verses give the full range of the human experience after the Fall in Genesis 3. From birth to death and everything in between, there are no gaps in God’s sovereignty and His plan of redemption. God’s Rule Over Time is Eternally Providential (3:9-15)…
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Our Youth Director, Drew Erickson preaches on Revelation 1: Christ the Son of Man is the ruler over the kings of the earth and will build His Church and save His people from every tribe, tongue, nation, people and language. Christ, the Son of Man will return in glory, and all those who have rejected Him will be judged.…
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Text: Ecclesiastes 2 The Emptiness of Worldly Pleasure (2:1-3) The pursuit of pleasure apart from God may lead to momentary happiness, but ends in permanent emptiness. The Futility of Worldly Achievement (2:4-11) The pursuit of finding life’s meaning in worldly achievement may take you to the top, but it will ultimately end in gaining nothing. The …
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Text: Ecclesiastes 1 Life is Short in Light of Eternity (1:1-7) Our lives are the equivalent of a vapor that appears for a brief time. When our lives are centered on God, then our focus is not on the brevity and emptiness of this life, but on eternal life. Life is Wearisome Under the Sun (1:8-11) Our lives can feel exhausting, monotonous, and futil…
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“Ecclesiastes: Living in Light of the End” (Book Overview) The Author of Ecclesiastes The human author is announced in 1:1 as the “Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.” This is most likely referring to Solomon, who also wrote the Book of Proverbs and the Song of Solomon. When Solomon became king, he asked God for wisdom instead of wealth …
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The Priority of Obedience - Psalm 119:1-8 The perspective of all the faithful on the priority of obedience (vv. 1-3) They experience the happiness of obedience (vv. 1-2) They experience the practicality of obedience (v. 3) The perspective of God on the priority of obedience (v. 4) His standard concerning obedience (v. 4a) His burden concerning obed…
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Text: Colossians 3:15-17 Our Hearts Must be Gratefully Governed by the Peace of Christ. (3:15) The peace of Christ comes to us through the blood of Christ which reconciled us to God. We are called to rest in the peace of Christ to rule every moment of our lives and build unity within the church. Our Hearts Must be Gratefully Filled by the Word of C…
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Text: Colossians 3:12-14 The New Life Begins in Christ (3:12a) As believers, we are chosen, sanctified, and loved by God. This new life does not rest on our merits, but on Christ and His work in us. The New Life Looks Like Christ (3:12b-14) As believers, our life should reflect the grace we have received in Christ. This new life is characterized by…
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Text: Colossians 3:7-11 We Must Cast Off the Sins of the Old Life (3:7-9) Christ calls us to turn from our former life of sin and never look back. Christ equips us to comprehensively target all forms of ungodly behavior and put them to death. We Must Put On the Identity of the New Life in Christ (3:10-11) The new life in Christ has replaced the old…
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Missions Focus Sunday Dr. Joshua Paxton preached to us from 3 John 5-8, which called us to send missionaries out in a manner worthy of God so that we may be fellow workers in the Truth. He taught us how we can “hold the rope” with missionaries through meaningful involvement in training, sending, and supporting. (Dr. Paxton is the Director of the Bu…
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Text: Colossians 3:5-6 God’s Grace Empowers Us to Make War on Sin (3:5) Because we are raised with Christ, we are empowered to put our sin to death. Because we are raised with Christ, we must no longer worship our desires. God’s Wrath Sobers Us to Think Rightly About Our Sin (3:6) For sinners outside of Christ, the wrath of God will be coming upon …
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Text: Colossians 3:1-4 We Must Earnestly Prioritize Christ and His Kingdom (3:1-2) Because we have been raised to life in Christ, He is our chief consideration in all things. We value Christ and His eternal kingdom over the things of earth. We Must Purposefully Embrace Our Identity in Christ and His Kingdom (3:3-4) In Christ, we have died to oursel…
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Text: Colossians 2:16-23 Consider the Insufficiency of Legalism (2:16-17) Following religious rules does not produce godliness; it can lead to self-righteousness and judgmentalism. Look to Christ as the substance of your faith! Consider the Insufficiency of Mysticism (2:18-19) Worshipping angels and searching for visions will lead us away from the …
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Text: Colossians 2:11-15 In Christ We Are Given a New Heart (2:11-12) Because of Christ, we are given a new life with a transformed heart. Life Application: Because Christ has given us new hearts, we are now empowered by Christ to follow Him. In Christ We Receive Complete Forgiveness (2:13-14) Because of Christ, we experience total forgiveness of a…
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Text: Colossians 2:6-10 We are Established in Christ (2:6-7) We look to Christ as our Lord and Savior in salvation. We are given new life in Christ through His work. We rest on Christ as our foundation with thanksgiving. We are Steadfast in Christ (2:8) We must resist the lies of false teaching and cling to the Truth. These lies are deceptive, man-…
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Text: Colossians 2:1-5 Treasuring Christ Leads to True Community (2:1-2a) We have mutual encouragement in Christ because our hearts have been united in love by Christ. Treasuring Christ Leads to Understanding the Wisdom of Christ (2:2b-3) In Christ, we have access to the abundance of His sufficient wisdom and knowledge. Treasuring Christ Leads to S…
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Text: Colossians 1:28-29 Proclaim Christ’s Message Exclusively (1:28) The content and substance of our message is Christ alone. When Christ is proclaimed, the church will be warned of error and taught in wisdom. When Christ is proclaimed, the church will grow to maturity in Christ. Depend on Christ’s Strength Fully (1:29) We work for the sake of Ch…
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Text: Colossians 1:24-27 Suffer For Christ’s Name Joyfully (1:24) We have been called to endure suffering with joy for the advancement of Christ’s church. It is an honor to share in Christ’s suffering for His Name. Steward Christ’s Word Faithfully (1:25-27) We have been entrusted with the Gospel of Christ and called to make it fully known to the wo…
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Text: Colossians 1:21-23 What We Were Before Christ (1:21) The need for reconciliation: We were alienated, hostile in mind, doing evil deeds against God. What We Become in Christ (1:22) The means of reconciliation: We become holy, blameless, and above reproach before God. How We Live Because of Christ (1:23) The outcome of reconciliation: We contin…
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Text: Colossians 1:19-20 He is Preeminent in Completeness (1:19) Jesus possesses all the fullness of God Himself. Jesus lacks nothing as sovereign and supreme over all things. He is Preeminent in the New Creation (1:20) Jesus brings complete and comprehensive reconciliation to His creation and His people. Jesus is the ultimate Restorer, making all …
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Text: Colossians 1:15-18 He is Preeminent in Creation (1:15-17) Jesus is the eternal Son of God who is the exact image of God Himself. Jesus is the supreme and sovereign Creator, Sustainer, and focal point of all things. He is Preeminent in the Church (1:18) Jesus is the Founder and Leader of the church. Jesus’ death and resurrection secured our en…
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Text: Colossians 1:13-14 The Work of Redemption Accomplished (1:13) God the Father accomplished His saving work through Christ. This saving work delivered us from darkness and brought us into the kingdom of Christ. The Work of Redemption Applied (1:14) Through Christ’s sacrificial death, we have been set free from the power of sin. Though Christ’s …
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Text: Colossians 1:9-12 Gospel-Centered Prayer Prioritizes God’s Will (1:9) We must seek to be filled with the knowledge of God’s revealed will so that we will live according to His wisdom. Gospel-Centered Prayer Produces Godly Fruit (1:10) Knowing God’s revealed will leads to a life that is pleasing to God and bears godly fruit. Gospel-Centered Pr…
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Text: Colossians 1:3-8 The Foundation of Gospel Work (1:3-5a) The foundation of the Gospel is God Himself as He saves us by His grace. The evidence of God’s saving grace is true faith in Christ and genuine love for the saints that is grounded on eternal hope in Christ. The Fruitfulness of Gospel Work (1:5b-6) The Gospel has a global impact as the t…
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Text: Colossians 1:1-2 The Author of Colossians The human author of this book is the Apostle Paul, who also penned 13 letters of the New Testament. Paul was redeemed by God’s grace and became a missionary for the Gospel’s sake. The Audience of Colossians Paul wrote this letter to the church at Colossae from prison in Rome between A.D. 60-62, before…
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Text: Philippians 2:5-11 Jesus, Our Suffering Servant (2:5-8) These verses center on the humiliation of Jesus as He came in the flesh and died on the cross. Jesus, Our Exalted Lord (2:9-11) These verses center on the exaltation of Jesus where every earthly and heavenly being will bow at His feet and give Him the worship He deserves.…
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Text: Isaiah 9:6-7 and other selected passages Jesus Makes Peace With God and Man Jesus broke down the wall of hostility between God and man through His atoning work on the cross. Jesus brings wholeness and reconciliation to our relationships. Consider these verses: Psalm 85:8-10; Isaiah 55:10-11; Ephesians 2:12-18; Colossians 1:19-22; 1 Thessaloni…
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Text: Isaiah 9:6 and Selected Passages Jesus is the Father of Eternity Jesus is the self-existent Son of God who is the unchanging author of eternity. Consider these passages: Psalm 90:1-2; Isaiah 40:28-31; 1 Timothy 1:14-17; Hebrews 1:10-12, 13:8. Jesus’ Fatherly Care is Everlasting Jesus’ fatherly care toward us is never-ending and overflowing. J…
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Text: Isaiah 9:6 & Other Selected Passages Jesus is Mighty in Creation Jesus is our mighty fortress, present help, and comfort. Consider these passages: Genesis 1:1; Psalm 33:6-9; Psalm 95:1-6; John 1:1-4 Jesus is Mighty in Salvation Jesus is mighty to rescue us from our bondage to sin and give us new life in Him. Consider these passages: Psalm 40:…
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Text: Isaiah 9:1-6 The Light That Shines into Spiritual Darkness (9:1-5) Jesus is the promised Light that brings deliverance and hope to those living under sin’s tyranny. The Child Who is Born with a God-given Destiny (9:6) Jesus is the promised Son who was born as our Savior, but also as our King. The Counselor Who Comes with Divine Wisdom (9:7) J…
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Text: Titus 3:12-15 We must intentionally provide for the needs of our Gospel ambassadors (3:12-13). The Gospel points us outward to encourage and support fellow laborers in the ministry. We must lovingly support the needs of our Gospel community (3:14-15a). The Gospel points us inward in addressing the urgent needs of the church by devoting oursel…
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Text: Titus 3:9-11 Pursue Gospel Unity by Avoiding Divisive Behavior (3:9) We are called to keep the Gospel central, not give ourselves to unprofitable disputes that oppose the Gospel. Preserve Gospel Unity By Confronting Divisive People (3:10-11) We must guard our Gospel unity by not tolerating those who stir up division within the church. The App…
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Text: Titus 3:3-8 Before Christ: Our Sinfulness (3:3) Before Christ, we were entrenched in our rebellion against God and enslaved to our desires. After Christ: Our Salvation (3:4-7) After Christ, we are saved by His mercy, given new life through the Spirit, and justified by His grace. Through Christ: Our Service (3:8) Through Christ, we are equippe…
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Text: Titus 3:1-2 Grace-Filled Submission (3:1a) Our life must be characterized by a submission to God and His ordained authority in this world. Grace-Filled Service (3:1b) Our life must be characterized by an eagerness to serve the Lord and carry out His will. Grace-Filled Speech (3:2) Our relationships must be characterized by speaking evil to no…
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