Nerd S.A. | O think tank que pensa além. [Produtor:]
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Thoughts and reviews on "popular and non-popular nerd culture" from movies and t.v. shows, to video games and toys, through out the decades from the 80's and on to current day.Link to my affiliate with Buzzsprout, for a $20 credit on a paid subscription
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Episode #112, Daredevil Born Again, Episodes #3 & #4
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23:05Send us a text Hello, hello and welcome back to Santana's Nerd Flow Podcast. This time we blindly jump back into the Daredevil Born Again Series, with my review, my rundown, and my overall general thoughts of Episode #3 and Episode #4. So as always, there will be plenty of spoilers, enjoy.Door David Santana
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Episode #111, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
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21:06Send us a text Hello, hello and welcome back to Santana's Nerd Flow Podcast. We are on the final stretch of the railway on the Hogwarts Express, only one stop left. This time I give you my review, my rundown, and my overall general thoughts on the second to last film of the original Harry Potter films. So as always, there will be plenty of spoilers…
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Episode #110, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
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21:31Send us a text Hello, hello and welcome back to Santana's Nerd Flow Podcast. The Hogwarts Express is starting to pick up speed and we are almost at the final destination. We continue on with the 6th film in the Harry Potter franchise. I give you my review, my rundown, and my overall general thoughts on the film. As always, there will be plenty of s…
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Episode #109, Daredevil Born Again Season Premiere
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22:01Send us a text Hello, hello and welcome back to Santana's Nerd Flow Podcast. We take another break from the Hogwarts Express and get into the returning hero Daredevil, straight from the Netflix Daredevil Universe and officially joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We have the first 2 episodes for the season premiere and I give you my review, my r…
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Episode #108, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
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24:17Send us a text Hello, hello and welcome back to Santana's Nerd Flow Podcast. We are back on the Harry Potter film rewatch train, the Hogwarts Express, with the 5th film in the franchise. We have a new director with David Yates, and the film gets even darker and more heralding than the last one. I give you my review, my rundown, and my overall gener…
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Episode #107, Captain America Countdown
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51:28Send us a text Hello, hello and welcome back to Santana's Nerd Flow Podcast. So, we have a new Captain America film that has just been released, so instead of just doing a review of it, I decided to do one of my favorite things to do on my show, which is to put together a countdown list. So, I give you my count down from least favorite to my most f…
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Episode #106, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
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20:29Send us a text Hello, hello and welcome back to Santana's Nerd Flow Podcast. We continue on with the Harry Potter film franchise with the 4th film, and so far, it is tied for my favorite Harry Potter film. We have a really cool tournament throughout the film and some cool new interesting characters added to the franchise. So, I give you my review, …
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Episode #105, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
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19:00Send us a text Hello, hello and welcome back to Santana's Nerd Flow Podcast. We are continuing on the Hogwarts Express through the Harry Potter film franchise, with the 3rd film. This film turns up the stakes and adds some time travel elements to the lore. I give you my review, my rundown, and my overall general thoughts on the 3rd chapter of this …
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Episode #104, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
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22:16Send us a text Hello, hello and welcome back to Santana's Nerd Flow Podcast. This time we continue on the Harry Potter journey, with the follow up to the original feature film. We reconnect with all our favorites, and we meet a couple new players to the franchise. I give you my review, my rundown, and my overall general thoughts on the 2nd film in …
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Episode #103, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
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24:36Send us a text Hello, hello and welcome back to Santana's Nerd Flow Podcast. This time we head into the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, with the first film in the franchise, the one that started it all and introduced many, many people, including myself to this fantastic world. I give you my review, my rundown and my overall general thoughts on the…
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Episode #102, Star Wars Skeleton Crew
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20:23Send us a text Hello, hello and welcome back to Santana's Nerd Flow Podcast. This time I take a look at the best Star Wars TV Series since The Mandalorian. I'm talking about Star Wars Skeleton Crew. I give you my review, my rundown, and my overall general thoughts on the newest Star Wars story brought to us by Disney. So as always, there will be pl…
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Episode #101, Transformers: Beast Wars
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20:27Send us a text Hello, hello and welcome back to Santana's Nerd Flow Podcast, this time I take a retro look back at a classic 90's cartoon, I'm talking about the follow up to Transformers, I'm talking about Beast Wars. So come on down this nostalgia trip and enjoy the ride, and as always, there will be plenty of spoilers, enjoy.…
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Send us a text Hello, hello and welcome back to Santana's Nerd Flow Podcast. It is officially a new year and also a new season. So, to start off the year with a bang, I decided to go to franchise from the late 90's, that is near and dear to my heart. I'm talking about " Animorphs". It started out as a book series for kids, that eventually had toys,…
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016: Os mistérios de Enoque - O profeta esquecido: A verdade oculta sobre as revelações divinas | Cosmos Podcast
Mergulhe na fascinante história de Enoque, uma figura enigmática que transcende a mortalidade e atravessa tradições religiosas. Exploramos os segredos do Livro de Enoque, os anjos caídos, os gigantes Nefilins e sua conexão com o anjo Metatron. De revelações celestiais a interpretações que misturam ciência, fé e multiverso, o roteiro desafia nossa c…
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Esta jornada pelo autoconhecimento explora suas ramificações filosóficas, religiosas e científicas. Partindo da máxima inscrita no Templo de Apolo e passando por Sócrates, o roteiro conecta reflexões espirituais, passagens bíblicas e descobertas da física quântica e da teoria das cordas. Entrelaçando dimensões de alma e ciência, o episódio revela c…
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Episode #99, Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker
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25:33Send us a text Hello, hello and welcome back to Santana's Nerd Flow Podcast. I have finally reached the final chapter of the Skywalker Saga. I give you my review, my rundown, and my overall general thoughts on the final film of the Star Wars sequel trilogy. As always, there will be plenty of spoilers, enjoy.…
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Die verborgene Macht der Reden: Wie die Wissenschaft Ihre Emotionen und Wahrnehmungen beeinflusst | NeuroPolitik Podcast
Was macht eine politische Rede unvergesslich? In dieser Folge von NeuroPolitik tauchen wir in die Schnittmenge von Neurowissenschaft, politischer Psychologie und menschlichem Verhalten ein, um die Geheimnisse hinter den ikonischsten Reden der Geschichte zu entschlüsseln. Entdecken Sie, wie die Wissenschaft helfen kann, die Wirkung von Worten, die d…
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The hidden power of speeches: How science shapes your emotions and perceptions | NeuroPolitik Podcast
What makes a political speech unforgettable? In this episode of NeuroPolitik, we delve into the intersection of neuroscience, political psychology, and human behavior to uncover the secrets behind history's most iconic speeches. Discover how science can help structure, analyze, and even predict the impact of words that shape the world.…
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O poder oculto dos discursos: Como a ciência influencia suas emoções e percepções | NeuroPolitik Podcast
O que torna um discurso político inesquecível? Neste episódio de NeuroPolitik, mergulhamos na interseção entre neurociência, psicologia política e comportamento humano para decifrar os segredos por trás dos discursos mais emblemáticos da história. Descubra como a ciência pode ajudar a estruturar, analisar e até prever o impacto de palavras que muda…
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014: Pedra de Roseta - O código secreto e o os segredos do legado perdido da humanidade | Cosmos Podcast
A Pedra de Roseta não é apenas uma chave para os hieróglifos, mas um símbolo de poder, mistério e legado perdido. Neste episódio do Cosmos Podcast, exploramos as polêmicas em torno de sua história, seu impacto na compreensão do Egito antigo e as questões sobre apropriação cultural e colonialismo.
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E se o Big Bang não fosse o início de tudo, mas apenas uma fase em um ciclo eterno de criação e destruição? Neste episódio, o Cosmos Podcast explora a teoria de que o universo é infinito, seguindo um padrão cíclico que transcende o tempo e o espaço. Com base em ideias científicas, filosóficas e mitológicas, discutimos as evidências que desafiam o m…
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Episode #98, How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
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14:37Send us a text Hello, hello and welcome back to Santana's Nerd Flow Podcast. This time I bring you another Holiday film, with the classic Dr. Seuss holiday story. I give you my review, my rundown, and my overall general thoughts on this Jim Carrey holiday classic, so as always, there will be plenty of spoilers, enjoy and Happy Holidays.…
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E se tudo o que você conhece – o universo, a Terra, até você mesmo – fosse apenas uma simulação criada por uma inteligência superior? Neste episódio, mergulhamos na fascinante Hipótese da Simulação, explorando desde suas raízes filosóficas, como o Mito da Caverna de Platão e os simulacros de Baudrillard, até suas bases científicas, como a física qu…
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Ela está sempre lá, iluminando nossas noites, mas será que conhecemos todos os segredos da Lua? Neste episódio, exploramos as teorias e mistérios que cercam nosso satélite natural: desde sua origem incomum até anomalias como sua "ressonância" estranha e a possibilidade de ser uma megastrutura artificial. Também discutimos a controversa ideia de que…
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Em 1943, o experimento de um destróier da Marinha dos Estados Unidos supostamente tornou a nave invisível, teletransportou-a e desencadeou fenômenos bizarros, incluindo relatos de tripulantes fundidos ao casco. O chamado Projeto Filadélfia é um dos maiores mistérios modernos. Neste episódio, exploramos os relatos, a ciência por trás das alegações e…
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Por que milhares de pessoas lembram de algo que nunca aconteceu? Neste episódio, mergulhamos no intrigante fenômeno do Efeito Mandela, onde memórias compartilhadas não coincidem com a realidade. Exploramos explicações psicológicas, o impacto da internet na criação de memórias coletivas e a fascinante teoria dos universos paralelos. O Efeito Mandela…
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E se existissem portais capazes de conectar planetas distantes, permitindo viagens instantâneas pelo universo? Inspirado pela ficção de Stargate, este episódio explora as raízes científicas por trás dos buracos de minhoca, as teorias sobre portais interdimensionais na Terra e os mistérios de locais como o Triângulo das Bermudas e Puma Punku. Prepar…
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Streaming services go beyond entertainment, using algorithms to track your viewing habits and predict your preferences. While they personalize recommendations, they also gather data to influence behavior and target advertising. Inspired by The Great Hack, this piece explores how streaming platforms shape our choices and asks: who’s really in contro…
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Smartwatches do more than tell time – they track your health, from heart rate to sleep patterns, and share this data with apps and beyond. While they promise to improve well-being, they raise concerns about privacy and potential misuse by insurers and employers. Inspired by Gattaca, this piece explores the fine line between technology and control.…
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Smart mirrors go beyond reflecting your image – they analyze your face, track your mood, and collect data. While promising convenience and personalization, they raise concerns about privacy and data sharing. Inspired by the Black Mirror episode "Nosedive," this piece questions the balance between technology and control.…
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Virtual assistants do more than answer questions – they learn from every interaction, creating detailed profiles of your habits and routines. While they offer convenience, they also raise critical concerns about privacy, data ownership, and control. Inspired by the film Her, this piece delves into the growing connection between humans and machines,…
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Public transportation and smart cities – Connecting cities, connecting interests | Geotech Podcast
Public transportation is the backbone of Smart Cities, using data to optimize flows and predict needs. Yet, with foreign companies often controlling this information, questions of privacy and ownership arise. Inspired by Minority Report, this piece explores who truly controls our connected cities.
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Episode #97, Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
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26:27Send us a text Hello, hello and welcome back to Santana's Nerd Flow Podcast. This time I continue on in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, with the middle chapter of Disney's Star Wars trilogy. We catch back up with Rey, Fin, Poe and Kylo Ren, and we get reintroduced to Luke Skywalker himself. I give you my review, my rundown, and my overall general tho…
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Episode #96, Jingle All the Way
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20:07Send us a text Hello, hello and welcome back to Santana's Nerd Flow Podcast. We have officially entered the 2024 Holiday Season, so I decided to start this holiday season with a nod to the craziness of finding that perfect Christmas gift while you are last minute shopping. This is the one and only Christmas film that stars Arnold Schwarzenegger. I …
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Episode #95, Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
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28:43Send us a text Hello, hello and welcome back the Santana's Nerd Flow Podcast. I go back to the Star Wars well, with Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. This was the first Star Wars film in 10 years, following Episode III. We are reintroduced to a galaxy far, far away with a new group of heroes and villains as well as few originals coming back…
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Wir erforschen, wie Cortisol, das Stresshormon, politische Entscheidungen beeinflusst und wie alarmierende Botschaften genutzt werden, um die Öffentlichkeit zu manipulieren. Von angstgesteuerten Erzählungen bis hin zu „digitalen Feuern“ – lernen Sie, wie Sie Manipulationen widerstehen und bewusstere Entscheidungen treffen können.…
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We explore how cortisol, the stress hormone, influences political decisions and how alarmist messages are used to manipulate the public. From fear-driven narratives to "digital fires," learn how to resist manipulation and make more conscious choices.
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Exploramos como o cortisol, o hormônio do estresse, influencia decisões políticas e como mensagens alarmantes são usadas para manipular o público. De narrativas alarmistas a "incêndios digitais," descubra como resistir a essa manipulação e tomar decisões mais conscientes.
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Den Wähler entschlüsseln: Neurowissenschaft und emotionales Wählen Zusammenfassung | NeuroPolitik Podcast
In dieser Folge von NeuroPolitik erkunden wir, wie Emotionen unsere Wahlentscheidungen beeinflussen. Entdecken Sie, wie Angst, Hoffnung und Empörung die Amygdala im Gehirn aktivieren und unsere Wahlentscheidungen lenken. Verstehen Sie die Rolle von sozialen Medien, Echokammern und personalisierten Botschaften bei der Manipulation des Wahlverhaltens…
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In this episode of NeuroPolitik, we delve into how emotions shape our voting decisions. Discover how fear, hope, and indignation activate the brain's amygdala, influencing our choices at the ballot box. Understand the role of social media, echo chambers, and personalized messaging in manipulating electoral behavior. A fascinating dive into the powe…
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Neste episódio de NeuroPolitik, exploramos como as emoções moldam nossas decisões eleitorais. Descubra como o medo, a esperança e a indignação ativam a amígdala no cérebro, influenciando nossas escolhas de voto. Entenda o papel das redes sociais, câmaras de eco e mensagens personalizadas na manipulação do comportamento eleitoral. Um mergulho fascin…
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Episode #94, Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
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24:16Send us a text Hello, hello and welcome back to Santana's Nerd Flow Podcast. This time I'm continuing on with the Thanksgiving theme films, with the holiday classic of the journey with so many absurd situations arising. "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles", I give you my review, my rundown, and my overall general thoughts on the holiday classic. So as…
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Send us a text Hello, hello and welcome back to Santana's Nerd Flow Podcast. This time I went back to 1993, with a Pauly Shore, Thanksgiving film classic with "Son in Law". It's a standard fish out of water film seen through the lens of the off the wall comedy of Pauly Shore. So as always, there will be plenty of spoilers, enjoy.…
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Ist die Wahl wirklich frei? Die Rolle sozialer Medien bei der Wahlmanipulation | NeuroPolitik Podcast
Ist die Wahl wirklich frei? In dieser Folge von NeuroPolitik untersuchen wir, wie soziale Medien Wahlen in ein Schlachtfeld emotionaler und kognitiver Manipulation verwandeln. Erfahren Sie, wie Algorithmen, Mikrotargeting und Echokammern unsere politischen Entscheidungen beeinflussen und die Demokratie gefährden. Wie können wir uns gegen diese Mani…
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Is the vote really free? The role of social media in electoral manipulation | NeuroPolitik Podcast
Is the vote truly free? In this episode of NeuroPolitik, we explore how social media is turning elections into a battlefield of emotional and cognitive manipulation. Discover how algorithms, microtargeting, and echo chambers shape our political choices and threaten democracy. How can we resist this manipulation and regain control over our decisions…
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O voto é mesmo livre? O papel das redes sociais na manipulação eleitoral | NeuroPolitik Podcast
Será que o voto é realmente livre? Neste episódio de NeuroPolitik, exploramos como as redes sociais estão transformando as eleições em um campo de manipulação emocional e cognitiva. Descubra como algoritmos, microdirecionamento e câmaras de eco moldam nossas escolhas políticas e colocam a democracia em risco. Como podemos resistir a essa manipulaçã…
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"O Jogo da Imitação": Tecnologia e geopolítica na Segunda Guerra Mundial | Telefone Vermelho Podcast
Em "O Jogo da Imitação" (2014), acompanhamos a genialidade de Alan Turing na corrida para decifrar o código Enigma durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Neste episódio, discutimos o impacto da tecnologia na geopolítica, os dilemas éticos da inovação e as injustiças enfrentadas por aqueles que desafiam normas sociais. O que essa história de triunfo e sa…
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"A Ponte dos Espiões": A relevância da diplomacia na geopolítica em meio à guerra fria | Telefone Vermelho Podcast
Viaje conosco até os bastidores da Guerra Fria com "A Ponte dos Espiões" (2015), onde negociações discretas entre potências rivais evitam conflitos catastróficos. Baseado em uma história real, este episódio explora os limites da diplomacia, a ética em tempos de crise e o papel do diálogo na construção de pontes entre ideologias opostas. Como as liç…
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"Casablanca": Lições de resistência e sacrifício em cenários globais | Telefone Vermelho Podcast
Neste episódio, mergulhamos no clássico Casablanca (1942), uma história atemporal de amor, sacrifício e resistência ambientada durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Exploramos como a neutralidade e as decisões individuais podem moldar o destino em tempos de crise. O que esse romance político nos ensina sobre diplomacia, crises de refugiados e o impacto…
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In der heutigen episode von NeuroPolitik erforschen wir, wie angst in der politik genutzt wird, um entscheidungen zu beeinflussen und verhalten zu formen. Warum ist angst so mächtig? Erfahren sie, wie das menschliche gehirn auf angstbasierte kampagnen reagiert, wie politiker diese emotion nutzen, um wähler zu manipulieren, und welche folgen dies fü…
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