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Moses made several trips up the Holy Mountain of Sinai to commune with God. It so radically changed him the Word says that "rays of light shot out from his face" (Exodus 34:29).That's pretty radical. That's a genuine "God Encounter." But, Moses never stayed on the mountain. Moses went up the mountain to commune with God but he always came back down…
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Richard Blain was a dedicated husband, father, friend and follower of Jesus. He was also a faithful member of First Baptist Church of Thousand Oaks and he will forever be missed. This short video gives us a glimpse of his life and allows his memory to carry on for years to come.Door First Baptist Church of Thousand Oaks
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The Psalms give us a broad pattern for preaching: beginning with the ugly realities of life and moving to glorious promises of God. Psalm 22 is a good example. It begins with the ultimate cry of despair--repeated on the cross by the Lord, in fact--but ends with "all the ends of the earth turning to the Lord" (vss 27-31).Ichabod has been stamped upo…
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I think of some maximum men and women who have changed the world. Men like Ghandi and Reagan. Women like Mother Teresa. Maximum disciples like the Apostle Paul, Charles Spurgeon, John Wesley, and of course, Billy Graham have made a huge contribution to our world.They were "maximum" men and women--nothing "moderate" about their passions and pursuits…
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God is every searching for His lost children and we foolishly try to hide from him. Yet, when God does find us and we respond in humble repentance of our sins, accepting the free gift of salvation God offers, our lives are dramatically, wonderfully, and eternally changed. In this message Pastor Jack shares how to have this life changing experience …
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I’m afraid nearly all the world is foolishly “Chasing Fleas.” We are so focused on what is immediately in front of us that we are almost completely blind of the vastness of eternity that awaits us. Instead of being consumed by the eternal matter of God’s will being done on earth as it is in heaven, we are consumed with “Chasing Fleas.” When we do t…
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Choose a lower chair and get a higher blessing. This is a principle that is foundational to Christian living. Call it the "upside-downess" of Kingdom living. The first shall be last. The last shall be first. The way of leadership is humble service. To get a crown you wash a foot. The principle of the "upside-downness" of the Kingdom is sprinkled th…
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Any weightlifter knows how much pain and suffering goes into building big muscles. The same principle applies to building spiritual muscles. It takes an enormous amount of dedication and sacrifice. Philosophers and theologians call it, "soul-building."That's the theme of this message and Pastor Jack explains how to become a soul builder.…
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Why is it called "Good Friday" if it is the time we remember Jesus dying on the cross? In this service, which we revisit from last year, Pastor Jack answers that question and explains why we can be filled with joy, even during such a somber occasion. The service ends with a special time of communion that can be enjoyed with your family.…
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The people of Jerusalem were almost beyond containment emotionally as the Messiah road into their city--and who wouldn't be! For centuries the Jewish prophets had announced the future coming of the Messiah who would deliver the people from sin. Of course, they didn't quite grasp the spiritual nature of the Messiah's work, but they had been preparin…
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Every Christian that has given their life to the Lord is called by God to share the gospel and make disciples throughout the world. It was true when Christ walked the earth and it's still true today. We need to take the gospel to the streets and be actively involved in the work that God has prepared for us to complete.…
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Life proceeds all other liberties, for without life no other liberties matter. God is just and His justice is awakened by the cries of the Innocents:"""“A cry was heard in Ramah—weeping and great mourning.Rachel weeps for her children,refusing to be comforted,for they are dead.”""" (Matthew 2:18)The prophets trembled at the prospect of God's impend…
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America is not mentioned in Biblical prophecy of the Last Days because for one reason or a combination of reasons America is no longer a world power—if we exist at all. America will crumble and cease to exist or be so weakened as to be gobbled up into a global confederation of nations led eventually by the Anti-Christ.In this message. Pastor Jack e…
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The biblical text seems to allow no place for a superpower named America, or the United States, in the Last Days. If we exist at all, it is only as a vassal in a larger confederacy, probably arising out of the Old Roman Empire (see the toes of King Nebuchadnezzar’s prophetic statue in Daniel 2).In this message, Pastor Jack explores this further and…
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David went pretty “crazy” on the streets that festive day when the Ark came to the capital. Even his wife was embarrassed for him, but her ire may have come from simmering bitterness of a former offense she felt from David. But, regardless, David’s show of public devotion to Yahweh was significant enough to be recorded in the Word of God.In this me…
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The Bible declares in Colossians 1:27, real hope is found in turning one’s life over to Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, in repentant surrender. Colossians 1:27 says, “God wants to make known among the Gentiles the glorious wealth of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” “Christ in me is my hope” and in this se…
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Joy, for a believer, a deep sense of well-being, is always there. Sometimes, joy shines bright and we experience the warmth of its rays upon our lives. Other times, joy is hidden by our situation, and all we can do is wait for “joy to rise in the morning.” In this message Pastor Jack explores the two varying experiences, but shares how one can alwa…
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Christmas is about giving and sharing. That is true of the "joy" we receive at Christmas time. The angel announced to the shepherds that first Christmas, "I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all people. Today a Savior, who is Christ the Lord, was born to you in the City of David" (Luke 2:11).That was the night the Greatest Giv…
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Hope is to despair what light is to darkness. Light pushes darkness aside. It doesn't go away, but it no longer has an immediacy or a control over our lives. Even the smallest light can keep the most massive darkness from controlling us.In this message Robert shares the hope that is found in Christ and how everyone can experience it, if they so cho…
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Peace, as promised by the Heavenly Choir during the Advent, is a profound sense of well-being that extends beyond this present world. Biblical peace is something “eternal” in both duration and quality. Biblical peace is not the “absence” of conflict but the Presence of Almighty God in our life. In the second Sunday of Advent, Pastor Jack describes …
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This Sunday is the first Sunday in the season of Advent--the time leading up to the celebration of the Birth of Jesus Christ. Advent covers the four Sundays before Christmas. Often an Advent Candle is lit each Sunday in churches, representing Love, Peace, Hope, and Joy. Our church begins this Sunday with the theme of Love. Essentially, Christmas is…
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In 2014 terror wafted over the globe when a virus broke lose in Africa by the name of Ebola. It is a horrible, bloody, and scary disease. It qualifies as a “plague,” like the ten Great Plagues of the Bible which took place when the Great Pharaoh would not let Moses lead the enslaved Nation of Israel out of Egypt. God convinced Pharaoh using ten pla…
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Many people live their lives as if God's view on sin has somehow changed, or even softened. In fact, the lie is so insidious that now many people have God supporting what He once declared an "abomination."Is God more tolerant toward sin than He used to be? Of course not. God never changes. This is our point of departure as we embark on a journey th…
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In our present sermon series, “The Lies We Tell Ourselves About God”, last week we looked at Lie #1: “God Is Whoever or Whatever We Want Him to Be.” We learned that God is “Who” He said He was. He is Sovereign and Self-existent, Jealous and Exclusive, and Loving and Merciful.This week we tackle the lie, “There Are Many Roads That Lead to Heaven.”…
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A "Fake Gospel" is even deadlier than "Fake News." Fake News wreaks havoc for a season but a 'Fake Gospel" will lead many to an eternal reckoning. We see a "Fake Gospel" everywhere we look, including in many churches, and to my dismay, even in church. As much as we try to preach against and warn people about the eternal consequences of trusting in …
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We live in a world that is filled with problems. This is clearly seen every time you turn on the news and you are bombarded with another tragedy or crisis. Daily we are reminded of how bad things are in the world. But as Christians our circumstances shouldn't rob us of the joy that Christ has to offer. As Christians we have been given a clear call …
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We have shown a great disregard for God as a nation and we are paying the price for it; and, will continue to pay an ever increasing cost if we do not repent. We cannot continue to stagger about in rebellious revelry presuming God will simply look the other way in regard to our sins. We must turn away from our sin and return to our trust in Jesus C…
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