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When you grow something, there is an end goal. God’s goal for us is to deny ourselves and live for him. As we do that, the Holy Spirit brings about good fruit in our lives that we enjoy and that influences others.Door Wally Lowman
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Today we look at the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13. Jesus challenges those he is speaking to and his disciples to be people who make their lives good dirt, where the Kingdom of Heaven can take root and grow. May those who have eyes and ears listen and hear!Door Wally Lowman
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02.23.25 - Growing Fruit
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28:20Growing fruit in the garden is a process. Growing spiritual fruit in our lives is much the same. It requires God’s pruning action, and our intentional remaining in Christ. It is a shaping of our character more than our behavior. It is not necessarily comfortable, but it is always beneficial.Door Walter Neuenschwander
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02.16.25 - Make Every Effort
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33:39We are constantly growing as soon as we are born. We live in a world that calls us to grow for ourselves. Today we look at 1 and 2 Peter to see that we are called to something more. May we be encouraged to live for God and make every effort to grow our faith for him.Door Wally Lowman
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02.09.25 - Growth Requires Input
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29:11The tree in Psalm 1 is established because it has the right inputs – it is planted by the water, with plenty of sun and good soil. Consequently, it grows. Christians require input too, in the form of God’s instruction found in the Bible. With the right input we’ll grow healthy and produce fruit. With the wrong input, we’ll still grow, but in unheal…
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02.02.25 - Rooted In Community
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26:13Our world isolates and divides. Christians are called to live in community with one another. The earliest Christians met collectively in the Temple courts, and then in smaller groups in homes. Christians today should follow this example of gathering collectively for Church worship services, and then out in small groups!…
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01.26.25 - Rooted In Your Purpose
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26:02Our world treats humans like wealth-generating machines and encourages us to invest in all kinds of trivial pursuits. In contrast to that, Jesus gives us purpose and invites us to make the best kinds of investments: those with eternal returns.Door Walter Neuenschwander
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01.19.25 - A Rooted Church
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27:41People confuse all kinds of things with church: a building, a service, an address, a minister, a choir, or something else. What a church really is though, is a gathering of believers.Door Walter Neuenschwander
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01.12.25 - A Rooted Identity
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26:57We tend to define ourselves by our experiences, occupations, or circumstances. But if we follow Jesus, he is the one who determines our identity. What God says about us is what defines us, and we need to learn to see ourselves as he sees us!Door Walter Neuenschwander
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Today we talked about where we are going in 2025…the need for us to grow our faith. If we aren’t growing, we are not producing fruit, and not living out God’s desires.Door Wally Lowman
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12.29.24 - Wisdom Looks Forward
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28:59Characters: Wisemen – We know of the wisemen because they looked forward to Jesus, and because they show that he is king. What things in your life in 2025 will do the same? What are you looking forward to in your faith in the new year?Door Walter Neuenschwander
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12.22.24 - Joseph, Part of the Story
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24:24Today we look at Joseph’s part in the story of Jesus as Emmanuel, God with us! Through his story, we see that we have a part in the story of Jesus, if we choose to live it.Door Wally Lowman
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Character: Habacuc shares about Mary and how God is with us!Door Habacuc Diaz
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12.08.24 - The Long Wait
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26:06Character: Simeon/Anna My son Simeon is important to me. I’m just one guy in a world that is currently populated by 8 billion people. I live at this moment in history, but time stretches infinitely in both directions. Simeon matters to me, but I’m a nobody. Simeon matters to Jesus, and he is the King.…
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12.01.24 - John the Baptist
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26:47Character: John the Baptist. Why do we know any of these people? Because God came to be with us.Door Eric Sheldon
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11.24.24 - You Have Been Measured
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29:08If you’ve heard of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, then the book of 2 Kings will feel familiar. It tells the story of the spiraling of both Israel and Judah toward destruction and exile. On the way, their kings are measured using one assessment: whether they followed God or not. That same standard holds true for us today, and no other mar…
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11.17.24 - Godly Correction
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28:16This week our GLCC Intern, Todd Hilsman, shares on Godly Correction and the story of Jehosephat.Door Todd Hilsman
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11.10.24 - Royal Decisions
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27:01Prince Rehoboam listened to his friends instead of wise advisors, and his decision led him to be king over a much smaller kingdom. The decisions you and I make today have the potential to change our future, for good or bad. It’s on us to be sure that we’re seeking wisdom in our decision-making!Door Walter Neuenschwander
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11.03.24 - God Save the King
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30:14Solomon became famous for his wealth and his wisdom, but throughout his reign, Solomon ignored God and took shortcuts. In the end, God pronounced judgement upon him. Today we too are tempted to take shortcuts and ignore God as we try to build our own kingdoms. In contrast to that, Jesus calls his followers to give up their lives for his sake, and i…
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10.27.24 - After God's Own Heart
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30:082 Samuel gives us two opposing views of the life of David. On one hand he can chase after God’s own heart, especially in the story of Mephibosheth. On the other hand, he can forget everything about God and be selfish, which leads to actions that don’t bring glory to God. We can have a heart for God or a heart for ourselves. Our actions show where o…
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David was given the opportunity to easily eliminate Saul twice: once in a cave and once at night in Saul’s camp. In both instances, David chose to honor God’s anointed, and to wait on God’s timing. He knew what we need to learn today: that God is the ultimate check on human power.Door Walter Neuenschwander
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10.13.24 - King of Myself
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29:02Saul was chosen by God to be the first king of Israel. God was literally making him king; all he had to do was obey. Unfortunately for Saul, that wasn’t enough for him, and he wanted to make himself king in his own way. We struggle with the same temptation today – to make ourselves king in God’s place. Christians should ask themselves every day, “W…
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Hannah’s prayer at the beginning of I Samuel reminds us that no matter who our rulers are, God alone has sovereignty. This was a message the Israelites would be reminded of over and over again during their monarchy period, and it’s a message we need reminding of today as well. Humans are fallible. God is not.…
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09.29.24 - Finding Your Place
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27:06Ruth was the ultimate outsider – a Moabite, an enemy of God’s people, excluded from their assembly by Torah. Yet, she chose to follow Naomi and to look for belonging among God’s people. Her example shows us that outsiders are given a chance to belong among the people of God, but it takes work – on our part, on their part, and on God’s part.…
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09.22.24 - The Price of Belonging
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30:04We all want a place to belong. But, to truly find community, it’s going to cost us. Deep community in God’s church means that we’re more than just attenders – we’re members of a rich and vibrant local body of believers. That status comes with great privileges, and great responsibility.Door Walter Neuenschwander
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09.15.24 - The Cost of Community
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29:34We all want a place to belong. But, to truly find community, it’s going to cost us. Deep community in God’s church means that we’re more than just attenders – we’re members of a rich and vibrant local body of believers. That status comes with great privileges, and great responsibility.Door Walter Neuenschwander
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It only takes one person to mess things up for everyone. In any community, one person’s misdeeds can have serious repercussions for the whole group. On the other hand, it only takes one person to improve a relationship, and one person’s actions can help our church become a more welcoming place where people can belong.…
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08.25.24 - Signs of Approval
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32:27We sometimes think that God shows his approval to Christians, churches, or Christian organizations by increasing their wealth or power. The New Testament is pretty clear though – instead of wealth and power being signs of approval, they are a liability and a responsibility. They should be handled with care.…
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08.18.24 - Uncomfortable
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28:51We assume that faith will make life easier and more comfortable. When the opposite happens, our faith can be challenged. Hebrews 11 shows us that our heroes of the faith did not live comfortable lives. Instead, their eyes were fixed on a prize that they never fully realized during their earthly live.…
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08.11.24 - Know Who You Are
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35:10All too often, we become attached to things of this world including our patriotism. When we lose sight of who we are, we become prideful, judgmental, and fearful. 1 Peter will be our guide to help us know we are called out of darkness and made into a spiritual temple. WE are a people who “Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believer…
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08.04.24 - Matters of the Heart
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30:51At one time or another, each of us has firmly believed a lie. When it comes to faith, we also can be confused about the truth. Sometimes we even intentionally seek out falsehoods. In response to this tendency, Paul tells Timothy to keep a clear mind, to not avoid suffering, to proclaim the gospel, and to carry out his ministry.…
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At one time or another, each of us has firmly believed a lie. When it comes to faith, we also can be confused about the truth. Sometimes we even intentionally seek out falsehoods. In response to this tendency, Paul tells Timothy to keep a clear mind, to not avoid suffering, to proclaim the gospel, and to carry out his ministry.…
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07.21.24 - The Gospel is Everything
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30:56As we finish our journey with Paul, there are many things Paul that have come to the surface. This week we look at all things Paul and how we put them into our lives. We need to live like Paul did where the gospel was everything!Door Wally Lowman
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07.14.24 - Encouragement
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29:34The Thessalonian church was worried about their saints who had passed away before Christ’s return. Paul encouraged them with words from Jesus himself. When we face loss and grief today, our response should be the same: encourage one another with Scripture.Door Walter Neuenschwander
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Brian Baldwin, Dean of Students at Great Lakes Christian College, shares with us today.Door Brian Baldwin
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Patience, Kindness, Forgiveness.Door Habacuc Diaz
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Freedom makes us assume there are no limits, but true freedom in Christ is much different. It requires us to submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit. It demands that we look out for the well-being of others.Door Walter Neuenschwander
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06.16.24 - Careful Pride
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31:10Pride and ranking of spiritual gifts was dividing the Corinthian church. To that pride, Paul reminded those Christians that they were all part of the same body. Instead of being prideful, Paul directed the Corinthians to “care for one another.”Door Walter Neuenschwander
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06.09.24 - So Right It's Wrong
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29:48The Roman church was facing a severe division over dietary and calendar customs. Paul wrote that instead of judging one another, the church should build each other up. The same goes for us today. No matter which side we’re on in a particular dispute, we must always aim for harmony and to build each other up.…
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'Who you are as a follower if Jesus is not for you to define. Instead, God is transforming you into a member of his family. And In the family of God, we are devoted to, honor, and live in harmony with one another.'Door Walter Neuenschwander
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While the rich people came to ostentatiously give large sums to the temple treasury, the poor widow quietly threw in her last two coins. Jesus pointed out that her gift was the greater. When it comes to giving today, how much should we give? Whatever amount God has placed upon our hearts, rather than what we think will impress others.…
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In the Torah, God’s people are to either sacrifice their first born (animals), or to redeem them with a sacrifice (humans). They are called to give the first fruits of their crops and vineyards. Today, followers of Jesus are expected to give the first parts of their time, attention, and money to God, not the leftovers.…
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In the Torah, God’s people are to either sacrifice their first born (animals), or to redeem them with a sacrifice (humans). They are called to give the first fruits of their crops and vineyards. Today, followers of Jesus are expected to give the first parts of their time, attention, and money to God, not the leftovers.…
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We live our lives like we own everything. We work hard so we can have our stuff, so we can do what we want. We allow what we have to drive jealousy, desire, and status. We see the effects of it in the story of Cain and Abel. God, wants our best. God wants us to be Stewards of his creation. We are Stewards of the good news. To be good stewards, we h…
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Why serve? (To make disciples in Jesus name) Let’s not let the cart get ahead of the horse – serving is good, but anyone/any organization can serve. We are the church and we have something unique – the words of eternal life. “Silver and gold I have none, but what I do have, I do have, I give…”Door Habacuc Diaz
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Sometimes, we making the idea of serving too complicated. The Parable of the Good Samaritan gives us a picture of serving in simplicity. When it comes to finding ways to serve, we can start by asking, “what would I want done for me if I were in that situation?”Door Walter Neuenschwander
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04.07.24 - The Very Best
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24:06Ambition drives almost everyone. Much of what we do is an effort to be seen, recognized, and elevated. Jesus tells his disciples that it should not be like that among them. Instead, they should choose the path of quietly serving others. The same goes for us today. When we serve, we should do so with others in mind, instead of our own reputation.…
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03.31.24 - Unfinished Business
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28:26THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT THAT EVER HAPPENED. The story is not over. Mark’s gospel ends in an unsettling way, with a seeming cliff-hanger. Why? Because the story continues on. Be encouraged: God’s story is not finished. Be challenged: There’s work to do.Door Walter Neuenschwander
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Mark 14 records the last moments of Jesus’ time with the disciples. As they celebrate the Passover, Jesus is drawing God’s original covenant with Israel forward to establish something new—something that the disciples and his followers will be able to return to understand their place in the Kingdom.Door Wally Lowman
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In Mark 13, Jesus gives a much-debated teaching that touches on both the destruction of the temple and his second coming. While we get lost in the details of what he said, Jesus’ main point here is to encourage his disciples to be alert. Today, we too must be alert to guard against false teaching and to actively live out our faith.…
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