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مع نجيب

Bubblegum Factory - المصنع

مع نجيب - بودكاست هياخدكم في رحلة عن قرب جوة مجالات كتير مختلفة، زي التاريخ، البزنس والفن. هتعيشوا الرحلة بالتفاصيل مع رواد المجالات دي وأسرار مشوارهم اللي وصلتهم للقمة. أحمد نجيب، المدير العام لشركة ببلجم فاكتوري وأحد رواد مجال الديچيتال ميديا في مصر. هيكون حلقة الوصل ما بين أي حد بيحاول يتعلم ويطّور من نفسه وأهم المبدعين في المجالات المختلفة. شغفه للتعلم المستمر هيخليه يسأل ضيوفه عن كل التساؤلات اللي بتكون على بالنا دايماً. في البرنامج ده هتعرفوا أدق التفاصيل اللي من خلالها المبدعين وصلوا ...
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حط الركوة برنامج حواري يستضيف كل أسبوع شخصيات من خلفيات مختلفة. فاستعدوا للضحك وقضاء وقت ممتع برفقة أشخاص موهوبين وناجحين بمجالهم7ot el Rakwé is a talk show that will be bringing you, new guests, from different backgrounds every week. From successful people to talented ones, get ready to laugh, and have a good time.7ot el Rakwé est un talk-show qui accueillera chaque semaine des invités ayant des parcours différents. Soyez prêts à rire et à passer de bons moments avec des gens talentueux et ...
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حوارات مع ضيوف لهم إنجازات مختلفة. نستكشف فيها إيش هي إنجازاتهم و إيش الدوافع و الأفكار و السلوكيات اللي خلتهم يتغلبوا على الأمور السلبية و يصيروا أبطال أنفسهم. Conversations with guests who have different accomplishments. I try to explore with them what are the characteristics and inspirations that pushed them to be their own heroes.
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نبات | Nabat

Rising Giants Network

بودكاست نبات هو أول بودكاست يتحدث عن النباتات المنزلية باللغة العربية.نتحدث في بودكاست نبات عن طرق العناية بالنباتات المنزلية المختلفة ونسرد في كل حلقة تجارب موثقة علمياً وقصص تكشف لنا تأثير النباتات والأشجار على الإنسان.بودكاست نبات موجود لنتعلم سوياً عن عالم النباتات الممتع ونتعرف على أسراره. Podcast Nabat is the first botany-focused Arabic podcast, tailored to be both informative and useful to those who have the interest, but lack the knowledge. Through engaging field experts and enthusia ...
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أي مبدع في العالم العربي يتطلع إلى الاستماع إلى جانبه من القصة. على الرغم من وجود الكثير من القضايا المشتركة بين المشهد الإبداعي العربي والعالم ، إلا أن لدينا بعض الخصائص التي نريد مشاركتها: تحدياتنا ومخاوفنا وسوقنا وتفكيرنا ... بشكل عام بالطريقة التي نراها!Any creative in the Arab world looking to get their side of the story heard. Although there is a lot of common issues between the Arab creative scene and the world, we have some specificities that we want to share: our challenges, our fea ...
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مرحباً بكم في هذه الرحلة لاكتشاف عوالم القدماء الساحرة من جميع أنحاء العالم مع أساطير بودكاست. أبحروا في خضم هذه العوالم الخالدة واكتشفوا عمق أثر هذي الأقاصيص على الثقافة الحديثة. نكتشف معاً في كل حلقة الأهمية التاريخية والثقافية الغنية للأساطير التي أنقلها إليكم من الشعوب الأصلية والقبائل القديمة، ونكرم بكل التقدير والإعجاب ذكرى تلك الشعوب والقبائل وما خلّفته لنا من قصص ثمينة أكسبتنا فهماً أشمل لثقافاتهم الحية وأهمية معتقداتهم. كما أصحبكم أحياناً في رحلة مذهلة تلقي الضوء على التاريخ المثير ...
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Do you have a lot of Opinions about random things and no one is there to listen and handle your big mouth??! Yes,i do. So what are u gonna do about that? Hmmm, i'll do a podcast and just talllllk!! "مس جت جات" بودكاست ترفيهي نتحدث فيه عن عدة امور منها الافلام والموسيقى وما الى ذلك ع الرغم انني لست خبيرة بهذه المواضيع لكني اشارككم ما اكتسبته خلال شغفي وحبي لهم وهناك ايضاً الكثير من الامور الاخرى الي تثير اهتمامي واهتمامكم. "Miss chitchat " is an entertaining podcast where I will talk about Fi ...
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With Saad & Marwa مع سعد و مروة

سعد و مروة Saad & Marwa (Saad Alkabli & Marwa Ali

مع سعد ومروة برنامج بودكاست يتناول المواضيع المختلفة مثل الهجرة، التربية، الجمال، السوشيل ميديا، وكثير من المواضيع التي تهم الشباب من الجنسين. Arabic Podcast discussing different subjects that are important for youth from both gender. Topics like immigration, beauty, social media, and many other topics. With Saad & Marwa مع سعد و مروة
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Shalabiyat | شلبيات

للقصص قوة سحرية تُعيد لنا الخيال وتَطيرْ بنا إلى عوالم جديدة، وفي برنامجنا «شلبيات» تأخذنا شلبية الحكواتية إلى عالم قصصها الآسر والتي تروي من خلاله الشلبية قصص قد جمعتها على مر السنين بأسلوبها الخاص والمُمتع. تعمل شلبية الحكواتية «سالي شلبي» بين جمع القصص وروايتها منذ 12 عام. كانت بدايتها مع الأطفال وطوّرت عُروضها لتستقطب الجماهير العائلية والكبار. قصص الشلبية من كل مكان و إلهامها الأكبر من تراثها الشعبي، وفي مطبخها تستوي القصص بنكهتها الخاصة. وقد عرضت الشلبية قصصها محليًا في الأردن، ودوليًا ...
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'My Arab Identity' is an award-winning podcast that explores what it feels like to belong in two places, and nowhere, at the same time. Season two delves into the personal journeys of Arab-Australian migrants, who are dealing with the complexities of their sense of belonging and intercultural identities. - بودكاست الهوية الحائز على جوائز عدة يشارك معكم في موسمه الثاني قصصاً واقعية تعكس تحديات الانتماء التي يواجهها الشباب من أصول عربية في أستراليا، وكيف شكلت تجاربُهم ملامح هوياتهم الدينية وال ...
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Akmal Asks

Michael Akmal

Searching for the right questions. نبحث عن الأسئلة الصحيحة. Each episode will focus on a specific question which will help us have a better look into our lives by breaking away from the norm. The questions will challenge our social, physiological, intellectual, emotional and moral behaviors so we can improve in different life aspects by knowing ourselves better using multiple perspectives. كل حلقة ستتمحور حول سؤال محدد يساعدنا في إلقاء نظرة أفضل على حياتنا من خلال الابتعاد عن الفكر المعتاد. ...
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show series
Host Rachel Feltman is joined by Jasmine McDonald, an assistant professor of epidemiology at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, to discuss the disturbing trend of an increase in early-onset breast cancer diagnoses. They explore how chronic exposure to endocrine disruptors could be fueling this rise and examine the surprising rol…
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Artist and author Geo Rutherford created Spooky Lake Month to highlight the strange and eerie waters of the world. She first fell in love with the Great Lakes during graduate school in Milwaukee. Rutherford was an early educational video creator, but it was a video about spooky lakes that skyrocketed her to viral fame. She has a new book, Spooky La…
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NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have confirmed we’re in the solar maximum, a period of increased solar activity that could lead to more auroras. Also, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported a fivefold surge in whooping cough cases. And a new study suggests that some microbes might be using our disin…
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الامير هيكتور أمير طروادة و ولي عرشها ابن الملك بريام و الملكة هيكوبا كان احد ابرز و اهم قادة الجيش الطروداي و كان طويل القامة ضخم الجثة مماجعله مهابا فوق هيبته. كان هيكتور متزوجا من الاميرة اندروماكي أميرة طروادة ومن قبلها أميرة ثيفا أو طيبة أو ثيبس. الزوجان محبوبان بين الالهة و البشر ولهما دور اساسي في هذه الحرب. في هذه الحلقة نرى مثالا اخر عن قا…
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There’s a lot of excitement and apprehension over the seemingly sudden proliferation of artificial intelligence in just about everything. Technological progress often outpaces regulation, and the next U.S. president will set the tone for AI policy. Scientific American’s associate technology editor Ben Guarino walks us through AI policies and plans …
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How do you stop implicit bias from getting in the way of better health? This doctor wants to make learning how to manage bias as important as learning how to suture. SHOWNOTES: Have you ever felt judged at the doctor’s office, even before you said a word? Unfortunately, that’s not uncommon, and it’s often not intentional. Like everyone, doctors hav…
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Everything you need to know about last week’s physics, chemistry, and physiology or medicine Nobels. COVID could raise the risk of heart attacks and strokes years after original infection. Hurricane Milton causes tornadoes across Florida and delays the launch of Europa Clipper. Recommended reading: How Does Sharing a Nobel Prize Work? https://www.s…
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خوذة هايديس اله عالم الاموات ظهرت في عدة أساطير من ميدوسا الى الالياذة. في هذه الحلقة استخدمت اثينا خوذة الإخفاء أو طاقية الإخفاء لاتمام خطتها مع هيرا لمنع بقية الالهة من مساندة طروادة. المصادر: قصة طروادة ل دريني خشبة The Iliad by Stephen Mitchell Lets Talk about Myths Baby by Liv Albert Music: ArtSlop_Flodur, Desert Voices ArcticFoxMusic, Dream o…
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Scientific American associate news editor and music enthusiast Allison Parshall takes Science Quickly through what we know about how singing came to be. Scientists aren’t sure why humans evolved to sing, but commonalities in traditional music offer clues to how the practice evolved. Neuroscience shows us where speech and singing live in the brain a…
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هنتكلم النهاردة مع إيما ماروود، الملحق الثقافي للسفارة الأمريكية بمصر، على الفرص والبرامج اللي بتقدمها السفارة الأمريكية للسفر و التعليم وإزاي تقدر تسجل في البرامج المختلفة وهنتكلم على التبادل الثقافي اللي بيتم بين البلدين والتعاون في مجالات الحفاظ علي التراث والثقافة وغيرهم. تابع أنشطة السفارة على: https://eg.usembassy.gov/education-culture/https:…
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Hurricanes Beryl, Francine and Helene have battered the Gulf Coast this year. Hurricane Milton is expected to add to the destruction, particularly in parts of the west coast of central Florida that are already reeling from Hurricane Helene. Scientific American’s associate editor of sustainability Andrea Thompson joins Science Quickly to help us und…
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Hurricane Helene’s death toll continues to rise. Marburg virus is spreading in Rwanda, but risks for a global outbreak are low. Researchers in Beijing used stem cell treatments to reverse diabetes in a patient. Plus, we discuss a map of a fruit fly’s brain and dolphin smiles. Recommended reading: Hurricanes Kill People for Years after the Initial D…
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للخيول اهمية كبيرة في حياة البشر ان كان في الماضي ام في عصرنا الحالي ولكن في هذه الحرب بالذات كانت الخيول لاعب رئيسي فلم تكن فقظ اداة للتنقل بل جائزة ثمينة تتنقل من مالك ل اخر كغنيمة. في هذه الحلقة يتنافس الابطال للحصول على خيول من سليل الخيول التي أعطاها زوس لوالد غانيميد بعد ان اختطفه. المصادر: قصة طروادة ل دريني خشبة The Iliad by Stephen Mitchel…
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Drag queen and mathematics communicator Kyne Santos tells us the questions that modern mathematicians are grappling with, from infinite tiling to the structure of math itself. We hope you enjoyed the final episode of this Friday miniseries about magical math. You can listen to parts one and two wherever you get your podcasts or at the links below. …
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The Food and Drug Administration has granted priority review to suzetrigine, a novel painkiller. It’s part of a new class of medications that could provide relief to those with chronic pain. The drugs target sodium channels on nerve cells, stopping pain signaling at the periphery. Journalist Marla Broadfoot explains the biology of aches and pains a…
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From the United Nations General Assembly, host Rachel Feltman interviews Melissa Fleming, the U.N.’s undersecretary-general for global communications, on how misinformation and distrust in science are impacting global well-being. Plus, we note caveats to a major social media study and explain how food packaging can be harmful to the environment and…
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بعد ان اخذ اخيل باتروكليس و المرميديون من ارض المعركة حان الوقت لكي تختار أثينا الهة الحكمة و الخطط العسكرية بطل جديد لكي تعطيه قوة و بركة من عندها للانتصار على جيش طروادة المصادر: قصة طروادة ل دريني خشبة The Iliad by Stephen Mitchell Lets Talk about Myths Baby by Liv Albert Music: ArtSlop_Flodur, Desert Voices ArcticFoxMusic, Dream of Athena #Troj…
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Where does math come from? Mathematicians are still debating whether math is an inherent part of nature or an invention of the human mind. Mathematics communicator and drag queen Kyne will guide you through the question of what math really is in this three-part Friday miniseries. Recommended reading: – Gift Wrapping Five Oranges Has Outwitted the B…
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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects up to five million people in the U.S., yet it remains poorly understood. Many people with PCOS go undiagnosed while experiencing symptoms such as irregular periods, changes in hair and body shape, acne and infertility. Even after a diagnosis, they’re often told to lose weight to manage symptoms—advice that s…
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In this week’s news roundup: Earth might have previously had a giant ring of space rocks like the one around Saturn, “scuba diving” lizards are using bubbles to breathe, and a new study mapped brain changes in a person throughout pregnancy. Additionally, we describe how NASA’s stranded astronauts will vote from space. E-mail us at sciencequickly@sc…
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مع سرد أحداث الأسطورة يقوم هومر بسرد أسماء الشعوب و القبائل التي ينحدر منها الجنود المشاركين في هذه الحرب الطويلة. بعض هذه الاسماء تمت اضافتها عبر الزمن من قبل ناسخين الأسطورة لغرض المفاخرة غالبا. المصادر: قصة طروادة ل دريني خشبة The Iliad by Stephen Mitchell Lets Talk about Myths Baby by Liv Albert Music: ArtSlop_Flodur, Desert Voices ArcticFoxMus…
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Mathematics communicator and drag queen Kyne Santos will help you discover the beauty and power of math in this three-part Friday miniseries. Kyne takes us back to ancient Greece to illustrate the elegance of mathematics. We meet mathematician Tom Crawford, who combines fieldwork and modeling to predict the impacts of pollution, as well as philosop…
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In recognition of Prostate Cancer Awareness Month this September, host Rachel Feltman sits down with Alfred Winkler, chief of urology at NewYork-Presbyterian Lower Manhattan Hospital, to discuss proactive steps individuals can take to protect themselves against prostate cancer. Black American men, in particular, face some of the highest rates of th…
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This week's news roundup: The European Space Agency’s Juice mission tested its instruments with a flyby of Earth in preparation for studying habitability on moons of Jupiter’. Also, a study found that Massachusetts has reduced food waste through composting and enforcement while four other states have not successfully done so despite also having ban…
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Science Quickly host Rachel Feltman interviewed NASA flight engineer Matthew Dominick live—from space! In this first-ever interview conducted from the International Space Station’s (ISS’s) iconic cupola, Dominick talks about his path to space, his experience on the ISS and his incredible astrophotography. You can listen to the full video and watch …
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Content warning: This episode contains some details about the 9/11 attacks and victims’ remains. Twenty-three years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, forensic scientists are still working to identify victims from the World Trade Center site. Host Rachel Feltman speaks with Kathleen Corrado, forensics executive director at Syracuse University’s Coll…
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In this week’s new roundup, a new study finds no clear connection between phone use and brain or head cancers, putting some fears to rest. Meanwhile Sweden’s new screen-time guidelines suggest keeping kids under age two away from screens entirely and limiting time for older children—and echo concerns from other countries about how much time young p…
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As people live longer and family sizes shrink, fewer relatives are available to share the burden of caregiving for aging loved ones. The second episode of our two-part miniseries on caregiving explores what this means for the family members who take on this critical role. How do they provide the best care while also maintaining their own well-being…
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في حلقة النهاردة هنتكلم مع دكتور عمرو عن حبه لمهنته كطبيب أسنان، وسبب اهتمامه بتجميل الأسنان بشكل خاص. هنعرف منه كمان ليه الناس مش بتحب دكتور الأسنان، وأهم النصائح اللي لازم نتبعها للحفاظ على صحة اسناننا. تابع دكتور عمرو على: https://www.instagram.com/amr_waguih?igsh=ajQ3cGlmZGR5NXQ3utm_source=qr https://www.facebook.com/share/r3aLeebNK93Vx89H/?mib…
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Discrimination may be speeding up the aging process for people of color and other minoritized groups. Research is revealing that structural and interpersonal racism could be key factors in why these communities often age faster and face age-related diseases sooner. Alexis Reeves, a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University, studies how racism …
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In this first episode of a two-part miniseries on caregiving, Tanya Lewis, Scientific American’s senior editor of health and medicine, shares her personal experience with becoming a caregiver for her mother after her mom was diagnosed with a serious illness. Her journey inspired her to explore the broader challenges faced by caregivers. Lewis and h…
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هنتكلم النهارده عن كتاب “Mindset to Startup” ، و رحلة ريادة الأعمال الناجحة.وإزاي قدر يوصل خبرته في مساعدة وتوجيه رواد الأعمال وإيه أهم الاستراتيجيات اللي بيحتاجوها. تابع هاني نجيب على:https://www.haniwnaguib.comتابع أحمد نجيب على:https://x.com/ahmednaguib / ahmednaguib اسمع البودكاست مكان ما بتسمع البودكاستس بتاعتك.…
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Marc Hachadourian, senior curator of orchids and director of glasshouse horticulture at the New York Botanical Garden, joins host Rachel Feltman to explore houseplant trends from the past and the present. Plus, they discuss how ethically sourcing your plants can prevent fad-driven overcollection. Listen to the New York Botanical Garden’s new podcas…
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NASA’s Perseverance rover cautiously climbs Jezero Crater on Mars in search of new discoveries. We also explore recent revelations about the Red Planet’s hidden water reserves and puzzling sulfur findings. On the health front, a new device, described as an implant that acts like a pacemaker for the brain, shows promise for Parkinson’s treatment by …
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The Democratic presidential ticket has literally diverse voices. While Vice President Kamala Harris’s speech is influenced by her Californian origins, the way Minnesota governor Tim Walz talks reflects his roots in Nebraska. In our podcast, linguist Nicole Holliday expands on her viral TikTok analyses of Harris’s speech patterns and the ideological…
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Polymetallic nodules litter a stretch of ocean between Mexico and Hawaii. They contain metals, such as manganese and cobalt, that mining companies want to use for battery production. Researchers recently found that these seafloor blobs might make their own oxygen—and no one knows exactly how. Scientific American’s associate news editor Allison Pars…
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Doris Tsao is the 2024 recipient of The Kavli Prize in Neuroscience for her research on facial recognition. Her work has provided insights into the complex workings of the brain and has the potential to advance our understanding of perception and cognition. This podcast was produced for The Kavli Prize by Scientific American Custom Media, a divisio…
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James Cameron is known for his ambitious filmmaking. His newest project is a six-part National Geographic miniseries that goes beneath the waves with the crew of the OceanXplorer. Cameron joins Science Quickly host Rachel Feltman to talk about the origins of his fascination with the ocean and the importance of seeing scientists at work. Recommended…
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When the hit podcast Science Vs went to find the facts about the “male G-spot,” it was faced with remarkably little research to draw from. So the team collaborated with academics on one of the largest surveys about anal sex and masturbation. We discuss what they learned, on this episode of Science Quickly with Rachel Feltman and special guest Wendy…
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Debris from satellites, rockets and other space infrastructure are crowding low-Earth orbit. Occasionally, that space junk crashes down to Earth. For Samantha Lawler, an associate professor of astronomy at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, such debris was mostly a theoretical nuisance. Then a nearby farmer found remnants of a SpaceX craft o…
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The 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris came to a close on Sunday—and swimmers swam the Seine as promised. The two astronauts sent to the International Space Station on a Boeing Starliner craft in June are still in limbo, with no set return flight. The EPA is acting quickly to suspend sales of products that contain the pesticide dimethyl tetrachloroterep…
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Content warning: This episode focuses in part on the archaeological study of ancient human sacrifice, including incidents involving young children. While we have taken care not to include gratuitous descriptions of violence, this episode does contain frank discussion of the circumstances of these deaths and the nature of these individuals’ remains.…
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Host Rachel Feltman is joined by conservation bioacoustics researcher Isla Keesje Davidson to explore the vibrant world of coral reefs through an unexpected lens: sound. They discuss how healthy coral reefs sound different from those in distress, why listening to the ocean could be key to its preservation and how you can be part of this groundbreak…
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The American Cancer Society published a study suggesting that for 8 or 34 cancers tracked, case rates are rising from one generation to the next. While headlines often point to sedentary lifestyles and higher weights as a possible cause, some experts say that these factors alone cannot explain the spike. In more hopeful oncology news, there’s a new…
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Gazing up at the night sky is a universal human experience, likely as old as our species itself. But how did our ancient ancestors feel about what they saw in the heavens, and how did it shape their lives? In Episode Two of our three-part Fascination miniseries on unusual archaeology, science journalist Kata Karáth introduces us to archaeoastronomy…
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Sex testing has a long history in sports. As participation in events like the Olympics opened to women, organizers and audiences alike began questioning the sex of the athletes. The tests devised to “prove” an athlete’s sex have been invasive and inaccurate. Rose Eveleth, host of the NPR and CBC podcast Tested, brings us the story of sex testing an…
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It’s a scorching summer, with record-breaking temperatures last Monday. Rain really is harder to predict, and greenhouse gasses are probably to blame. Polio is circulating in Gaza’s wastewater and could spread as conflict leads to crowding, poor sanitation and missing routine vaccinations. Plus, we discuss a shocking price for a promising HIV vacci…
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Fish trapping is an ancient practice, reaching across the globe from at least as far back as 11,000 years ago. It takes advantage of coastal tides and human-made chambers to catch and release fish. The simple but ingenious ancient fishing structures are built on two intertwining principles: the ocean can provide for us if we properly care for it. A…
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Meditation is mostly mainstream, with many people using mindfulness to manage stress. But dedicated practitioners of advanced meditation move beyond mindfulness into a state where consciousness “entirely falls away.” That’s according to today’s guest: Matthew Sacchet, an associate professor and director of the Meditation Research Program at Harvard…
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President Biden is far from the only positive as COVID is experiencing a summer surge. Windows malfunction grounds planes and causes outages for banks, hospitals and emergency services. The Perseid meteor shower gives you plenty of shooting stars to see. Plus, we use the Twisters premiere as an excuse to talk about wild weather. Recommended reading…
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