This is a podcast about beekeeping. I'll be documenting my journey of starting up a commercial apiary, sharing the lessons I have learned, examining cutting edge research in the bee world, and interviewing other beekeepers. Check out my YouTube channel as well:
In Episode 21 I interview Christopher Leach with The American Honeybee Company. Chris is a honeybee educator and offers beekeeping classes, mentorship, hive management services, and produces for nucs for sale!…
In Episode 20 I'll be covering different types of USDA loans for starting and growing your beekeeping business. I'll also be covering a few different free subsidies that you can apply for.
Brent Nixon is a queen breeder from Australia who also runs his own beekeeping podcast where he interviews beekeepers from all around the world! Check out Brent's beekeeping podcast: "Breeding the Honeybee" and his website:…
For the 1-year anniversary episode of The Pollen Nation Podcast I'll be interviewing Bracken Barker of Barker's Bees & Honey from northern Utah. Barkers Bees & Honey - YouTube
In Episode 16 I'll be going into detail over what the income and expenses would be to start up a 400 hive commercial apiary from scratch and run it for one year!
In episode 15 I'll be comparing the pros and cons of feeding honeybees both cane sugar and high fructose corn syrup! Study: Comparison of productivity of colonies of honey bees, Apis mellifera, supplemented with sucrose or high fructose corn syrup | Journal of Insect Science | Oxford Academic (…
In today's episode I'll be interviewing a well-known and respected beekeeper in our community. Buddy Rich owns Buddy's Bee Farm in Altha, Florida. Buddy shares his story of how he became a beekeeper and some of the fascinating things that he's seen honeybees do over the years.
In today's episode I'll be going over a 2018 study analyzing whether a Queen bee's brood pattern is a good indicator of her quality as well as sharing my own experiences. Insects | Free Full-Text | Is the Brood Pattern within a Honey Bee Colony a Reliable Indicator of Queen Quality? (
In today's episode I'll be breaking down a great study that measures the acceptance rate of mated queens depending on the age the queens are caged. I'll also be going over when we cage and bank our queens and some tips to increase mated queen acceptance. Australian Study “Introduction and early performance of queen bees”03-049.pdf (…
Interested in sending your hives to pollinate the almond orchards in California? This episode will provide a few tips and some advice that I've learned across several years of sending my hives to California.
Today I'm interviewing State Bee Inspector Jimmy Davis on the ins and outs of being one of Florida's State Bee Inspectors. Some really useful information in this interview especially if you are a new beekeeper or are interested in getting your own honeybees!
Join me as I continue our journey through time with the exciting history of beekeeping beginning with the Mesolithic Period and traveling all the way to the Modern Age!
On Episode 4 I interviewed Emily Flowers from Wewahitchka, FL. Emily is a 4th generation 13-year-old beekeeper who has already started her own business and won both "Best Light Extracted Honey" as well as "Best Honey in the State of Florida" at the University of Florida's Bee College. Come listen what the next generation of beekeepers has to say an…
Danny Bost is the Regional 1 District Representative for the Florida State Bee Association. We will be discussing the benefits of local beekeeping clubs.
For our very first episode we will be interviewing local beekeeper Ryan Cutts from Chipley, Florida. Ryan is a 5th generational beekeeper from a well reputed family of Florida beekeepers. Visit Ryan's Facebook page @Cutts Honey.