Please see the podcast episodes from the Living Grace Ministry church in Ann Arbor, MI.
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Jesus teaches us to pray for the kingdom of God to be a reality in our lives, instead of trying to make our own kingdoms work (they don’t).Door Living Grace Ministry
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Jesus’ central message is that the reign of God is HERE. We are invited to a new kind of mindset of a new world where God truly is in control and his love reigns supreme.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Jesus has come in the flesh to be with us, meeting us exactly where we are, right here and now.Door Living Grace Ministry
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In different seasons, our ability to receive Christ is often hampered by many different things. But Jesus continually gives us the opportunity to hear and make room for his word anew.Door Living Grace Ministry
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There are many things that vie for our attention and worship, but there is only one thing in this world that is truly.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message by Pastor Steve Khang. Matthew 4:5-7. It’s hard to not want a sign of some sort of God’s presence and his favor—but learning to not put the Lord to the test and to both trust and wait upon his presence is essential for the children of God.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. What do we need to survive in this world, where we are made to fear scarcity? We need to live dependent on the Lord and the Word that can become our daily sustenance.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Receiving the spirit that confirms we are beloved children of God and heirs of his promises is perhaps the most important experience we need to have, not just once, but continually through life and all its up and downs.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The way we can experience the life God wants for us is to learn what it means to offer your whole self to God as a living sacrifice in a practice sense every day.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message by Pastor Amy Triebwasser.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Kyle Jung. The importance of humility.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Amy T. God provides manna in the wilderness.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor John Bak Jesus teaches us how to address drama in the church! Jesus does not ignore the petty fights we have in the church, but tells us to invite Him into our drama to mend and heal broken relationships.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Amy Triebwasser.Door Living Grace Ministry
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All around us, we see disparity, injustice, oppression, and apathy on many levels. Yet, God’s heart for the world and desire for justice from his people is seen clearly in the scriptures. If we seek to be a faithful, missional community to the world and to the future generations, then we must be actively engaging in the work of proclaiming, partici…
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Message from Jonathan Lee.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from YJ Ju. We have nothing to prove to others because in Christ we are more than conquerors and invaluable.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor David Baek. Acknowledging and understanding our limitations in a healthy, humble manner can help us to learn and see the goodness of God, especially in the areas where we fall short.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Dr. Robert Chang.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. What is God’s rest for His people?Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Susan Hitts. On Mother’s Day we thank God for women in our lives and those who nurtured us. Scripture shares the story of one such woman in the healing of Tabitha.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus is recognized in the breaking of the bread, reminding the disciples of his death and resurrection. Don’t forget what Christ has done, it’s more about what God can do than what we can.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We are witnesses to a God of miracles and he can work those miracles in us. Don’t stop being a part of this story for he is more than able!Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. All of scripture points to Jesus and his amazing sacrificial love for us. Will we build our lives on this story?Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Steve Khang. Jesus desires to work in us exactly as we are, not as we think we should be. Are we willing to allow Jesus into our imperfection?Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We can meet Christ on the road as we walk through our ordinary lives, but will we recognize him?Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Because Jesus has risen, we no longer need to live in fear.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus is the King, who comes to save us, we need to learn to trust in Him!Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. When the Spirit of the Lord is living within us, there is nothing that we cannot overcome!Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Maya Harris.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Following Christ is worth it—because the glory of being a child of God is worth any cost, not just for future glory in heaven, but for the glory of God that we can experience in this lifetime.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The Spirit leads us past fear to the knowledge that we are children, and all the beauty, goodness, and freedom of so being.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. To be spirit led, we must learn how go change our mindset and allow the Spirit to dwell within us.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus has come to set us free from the bondage of our sinful flesh and condemnation.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Learning to see the world through God’s eyes is the key to lighting up our lives.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Our world values busy-ness and activity and doing a lot—and so we think that’s what Jesus values too. Can we learn to just be with Jesus and unlearn the unhealthiness of associating our worth with how much we do?Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Sometimes we focus on things that seem right and godly but perhaps along the way we forget what is most important—our first love. If we want to go deep with Christ, we need to learn how to maintain that first love.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Sophia Heo.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. In this new year, let’s learn to rejoice constantly and find the joy of the Lord in everything!Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. As we head into a new year, the more pressing question for us is not what do we want to change about ourselves, but will we follow Jesus?Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus has come. And because of that we can experience a real accessible peace right here and now.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus has come to be with us in all the mess, especially in the mess, to comfort us and save us.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The authority of Jesus is always a challenge to power, which seeks to defend its power above all else. How might we learn to let down our defenses and let the true king into our lives?Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus came not to grasp power but to empty himself and to serve. We must learn how to have the same mind and heart.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Whatever we find the greatest worth in is what we worship. And what we worship shapes our destiny. Is what you are thinking about and fixed upon truly worth it?Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus wants to make us one—one with each other, one with him, one with the Father.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. In the journey of faith, we progress past into Christ-like love. It is the point and goal of the whole journey, to become love.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. If we are to grow in Christ we need to learn how to delight in the Word of God to get sustenance from it rather than the poison we often get from this world.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus offers us a new and better life, but there is only one way to get it—we must release the old way of life.Door Living Grace Ministry
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Message from Pastor Steve Khang. If we can keep our soil clear of the rocks and thorns we can experience here and now the reality of the Kingdom and experience supernatural love, peace, joy, and hope.Door Living Grace Ministry
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