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Pastor Chris Taylor Series Title: Behold and Believe Text: John 11:45-57 Title: What Are We To Do? Big Idea: One man’s death for the sins of the world. 1. What are we to do? (vv. 45-47) 2. Why do so many not do it? (vs. 48) 3. Why do it? (vv. 49-53) Discussion Questions: Why […]Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Attributes of God Lesson 19Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Pastor Chris Taylor Series Title: Behold and Believe! Text: John 11:38-44 Title: Prioritizing God’s Praise Big Idea: Jesus seeks opportunities to display God’s glory so that people might believe and praise Him. 1. What is Jesus seeking? A. Jesus seeks God’s _______ (vs. 40). B. Jesus seeks the ________ of the lost (vs. 42). C. […]…
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Pastor Chris Taylor Series Title: Behold and Believe Text: John 11:28-37 Title: What a Wonderful Savior! Big Idea: Jesus came to bear our pain and suffering to one day put an end to it. What kind of Savior is Jesus? 1. Jesus is an ____________ Savior. See John 11:33 2. Jesus is a _______________ Savior. […]…
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Attributes of God Lesson 18Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Pastor Chris Taylor Series Title: Behold and Believe Text: John 11:17-27 Title: The Resurrection and the Life Big Idea: Jesus came to bring peace to our pain and to provide life where death formerly reigned. How does Jesus bring peace to our pain? 1. His ____________ 2. His ___________ 3. His ___________ 4. His […]…
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Attributes of God Lesson 17Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Pastor Chris Taylor Series Title: Behold and Believe Text: John 11:5-16 Title: The Radical Disciple Big Idea: The true disciple of Jesus is willing to follow Him even unto death. 1. The _________ (vv. 5-8) See John 7:1, 43-44; 8:58-59 2. The _______ (vv. 9-10) See John 1:4-5; Ephesians 5:15-16; Philippians 1:21 3. The __________ […]…
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Pastor Aaron Wilson Text: Romans 1:15-18 Title: The Gospel of Righteousness Big Idea: The righteousness God requires is a righteousness God provides through the righteousness of his Son. 1. _________ is righteousness? 2. Why do I _______ righteousness? 3. Where do I _______ righteousness? 4. How do I ___________ righteousness?…
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Keltys Women’s Ministry Bible Study “Living Peaceably” Lesson 5 – “Living Peaceably (Romans 12:17-20) – Forgiving like the Father” February 10, 2025 Dana BickleyDoor Keltys First Baptist Church
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Pastor Chris Taylor Series Title: Behold and Believe Text: John 11:1-4 Title: Prioritizing the Glory of God Big Idea: All that Jesus does is for the glory of God, and God reveals his glory so that we might glorify Him. 1. The __________ of God’s glory 2. The ____________ of God’s glory 3. The __________ […]…
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Attributes of God Lesson 16Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Pastor Chris Taylor Series Title: Behold and Believe Text: John 10:31-42 Title: The Folly of Unbelief Big Idea: To deny the One who did the works of God, is affirmed by the word of God, and was sent by God is utter foolishness. Don’t be a fool! Believe in Jesus! 1. The ________ 2. The […]Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Attributes of God Lesson 15Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Pastor Chris Taylor Series Title: Behold and Believe Text: John 10:22-30 Title: His Sheep He Will Keep Big Idea: The Good Shepherd gives His sheep eternal life and promises to keep them forever. 1. The ______ of belief 2. The ______ for unbelief 3. The _______ for beliefDoor Keltys First Baptist Church
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Pastor Chris Taylor Series Title: Behold and Believe Text: John 10:11-21 Title: Our Good Shepherd Big Idea: The Shepherd’s goodness is seen in His sacrifice for the sheep. 1. The __________ of the Shepherd 2. The ________ of the Shepherd’s work 3. The _______ of the sheep 4. The ___________ for the success of the […]…
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Attributes of God Lesson 14Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Keltys Women’s Ministry Bible Study “Living In Harmony” Lesson 4 – “Genuine Love (Romans 12:14-16) – Handling conflict with compassion” January 14, 2025 Dana Bickley keltys.orgDoor Keltys First Baptist Church
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Pastor Chris Taylor Series Title: Behold and Believe Text: John 10:7-10 Title: Life Abundant Big Idea: Jesus provides and guarantees abundant life for His sheep. 1. The _______ See Psalm 118:20; Matthew 7:14; John 14:6 2. The _________ See John 10:1; Ezekiel 34:3-5; Ephesians 4:11-14; Acts 20:28-31 3. The ___________ See Psalm 23; Philippians […]…
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Attributes of God Lesson 13Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Pastor Chris Taylor Series Title: Behold and Believe Text: John 10:1-6 Title: The Shepherd and His Sheep Big Idea: The Shepherd knows His sheep and the sheep know their Shepherd. 1. Jesus is the ____________ Shepherd 2. The ____________ knows His sheep 3. The __________ know their ShepherdDoor Keltys First Baptist Church
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Pastor Chris Taylor Text: Romans 15:4 Title: The Greatest Book Big Idea: The Word of God gives hope.Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Pastor Chris Taylor Series Title: Christmas in the Old Testament Text: Isaiah 9:6-7 Title: The Child of Promise Big Idea: The child of promise is the answer to the darkness and gloom affecting all mankind. What do we learn about the Child of Promise in our passage? 1. He’s ________. See Genesis 3:21; 15:12, […]…
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Pastor Aaron Wilson Series Title: Christmas in the Old Testament Text: Isaiah 9:3-5 Title: From Gloom to Gladness 1. The ________ of Gladness A. A Multiplied ______ B. A Magnified ___ 2. The ___________ for Gladness A. Release from the _______ B. Peace after the ______Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Pastor Paul Olszewski Series Title: Christmas in the Old Testament Text: Isaiah 9:1-2 Title: Darkness to Light 1. Darkness 2. LightDoor Keltys First Baptist Church
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Attributes of God Lesson 11Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Series Title: Behold and Believe Text: John 9:8-41 Title: A Spiritual Eye-Exam Big Idea: Jesus came into the world that those who are blind may see and worship Him. 1. The ___________ Sinful blindness manifests itself in four primary ways in our passage: A. ______________ B. ___________ C. ____________ D. _______ of Man 2. […]…
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Text: Psalm 50:1-23 Title: Give Thanks, Avoid Judgment, Glory to God! Big Idea: When our worship is without heart and our lives are without holiness, thanksgiving is our hope. 1. Introducing: God the _____________ (v 1-6) 2. Indictment One: Guilty of _____________ Liturgy (v 7-15) 3. Indictment Two: Guilty of ______________ Living (v 16-23) Discuss…
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Series Title: Behold and Believe Text: John 9:1-7 Title: The One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven Big Idea: Time is short; there’s work to be done; let’s get to it. 1. The ________ 2. The ___________ 3. The _________ Discussion Questions: 1. What was your biggest takeaway from the passage? 2. What do we […]…
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Attributes of God Lesson 10Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Keltys Women’s Ministry Bible Study “Living In Harmony” Lesson 3 – “Genuine Love (Romans 12:9-13) – Showing Hope” November 11, 2024 Dana BickleyDoor Keltys First Baptist Church
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Series Title: Behold and Believe Text: John 8:48-59 Title: Jesus is the Greatest! Big Idea: Those who trust in Jesus belong to God’s family and will enjoy eternal life. What makes Jesus the Greatest? 1. Jesus __________ His Father (vs. 49) 2. The Father seeks Jesus’ ________ (vv. 50, 54) 3. Jesus’ ________ leads to […]…
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Attributes of God Lesson 9Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Text: Isaiah 6:1-7 Title: The True King Big Idea: A vision of the Lord as King results in praise and peace and calls for trust. 1. The Lord is on the ________. A. The Lord is _______! B. The Lord ________! C. The Lord is ________! D. The Lord is __________! _________ the Lord! 2. […]Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Attributes of God Lesson 8Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Series Title: Behold and Believe Text: John 8:39-47 Title: Who’s Your Father? Big Idea: Only those who have trusted in the Son are able to call God, Father. Two Groups 1. Those who belong to God: a. ______ Jesus (vs. 42) b. Receive Jesus’ _______ (vs. 43) c. ______ in Jesus (vv. 45-46) 2. Those […]Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Attributes of God Lesson 7Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Pastor Chris Taylor Series Title: Behold and Believe Text: John 8:31-38 Title: The Evidence and Advantage of Being a Disciple of Jesus Big Idea: A true disciple abides in the word of Christ, knows Christ, and enjoys the freedom Christ provides. 1. What is a disciple? 2. What is the evidence of a disciple? 3. […]…
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Attributes of God Lesson 7Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Keltys Women’s Ministry Bible Study “Living In Harmony” Lesson 2 – “Gifts of Grace (Romans 12:3-8) – Serving like the Savior” October 14, 2024 Dana BickleyDoor Keltys First Baptist Church
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Pastor Chris Taylor Series Title: Behold and Believe Text: John 8:21-30 Title: Hope in the Midst of Reprimand Big Idea: Jesus gave up Heaven to give us Heaven. 1. The _________ of unbelief (vv. 21-24, 27) 2. The __________ to unbelief (vv. 28-29) See Daniel 7:13-14 3. The necessary ___________ (vv. 24, 30) See John […]…
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Attributes of God Lesson 6Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Pastor Chris Taylor Series Title: Behold and Believe Text: John 8:13-20 Title: Clear Testimony Big Idea: Jesus gives clear testimony that calls for a clear response. 1. Jesus speaks to His authority and ___________. See Psalm 115:3; Psalm 103:19; Mark 10:45; 2 Corinthians 8:9 2. Jesus speaks to His authority and __________________. See Romans 1:4 […
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Pastor Chris Taylor Series Title: Behold and Believe Text: John 8:12 Title: The Light of the World Big Idea: Come to Jesus, the light, for life! A Quick Word on Textual Criticism “The earliest manuscripts do not include 7:53-8:11.” “The average classical Greek writer has less than 20 copies of his works still in existence.” […]…
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Attributes of God Lesson 4Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Pastor Chris Taylor Series Title: The Church: Why We Gather Title: We Gather to Go Big Idea: The gathered church is where we are equipped to go and sanctified to show. 1. We gather to ____. a. We gather to be ____________. See Ephesians 4:11-12; Matthew 28:18-20 First, making disciples necessitates __________. Second, making disciples […]…
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Attributes of God Lesson 3Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Pastor Chris Taylor Series Title: The Church: Why We Gather Title: We Gather to Grow Big Idea: We gather to grow through God’s Word, His People, and His Spirit. 1. We gather to ________. A. God grows His church through His _________. See Colossians 1:28, 24-25; Romans 15:4; Psalm 119:24; Acts 20:32; Ephesians 1:13-14 B. […]…
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Attributes of God Lesson 2Door Keltys First Baptist Church
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Keltys Women’s Ministry Bible Study “Living In Harmony” Lesson 1 – “A Living Sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2) – Reflecting Christ through redeemed relationships” September 9, 2024 Dana BickleyDoor Keltys First Baptist Church
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