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The Ezra Klein Show

New York Times Opinion

Each Tuesday and Friday, Ezra Klein invites you into a conversation on something that matters. How do we address climate change if the political system fails to act? Has the logic of markets infiltrated too many aspects of our lives? What is the future of the Republican Party? What do psychedelics teach us about consciousness? What does sci-fi understand about our present that we miss? Can our food system be just to humans and animals alike? Unlock full access to New York Times podcasts and ...
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「EZ JAPAN 編輯的あのね」本節目是由 EZ 叢書館 日語編輯團隊製作。我們會和你分享有趣的日本新聞,朗讀日語文章,介紹值得學習的單字、句型與文法。 EZ Japan臉書粉絲團 (https://www.facebook.com/jiesi.EZJapan) -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Ezekiel Uncloaked

Cornerstone Church Kingston

Tom, Pete, and Rory explore the book of Ezekiel, uncovering its rich imagery, prophetic messages, and relevance for today. Discover its themes of judgment, hope, and restoration, and what they mean for us as Christians.
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EZ Sing EZ Life

大叔英吉 EZ J

大家好 我是 大叔英吉 EZ J 在我的Podcast頻道 可以收聽到我的音樂作品 也可以聽到我創作相關的心情故事 如果你有心情故事 也可以與我交流 或許也可能幫你把心情故事寫成歌唷^^ 歡迎加入 EZ Sing EZ Life 也歡迎加入 我的 FB YT https://linktr.ee/ezj978 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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EZ News

ICRT News Team

ICRT 主播用簡單緩慢的英文,幫助你了解台灣每日重點新聞! 讓你學習英文、接收新知,一舉兩得🎉 EZ News is designed to help learners improve their English. It is a production of ICRT News, and is posted on our web site and app weekdays. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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The EZ Breezy Life is a global community dedicated to helping women who lead achieve success, ease & joy. Visit www.ezbreezy.life to learn more! Connect with Issata: www.issatao.com Download Issata's Contact Card: https://dot.cards/issatao Views shared are for educational and entertainment purposes only; please seek professional financial, legal, & medical advice. Views expressed are solely those of each speaker and are not endorsed by any organization. Episodes feature sponsorships and affi ...
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GG Over EZ


This podcast covers mostly gaming and entertainment with some of our stories and antics thrown in the middle. If you enjoyed this format and episode and would like to see more, make sure to let us know with support! For advertising opportunities please email [email protected] We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4 Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/us/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy
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Life-Study of the Bible with Witness Lee is a 30-minute radio broadcast composed of excerpts from Witness Lee's spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers.
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Ezra Michel es especialista en sistematización de procesos humanos, enfocados en el desarrollo de hombres líderes casados, que buscan la GRANDEZA, dominando todas las áreas de su vida, aplicando “Coaching Táctico”. Conócelo en: ezramichel.com o a través de sus redes sociales en LI/FB/IG/TTK/YT: @expandetuimperio Únete a esta comunidad exclusiva para hombres de élite, o en busca de serlo, donde aprenderás a ser un mejor líder, un mejor esposo y un mejor papá, con estrategias prácticas de acci ...
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Welcome to the Cross References podcast on the Book of Ezekiel. In this study, you learn how every small piece of the Bible tells one big story- and most importantly, how they all connect to the cross and Christ. Whether you’re a newbie Christian or a veteran Bible reader, my goal is that God’s Word will make more sense to you after every episode. Host: Luke Taylor
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Life-Study of the Bible with Witness Lee is a 30-minute radio broadcast composed of excerpts from Witness Lee's spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers.
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As heard on the Check A Pro Radio Show, this is the EZ Lift Garage Door Podcast! EZ Lift Garage Doors & More is a family owned and operated business. We work on a simple principle – treating our clients the way we treat our family. This approach has helped us drive our business among the leading names in the industry. We fully understand that no two customers are alike and neither are their garage door requirements, which is why we strive to provide highly customized garage door repair and m ...
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EZE Podcast

Ed Romm

Discussing all things sports and entertainment. Featuring the “Giant Viking Football Show” with NFL analyst Trent Safrit as well as all things Camden Bruin sports.
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EZAD Lab Furnishing

EZAD Lab Furnishing

EZAD Lab Furnishing, the leading laboratory furniture manufacturing company provides the full product line of Custom laboratory furniture such as casework and Modular workstations.
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MERHABA! Spotify Podcastlerime hoşgeldin. Burada bol bol içerik bulacaksın ve şimdiden hazır bir kaç tane meditasyon ve ''Çok düşündüğümüz ama hiç konuşmadığımız her şey'' içeriklerinden hazır olanları dinleyebilirsin. Podcastlerde günlük hayattan konuşuyor olacağız, her ay 1 yeni meditasyon ile de elinde bir sürü farklı kaynak olmuş olacak. Onun dışında konuştuğumuz konular , her an her şey olabilir. Takipte kal ve konuşmamı, anlatmamı istediğin bir şeyler olursa bana www.spaceplayground.co ...
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show series
A bürokrácia Európa betegsége. A túlszabályozás és a 30 ezres brüsszeli adminisztráció olyan nagy kiadást jelent, amit ráadásul csak hitelből tud fedezni az Európai Bizottság. De megvalósítható-e az az Öreg Kontinensen, amit a Trump-kormányzat elkezdett? És marad-e valami Brüsszelben, ha csökkentik a bürokráciát? VENDÉGEK:- TRÓCSÁNYI LÁSZLÓrektor, …
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Good afternoon, I'm _____ with today's episode of EZ News. Tai-Ex opening The Tai-Ex opened up 45-points this morning from yesterday's close, at 23,550 on turnover of 3.3-billion N-T. The market surged past the five-day moving average on Monday, after Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing saw a technical rebound, which helped the broader market reboun…
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The Playstation State of play forced Blue and Rob out of retirement, Mr.Fruit talks about his thoughts on the newest Captain America (Spoiler Free), Overwatch is Getting Desperate and much more! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GGEZPodcast Reddit: reddit.com/r/MrFruit Mr. Fruit: http://www.youtube.com/user/MyMisterFruit http://www.youtube.com/c/Mor…
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《JLPT新日檢 N1一本合格全新修訂版(附全書音檔MP3+模擬試題暨詳解4回+單字文法記憶小冊)》 博客來,金石堂,誠品線上 --- 教學內容 想對編輯說的話:提問箱 來IG學更多:EZJapan IG -- Hosting provided by SoundOnDoor EZ叢書館
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Welcome to 2025 with The EZ Breezy Life Podcast | Hosted by Issata O. Join Issata O. on an invigorating journey into 2025 as she passionately shares her life updates and inspires you to take charge as CEO of your life. In this enlightening episode, Issata reflects on the extraordinary accomplishments and challenges of the past year, including her i…
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"I believe we're good and we're gonna bring the quality you need. But why are we the right choice? We care! I know it sounds simple, but that's the truth we care! Our local community is not just our paycheck, it's our local community and there's a good chance it happens all the time, seeing a customer at the grocery store - there comes a customer a…
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玩呢 ONER #O01 APT 之 內山姑娘 金包銀 在那邊 望春風 大叔英吉 EZJ 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cknu3ib7tjjmg0968c41k398g 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cknu3ib7tjjmg0968c41k398g/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting
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After the elections, I started asking congressional Democrats the same question: If the elections had gone the other way, if they had won a trifecta, what would be their first big bill? In almost every case, they said they didn’t know. That’s a problem. Democrats are in the opposition now. That means fighting the worst of what Trump is doing. But i…
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Video available of this episode! Follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/live/P8JUFPp4yjM?si=oAx7LmN6sb5AsLjv You’ve probably heard sermons or bible studies before about eternal rewards. You’ve probably heard sermons or bible studies before on the judgment seat of Christ. But have you ever thought specifically about what rewards you can gain for …
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Good afternoon, I'm _____ with today's episode of EZ News. Tai-Ex opening The Tai-Ex opened up 105-points this morning from Friday's close, at 23,258 on turnover of 7.7-billion N-T. The market tumbled nearly 250-points on Friday - bucking a regional upswing as investors were spooked by concerns about U-S President Donald Trump's latest tariff threa…
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What happens when ambition no longer checks ambition? Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at [email protected]. You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-r…
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A családi kapcsolat alapja a házasság, illetve a szülő-gyermek viszony – így rendelkezik az alaptörvény a családról, azonban a 21. században egyre elterjedtebbek az alternatív együttélési formák. De létezik-e család házasság nélkül? Ez itt a kérdés. Horváth Szilárd vendégei: Keresztes Ilona, újságíró, elnök, Együtt az ÉletértEgyesület Hal Melinda, …
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Polgárháború és új rezsim Szíriában. De hogyan hatnak a világ másik felén bekövetkezett változások a nyugati társadalmakra? Több európai országban már felfüggesztették a Szíriából érkezők menedékkérelmének elbírálását. Amerikában pedig megkezdték az illegális bevándorlók kitoloncolását. Újabb népvándorlás jöhet? És ha igen milyen irányba? Vendégek:…
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🧧宏匯廣場。新春蛇麼都歡喜 1/23至2/16全館累計消費滿3,000贈200, 春節連假各式年貨市集、萌寵市集、新莊在地燈會🏮,精彩活動非凡! ㊙️PODCAST聽眾獨享, 2/16前到1F贈品處告訴我們通關密語:「宏匯廣場好運蛇進來」就送精美好禮!🎁 🐍更多優惠👉 https://sofm.pse.is/75rcyn -- 今年夏天就是要來MSC榮耀號 ! 帶著好友們一起IG美照拍不停、派對嗨不停、XD互動影院玩不停。跟著孩子一起玩樂高、滑水道、F1模擬賽車、甲板派對。帶父母一起享受星級美食、看世界級歌舞表演。 2025年6-7月 日韓假期 基隆港出發 早鳥優惠最高每房減6,000元 出發去: https://sofm.pse.is/767ljq msccruisestaiwan #Br…
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Join us as we chat about everything from epic rounds on the green to the deep bonds formed on the course with casey and her friends. In this episode, we dive into golf culture, memorable moments, and the friendships that grow through the game. Plus, we feature a special twist: Casey, has written a song about golf, now available on iTunes! Whether y…
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Virágok, gyöngysor, mosoly. És az ezt felrúgó Melania Trump. A First Ladyk férjük után talán a legismertebb közszereplők az Egyesült Államokban. De milyen szerepet töltenek be, támogató feleségek vagy befolyással bíró politikai szereplők? Ez itt a kérdés. Gulyás István vendégei:- Magyarics Tamás Amerika-szakértő, professor emeritus, ELTE- Gáspár Ág…
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Good afternoon, I'm _____ with today's episode of EZ News. Tai-Ex opening The Tai-Ex opened down 26-points this morning from yesterday's close, at 23,263 on turnover of $5.5-billion N-T. The market lost ground on Wednesday - as early gains eroded as investor sentiment was spooked by concerns that America could introduce tariffs on semiconductors. E…
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In this episode of the Podcast for Cultural Reformation, Pastor Nate Wright and Dr. Michael Thiessen step into the watchtower to examine the origin, history and beliefs of the cult–Jehovah's Witnesses. Episode Resources: Subscribe to our Rumble Channel - https://rumble.com/v6hi4pg-zoroastrianism.html CHAPTERS:00:00 ReformCon '25 AD00:45 Cold Open: …
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Társadalmi befolyás amerikai adófizetők pénzéből. Donald Trump véget vet az amerikai woke-pénzszórásnak. De hogyan változhat meg a progresszív érdekvilág finanszírozói háttere? - a mai adásunkban elsőként erre keressük a választ! Majd arról beszélgetünk, hogy telefonon egyeztetett a háborúról az orosz és az amerikai elnök. De mikor köszönhet be a b…
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Semblanza del invitado: Actualmente Director General en TipCeo y Creador del Programa para “CAPITANES”, triplicando el impacto de los Emoresarios en los Negocios. Maestro en Ciencias e Ingeniero Mecánico del MIT (Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts) . Empresario y CEO retirado. Ex consultor de la firma de consultoría mundial McKinsey & Company.…
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Good afternoon, I'm _____ with today's episode of EZ News. Tai-Ex opening The Tai-Ex opened up 65-points this morning from yesterday's close, at 23,449 on turnover of 4.8-billion N-T. The market rebounded on Tuesday after a slump a session earlier as artificial intelligence-related stocks were the center of investor focus on the back of a rise in N…
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