3 guys not using Google
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Brain Bangers episode 10! Adrian Brantly and Sam go grass roots using random word generator app, the new studio has made them oddly uncomfortable, and this word is harder than ever U...Ultra...Ultra what?!Door Adrian Romanin, Sam Ford, Brantly Thomas
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Brain Bangers: Episode 9 Brobdingnagian
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10:26Brain Bangers episode 9! Adrian Brantly and Sam receive another word from the new txter but aren’t certain this new means of word generation to brain bang is fruitful, Adrian gets caught up on Russian translations while the Sam/ Brantly drama continues..Door Adrian Romanin, Sam Ford, Brantly Thomas
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Brain Bangers episode 8! Adrian Brantly and Sam continue to be sent a word from a mysterious source, but they sniff out a rat in the group..Door Adrian Romanin, Sam Ford, Brantly Thomas
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Brain Bangers: Episode 7 Cattywampus
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13:01Brain Bangers episode 7! Adrian Brantly and Sam are sent a word from a mysterious sourceDoor Adrian Romanin, Sam Ford, Brantly Thomas
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Brain Bangers episode 6! 3 guys trying to use their brains to solve the worlds greatest mysteries starting with what big words mean without the help of google, when you delve deep into your mind you never know what might come out, enjoy!Door Adrian Romanin, Sam Ford, Brantly Thomas
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Brain Bangers episode 5! 3 guys trying to use their brains to solve the worlds greatest mysteries starting with what big words mean without the help of google, thanks for listening!Door Adrian Romanin, Sam Ford, Brantly Thomas
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3 guys solve the worlds mysteries without the help of google using just their minds, it’s not that impressive as they never get it right but it definitely gets some laughs, even if it’s just from themDoor Adrian Romanin, Sam Ford, Brantly Thomas
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Brain Bangers: Episode 3 Czechic
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13:42Brain bangers: word bangers is about 3 big personalities trying to use their minds instead of googleDoor Adrian Romanin, Sam Ford, Brantly Thomas
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Brain Bangers is about listening to three big personalities use their brains instead of their phones to solve google questions, starting with what hard words meanHow accurate are they vs. Google? Not very, but its hilarious to listen toDoor Adrian Romanin, Sam Ford, Brantly Thomas
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Brain Bangers is about listening to three big personalities use their brains instead of their phones to solve google questions, starting with what hard words meanHow accurate are they vs. Google? Not very, but its hilarious to listen toDoor Adrian Romanin, Sam Ford, Brantly Thomas
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