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Aposto Altı Otuz

Aposto Radyo

Her sabah 06.30'da, Türkiye ve dünyadan en önemli gelişmeler, 10 dakikalık bir özetle kulaklarınızda: Piyasalar, ekonomi, politika, teknoloji, spor ve dahası... Aposto'ya üye olmak ve daha fazlasını keşfetmek için: aposto.com Instagram: instagram.com/aposto Twitter: twitter.com/apostonews
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Každý z nás potřebuje správné hodnoty. Kde jinde je můžeme hledat, než v Bibli? Pro váš užitek zveřejňujeme výběr z nahrávek biblických kázání Apoštolské církve ve Vyškově. Kompletní archiv je k dispozici na našem webu www.ac.vys.cz v sekci pro registrované uživatele. Nahrávky zveřejňujeme jednou týdně, obvykle v pondělí nebo úterý.
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🎭 "Έλα να ρίξουμε τα προσωπεία" 🎭 Το πιο συναρπαστικό ανθρωποκεντρικό podcast στην Ελλάδα που σπάει τα στερεότυπα και αποκαλύπτει την αλήθεια! 🌟 Αγαπάς τη τεχνολογία; 💻 Σε ενδιαφέρει η επιχειρηματικότητα; 🚀 Σε καίει η κοινωνία και τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα; 🌍✊ Θέλεις να εξελιχθείς; 📈✨ 🎤 Εδώ συζητάμε χωρίς μάσκες, με αυθεντικότητα και πάθος! 🗣️❤️ ➡️ Follow για να ανακαλύψεις τον πραγματικό σου εαυτό και να εμπνευστείς από μοναδικές ιστορίες και ιδέες! ✨💡 ❌ Μην φοράτε προσωπεία, δείξτε τον αληθι ...
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Was? Apostolisch-, prophetische Lehre, Wort Gottes, Zeugnisse und geistigen Input für alle, die Jesus, dem Messias, dem Sohn Gottes, nachfolgen wollen. Wann? Jede Woche einmal plus Bonusausgaben. Warum? Der fünffältige Dienst, die Apostel, Propheten, Evangelisten, Hirten und Lehrer sind gefragter als je zuvor. Warum? Echte Erweckung, anhaltende geistige Erneuerung, wahre Einheit im Glauben und eine starke Gemeinde Christi, die in diesen letzten Tagen im biblischen Sinn erfolgreich ist, kann ...
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Apostles Houston

Apostles Houston

Welcome to the Apostles Houston sermon podcast. We are a community following Jesus in Houston. We gather weekly in the Heights and serve the greater Houston area. For more info, visit us online at www.apostleshouston.org
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Hai sete? L'acqua che disseta di più è quella che "zampilla per la vita eterna" (Gv 4). Le Apostole della Vita Interiore (AVI) ci offrono nei giorni feriali una riflessione sulla liturgia quotidiana. N.B. La domenica e le festività ci dissetiamo nelle nostre comunità parrocchiali.
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Catholic Apostolate Center Reflections

Catholic Apostolate Center

Listen to reflections by various Center staff and collaborators about topics pertinent to the liturgical seasons and current events. Find Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C.’s weekly reflections as well as reflections from Brian Rhude, the Center’s project coordinator. Listen to audio from recent Center webinars and audio from presentations at recent conferences.
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Apóstol Mario Luis Suárez

Ministerio Internacional CAMINO VERDAD Y VIDA

Mario Luis Suárez es Apóstol de CVV - Ministerio Internacional CAMINO VERDAD Y VIDA en Venezuela. Entregó su vida a Cristo el 15 de abril de 1995 y desde esa fecha comenzó a ejercer su llamado a servir en el ministerio de anunciar el evangelio de Cristo. Es Licenciado en Comunicación Social (Mención Desarrollo Social) y Licenciado en Teología (Mención Eclesiástica) Su mensaje: Cristo crucificado, revelado como redentor, resucitado e impartido como Vida en nosotros. - 2024 - PODCASTS
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Now in its third year, Apostle Tonya through revelatory teachings on Christ Jesus, testimonies on living in the Father's Glory, and prayers encourages and equips believers on how to access the glory realm. Listen now and study the Scriptures along with Apostle Tonya how to walk pleasing to the Lord Jesus.
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Restoration Apostolic Church

Restoration Apostolic Church

We are Restoration Apostolic Church in Winterville, GA. Thank you for listening! We pray that you are blessed and encouraged by what you hear. Be sure to connect with us on Instagram (@restorationapostolic) and on Facebook!
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Apostolic Mentoring

Rev. Charles G. Robinette

Equipping Millions to Reach Billions! Join our weekly podcast and learn how to possess and activate, Kingdom Vision - Kingdom Gifting - Kingdom Offices. This podcast will propel you on your journey to becoming, apostolic in word and deed. Help support the global Apostolic Mentoring effort: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1773110/support Purchase your copy of Radically Apostolic today: https://www.amazon.com/author/radically.apostolic
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Apostle Joseph Mintah

Apostle Joseph Mintah

Welcome to the official page of Apostle Joseph Mintah. Apostle Joseph Mintah has been called with a mandate to reach, disciple, equip and release the younger generation in the End Time Harvest. Through his teaching of the word, healing, deliverance and declarations, the power of God has transformed many lives. Apostle Joseph Mintah is the Head Pastor of Torchworld Ministries and founder and leader of All For Christ Youth Mission and an encompassing network of ministries.
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Apostle Fran Stubbs

Apostle Fran Stubbs

Founder and Overseer of Spirit of Deborah Apostolic Alliance Network and Senior Leader of Sure Word of Deliverance Apostolic Church, Int'l. Sit back and listen to the unadulterated word of God and allow your heart to hear what God is speaking in this hour to His church.
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Apostles Church Sermons

Apostles Church

We are a church that exists to love God, love people, and lead others to do the same. This audio feed features recordings of our weekly worship gatherings. Feel free to listen and learn. The only thing we ask is that you never use this feed as an alternative to bodily participation in a local church unless you are physically unable to attend.
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The primary purpose of this podcast is to demonstrate that Apostolic ministers come from diverse backgrounds and environments, and that truly Apostolic ministry is open to anyone willing to sanctify themselves and pay the cost. This opportunity isn’t exclusive to an elite or chosen few but is available to whosoever will. The intended result is to inspire as many people as possible to recognize the necessity for, and the open door to a deeper relationship with God and a more potent ministry t ...
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Your two favorite ex-mormon apostates take you on a comedic exploration and analysis of new and old religious fundamentalism. Every week they examine hot-button issues like shame, sexuality, purity culture, and misogyny from a post-religious lens. Come and join the affirming and inclusive space for everyone navigating deconstruction, religion, society, and culture.
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show series
This blogcast explores “Preparing for Lent” written and read by Sarah Harrigan. In this blog post, Sarah shares some of her practices for Lent and how they help draw her closer to Christ. While these can sometimes seem similar to giving something up (i.e. only getting takeout once a week), I challenge you to reframe your thought process regarding t…
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İstanbul Üniversitesi, İmamoğlu'nun diploması hakkında savcılık ve YÖK tarafından kendilerine iletilen yazıların ellerine ulaştığını belirtirken, İmamoğlu ise YÖK'ün raporu hakkında suç duyurusunda bulunacağını açıkladı. Mali Şube, İBB'ye bağlı Medya AŞ'ye operasyon düzenledi. Bu bölüm Sanofi hakkında reklam içermektedir. Sanofi Türkiye ve KAGİDER’…
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- Premi il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno e condividi con altri se vuoi - + Dal Vangelo secondo Marco + In quel tempo, Pietro prese a dire a Gesù: «Ecco, noi abbiamo lasciato tutto e ti abbiamo seguito». Gesù gli rispose: «In verità io vi dico: non c'è nessuno che abbia lasciato casa o fratelli o sorelle o madre o padre o figli o …
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Homily of Fr. Michael P. O'Connor from Mass on March 3, 2025 at Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church in Bay St. Louis, MS. Referenced Readings: Sirach 17:20-24 Mark 10:17-27 If you would like to donate to OLG and her livestream ministry, please go to https://olgchurch.net/giveDoor Pod Apostle Publishing
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Gergin geçen Trump-Zelenski görüşmesi sonrası Londra'da NATO, İngiltere ve AB'nin temsil edildiği zirve düzenlendi. PKK'nın ateşkes kararı olumlu karşılandı. Bu bölüm Voltify hakkında reklam içermektedir. Voltify, bireysel ve kurumsal kullanıcılar için elektrikli otomobil kiralama hizmetini zahmetsiz ve esnek hale getiriyor, günlük hayatta ve iş dü…
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- Premere il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno - + Dal Vangelo secondo Marco + In quel tempo, mentre Gesù andava per la strada, un tale gli corse incontro e, gettandosi in ginocchio davanti a lui, gli domandò: «Maestro buono, che cosa devo fare per avere in eredità la vita eterna?». Gesù gli disse: «Perché mi chiami buono? Nessuno è …
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Homily of Fr. Michael P. O'Connor from Mass on March 2, 2025 at Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church in Bay St. Louis, MS. Referenced Readings: Sir 27:4-7 1 Cor 15:54-58 Lk 6:39-42 If you would like to donate to OLG and her livestream ministry, please go to https://olgchurch.net/giveDoor Pod Apostle Publishing
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Sunday School - 03/02/2025 - Nathaniel Schmelzer "Just wait because there is life and there is life more abundantly." In this lesson, Nathaniel Schmelzer reminds us that in the midst of our trials and tribuations, we must not only allow God into our hearts, but we must build a place for God to stay there as he will make all things well.…
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Die Bundestagswahl ist vorbei und eine Rekordwahlbeteiligung hat gezeigt, dass sich die Menschen in Deutschland eine grundlegende Veränderung wünschen. Was bedeutet das Wahlergebnis für uns als Gläubige und die nächsten Jahre? Was ist Gottes Strategie für uns wie wir uns in Zeiten der politischen Unsicherheit stärken und verhalten können. Seid gese…
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18. İstanbul Bienali’nin başlığı ve kavramsal çerçevesi Üç Ayaklı Kedi olarak açıklandı, Brit Ödülleri dün gece Londra'daki The O2 Arena'da düzenlenen ödül töreninde açıklandı. Bu bölüm TME Films hakkında reklam içermektedir. Oscar ödüllü yönetmen Bong Joon Ho’nun yeni filmi Mickey 17, çarpıcı bir bilim kurgu deneyimi sunmaya hazırlanıyor. Robert P…
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İPA, iftar sofrası kurmanın maliyetinin geçen yıla göre %45 artış yaşadığını bildirdi. İsrail iç istihbarat servisi Türkçe bilen personel almak için ilan açtı. Açlık sınırı 23 bini aşarken yoksulluk sınırı 76 bin liraya dayandı. Bu bölüm Maximum Kart hakkında reklam içermektedir. Bugünün bülteni Türkiye İş Bankası ile birlikte ulaşıyor. Refika Birg…
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This week's message is there is a ram in the thicket! Sacrifice is the story we reflect on, when Abraham was about to sacrifice his only son. Do you often trust God enough to sacrifice the one and only true gift God gave you? Perhaps not, but if you want to prove God, you must obey him, and Abraham did. The proof of the willingness to obey, provide…
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Öcalan, “Tüm gruplar silah bırakmalı ve PKK kendini feshetmelidir” çağrısı yaptı. İmamoğlu hakkında 4 yıla kadar hapis istemiyle düzenlenen iddianame kabul edildi. Dava 12 Haziran'da görülecek. Bu bölüm Türk Hava Yolları hakkında reklam içermektedir. Türk Hava Yolları’nın Business Class konforu ve ayrıcalıklarıyla 24 Mart’a kadar satın alacağınız 1…
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- Premere il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno - + Dal Vangelo secondo Marco + In quel tempo, Gesù, partito da Cafàrnao, venne nella regione della Giudea e al di là del fiume Giordano. La folla accorse di nuovo a lui e di nuovo egli insegnava loro, come era solito fare. Alcuni farisei si avvicinarono e, per metterlo alla prova, doman…
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- Premere il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno - + Dal Vangelo secondo Marco + In quel tempo, presentavano a Gesù dei bambini perché li toccasse, ma i discepoli li rimproverarono. Gesù, al vedere questo, s'indignò e disse loro: «Lasciate che i bambini vengano a me, non glielo impedite: a chi è come loro infatti appartiene il regno di…
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On this episode of College Football Apostles George Wrighster and Ralph Amsden air grievances about the SEC and Big Ten's takeover of the College Football playoff format. The guys also get into Carson Beck and Hanna Cavinder's cars getting stolen, and what college athletes need to do to protect their assets. Plus, the cast of the first season of La…
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For the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. reflects on removing what keeps us from fruitfulness in Christ. Follow us: The Catholic Apostolate Center The Center's podcast website Instagram Facebook Apple Podcasts Spotify Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. also appears on the podcast, On Mission, which is produced by the Catholic Apostolate…
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