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Valley Life Church Podcast of Sermons
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Sunday, Jul 15, 2018 Pastor Patrick Bowler: Jesus Lowers Himself
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Sunday, Jul 08, 2018 Pastor Patrick Bowler: Jesus Honors!
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Sunday, Jul 01, 2018 Pastor Patrick Bowler: Jesus Sees!
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Sunday, Jun 24, 2018 Pastor Tanner Sheahan: God's Work, Our Joy | Ecclesiastes 3:9-15
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Sunday, Jun 17, 2018 Phil Prewette: Model Steward | Deuteronomy 6:4-9
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Sunday, Jun 10, 2018 Pastor Tyler Grove: Hiding In The Bushes | Genesis 3
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Sunday, Jun 03, 2018 Pastor Patrick Bowler: Dear Children, We Know! | 1 John 5:13-21
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Sunday, May 27, 2018 Pastor Patrick Bowler: Dear Children, These Three Agree!
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Sunday, May 20, 2018 Pastor Patrick Bowler: Dear Children, Something Has Happened To Us
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Sunday, May 13, 2018 Pastor Patrick Bowler: Moms, Thank you for your sincere faith
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Sunday, May 06, 2018 Matt Loehr: How To Fix Your Spouse - 2 Chronicles 7:14
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Sunday, Apr 22, 2018 Pastor Patrick Bowler: Dear Children, Perfect Love Casts Out Fear! - 1 John 4:13-21, Romans 8:1-4
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Sunday, Apr 15, 2018 Pastor Jason Ogden: Dear Children, If God So Loved Us - 1 John 4:12-17
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Sunday, Apr 08, 2018 Pastor Patrick Bowler: Dear Children, Test And See!
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Sunday, Apr 01, 2018 Pastor Patrick Bowler: From A Donkey To A Real Boy
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Sunday, Mar 25, 2018 Pastor Patrick Bowler: Is He Worthy? He Is!
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Sunday, Mar 18, 2018 Pastor Jason Ogden: The Joyful Judge - An Overview of the Book of Zephaniah
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Valley Life Church Sermon | Audio

Sunday, Mar 11, 2018 Pastor Patrick Bowler: Dear Children, God Is Greater Than Our Heart - 1 John 3:19-23, Hebrews 10:19-25
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Valley Life Church Sermon | Audio

Sunday, Mar 04, 2018 Pastor Patrick Bowler: An Excurses: Dear Children, Show Me, Don’t Tell Me! - 1 John 3:16-18, James 2:14-26
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Sunday, Feb 25, 2018 Pastor Patrick Bowler: Dear Children, Love One Another! - 1 John 3:11-18
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Sunday, Feb 05, 2017 Pastor Jason Ogden: Who Then Is This… - Luke 8:22-25
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Sunday, Jan 29, 2017 Pastor Patrick Bowler: The Church and Mission - Genesis 10-11:9
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Sunday, Jan 22, 2017 Pastor Patrick Bowler: The Nations - Genesis 10-11:9
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Sunday, Jan 15, 2017 Pastor Patrick Bowler: The story of Noah and the Ark is about so much more than just preserving a single family, along with the animals, through a devastating global flood. In it we get the first glimpses of God's redemptive plan of re-creation. The implications for the Christian are beyond measure.…
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Sunday, Jan 01, 2017 Pastor Patrick Bowler: If The Lord Wills - James 4:13-15, Psalm 90
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Sunday, Dec 25, 2016 Pastor Patrick Bowler: Every Once In A While...
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Sunday, Dec 18, 2016 Pastor Patrick Bowler: It Could Only Be… Jesus
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Valley Life Church Sermon | Audio

Sunday, Dec 11, 2016 Pastor Patrick Bowler: Project Housewarming Phase 2
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Sunday, Dec 04, 2016 Pastor Patrick Bowler: Further East - Genesis 4:1-26
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Sunday, Nov 27, 2016 Pastor Tanner Sheahan: The fall had ruined creation but even in the text of the curse God had revealed a future hope. Centuries after that garden scene God made covenant with his people through the giving of the Law which was meant to be yet another reminder of need and revelation of future hope: One who would perfectly fulfill…
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Sunday, Nov 20, 2016 Pastor Patrick Bowler: God demonstrated a remarkable restraint just moments after Adam and Eve's plummet into sin. This rhythm would continue throughout Scripture... Man's persistent rebellion and God's consistent grace. Praise God for the proto-evangelium "first gospel" in Gen. 3:15. What mercy, what grace, what love He has sh…
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Sunday, Nov 13, 2016 Pastor Patrick Bowler: Our story takes a drastic turn in Genesis 3 with the origin of sin and death. What have we done? Lord Jesus, be merciful.
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Sunday, Nov 6, 2016 Pastor Patrick Bowler: In Genesis 1 and 2, we discover God's design for man and woman. This directly addresses timeless questions related to marriage, sexuality and gender.
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Sunday, Oct 30, 2016 Pastor Patrick Bowler: In Genesis 1 and 2, God demonstrates a rhythm of both work and rest. As a culture, we may have both wrong. Jesus models for us a different way.
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Sunday, Oct 23, 2016 Pastor Patrick Bowler: When it comes to the origin of the cosmos, what can we know and how can we know it? Are science and faith enemies or allies? How are we to view the six days of creation as recorded in Genesis 1? These are some of the questions we will face as we seek to discover God's intended purpose through the book of …
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Sunday, Oct 09, 2016 Pastor Patrick Bowler: The book of Genesis confronted the pagan polytheism of ancient Egypt with a resounding, "One God." Today the book of Genesis likewise confronts the pagan philosophical naturalism of the West with a resounding, "God created." What does the book of Genesis have to say concerning your story, not just with re…
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Sunday, Oct 02, 2016 Pastor Tanner Sheahan: As Paul closes out his letter to the Colossian church, he sends greetings from his many fellow workers and servants of Christ. There is much to learn from these men and one particular warning: do not take your eyes of of Christ. We have a place and purpose in God's kingdom, purchased by the blood of Jesus…
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Sunday, Sep 25, 2016 Phil Prewette: Suffering in this world is inevitable, but we serve a God Who is active and present in our circumstances. The Gospel is not a defense against pain and suffering, but rather the message of God’s rescue through pain and suffering. God often demonstrates His sufficiency in the midst of our pain.…
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Sunday, Sep 18, 2016 Pastor Tanner Sheahan: In this final piece of instruction Paul gives some very practical marks of the Christian life. First, an upward orientation of persistent, thankful prayer that is alert to will of God and the needs of the world around us. Second, an outward orientation of grace-filled and winsome speech making the most of…
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Sunday, Sep 11, 2016 Pastor Patrick and his wife Sarah share about the time away on his Sabbatical.
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Valley Life Church Sermon | Audio

Sunday, Sep 04, 2016 Pastor Tanner Sheahan: In this portion of Paul's letter to Colossae he now gives instruction regarding house order and household relationships of which marriage is the foundation. While there are similarities to other documents regarding house order, there is one important distinction: for Christians, house order is not simply …
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Sunday, Aug 28, 2016 Pastor Steve McGuyre: God asks the Jesus follower to put on a heart of compassion. The phrase "compassionate hearts" comes from two Greek words that picture us showing deep love and forgiveness for those who are difficult to love. It's like the parables of the Good Samaritan, and the attitude of the father in the Prodigal Son. …
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Sunday, Aug 21, 2016 Pastor Dan Jones: Paul gives us instruction on putting to death the old self so we can properly reflect Christ and our current standing with Him. We learn that for the Christian, not focusing on the things above, cause us to not reflect Christ. We learn that to not reflect Christ is to trample the gospel and what Christ did for…
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Sunday, Aug 14, 2016 Pastor Tanner Sheahan: Following several warnings in the previous passages, Paul now urges the Colossian Christians to affirm that they have indeed been raised with Christ and because that's true, he instructs, minds and hearts should be oriented towards Christ. This plays out in Christian lives today as an "eternal perspective…
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Sunday, Aug 07, 2016 Pastor Tanner Sheahan: Human religion is more dangerous than human philosophy when it puts a thin "Christian" veneer over religious effort and regulations. Religious pursuit is the pursuit of material things, much like prosperity theology today places transitory possessions as a measure of faith. When these material pursuits ar…
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Sunday, Jul 31, 2016 Pastor Tanner Sheahan: This passage marks the beginning of the instruction piece of Paul's letter to Colossae and focuses mainly on worldly thought and philosophy that is not according to Christ. The tone for this instruction can be compared to a vaccine; you are safe where you are, do not be drawn out by empty philosophical il…
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Sunday, Jul 24, 2016 Pastor Jason Ogden: It is no secret that the human body is created and designed to walk. Standing up on our own two feet…one foot in front of the other…step by step…from one location to the next…we are created and designed to walk. And likewise the same is true in our spiritual lives. And it is this "walking" that Paul is remin…
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Sunday, Jul 17, 2016 Pastor Tanner Sheahan: The climactic summary statement of all we've studied so far is that in Christ are hidden all the treasure of wisdom and knowledge. Paul moves through the themes of struggle in his ministry to make Christ known the Gentiles and to the Colossian church. He shows us that Jesus is the motivation and the energ…
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