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CGジェネラリスト 持田寛太と、アーティスト・エンジニアの原淳之助の東海道通信 二人の気になる話をしていきます ラジオパーソナリティ-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 持田寛太 / Kanta Mochida 原淳之助 / Junnosuke Hara
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TOK FM Select


W tym podcaście znajdziesz codziennie jeden starannie wybrany materiał audio, który pozwoli Ci poznać ofertę Radia TOK FM: to o wiele więcej niż newsy i polityka. Całą ofertę Radia TOK FM - ponad 60 stale aktualizowanych podcastów - znajdziesz tylko na stronie i w aplikacji mobilnej TOK FM. Radio TOK FM to kilkanaście godzin najwyższej jakości programu każdego dnia.
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Pure TokyoScope is a weekly podcast hosted by writers Matt Alt and Patrick Macias featuring news, views, and pop culture direct from Japan. Visit for merchandise. Visit for bonus episodes and content
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שלום לכולם! אנחנו גיא ותמיר וברוכים הבאים לפודקאסט שלנו! ה-פודקאסט שמאגד את כל מה שרציתם לדעת בעולם משחקי הקופסא, הטייבלטופ גיימינג וכל מה שביניהם. מוזמנים לשלוח הצעות, רעיונות וליצור איתנו קשר: מחכים לראות אתכם מסביב לשולחן המשחקים!
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The Tokusatsu Podcastu

Tokusatsu Podcastu

It’s the best show about Tokusatsu you‘ve probably never heard of! Join your hosts AJ, Jay, Phil and Chad as they explore the dizzying highs , solemn lows and creamy middles of the over 70+ years Tokusatsu has been around. All with in depth critiques and hilarious out looks on the wacky world that is Tokusatsu.
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Babel. Rzeczpospolita Multi-Kulti - Radio TOK FM

TOK FM - Paweł Sulik, Adam Balcer

Adam Balcer i Paweł Sulik, autorzy już niemal legendarnego podcastu TOK FM „Lechistan: Orientalna historia Polski” zabierają Was na wędrówkę po Rzeczpospolitej - wieży Babel, gdzie multi-kulti było stanem permanentnym. Razem z Polakami ruszymy także w rejs dookoła świata, bo Polska jest... od oceanu do oceanu. #adambalcer #pawełsulik #multikulti #lechistan - Radio TOK FM
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Tokyo Fresh

David & Jordan

Tokyo Fresh is a comedy, travel, culture, and advice podcast by Jordan & David that covers day to day issues with living in Japan as well as interviewing people who currently make Japan their home. Probably good, definitely stupid. Contact Us: Listener voice questions: Twitter: @tokyofreshpod Instagram: @tokyofreshpodcast @afroinjapan @zyrell MERCH JPN USA/EU/WORLD
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Philip Arneill & James Catchpole

An Irishman and American walk into a bar...Two obsessed foreigners share the stories behind their pseudo-religious pilgrimage around the unique beauty of Japan's hidden world of jazz bars and coffee houses, documented on and in the Tokyo Jazz Joints photobook published in 2023.
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Tokyo Podfathers Podcast

The Tokyo Podfathers

Formerly known as The /r/Anime Podcast, now known as Tokyo Podfathers. Fun, conversational, and grown-up discussions about old anime, new anime, various topics regarding anime, triangles, and occasionally whatever other things we happen to like. Still the best damn anime podcast, probably.
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Szkoda czasu na złe seriale - Radio TOK FM

TOK FM - Zuzanna Piechowicz, Anna Piekutowska

Notoryczne oglądaczki seriali rozmawiają o tych, które naprawdę warto zobaczyć. To nie tylko nowości, ale również pozycje, których nie wypada nie znać, seriale z przesłaniem, tematyczne zestawienia i zapowiedzi. "Nie" nudnym tasiemcom mówią Zuzanna Piechowicz i Anna Piekutowska. - Radio TOK FM
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Fintech Brainfood & Dux Media

This show is for the builders, who see the Bitcoin ETF as just the first step in a much broader picture. The tokenization of all assets. Welcome to Tokenized. A new podcast concept in partnership with Visa. And supported by Digital Asset. This show will come to your feed every two weeks featuring the latest news, with views from the operators, to the builders, and the people in markets and in Crypto who see tokenization as the credible future of finance. Join me, Simon Taylor, and Cuy Sheffi ...
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The Token Hour Podcast

Matt Santoro

The Token Hour Podcast. DJ Toks aka Matt Santoro discusses his interests and wonders of the world with his close friends and special guests. Topics: Sports Music Sneakers Entertainment Much more...
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In a world as vast as the kaiju genre, there needs to be a podcast that can tackle all things giant monster - from film to fandom, television to toys, Godzilla to Gamera. That podcast is YHS on Monster Island! From the world of Yes Have Some comes a new show dedicated to the spectacle and madness of the kaiju genre; one as fun as a trip to World Children's Land and as informative as a Dr. Yamane lecture. Piloting this ship will be "The Tattooed Titan of Tokusatsu" and YHS co-founder, Jacob W ...
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愛知県東海市を拠点に活動しているアーティストやミュージシャン、パフォーマー、エンターテイナー、デザイナー、そして経営者様と、全世界の皆様がポッドキャストという媒体でつながる事が出来れば…という想いがこもったウェブラジオチャンネル!各パーソナリティ達が織り成す数々の個性豊かな音声番組を、不定期で代わる代る配信していく為、いつ、何が飛び出すかわからない、ビックリ箱のような放送局ですwwiTunesやApple Podcast、GooglePodcasts、Spotify、Amazon Music他、スマホでお好みのポッドキャストアプリに登録すれば、最新回が毎回自動的にダウンロードされてきます!ぜひ登録してお楽しみ下さいね♪
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THE Presentations Japan Series is powered by with great content from the accumulated wisdom of 100 plus years of Dale Carnegie Training. The show is hosted in Tokyo by Dr. Greg Story, President of Dale Carnegie Training Japan and is for those highly motivated students of presentations, who want to be the best in their business field.
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Канал подкастів стрімів з каналу Тут виходить щотижневий суботній випуск ТехноКасту із обговоренням новин за тиждень, а також стріми із цікавими гостями. Простими словами розказую про складні речі, і питаю про це інших.
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Japan's Top Business Interviews is the premier business interview podcast for people who want to know more about business in japan. The guests cover a range of industries and organisation sizes, to present a thorough overview of issues with leading in Japan. If you are a leader, especialy someone leading in Japan, then this is the podcast for you.
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THE Sales Japan Series is powered by with great content from the accumulated wisdom of 100 plus years of Dale Carnegie Training. The show is hosted in Tokyo by Dr. Greg Story, President of Dale Carnegie Training Japan and is for those highly motivated students of sales, who want to be the best in their business field.
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Tokens of Wisdom

Dave Rothschild

Do you love investing? Ever thought about turning that passion into a business? Listen up to learn to navigate the legal loopholes in forming, launching, and running a private investment fund, including considerations unique to digital asset/crypto funds. Dave Rothschild is a partner at Cole-Frieman & Mallon, one of the country's premier boutique investment management law firms with deep experience in traditional assets, as well as esoteric asset classes like digital assets. For questions or ...
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コレクションからヴィンテージに至るまで、 ファッションを巡るルーズなダイアログ。 服を愛する僕たちの、着飾らない、等身大の"モード"をお届け。 初めての方は最新エピソードからの聴取をおすすめ致します。 ファッション/デザイン/コレクション/モード/洋服/おしゃれ
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THE Leadership Japan Series is powered with great content from the accumulated wisdom of 100 plus years of Dale Carnegie Training. The Series is hosted in Tokyo by Dr. Greg Story, President of Dale Carnegie Training Japan and is for those highly motivated students of leadership, who want to the best in their business field.
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show series
У новым выпуску ТОК з Настай Роўда і эканамічнай аглядальніцай Воляй Лойка абмяркоўваем, што чакае прэм’ера Рамана Галоўчанку і кіраўніка Мінскай вобласці Аляксандра Турчына пасля рэвізіі ўрада, а таксама гаворым пра амбіцыі міністра інфармацыі Марата Маркава. Разбіраем стан дзяржСМІ, прылёт беспілотніка ў Хойніках і пракол з бяспекай «Беларускага …
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14 lutego to kolejny wysyp produkcji z gatunku komedii romantycznych zarówno w kinach, jak i na platformach streamingowych. Jak zmieniły się te produkcje przez ostatnie dekady? Które komedie romantyczne warto oglądać? Dyskutują Anna Piekutowska, Zuzanna Piechowicz i ich gościni Marta Korycka, szefowa działu Kultura w…
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Na specjalne życzenie osób słuchających pozostajemy w Kanadzie, by opowiedzieć o Toronto - stolicy prowincji Ontario i największym mieście kraju. Czy uda nam się powiązać to miejsce z Polską i Ukrainą? Podejmujemy wyzwanie, przyglądając się założycielowi Toronto, Niemcowi z węgierskim nazwiskiem, który wielokrotnie odwiedzał Polskę i wywarł ogromny…
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A New Episode!? Tokudon soft relaunches with the premiere of a NEW Sentai! The 50th anniversary commences! Join in Live 730p est on Sundays at HERE you help make the podcast better! Help spread Kamen Rider to the world with #KamenRider and #Globalsatsu! Send questions, topics, and whatever else you want to tokudoncast@gmai…
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On Ep. 18 of Tokenized, Simon Taylor, Head of Content & Strategy @ Sardine, and Cuy Sheffield, Head of Crypto @ Visa, are joined by Kyle Samani, Managing Partner @ Mulitcoin capital to discuss crypto venture investing in 2025. Timestamps: 02:30 What is a blockchain? 03:35 Solana 09:27 Pathway to adoption 12:08 DePIN 18:18 Stablecoin use cases on So…
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In our High Impact Presentations (HIP) course, we do a number of presentations over two days of training. What I love about teaching this programme is that you see the results immediately. If we are teaching leadership or sales, it is very hard to see immediate results and those programmes are multi-week efforts. Day One we have the first presentat…
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アーティスト・エンジニアの原淳之助とCGジェネラリスト持田寛太の東海道通信 自分たちの2024年の振り返りとこれからを、前後編に分けてお届けします。 前編の今回は原の回 2024年末に結婚して、原から山田に姓が変わった原。 姓が変わったという話から、夫婦別姓などについての話に。 また、2024年の目標は達成できたのか?2025年の目標は? ラジオパーソナリティ-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 持田寛太 / Kanta Mochida ⁠⁠⁠⁠ 原淳之助 / Junnosuke Hara ⁠⁠junnosukeha…
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Today's episode covers allegations of fraud against Argentina's President involving the $LIBRA memecoin. We also discuss SafeMoon's attempt at revival as a memecoin and Tether's investment in Juventus FC fan tokens. Additionally, we touch on the surge in memecoin creation on Solana and increased activity on the BNB Chain due to memecoin trading.…
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The President of a company is a very powerful force. They drive the direction, the strategy and the culture formation inside the enterprise. In Western corporations, there are big salaries and big incentives tied to the leader’s performance, especially around profit achievement and share price gains for shareholders. We project this idea on to Japa…
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Previously Michael was Vice-President Sales and Marketing Nicole Racing, Senior General Manager BMW Alpina, Rolls-Royce, Ferrari, Nicole Automobiles, General Manager Sales Division BMW Alpina Nicole Automobiles, General Manager Aftersales BMW Australia, Director Aftersales BMW Japan Corp, Department Head Price and Volume Planning Aftersales BMW Gro…
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Posła Norberta Pietrykowskiego (Polska2050) pytamy, czy po przegranych wyborach prezydenckich Szymon Hołownia będzie chciał zostać w fotelu Marszałka Sejmu, co byłoby złamaniem umowy koalicyjnej. Poseł Pietrykowski punktuje również słabe punkty obecnego rządu: brak komunikacji rządu ze społeczeństwem, brak odpowiedniego wykształcenia u ministrów i …
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In this ep we talk more plane crashes, Jonathan Majors back as Kang?, Playstation outage, Slip and Fall Mitch makes a return, Eagles win the Superbowl, Kendrick Lamar halftime show, Kamala Harris in the cheap seats at a Lakers game, and much more! Email here: Check us out Facebook here:…
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FULL EPISODE! This time on the PURE TOKYOSCOPE Podcast, authors Matt Alt (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Pure Invention: How Japan Made the Modern World⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) and Patrick Macias (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠M…
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Monachijska Konferencja Bezpieczeństwa trwa. Jaki cel ma przed sobą USA? Czy Europa ma czego się obawiać? O tym porozmawialiśmy z prof. Moniką Sus, ekspertką Team Europe, Instytut Studiów Politycznych PAN, Hertie School w Berlinie.Door TOK FM
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„Trzeba mówić o Kościele jako o firmie, ale też o systemie skazanym na patologię” - mówi Artur Nowak pisarz i adwokat specjalizujący się w tematyce Kościoła katolickiego. W swojej najnowszej książce „Zakrystia” opisuje kulisy funkcjonowania plebanii w Polsce pochylając się nad takimi zagadnieniami, jak zatrudnianie osób świeckich, nie zawsze legaln…
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Today's episode highlights the explosive growth and subsequent crash of several memecoins inspired by Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao's dog, Broccoli. We also cover Binance Smart Chain's strong performance, Donald Trump's influence on cryptocurrency investments through his World Liberty Financial initiative, and OpenSea's launch of a new trading platfor…
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2月14日OAのゲストは、缶詰博士の黒川勇人さんです。 証券会社や出版社勤務を経てフリーライターとして独立。 2004年から缶詰の魅力を発信する「缶詰blog」をスタートして以来、缶詰博士として、様々なチャンネルでレジェンド缶詰やローカル缶詰などの魅力を発信されています。 そして当番組には約10年ぶりのご出演。 この10年間で変化した缶詰事情や防災の観点から見た缶詰の有用性をたっぷり語っていただきました。 もちろん恒例の試食コーナーもあり! >>缶詰blog <オンエア楽曲> Can『Shikako Maru Ten』Door ピーター・バラカン/柴田幸子
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【You Tubeの再生ボタンを押してお聞き下さい】 新年明けましておめでとうございます。体調を崩されてる方もいると思いますが、健康に過ごしていきましょう!さて、今回は局長であるDJ ZIONさんを迎えてブギウギしちゃいました。
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【You Tubeの再生ボタンを押してお聞き下さい】 今回のテーマは「ミュージシャンの矜恃」 90年代「君は僕の勇気」で大ヒットを飛ばしたアーティスト 東野純直さんをゲストにお迎えしてトークを繰り広げます!
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Love in the Time of Algorithms: An Open Letter to Valentine’s Day A Closer Look from Token Wisdom, courtesy of your friendly neighborhood, Khayyam ✨ Episode Description: In this episode, we delve into the transformation of Valentine’s Day from a celebration of love to a profit-driven system fueled by targeted marketing and AI algorithms. We explore…
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Some MCs are idiots. At a sports related event filled with free-flowing drinks, idle chatter, and hundreds of attendees, the presentations quickly unraveled into a comedy of errors. The MC, tasked with introducing the main speaker, faced an uninterested crowd more captivated by their own conversations than the proceedings on stage. In a desperate b…
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Prezydentura Donalda Trumpa stawia przed UE wiele wyzwań, w tym kwestie wojny celnej i pokoju na Ukrainie. Czy UE sprosta wyzwaniom? "Można mieć wrażenie, że Unia Europejska nie ma strategii, obserwujemy brak realnych działań" - mówi Mateusz Roszak z DGP. "Europa czeka na kolejne ruchy Stanów Zjednoczonych. Decyzje i zapowiedzi Trumpa mają pr…
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Today's episode discusses the recent impact of inflation on Bitcoin's price, highlighting a temporary drop followed by recovery. We also analyze the current altcoin season, noting a shift towards microcaps and AI-driven tokens rather than established blue-chip altcoins. We examine Solana's growing dominance in decentralized exchanges and its evolvi…
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שלום כולם! תודה שחזרתם לפרק נוסף של Tokens & Tales, הפודקאסט שמדבר על כל מה שרק רציתם לדעת בעולם משחקי הקופסא והטייבלטופ גיימינג! היום אנחנו הולכים לדבר על משחקים שהם "זאב בעור של כבשה" - משחקים שאולי נראים חמודים ותמימים, אך מאד מאד קשים או ערמומיים או נוטים להיות מורכבים הרבה יותר. מעבר לזה, החלטנו להרחיב את ההגדרה ולראות את זה כמשחקים שנוטים להצ…
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Oh, they made Jay watch Rebirth of Mothra 2 again...damn the powers that be! In this episode, Jake and Jay discuss the second installment in the Rebirth of Mothra series, plus a ton of reveals from Wonder Festival 2025 Winter edition. But that's not all...we got toy pick ups, including a Top 10 list item!…
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Leading is super easy. You are given the title, the authority, the budget, the power and then you just tell people what they need to do. How hard can that be? As we know, leading is a snap, but getting others to follow you is the tricky bit. Our awesome power will certainly bludgeon compliance. Sadly, the troops turn off their commitment and engage…
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Today's episode analyzes recent cryptocurrency market trends, highlighting the contrasting performances of AI and meme coins versus DeFi and U.S.-based projects. We discuss the launch of our new AI-powered crypto agent, 0xTMAI, and examine increased U.S. institutional investment in crypto, including growing interest in Bitcoin and Solana ETFs. Addi…
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O projektach dotyczących statusu neosędziów mówił prof. Marek Safjan – były sędzia Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej, były prezes Trybunału Konstytucyjnego, przewodniczący Komisji Kodyfikacyjnej Prawa Cywilnego.Door TOK FM
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On Episode 68 of Interlinked, Ben, Cryptoetheus and Nathan Montgomery dive into: Into the Faenoraverse w/ Nathan Montgomery Citizens & Guests Nick/Cryptoetheus - Ben - Nathan Montgomery - Sponsors: Shrapnel: Twitter: Website: https:/…
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“I like talking with people, so I want to be in sales” is a terrifying conversation to have with one of your staff. They are not doing so well in their current role, so they imagine they will just glide across to sales to have an easier time of it. They may try and do it internally as a switch of roles or they may quit their current job and go and …
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Welcome to Token Tuesday, where we dive deep into the real cannabis world, social justice issues, and more! In this episode, we discuss the latest in cannabis business, social issues, and even touch on immigration policies. Join us as we have candid conversations with the real players in the cannabis industry. Featuring topics like the impact of RF…
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Today's episode analyzes recent price movements, highlighting significant gains in memecoins and AI-related tokens while noting the relatively flat performance of Ethereum and Solana. We also discuss increasing hedge fund short positions on Ethereum futures, potentially indicating a price manipulation strategy or hedging against future declines. Fu…
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