Leo Laporte brings some of the most interesting personalities in technology together to talk about the most important issues. Fun, relaxed, informative and always entertaining, count on TWiT for the best tech podcasts in the world.
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Leo Laporte brings some of the most interesting personalities in technology together to talk about the most important issues. Fun, relaxed, informative and always entertaining, count on TWiT for the best tech podcasts in the world.
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Egal ob Technik, Cryptocurrencies, Politik oder alltägliche Beobachtung - Wir reden über alles! TwitterUser entstand im Jahr 2021 als Hobby und hat sich mittlerweile zum digitalen Tagebuch der beiden Hosts Tobias & Classic entwickelt. Tobias zog gerade von Zuhause aus und begann sein erstes Studium in einer fernen, fremden Stadt während der andere bereits studierte. Was beide verband? Twitter! Und genau dort lernten sich Tobias & Classic kennen. Nach gemeinsamen YouTube-Videos und häufigen I ...
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TwitterFEAR dot IE is the all new Irish Psychedelic Sci-Fi and Surreal audio adventures of Captain Spud and his companion the silicon-based-lifeform- Ziggie- the CPU spider in a cosmic bubble- as they tangle with the invading Android lifeforms from the eleventh Universe of Existence. WeirdAudioProductions produces Psychedelic Sci-Fi and Surreal Audio Adventures mostly concerning the Cult Hero of the Galaxy and part time PodStar Captain William Spud (Spuddie). Captain Spud's writer- davyfergu ...
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Alte, weisse Männer laden österreichische Twitterant:innen ein, um gscheiter zu werden.
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Welcome to the Twitterpated podcast. I'm only here for the words.
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Richard Herring teams up with an 128 year-old ventriloquist doll to review the day's newspapers.
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Love Your Attention, Build Better Habits
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Top banter with Australian ex-full-time-twitch-broadcaster, Stevo.
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Twitter'da video indirmeyi destekleyen bir web sitesidir. Kullanıcılara bu tür videoları en basit ve en hızlı şekilde indirmeleri için araç veriyoruz. Tek yapmanız gereken videonun yolunu kopyalayıp araç çubuğumuza yapıştırmak. Ardından, indirilecek videoların kalitesini seçmek ve cihazlarınıza indirilmesini beklemektir.
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Twittervideoindir, twitter'da video indirmeyi destekleyen bir web sitesidir. Kullanıcılara bu tür videoları en basit ve en hızlı şekilde indirmeleri için araç veriyoruz. Tek yapmanız gereken videonun yolunu kopyalayıp araç çubuğumuza yapıştırmak. Ardından, indirilecek videoların kalitesini seçmek ve cihazlarınıza indirilmesini beklemektir.
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When tech news breaks, we cover it. On this podcast, you'll get the latest product announcements from all the tech giants, plus breaking tech news as it happens. Join Leo Laporte, Mikah Sargent, and other experts on the TWiT News podcast. New episodes are available whenever news breaks
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Twitter Friends
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Follow my twitch. Twitch.tv/Not_Trick5
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Twitch Streaming Technology Tips | Advice | Discussions This podcast is dedicated to educating Twitch streamers of all sizes on the tech we use to broadcast our livestreams! I go in depth with the hardware we use, and break down topics on tech and how to better utilize hardware so that you can enhance your streams! For the live show, catch me on my Twitch channel every Thursday at 12:30pm est. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/twitchtech/support
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Es ist das Ende einer dramatischen Übernahme: Elon Musk veröffentlicht ein Video von seiner Ankunft im Twitter-Hauptsitz, mit einem weißen Waschbecken in der Hand. Die Nachricht - eines seiner vielen Wortspiele: "Let that sink in!" Innerhalb weniger Monate ist Musk vom Twitter-Kritiker zum “Chief Twit” aufgestiegen. Doch die Übernahme beendet nicht die Frage nach seinen Motiven. Von PayPal über Tesla bis SpaceX ist Elon Musks Name zu einem Synonym für große, weltbewegende Ideen geworden. Was ...
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TWiT Events is your window to the best tech events in the world. Whether it's the hottest announcements from CES or the latest security tech, TWiT Events is there.
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Listen to all of Human Rights Watch's Twitter Space conversations in one convenient location.
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TWiT Events is your window to the best tech events in the world. Whether it's the hottest announcements from CES or the latest security tech, TWiT Events is there.
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Dig into the TWiT.tv archives and enjoy episodes from ten years ago. It's a tech time machine! Please note that these episodes are from ten years ago, so URLs, products, and other information may be very outdated. Sponsor codes and offers may no longer be valid.
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Dig into the TWiT.tv archives and enjoy episodes from ten years ago. It's a tech time machine! Please note that these episodes are from ten years ago, so URLs, products, and other information may be very outdated. Sponsor codes and offers may no longer be valid.
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The duo behind Bourgeois & Maurice interview some of their favourite performers about what life is like behind the shimmery curtain, when the stages are all dark.
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Welcome to Twitch Talks! The podcast where we interview successful streamers and give you actionable advice to up your streaming game! You can expect an episode hopefully every week and also check out my Twitch streams at twitch.tv/cpalmtv
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Host Twitty J talks what’s going on in the world and what he would do to make it better in his eyes. One host. One guest. One goal. There can only be one!!
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A Podcast about story gaming, roleplaying games and freeform
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Twitch Streaming Community from South Africa. Live Podcast every Monday at 20h00 SAST on Twitch! twitch.tv/twitch_za The resultant audio version can be found here!
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Responsible Anarchy. Live satirical comedy performed by a cast of comic actors speaking ridicule to power. Half True More or Less 100% of the Time. Breaking News Broken Here. Keep Laughing.
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Hi! Mein Name ist Dennis. Auf Twitter bin ich unterwegs als @typdertweetet und da als "Dudi" bekannt. Die Timelinetalks sind eine Reihe, die aus unterschiedlichen Formaten besteht. Die Gemeinsamkeit aller Formate: der Fokus liegt auf meiner queeren Twitterbubble. Egal ob schwul, lesbisch, bi, trans*, inter* oder alles darüber, darunter und dazwischen. Mal als Einzelinterviews (Ein Quickie mit... | #timelinequickie), mal als Sammlung verschiedener Meinungen und Geschichten zu bestimmten Theme ...
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Professional photographer Catherine Hall and overenthusiastic amateur Leo Laporte chat with some of the world's leading and most inspirational image-makers. Learn tips from acclaimed pros as they impart their knowledge of making arresting images through personal anecdotes, real world experience, and a discussion of their favorite toys. The show educates, inspires and empowers photographers of all levels. Although the show is no longer in production, you can enjoy episodes from the TWiT Archives.
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Professional photographer Catherine Hall and overenthusiastic amateur Leo Laporte chat with some of the world's leading and most inspirational image-makers. Learn tips from acclaimed pros as they impart their knowledge of making arresting images through personal anecdotes, real world experience, and a discussion of their favorite toys. The show educates, inspires and empowers photographers of all levels. Although the show is no longer in production, you can enjoy episodes from the TWiT Archives.
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Akademiks Twitch Clips, These clips are not owned by this channel. These clips are from Dj Akademiks Twitch Stream. Dj Akademiks gives hip-hop commentary and breaking news over on his twitch channel. Here you can get all the highlights you might have missed. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/akademikstwitchclips/support
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Join RyanKubo and Pixel_pusher101 every week as they talk about big picture Twitch news such as recent drama, changes to Twitch , and opinions on all the news!
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When tech news breaks, we cover it. On this podcast, you'll get the latest product announcements from all the tech giants, plus breaking tech news as it happens. Join Leo Laporte, Mikah Sargent, and other experts on the TWiT News podcast. New episodes are available whenever news breaks
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Fique por dentro de tudo que acontece no mundo dos seriados Americanos. Podcast apresentado por @DanDahia, @FelipeFmenezes e convidados.
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Success on Twitch doesn't have to be hard. Every week, Ashnichrist (a Twitch Partner with 200+ avg viewers, stream coach, and author featured in Ninja's book) gives you actionable advice to transform you into the successful live streamer you are determined to be. Through interviews with Twitch Partners and solo episodes, Ashni uncovers what sets successful streamers apart from the rest. After the episode, the conversation continues on Twitter: @ashnichrist, and in the Discord channel.
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opinions on women’s rights and counter arguments about extents or abortions
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The Gothic Moose – Episode 601 – All Ukrainian bands or bands supporting Ukraine
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2:03:04Ukrainians are being killed everyday by Kremlin fascists and their allies for wanting to live a better life and to be free in their land. Don’t be silent. Do something for Ukraine! All of the bands (or their labels) in this episode have done something for Ukraine or are Ukrainian. Please buy music from Ukrainian artists and/or donate to your prefer…
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This Week in Tech 1018: Self-Driving Government
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2:49:57UK orders Apple to give it access to encrypted cloud data Google rolls back DEI efforts, including hiring goals Brits Want to Ban 'Smarter Than Human' AI Chiefs-Eagles Super Bowl 'Trades' Pit State Regulators Against Feds Google pulls incorrect Gouda stat from its AI Super Bowl ad "Torrenting from a corporate laptop doesn't feel right": Meta emails…
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This Week in Tech 1018: Self-Driving Government
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2:49:57UK orders Apple to give it access to encrypted cloud data Google rolls back DEI efforts, including hiring goals Brits Want to Ban 'Smarter Than Human' AI Chiefs-Eagles Super Bowl 'Trades' Pit State Regulators Against Feds Google pulls incorrect Gouda stat from its AI Super Bowl ad "Torrenting from a corporate laptop doesn't feel right": Meta emails…
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Untitled Linux Show 189: Rustrated By Frust
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1:33:45It's apparently not always safe to apply to Canonical, Nvidia pushes drivers to go with its new hardware, and apparently Linux now runs inside PDFs. Then there's a bit of a flame war to cover over Rust in the kernel, at least one maintainer leaves, and there's the normal churn of application updates to talk about. For tips, we have EasyCron so you …
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Hands-On Tech 202: Stop Devices from Listening for Keyword Activations
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10:02On Hands-On Tech, host Mikah Sargent addresses a listener's concern about their Apple devices seemingly listening to conversations in their office and offers a few way to disable this functionality. Don't forget to send in your questions for Mikah to answer during the show! [email protected] Host: Mikah Sargent Download or subscribe to Hands-On Tech at h…
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#78 Wahl-O-Mat feat. Kirsti (SPD) & Henk (FDP)
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2:40:00Das Jahr ist noch gar nicht so alt und schon gibt es die erste Special Folge für dieses Jahr: In dieser XXL-Folge ist Classic nicht am Start, dafür aber 2 andere Gäste: Kirsti, Studentin, Stellvertretende Vorsitzende der SPD Cuxland, Vorsitzende der Jusos Nord-Niedersachsen uvn sowie Henk, Student, Stellvertretender Vorsitzender der JuLis Ammerland…
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This Week in Space 147: Not As They Seem
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1:15:33In this episode, we talk to Mick West, a passionate conspiracy debunker who, rather uniquely, proceeds with kindness and empathy as he unravels some of the key pseudoscience of our time. Of particular interest to us is the spate of relatively recent videos of UFOs/UAPs from the US Navy, among other sources. He's got a lot to say and took a deep div…
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This Week in Space 147: Not As They Seem
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1:15:34In this episode, we talk to Mick West, a passionate conspiracy debunker who, rather uniquely, proceeds with kindness and empathy as he unravels some of the key pseudoscience of our time. Of particular interest to us is the spate of relatively recent videos of UFOs/UAPs from the US Navy, among other sources. He's got a lot to say and took a deep div…
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Episode 99e - Have You See A Fruit Fan?
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1:02:00Twitch of Fun is back but it's just a quick one this week, so not worthy of being Episode 100. But Rich and friends are going full out to be placed in the dustbin of Light Entertainment. Egg Wallace has a new ovoid pal and Marvin the Monkey tries out for main presenter. The team cover Israel/Palestine, Soleros, double bananas (Cocky Carrot fails to…
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DJ Moose's TWIT - February 3, 2025
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1:00:00Fresh beats and hot pulsating tracks, and hottest tracks in this week's episode of DJ Moose's TWIT - This Week In Trance. Turn up the volume and let's listen to the music. Intro - 00:00:00 Driftmoon - Moonstruck - 00:23 Peter Illias - Edge Of Space - 05:47 Mark Sherry & Adara - Flammable - 09:44 Manuel Le Saux & Db Mokk - Pulse - 15:37 Sean Mathews…
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Tech News Weekly 373: AI Wins a Grammy
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1:03:59In this episode of Tech News Weekly, Mikah Sargent and CNET's Abrar Al-Heeti talk the latest developments in self-driving tech, Sonos' work on a new streaming box, an AI-assisted Beatles song winning a Grammy, and the current state of Meta's Quest platform according to developers. - Uber is expanding its partnership with Waymo, allowing people in A…
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Tech News Weekly 373: AI Wins a Grammy
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1:03:59In this episode of Tech News Weekly, Mikah Sargent and CNET's Abrar Al-Heeti talk the latest developments in self-driving tech, Sonos' work on a new streaming box, an AI-assisted Beatles song winning a Grammy, and the current state of Meta's Quest platform according to developers. - Uber is expanding its partnership with Waymo, allowing people in A…
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Hands-On Windows 126: Paul's Top Windows 11 Tips
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21:18From customization to Co-Pilot, this week we take a refresher on Paul's top Windows 11 Tips. Host: Paul Thurrott Download or subscribe to Hands-On Windows at https://twit.tv/shows/hands-on-windows Want access to the ad-free video and exclusive features? Become a member of Club TWiT today! https://twit.tv/clubtwit Club TWiT members can discuss this …
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Hands-On Mac 168: The Apple Invites App
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17:11This episode sees Mikah Sargent walking through the newly announced Apple Invites app. This event invitation tool allows one to invite friends and family to an occasion (like a BBQ) even if the recipients don't have an iPhone. Importantly, a user needs to have an iCloud+ subscription in order to create an event. Host: Mikah Sargent Download or subs…
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Home Theater Geeks 468: Dolby Home Cinema
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17:41Terence had the luxury of building a home theater from scratch in his newly constructed house. He wanted to replicate a Dolby Cinema as much as possible, the result certainly does that! Host: Scott Wilkinson Download or subscribe to Home Theater Geeks at https://twit.tv/shows/home-theater-geeks Want access to the ad-free video and exclusive feature…
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iOS Today 738: Notes Apps Showdown
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46:09In this episode of iOS Today, hosts Mikah Sargent and Rosemary Orchard dive into a comprehensive comparison of popular note-taking apps for iOS, examining their unique features and use cases. They also discuss Apple's surprise launch of a new event planning app called Apple Invites. Apple Notes: New iOS 18 features including Math Notes, collaborati…
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Intelligent Machines 805: Doomers, Gloomers, Bloomers, and Zoomers
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2:45:30Interview with Zack Kass, Former GTM for Open AI Why you can deep-six the DeepSeek hype Gemini 2.0 is now available to everyone OpenAI has undergone its first ever rebrand, giving fresh life to ChatGPT interactions AI Has Shown Me My Future. Here's What I've Learned. Senator Hawley Proposes Jail Time for People Who Download DeepSeek Hugging Face re…
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Intelligent Machines 805: Doomers, Gloomers, Bloomers, and Zoomers
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2:45:30Interview with Zack Kass, Former GTM for Open AI Why you can deep-six the DeepSeek hype Gemini 2.0 is now available to everyone OpenAI has undergone its first ever rebrand, giving fresh life to ChatGPT interactions AI Has Shown Me My Future. Here's What I've Learned. Senator Hawley Proposes Jail Time for People Who Download DeepSeek Hugging Face re…
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Windows Weekly 918: Casa Chaos
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2:46:53Microsoft reported that it earned a net income of $24.1 billion on revenues of $69.6 billion in the quarter ending December 31, the second quarter of its fiscal 2025. Those figures represent gains of 10 percent and 12 percent year-over-year (YOY), respectively. Microsoft Earnings Overview Not much going on with client-side products and services, so…
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Windows Weekly 918: Casa Chaos
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2:46:53Microsoft reported that it earned a net income of $24.1 billion on revenues of $69.6 billion in the quarter ending December 31, the second quarter of its fiscal 2025. Those figures represent gains of 10 percent and 12 percent year-over-year (YOY), respectively. Microsoft Earnings Overview Not much going on with client-side products and services, so…
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Security Now 1011: Jailbreaking AI
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3:01:18Why was DeepSeek banned by Italian authorities? What internal proprietary DeepSeek data was found online? What is "DeepSeek" anyway? Why do we care, and what does it mean? Did Microsoft just make OpenAI's strong model available for free? Google explains how generative AI can be and is being misused. An actively exploited and unpatched Zyxel router …
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Security Now 1011: Jailbreaking AI
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3:00:48Why was DeepSeek banned by Italian authorities? What internal proprietary DeepSeek data was found online? What is "DeepSeek" anyway? Why do we care, and what does it mean? Did Microsoft just make OpenAI's strong model available for free? Google explains how generative AI can be and is being misused. An actively exploited and unpatched Zyxel router …
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MacBreak Weekly 958: You Can't Handle the Sharks!
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2:28:48Apple releases its first-quarter results. Apple has reportedly canceled work on Mac-connected augmented reality glasses. What is Hot Tub, an app that was approved in the EU through the approved alternative app store, AltStore PAL? And you can listen to Dr. Ricken's book, 'The You You Are', from Severance. Apple reports first quarter results. Apple'…
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MacBreak Weekly 958: You Can't Handle the Sharks!
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2:28:48Apple releases its first-quarter results. Apple has reportedly canceled work on Mac-connected augmented reality glasses. What is Hot Tub, an app that was approved in the EU through the approved alternative app store, AltStore PAL? And you can listen to Dr. Ricken's book, 'The You You Are', from Severance. Apple reports first quarter results. Apple'…
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This Week in Tech 1017: Yellow-Bellied Marmots
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3:16:25Takeaways From a Monumental Week for AI Sam Altman: OpenAI has been on the 'wrong side of history' concerning open source | TechCrunch DeepSeek's AI success is overshadowed by a serious security breac AI systems with 'unacceptable risk' are now banned in the EU | TechCrunch OpenAI partners with U.S. National Laboratories on scientific research, nuc…
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This Week in Tech 1017: Yellow-Bellied Marmots
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3:16:25Takeaways From a Monumental Week for AI Sam Altman: OpenAI has been on the 'wrong side of history' concerning open source | TechCrunch DeepSeek's AI success is overshadowed by a serious security breac AI systems with 'unacceptable risk' are now banned in the EU | TechCrunch OpenAI partners with U.S. National Laboratories on scientific research, nuc…
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Untitled Linux Show 188: We Don't Talk About ChromeOS
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1:11:55We're celebrating the 1.7 release of Gparted, the new hybrid approach to a queueing problem in the Linux kernel, and musing over the news that GTK5 won't have any X11 support. Then there's KDE news, a Thunderbird update, OpenAI's troubled relationship with that "open" element of their name, and the kernel's maintainer worries. For tips we have pw-v…
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Hands-On Tech 201: "Hey Siri" Activations
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12:38On Hands-On Tech, Mikah helps Mark rein in Siri after a recent update caused Mark's Siri to start having activation issues and responding inconsistently to voice commands. Send in your questions for Mikah to answer at [email protected] Host: Mikah Sargent Download or subscribe to Hands-On Tech at https://twit.tv/shows/hands-on-tech Want access to the ad-…
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The Gothic Moose – Episode 600 – All EBM
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2:01:28The Gothic Moose – Episode 600 – All EBMIt's here! Episode 600. 16 years, 2 months and 14 days since I posted the first episode of what was then The DJ Moose Show. I struggled a bit finding a concept for this momentous episode... but whilst watching the final 242 concert, I realised I should do a show filled with a style of music I have loved ever …
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DJ Moose's TWIT - January 27, 2025
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1:00:18Intro - 00:00 KREAM & Jem Cooke - Blue Symphony - 00:20 Miss Monique, GENESI, Carl Bee - Nomacita - 03:24 Tony Romera, Crusy, Low Steppa - Watch Out - 06:29 Nitrous Oxide, Seb Hennig - Ritual - 08:31 Ruben de Ronde, Amber Revival - Illuminate (Extended Mix) - 12:16 Dennis Sheperd & LK - Resonance (Protoculture Remix) - 16:58 ARTBAT & Vintage Cultur…
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This Week in Space 146: All the Way With USRA
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1:09:01What do schools, universities, motivated STEM students, NASA, and the space industry have in common, all across the globe? The Universities Space Research Association! You may not have heard of this group before, but it's high time you did. Their new President and CEO, Dr. Elsayed Talaat, joins us to discuss the association's long history, educatio…
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This Week in Space 146: All the Way With USRA
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1:09:01What do schools, universities, motivated STEM students, NASA, and the space industry have in common, all across the globe? The Universities Space Research Association! You may not have heard of this group before, but it's high time you did. Their new President and CEO, Dr. Elsayed Talaat, joins us to discuss the association's long history, educatio…
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